How to remove a plastic door from its hinges video: disassemble the balcony door, metal-plastic photos, PVC door device. Repair and adjustment of a plastic balcony door How to remove a plastic door from its hinges

Information on how to properly remove a plastic balcony door from its hinges will be very useful for every homeowner. A similar need can arise in any home at any time. In order not to spoil the structure, it is important to know some rules for performing this work.

Plastic door hinges differ significantly from conventional door fittings.

Design Features

Plastic doors are installed almost everywhere today. In apartments and private houses they are part of the balcony block, and in in public places and offices serve as an entrance door.

The design of the plastic doors themselves is not very different from ordinary ones. Here, too, the main parts are a box and a canvas attached to hinges. Their number is usually 3-4 pieces, which allows you to evenly distribute the load. The material itself combines polyvinyl chloride and a metal frame.

Door blocks are most often supplemented glass insert, so use extreme caution when working. It is best to carry out dismantling and reinstallation with an assistant who will support the door and insure you.

The loops are located at an equal distance from each other. The upper and lower elements are attached along the line of the box. To prevent the fittings from attracting attention, camouflage plastic caps are placed on top of the hinges. So the design looks complete and neat. All fasteners are hidden under these linings.

Plastic doors are very popular and are used almost everywhere

When there is a need for dismantling

When might there be a need for dismantling? door leaf in a PVC balcony block? This situation is mainly due to repair work in the room or the structure itself. For example, knowledge of how to remove plastic door may be needed in the following cases:

  • Breaking. If any part of the fastenings fails or moves, the door needs to be adjusted. Sometimes this requires removing it from its hinges.
  • Replacing a door or part. You may have to face a problem when you need to completely replace the hinges or the canvas as a whole.
  • Repair work in the premises. In order not to stain or damage the structure, you can cover the door with cellophane, but sometimes the best solution is temporary dismantling.
  • Expansion of the opening. This refers to the situation of simply removing a door, for example, when moving furniture.

In any case, you need to not only carefully remove the canvas from the hinges, but also then be able to put it in place or install a new structure.

Most often, removal of the plastic door is required when carrying out repair work.

Rules for performing work

Let's look at how to properly remove a plastic door from its hinges. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Removing the pads. First you need to open the hinges, that is, remove the protective caps from them. To do this, you need to close the door, but do not lower the handle down, and then pry the trim with a screwdriver and bend the plastic.
  2. Disassembling hinges. In order for the mechanism to loosen, you need to press the loop in its upper part so that the protruding pin drops down. This way it will come out from the bottom. To completely remove the axle, grab it with pliers.
  3. Removing the canvas. Grasp the canvas well and tilt it slightly towards you. Then lift the door up. The loops should come apart. Be careful, as the weight of the structure is considerable.

Reverse installation

When all necessary operations will be done and there will no longer be a need for an empty opening, it is important to correctly install the door in place. To do this, you essentially need to perform all the manipulations described above, but in reverse order:

  1. Insert the fabric into the opening so that you can put it on the hinges on top. The bottom loop serves as a guide, but it is important to maintain a level position to prevent distortions.
  2. Place the bottom loop on the support pin and adjust the position of the remaining elements.
  3. Place the door in the closed position without locking the lock. If you turn the handle, the blade will move and you will not be able to put the remaining loops on the axle.
  4. Place the axial cylinders of all hinges in place and press the pins from below so that its edge goes up until it clicks. The edge of the pin should return to its original position and protrude about half a centimeter from above.
  5. If necessary, tighten the hinges to align the door diagonally.
  6. Put the decorative caps back on and check how the design works.

On-site repair

It is not always necessary to remove the door leaf when problems arise in the design. Modern plastic doors in a balcony block can be easily repaired on site. To do this, you need to turn to tools such as a screwdriver and a hex key.

First you need to remove the protective caps from the hinges. Pry them off with a screwdriver and bend them away. They may be the cause of poor door functioning. In order to correct this problem, sometimes it is enough to lubricate them. If a skew is detected, the position of the blade must be adjusted. To do this, you need to make the necessary adjustments in the hinges using a screwdriver or hex wrench. They have special holes hidden under the caps. With the help of such simple manipulations you can repair the structure with little effort.

In order to avoid problems with the door again in the future, you should lubricate its parts and correctly adjust the position of the door leaf. Periodically check the condition of the structure and correct problems as they are identified.

Metal-plastic ones are now gaining more and more popularity, so it would be useful to learn the basic rules for servicing its individual elements. In this article we will look at how to remove a plastic door from its hinges on a balcony in case of repair or replacement.

Attached to the opening using metal hinges. There are usually two or three of them to evenly distribute the load. They are equidistant from each other, and are closed on the outside with special plastic caps. Each loop in turn consists of two metal elements: fastening the double-glazed window frame and directly to the door frame.

Redistribution of weight and load is carried out by a remote bushing. If necessary, dismantle the canvas balcony door It is best to use an assistant, because the structure is quite heavy. Careful actions without unnecessary jerks and efforts will ensure the desired result and integrity of the structure.

Why dismantling may be necessary:

  • Repair of individual elements of the door structure.
  • Moving large furniture.
  • Temporary measures in case of repairs in the main room or balcony.
  • Replacing the door leaf.
  • Expansion of the doorway.
  • Annual Lubrication Procedure door hinges will also require removal of the canvas.

Door hardware, despite serious loads, can easily be damaged during careless use. That is why, if removal is necessary, you should be extremely careful and first study the instructions given below.

How to remove a plastic balcony door

The dismantling process consists of several stages. In the design of plastic doors, the most vulnerable point is the glass panel, which is why additional help is needed to hold the panel and prevent it from being damaged.

Before work, you need to prepare the tools: a screwdriver, a set of hexagons, pliers and any lever in order to lift the door from its hinges (pry bar, crowbar, wooden beam).

Sequence of work:

Reverse installation

Instructions on how to remove a door leaf would be incomplete without the reverse sequence - installation. To do this, you will need approximately the same set of tools and an assistant, with whom the process will be easier and less traumatic.

How to install doors:

  • The door leaf is installed opposite the hinges. Initially, it is necessary to align the position of the lower loop, from which installation will begin.
  • Place the hole in the bottom loop onto the support rod, while simultaneously adjusting the position of the fabric relative to the other loops.
  • Close the door leaf without pressing the handle.
  • Start the axis of the middle and upper mechanism alternately. The correctness of the action is determined by the click that the pin makes when it hits the desired position.
  • Using a hexagon, tighten the hinge fastenings.
  • Check the opening/closing process.
  • Install decorative and protective plastic covers.

The balcony door is not very heavy, but during its installation it is important to avoid any distortions. That is why it is better to install the structure together.

Methods for caring for hinges

After dismantling the balcony door, it is better to inspect the hinges and also lubricate the mechanism. This will help extend the useful life and also prevent jamming.

What you need to do for this:

  • Clean hinges and all connecting elements from possible dust and dirt. It is better to do this with a piece of rag soaked in gasoline.
  • After treatment, thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas dry.
  • Lubricate the rubbing elements of the structure with special mineral oil. If you use lubricants in the oil can, you can carry out periodic maintenance without removing the door from its hinges.

Important: the use of unsuitable substances to lubricate door hinges is unacceptable. There should be no solid particles in the lubricant, as this can lead to failure of the entire mechanism. It is better to purchase special oil, which can also be used for periodic maintenance of metal-plastic windows.

During renovations in an apartment, office, or private house, there is often a need to dismantle complex structures such as the door and door frame. Proper execution this task will allow not only to preserve the structure for reuse or repair, but also not to damage the wall, which has a vulnerable spot near the doorway. How to remove a wooden or metal-plastic balcony door will be discussed in this article.

Dismantling is a matter of a few minutes. However, this step must be justified. Removing the balcony door only makes sense if:

  • the door is partially damaged and does not provide airtightness of the room;
  • the canvas is curved, the glass unit is damaged or completely broken;
  • the lock does not ensure a tight fit of the canvas to the box;
  • door curtains have exhausted their durability and should be replaced;
  • The premises are being renovated and replacement is necessary to comply with the design.

The reasons may be different, but it is worth remembering the generally accepted rules that will help you complete this stage with minimal losses:

  1. Replacement of a plastic balcony door is carried out in winter only as a last resort.
  2. If you intend to completely replace a plastic or wooden balcony door, then you should take care in advance new box and begin installing the new canvas immediately after dismantling the old one.
  3. For dismantling, the participation of at least two people is necessary, where the first performs the removal manipulations, and the second holds the canvas and insures the first.

Necessary tool for the job

For quick dismantling must have the right tool at hand. For wooden and PVC panels, this set will be different due to the difference in the method of fastening and the material of manufacture.

Removal tool wooden structure frames:

  1. Screwdrivers with Phillips and straight slots.
  2. A powerful pry bar or a large, curved crowbar.
  3. Ax with a wide blade (flat blade).
  4. Nice hammer.
  5. Fine-toothed hacksaw (preferably an axle saw).

This basic kit will allow you to quickly remove the door and disassemble the frame without damaging the wall. Certainly, experienced craftsmen They can add a screwdriver, a drill with a hammer, or a crowbar for dismantling platbands to the list, but we offer a set that will definitely be found in every man’s workshop.

Plastic box removal tool:

  1. Powerful pliers or wire cutters.
  2. A prybar, crowbar or strong board to create leverage.
  3. A set of hex screwdrivers of the appropriate size.
  4. Powerful Phillips screwdriver.
  5. A thin drift or blunt nail.
  6. Sharp knife, chisel.

The set of tools differs noticeably due to the characteristics of the material, different weights canvas, features of dismantling standard curtains, a complex mechanism for a balcony door.

Removing the plastic door

When all necessary tools found, it’s time to study the algorithm of how to remove the unnecessary plastic door to the balcony.

The order of work is as follows:

It is necessary to completely open the mechanisms of the lower and upper hinges. To do this, use a knife to pry off the plastic plugs that close the mechanism. After this you need to open the door a little. Insert a drift into the upper hinge and knock out the axial cylinder with a light tap. If it does not fall out freely, you need to grab it from below with pliers, turning it and pulling it down. In this case, the drift should be pulled out of the groove. At this moment, the assistant master must hold the canvas in a strictly vertical position so that it does not tilt towards the ground and does not begin to “tear out” the fasteners from the fragile frame.

After this, the door is opened 90° and lifted up. The bottom pin cannot be pulled down - it is built into the fastener and cannot be disassembled. This operation should be performed by two people, using a lever: the crowbar or board must be wrapped in thick cloth (so as not to damage the lower edge of the canvas). The lever must be rested against the lower plane and the floor. A little force will be enough to rip the door off the bottom hinge. Having slightly tilted it towards himself, the assistant master should hold the door after it jumps off the axial cylinder of the lower hinge. Now the plastic balcony door has been dismantled. Can be repaired or replaced.

If there is a problem in the frame itself under the plastic door, dismantle it:

  1. You should start by dismantling the decorative trims. This is done using a screwdriver, spatula or knife. The casing simply comes off from the box itself, like a construction piece.
  2. After this, the slope panels (inner box) are removed. The process is similar to the previous point.
  3. Then you should remove all the foam. A spatula or knife with a thin blade works well for this.
  4. The next step is to unscrew the box fastenings from the wall. To do this you need a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  5. Now you can begin dismantling the frame. A pry bar is inserted into the gap between the box and the wall, and the frame is broken into the room.
  6. The last step is to clean the wall of any residue polyurethane foam, fastenings.

Removing a wooden door

The process of dismantling a wooden structure is different from dismantling plastic. The sequence of work execution has fewer steps, but takes much more time.

You need to open the balcony door, insert a crowbar between the floor and the lower plane. Usually the linen can be removed from the curtains without much difficulty. Problems start when door hinges rusted and cannot be easily removed from the hinges. In this case, there are two options:

  1. Lubricate the hinges with liquid oil. By opening and closing the door, you can achieve almost complete saturation of the curtains and then try to remove them. If this method does not help, you need to spray a solvent onto the rusted curtain. Powerful chemicals in a few minutes the rust will eat away and the door will give in.
  2. If the reason is a curved curtain, there is no way to remove the door from its hinges; you must remove it along with the hinges. In this case, it is necessary to break the paint that covers the fastening of the curtain to the box, and try to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver. At this time, a partner must hold the door so that it does not tear out of the frame while removing the last screws. This step is justified by the fact that damaged curtains will still have to be replaced - even if you manage to remove the door, you will not be able to put it back on the damaged curtains.

Dismantling a wooden box is carried out in several steps:

Using an ax, the external platbands are removed. The ax blade is inserted under the casing and driven with a hammer onto maximum depth. Using the ax handle as a lever, you can quickly tear the casing away from the box.

There are two ways to remove a wooden box from the opening:

  1. If it is possible to remove the fastening nails with which the box is nailed from the inside to the wall, then it is necessary to remove all the fasteners, then remove the entire box. This can be done by tapping with a hammer or an ax around the perimeter of the structure. To avoid damaging the wood, you can use a board that will distribute kinetic energy over a large area and prevent damage to the wood.
  2. Otherwise, the box is cut at the corners with a hacksaw, and the sides are removed separately.

After dismantling, the walls must be cleaned of dirt and fastener residues.

Door installation process

This stage depends on whether the box has been dismantled. If it is necessary to replace only the blade, then the installation process repeats the dismantling algorithm in reverse order. The main thing is not to damage the new canvas with the box, therefore all work is performed by two masters, where the second number insures the master and firmly holds the canvas from accidental falling or damage.

Easier to change wooden door- it is simply put on the hinges and then adjusted to the frame using rubber gaskets (provided that the dimensions of the opening are taken into account when assembling the new canvas.

Plastic implies a more complex process, where it is important to lift the pins in time and achieve maximum fastener strength.

It is more difficult to install the box. Installation must begin with processing the walls: drilling new holes for fasteners (using old ones is not recommended). PVC and wooden box is inserted in a similar way: in an already assembled state, it is mounted in the opening and secured by installation. For wooden frame it is better to use powerful self-tapping screws with a dowel ( quick installation). Less commonly used special nails on concrete or liquid adhesive compositions. PVC panels are mounted on a mounting frame - thin metal plates.

Almost every room has plastic doors. They are popular because characteristic features and low price. The installed model requires maintenance, and in some cases the canvas must be dismantled. Before removing the plastic entrance door from its hinges, you need to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions for its dismantling.

The difference between the models is the material used for their production. Previously, the canvas was made from ordinary plastic, now it is used polymer material, for improved sound and heat insulation.

Used to make the frame metallic profile, withstanding heavy loads. Corner elements fortified metal brackets, which makes the model more reliable.

Where are plastic entrance structures installed:

  • entrance to a private house;
  • exit to the balcony;
  • shops, kiosks;
  • office rooms;
  • separate room in a large warehouse;
  • industrial premises.
Attention! Metal sheets are mounted into the entrance models.

Entrance structures made of plastic are heavy. Therefore, rigid hinges are installed on them, which can be made with the addition of Teflon.

They are divided into the following types:

  • removable;
  • non-removable;
  • screw-in;
  • card;
  • invisible.

The loop consists of the following components:

  • a part that is attached to the opening part;
  • a frame part having pins;
  • bushings that transfer the load from the blade to the box.

The plastic model contains the following elements:

  • lock;
  • pen;
  • rubber seal;
  • closers;
  • bolts.

Threshold plastic construction can be framed, reinforced or aluminum. Depending on the type, it has different purposes.


If you need to remove a plastic door from its hinges, you should know its design. The following types of plastic models exist:

  • swing - opening and closing is carried out using the standard method;
  • pendulum - opens in one direction or another;
  • carousel - going in a circle;
  • sliding - moves only along the installed guide;
  • sliding - the product goes into a niche in the wall;
  • lever - used in the garage, warehouse;
  • accordion door.

There are combinations where PVC is used with inserts of glass, aluminum, and steel. Many models are made with a metal frame, and also include locks and fittings. There are display glass inserts. The decor is made using dyeing or lamination.

Door removal instructions

To service the doors, it is enough to lubricate the mechanisms - no dismantling is required. However, there are cases when you can remove metal-plastic door from loops is a necessity:

  1. Parts need to be replaced. To replace parts or accessories, remove the canvas.
  2. Mechanical destructive impact (for example, the canvas is cracked).
  3. Indoors goes major renovation. The doors are removed for safety.
  4. Installing new furniture or removing old furniture from the room so that the door does not interfere or get damaged.

Door hinges are a mechanism that must be handled with care. Dismantling is carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Remove the cover from the hinge at the bottom and top, remove the protective caps. To perform this procedure carefully, the canvas is pressed against the box, but not closed. The cover is removed by slightly prying it with a flat tool.
  2. To loosen the loops, press at the top on the pin that secures them. He goes down. It must be picked up with a tool and pulled out - pliers are used for this.
  3. After the pin is pulled out, the hinges are released and the doors can be removed.
  4. The structure is tilted towards itself and raised. If everything is done correctly, then the hinges are disconnected and the canvas can be removed freely.

The weight of the canvas is large. This must be taken into account when removing it in order to correctly calculate the applied force and not drop the door.

Required Tools

For dismantling you need the following tools:

  • set of screwdrivers - figured, straight;
  • hex keys;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • finisher;
  • crowbar

When working with tools and plastic, you must be extremely careful and act in stages. By applying brute force, you can break the canvas - then it will need to be completely replaced.

Very often, when using PVC products, homeowners are faced with the question of how to remove a plastic door from its hinges. When performing this procedure, you should remember that everything should be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the structure. Plastic doors can be found in any residential or public premises, where they act as an input element. In some apartments and cottages they serve as an integral part of the balcony block.

General characteristics of the door structure

The mechanism of plastic doors is quite simple. It includes a box and a canvas reinforced with three or four loops. The panel is made of PVC and has a frame made of durable metal. Removal and reinstallation is best done with an assistant.

Durable and strong hinges for plastic doors are complex; they are made of Teflon. It is very important to deal with them internal structure so that the structure can be easily dismantled later. The loop consists of the following elements:

  • door part liner;
  • frame element with pins for fastening;
  • a movable and adjustable bushing located between the frame and door parts.

The loops are equidistant from each other. This helps to distribute the load evenly. The upper and lower elements are installed along the line of the box. In order to disguise the fittings, plastic caps are usually placed over the hinges. In this case, the structure looks solid.

Loop mechanisms can be:

  • overhead (for balcony doors);
  • applied (for pendulum);
  • card: fixed and removable;
  • mortise: simple and bolted;
  • invisible;
  • screw-in (for light canvases weighing up to 25 kilograms).

The choice of hinges is determined by the type of design and profiles of the frame with the sashes, the presence of a reinforcement, the thickness of its walls and the way in which the sashes will open and close.

Reasons for dismantling

The need to remove doors may arise for the following reasons:

  • Breakage or displacement of fastening elements.
  • Replacement of the door leaf or individual parts.
  • Indoor renovation.
  • Enlargement of the opening.
  • Moving large furniture.

It is important not only to carefully remove the canvas from the hinges, but also to subsequently install it in place.

Dismantling technology

Before removing a plastic balcony door, you first need to clarify the type of structure and pay attention to the details of the fittings. A simple tool is used for dismantling:

  • straight and Phillips screwdriver;
  • set of hexagons;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • finisher;
  • mount.

The simple process of removing the door involves several steps:

All actions should not be rough or abrupt, otherwise breakage of the fittings is inevitable.

Before removing the doors, it is recommended to carefully cover the fittings from the plastic door soft material or carefully dismantle it altogether.

Reverse installation

First, you should place the canvas in the opening so that the loops can be placed on top of it without any problems. You should focus on the bottom loop. You should try to keep the canvas straight in order to prevent possible distortions. Watch a video on how to install a balcony door here:

Secondly, attach the outer loop to the support rod and adjust the position of other elements.

Thirdly, close the door without touching the handle or locking the lock.

Fourth, install the axial cylinders of each hinge in place and press on the lower pins. Its edge should go up until you hear an audible click. The end of the rod should be installed in its previous position and protrude from above by approximately fifty millimeters.

You can tighten the hinges with a hex wrench

Fifthly, if the need arises, you should tighten the loops so that the canvas is level.

Sixth, put on the decorative caps and check the operation of the structure.

Before starting operation, it is useful to lubricate the hinge parts with oil or cover them with graphite shavings.

You can adjust the plastic door using a microlift and a limiter. The first device perfectly troubleshoots problems regardless of the weight and size of the canvas. It prevents very heavy door panels from sagging. The microlift takes on part of the load, but only when it is closed. It is usually presented in the form of a roller located at the bottom of the structure, or a movable plate at the top of the canvas.

The limiter helps prevent the sheet from sagging, and also determines the maximum angle of its opening, protecting the sheet from hitting the slopes.

How to fix a sagging door?

Recommended to open plastic sash and find a hexagon-shaped screw on the top hinge. Using a wrench, turn the screw 2-3 turns clockwise. Next, you need to check the overall performance.

How to eliminate side rubbing of the door leaf?

On the lower canopy with inside The door has a side screw. By screwing it in a clockwise direction, you can restore the position of the door leaf. It will no longer be able to rub against the side beam of the frame and will close easily.

How to establish tightness?

There are special eccentrics at the ends of the door. By rotating them, the door mode is adjusted. The eccentrics must be rotated at equal angles. In this case, the sash will close tightly. You should also adjust the awnings using special screws.

How to adjust the door handle?

You should move the decorative plate 90 degrees. Hidden underneath is the handle mechanism and mounting screws that need to be tightened tighter. For details on debugging plastic doors, see this video:

When removing a door from its hinges, the most important thing is not to damage the fittings, otherwise you will have to go to the store or suffer with a poorly opening door.