How to hang a bell on a door to make it ring. Feng Shui talisman to attract money, love and luck

In the Eastern teaching about the harmonization of space, there are objects that can positively or negatively affect the environment in the house.

Feng Shui calls Chinese bells one of the most beautiful and powerful amulets, which dispels negativity and brings joy to the residents of the house. Let's talk about what this item can look like, what meaning it carries and where it is best to place it so that it “works” for the benefit of the household.

History of the bell

The miraculous power of bells has been known since ancient times. This amazing item was used as a powerful magical amulet by our ancestors. Bells were hung on sacred trees, sewn into clothes to protect against damage and the evil eye, and also placed over graves.

Even scientists have not ignored this phenomenon, and have found that bell ringing can really have a positive effect on the atmosphere and people, since it travels on special ultrasonic waves.

Traditional healers also used the healing power of bells. It was believed that the greasy coating removed from the bell treated several types of lichen and other skin diseases. In Slavic traditions, women washed themselves in the spring while the Easter bells were ringing - this improved health and added beauty.

And, of course, girls began to tell their fortunes at Christmas while the bells were ringing - it was believed that the miraculous sound made the predictions true.

Feng Shui bell: meaning

In the Feng Shui tradition, bells are given special attention. This item is believed to be capable of many things. For example, its miraculous sound disperses the negativity accumulated in the room and attracts positive Qi energy into the space.

A special bell design made of thin tubes, called wind music, not only protects the house from negative influences, but also gives the household joy and good mood.

Chinese bells also know how to retain positive energy in a room, preventing it from escaping with air currents through the door or windows.

Feng Shui paired bells work well to attract the other half: if a single person hangs them in his home, his chosen one or chosen one will appear very soon after hearing their music. Bells can be hung not only at home, but also at work: it is believed that their sound prevents quarrels between employees.

A small Chinese bell can be carried with you as a travel talisman. If you are standing at a bus stop and waiting for a very long time for transport, you need to take it out of your pocket and play with it a little, thinking about your desire - and the necessary transport will immediately appear.

How to choose the right bell

Before you buy such a talisman, you need to decide on its appearance. Let's look at what types of bells there are and for what purposes they are suitable.

The material from which a protective talisman for the home is made can be anything except plastic - such bells have a purely decorative meaning and do not affect the energy of the space in any way. The most popular materials are metal and wood. Ceramics and porcelain are used less frequently.

A “correct” bell must have an empty cavity so that the tongue, in contact with it, produces a certain sound. In wind chimes, the pipes must be empty - if they are filled, the energy will not be able to get inside and transform, so such an object will turn into an ordinary decorative element and will not be able to protect you and your home.

The most common options for the home are a single bell on a red pendant with a long tongue, paired bells and wind chimes. The latter can have a different number of tubes, as well as various decorative elements, for example, feathers, coins, stars, hearts and other shapes.

The most important criterion by which you need to choose such a talisman is its sound, since it is much more important than its appearance.

Before you buy a bell, be sure to listen to how it sounds - you should like the sound and not cause irritation. Only in this case will the amulet work correctly.

If you want a talisman to help you in a certain area of ​​life, pay attention to the pattern applied to it - various symbols and hieroglyphs can be engraved or drawn on bells and wind chimes that bring good luck, love, money, vocation. Choose the one that best suits your situation.

Feng Shui bell: where to hang it?

Now let's talk about the most important point - where and how to hang the Feng Shui bell correctly. As you know, Eastern teaching divides any space into zones corresponding to the cardinal directions. It is these that you need to focus on when searching for a suitable place for this powerful protective amulet.

  • It is best to hang wooden bells in the east and southeast - there they will enhance the energy of the family and attract cash flow into the house. If you want to place wind chimes in these sectors, choose a talisman of three tubes for the eastern zone, and four for the southeast.
  • You can also use wooden talismans in the southern part of the apartment, since the element of this zone is Fire, and a wooden amulet will strengthen the element and thereby activate the zone of fame and recognition.
  • A ceramic Feng Shui air bell would be appropriate in the northeast, southwest or central part of the home, since ceramics enhance the energy of the Earth corresponding to these sectors.
  • For the southwest, a wind chime with two pipes will be enough, but for the northeast, a stronger talisman is needed - with eight pipes.
  • In the western and northwestern parts of the home, the element of Metal reigns, so a metal Feng Shui air bell will come in handy in these areas.
  • For the northwest, you can choose the smallest Chinese bell, which you need to ring as often as possible to attract patrons into your life, or hang a wind chime of six tubes there.
  • In the west, use a talisman with seven tubes.

If your home or apartment has a long, narrow hallway that ends in a toilet or bathroom, it is best to hang a wind chime or bell in the center as this will prevent the beneficial Chi energy from escaping. You can also hang the amulet in the center of the door frame in a room that is located at the end of an inconvenient corridor.

A great place for a protective talisman is a window: when you open and close the curtains, the bells will begin to sound, which means negative energy will leave your space. By the way, bells located above the window can reflect negative energy from the corners of buildings, power lines, noisy highways and lonely trees, if these objects are located right outside your window.

In general, according to Feng Shui, you can place bells not only in the most suitable sectors, but also where you like best, since these talismans will work in any case. The most important thing is that the magic talisman should hang where air currents pass, for example, near a door or window, so that it can make its healing sounds.

You shouldn't place wind chimes above your head, for example, in your bedroom or office.

You should not touch it with the top of your head, so do not hang the bells too low, but also too high, for example, under the very ceiling - not the best place. You can place Chinese Feng Shui bells on a chandelier, but only if there is no sofa or table under it where you often sit.

You've probably noticed ringing bells or straws above your head at the entrance to a store or office. This is wind music, which according to Feng Shui helps good luck and prosperity to the owner.

Wind chimes or bells often fit well into the interior, as they are very beautifully decorated and look quite aesthetically pleasing, but their main advantage is the purification of space.

These Feng Shui talismans reduce the level of negative energy in a room and help resolve conflicts.

Wind chimes are sometimes called air chimes, or wind chimes, or Chinese bells.

In order to choose the right Feng Shui air bells, you first need to determine what you want to get from them and, of course, you need to choose the right direction for placement.

The importance of the number of pipes in wind chimes

  • The 5 tubes represent the Earth, which attracts positive Qi, as well as prosperity in five main directions: East, West, North, South and Center.
  • 6 tubes form a hexagram. It is called “Qian” and refers to the teachings of the I Ching. It is explained as attracting heavenly luck, as well as Metal energy. There is no stronger manifestation of Metal energy than this hexagram.
  • 8 tubes form the Welfare of Prosperity. In addition, according to Chinese astrology, the number 8 is sacred from 2004 to 2024.

If you have a wind chime of 5 tubes, it is better to use it to destroy negative energy.

The 6- and 8-rod instrument is used to attract good luck. Wind music can also be used for healing.

The core of the rods should be hollow, which stimulates the flow of Qi and gives a better sound. You can add them with bells to attract good luck. Hence, instruments in the form of a Chinese pagoda are often found.

There are options when rods, pagodas and bells are combined together and arranged in several tiers: 5, 7 or 9. This also has its own special meaning:

  • 5 tiers - gives a complete picture of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal. Here, negative energy is eliminated and positive energy is attracted in five directions.
    feng shui wind chime
  • 7 tiers – seven treasures of Buddhism. Such an instrument accumulates goodwill and also brings good luck, wealth and career success.
  • 9 tiers - strength, nobility, completeness, wealth. Eliminates instability and failure.

Where to hang wind chimes

As you know, energy rises through wind chime tubes and is harmoniously distributed in the room.

If there is a narrow corridor immediately from the front door, especially if it ends in a bathroom or toilet, this is unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui and can cause chi energy to leak into the sewer.

If you hang bells or “wind chimes” in the middle of such a corridor, this will prevent energy loss.

If the room is located at the end of an uncomfortable corridor, and also not bright enough, then it is recommended to hang a bell in the center of the door frame.

Bells can be placed above the window, especially if there are a lot of unfavorable objects outside from the point of view of Feng Shui - corners of buildings, lonely trees, power lines.

Bells will reflect negative energy and attract positive energy. The optimal size of “wind chime” tubes located in the house is no more than 9 cm.

Do not hang wind chimes above your head or where you sleep as it may harm you.

The general rule is that bells should never be above your head, and should not be placed too high or too low.

The best place for them is a window. When opening and closing the curtains, we will involuntarily touch the tubes, thus producing the sound of metal hitting metal, which is an excellent means of combating negative qi energy.

The sound of bells and singing bowls is also very useful for offices where many people work to prevent hostility and quarrels between employees.

To successfully conduct business and attract customers to the store, it is good to hang bells or “wind chimes” on the outside of the door or on the handle.

Symbolically, the sound of the bell announces profit, prosperity and good news. But don't go overboard with your choice of wind chimes or wind chimes. Their size should not be very large.

And be sure to consider the direction of the door. Before opening the store, ring the bell several times to attract more customers.

Wooden bells can be hung in the east and southeast. By doing this, we activate the family sector and the money sector.

They are also good in the south. The element of the south is Fire, and the tree supports it, which means that by doing so we are strengthening the glory sector.

In the east you can hang a “wind chime” of three tubes, and in the southeast - of four. Ceramic bells are best placed in the northeast, southwest or center. They will support the Earth element corresponding to these zones.

To increase your popularity, hang a “wind chime” made of ceramic or crystal in the southwest of your living room or apartment. Don't be stingy - fame and recognition will not keep you waiting.

That is why crystal chandeliers in the center of the apartment are very good. Their sparkling pendants, playing in the rays of light, create good energy for the inhabitants of the house.

West and northwest belong to the elements of Metal. Therefore, metal bells are appropriate in these sectors.

Even a small metal bell in the northwest will help attract strong patrons into your life. Call it more often, heavenly helpers will hear you and introduce people into your life who will help you solve the most difficult problems.

How to choose wind chimes when purchasing

When choosing Feng Shui wind chimes for your home, pay attention to how they sound. The sound should be unconditionally pleasant for you, only then will it fill your home with the energy of harmony and prosperity.

Bells should be placed in the house so that they can ring from air currents, for example, in a doorway, near a window.

The cord on which the bell hangs should be made of natural material and of such length that you do not touch the top of the talisman.

The peculiarity of wind chimes and Chinese bells is that they slow down the flow of beneficial energy entering and leaving the house through the openings of doors and windows, and thus harmonize the space.

In Feng Shui, there are many talismans used for specific purposes. The most universal of them is considered to be wind music, which is often also called windmill, air or Chinese bells. In any case, it is a construction of small objects, usually tubes, strung on a thread or fishing line, which sway in the wind and produce pleasant melodic sounds. This talisman has powerful energy that can protect against negative influences and troubles, as well as attract prosperity and good luck.

Types of wind chime talismans and their locations

Most often, Feng Shui wind chimes are used to neutralize negative energy, but if you place the talisman in one place or another, it can also perform other functions. At the same time, the features of the design itself are also very important. Thus, the best protector is considered to be wind chimes made from metal tubes, and the most effective are those consisting of six or seven tubes. Bamboo ones, especially those with three or four tubes, attract positive energy. Talismans with hearts will help in the love sphere, and with coins - in the money sphere. Bells and feathers will significantly enhance the positive influence of Chinese bells.

Like any other Feng Shui symbol, wind chimes must be used wisely. To strengthen a particular sector use a talisman made of material corresponding to the direction. For example, wind music from wood will be appropriate in the directions of fire and wood - these are south, east and southeast. Clay wind chime corresponds to the earth sector, so it is better to place it in the southwest, center or northeast. Metal – suitable for the west and north-west, water and metal directions. The best place for glass wind chimes will be the northwestern or northern part of the room.

In the Chinese art of Feng Shui, which is designed to create harmony in the home, “wind music” has a special place. If you hang the talisman in the right place, it can work real miracles.

What could be more melodic than the subtle ringing of bells and lighter than a quiet breeze ruffling the curtains? By combining air and sound, the ancient Chinese received the simplest and at the same time mysterious musical instrument, which nature itself began to play. But “wind music” is intended not only to please the ear. It harmonizes the emotional state of the inhabitants of the home, and also helps to attract positive vital energy into the house.

“Wind Music” neutralizes negative energy, dissipating it and transforming it into positive energy. therefore, the talisman is used both to protect against troubles and to attract prosperity.

Air and sound

“Wind music”, or Chinese bells, is a special design consisting of a willow core and several parts suspended from it - tubes or other objects. When there are gusts of wind or tugging on a string, the tubes sway, touching each other, and produce a pleasant melodic chime, knocking or even rustling.

Elements for “wind music” can be made from different materials. Wooden bells are usually made from bamboo, while metal bells are usually made from copper or aluminum. However, there are also designs made of noble metals, such as silver or gold. It is believed that their chime brings wealth to the owner of the house. Porcelain and ceramic talismans are particularly fragile and melodious in sound. The number of tubes can vary from two to eight.

Source of positivity

Of course, simply hanging “wind chimes” in your apartment is not enough for harmony to immediately reign in it. Feng Shui is the whole art of creating a comfortable living space, which consists of a variety of components. Everything matters: the correct arrangement of furniture, the combination of different colors and even smells. However, bells play an important role in this matter. “Wind music” neutralizes the influence of negative energy, dissipating it and turning it into positive energy.
Good, positive energy - or, according to Chinese tradition, qi energy - enters the house along with the guest through the door. She moves around the apartment, just like the person himself: she strives for light and bright spots and slows down where it is dark and uncomfortable. Or it may even “leak” into the sewer if there is a straight corridor from the front door to the toilet. Air bells attract chi and circulate it throughout the house. Therefore, “wind music” is placed along the path of energy flows - in doorways, on windows, in corridors.

Wind chimes guarding the house

Depending on what exactly you expect from your magical assistant, the place for it is chosen. If you want to protect yourself and your family from negativity, pay attention to which part of the apartment you have doors and windows. For the northeast and southwest, a “wind chime” made of wood is ideal; for the north, a talisman made of ceramics; and for the east and southeast, metal bells.

DIY wind chime

Feng Shui experts recommend hanging a “wind chime” on a window if many negative objects are directed at it - sharp antennas, corners of other buildings, other people’s balconies, and also in cases where the visual space is crossed by wires or masts. The talisman will help repel the “attack” in the softest way, while letting daylight and qi into the apartment.

Magnet for good luck

With the help of “wind music” you can also attract good luck, success and harmony into your home. But in this case, they need to be placed slightly differently, in accordance with the element of the cardinal direction. The number of tubes is strictly regulated.

In the east, it is better to hang wooden bells consisting of three tubes. For the southeast, they also choose a wooden “tool,” but with four pipes. In the north-eastern part of the apartment it is worth placing a ceramic bell consisting of eight tubes. For the southwest, a ceramic option is also suitable, but only two straws are enough. A metal bell will be useful for both sides at once, only in the western part you will need seven tubes, and in the northwestern part you can limit yourself to six.

If you cannot get a good bamboo bell, you can easily replace it with hollow bamboo sticks tied with a red ribbon.

DIY talisman “Music of the Wind”

For your apartment, you should choose exactly the “wind chime” that suits your heart the most. Only in this case will the talisman serve you faithfully, expelling negativity and attracting positivity. The appearance of bells can also be very diverse: these are figures of animals, birds or fish, beautiful hearts, images of fruits, vegetables - in a word, everything that the creator’s imagination is capable of.

In order for the “chime of the wind” to become a real decoration of your apartment, you can decorate Chinese bells with your own hands and turn them into a unique, bright interior detail. However, even in this case, it is worth arming yourself with the experience accumulated over 5000 years of Feng Shui history. We offer an air instrument option that will fill your home with the melodies of autumn. For this you will need: maple leaves, two thin sticks, threads and beads.

  1. A cross is created from sticks, to which threads with leaves will be attached. Two thin sticks are placed crosswise and tied tightly with thread at the intersection.
  2. Beads and leaves are strung on threads. The leaves should be selected so that they are located on the thread in order of increasing or decreasing. It is advisable to alternate the leaves on the thread with beads. Heavy beads should be tied to the ends of the threads, securing them with knots on both sides.
  3. Having made eight threads with leaves and beads, we tie them to the cross - and that’s it, your autumn “chime of the wind” is ready!

The legend of the talisman “Music of the Wind”

In the homeland of Feng Shui, China, the legend of the Sage and the Wind Spirit is passed down from generation to generation. A long time ago, the Sage called upon the Spirit to sing his beautiful song to people. However, the Spirit refused to sing until it was explained to him why he should honor people with such an honor. To this the Sage replied that of all the elements, man reveres the air one the most. After all, it can live without water, fire and metal for quite a long time, but without air it cannot live for more than a couple of minutes.

Then the flattered Wind Spirit sang his best song and placed it in a bamboo stalk. The sage, in turn, made talismans from the magical bamboo gift and distributed them to people. Since then, everyone who reveres Air and keeps a piece of a magical talisman in their home can always count on the protection of the powerful element.

They say that in ancient times there lived healers who treated many diseases with the help of ringing bells. For each disease, they selected a special combination of bells based on sound and quantity. Such bells placed above the patient's bed.

“Large bells followed the bells. Once upon a time, bells were a must in every house. And the sound of those bells was special, this sound supported the health of those living in the house and protected the home from everything bad. Such bells were usually hung near the window.”


For such amulets- you can take any item of Power bells, but the greatest impact will be exerted by those that have been on the neck of a pet for some time, so before using bells as a talisman, let your cat or dog “wear” it first.

The number of bells must correspond to the number of people permanently residing in the house or apartment. Bells can be different in size and sound, but they need to be hung together on one white rope or ribbon made of natural material, tying each bell with a knot so that it does not move along the rope (ribbon).

Bells - amulet Can be hung above the window in the kitchen or living room. Bells can also be tied to a lamp located in the center of the room. Before hanging the bells, you need to say three times:


All bad things get out of the house.

It must be remembered that the bells should ring periodically. If you can never hear them and they are located outside the main air flows, then you have not chosen the right place for them. In this case, they need to be moved to a new place, again repeating the above verbal formula.


Bells go very well with indoor plants, flowers, especially roses. Flowers will grow better and bloom more often to the sound of bells, and the strength of the bells will increase.



Bells can be temporarily replaced with a recording of xylophone music; play such music in the morning, afternoon, evening, and in this way you can scare off any villainous attacks on your home and its inhabitants. But such a replacement will “work” only for one week and the protective power will not be so great.

Watch a virtuoso xylophone solo

Nowadays, quite often when you enter a house, office or store, you can see hairdryer-shui pendants made of tubes or hairdryer-shui bells hanging on the door. They are also called “wind music”, fen shui. They often fit well into the interior, as they are very beautifully decorated and look quite aesthetically pleasing, but their main advantage is the purification of space. These “beautiful things” reduce the level of negative energy in the room and help resolve conflicts.

feng shui wind chime

It is recommended to hang “wind music” hair dryer - shui in those places where there are air vibrations, so that these hair dryer - shui bells ring periodically, making pleasant and useful sounds. They are also sometimes called air bells, or wind chimes, or chinese bells. In order to choose the right hair dryer - shui air bells, you first need to determine what you want to get from them and, of course, you need to choose the right direction for placement.

What kind of bells should be fen shui or “wind chime”?

feng shui bells

Due to their design, they are vertically suspended hollow tubes, between which there is a “pendulum tongue” (it strikes the tubes) and the whole structure produces a pleasant melodic sound. Feng Shui bells perfectly transform negative energy into positive energy in the cavities of their tubes. These are the basic rules of “correct” bells – HOLLOW tubes.

The next thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this talisman is the material from which it is made. There are metal (made of aluminum, copper, brass or even silver), wood or bamboo, glass or ceramic (porcelain), and clay.

The number of pipes in the “wind chime” of hair dryer - shui is also very important. In China, it is believed that bells made from seven, eight or nine tubes sound best. Looking ahead, I want to say that they are also found with a different number of tubes (two, three, four, five, six) and are also widely used. But we'll talk about this later.

Where to hang the “wind chime”?

to protect 5 tubes

Before answering the question “where to hang it?” you need to decide for yourself what you want from this talisman. With it you can protect your home from negative energy or use it to activate energy in a particular sector

For guard:

In places where energy stagnates and needs to be given movement (these can be places formed by sharp or right angles of the walls of the room). Periodically touch the “tongue” of the bell so that a pleasant melodic ringing “is born” and the talisman works in full force.

In long narrow corridors or if the door is opposite a window, in this case the energy rushes through in a rapid stream without lingering in the room. By hanging a hairdryer shui “wind chime” here, you will help the positive energy linger and dissipate throughout the house.

Outside, for example, if there are “secret arrows” outside the window (to neutralize the hair dryer bell, shui is hung in the window opening).

Above the front door, to cleanse the energy “entering” the room.

According to the general rules of Feng Shui, to protect a room from sha chi, “wind chimes” should be placed like this:

Wind chime bamboo
  • Metal bells in the northern, western and northwestern sectors.
  • Wooden or bamboo in the eastern and south-eastern sectors.
  • Ceramic (porcelain) in the northeast or southwest sectors.

For protection in traditional hair dryer shui, air bells with five tubes are usually used.

To activate by sector:

Sector Helpers and Patrons

(Northwest) to gain support in life - metal “wind chime” hair dryer - Shui with 6 tubes.

Love Sector

(Southwest) to improve existing relationships or to attract new ones - ceramic (porcelain) “wind chime” with 2 tubes.

Children and Creativity Sector

(West) to bring creative plans to life, to improve relationships with children, or if you want to have a child - a metal air bell with 7 tubes.

Career Sector

(North) for career advancement. Obtaining new opportunities for self-realization in the service or changing jobs to a better one - metal “wind chime” hair dryer - shui with 6 or 7 tubes.

metal wind chime

Sector of Study and Self-Improvement

(Northeast) for self-improvement or successful study - a ceramic air bell made of 8 tubes.

Family Sector

(East) to improve relationships in the family and with your surroundings - a wooden “wind chime” with 3 pipes.

Wealth Sector

(Southeast) to improve your financial situation - a wooden “wind chime” with 4 pipes.

Success Sector

(South) for success and self-realization in life - a wooden “wind chime” of 9 pipes.

The number of handsets must correspond to the number of the selected sector.

A bell can become a reliable talisman for your home. It has long been known that dark evil forces cannot stand loud sounds and prefer silence. Therefore, people have learned to scare them away using ordinary bells. However, bells can not only scare evil spirits, but also attract pure ones. Today we will talk about how bells can be used in one case or another. The main protective property of bells is contained in their rhythmic sounds.

Protecting your home from bad energy with a bell

To remove bad energy from your home, you need to purchase a small silver bell, although an ordinary steel bell will do, since iron itself has the ability to resist evil forces. To choose the right bell, listen to its ringing, and if you like it and are pleasant to the ear, then feel free to buy it - it suits you.

The bell must be activated by the lady of the house. To do this, let her take a glass two-thirds filled with red wine and dip a bell into it, while whispering the following:

“Red wine has strength and wisdom. Wine improves health and blood. Wine brings us happiness and joy, so, wine, reward my bell with strength, so that with its ringing it scares away evil spirits and welcomes only joy and happiness into the house.”

Naturally, you can make up your own, as long as they have the correct meaning and sincerely come from your lips with all your heart. The housewife is obliged to drink the charmed wine, then drink it completely the next day during lunch. Then the bell is washed in running water, preferably of natural origin: a stream, a spring, a river. But, as a last resort, you can also use running water if you do not have the opportunity to get into nature.

After ablution, rub the walls of the bell with your fingers as hard as you can in order to remove all the negative energy accumulated by it. So that the bell can rest and gain new strength, let the mistress of the house place it at night near her headboard. If on this very night she dreams of good, pleasant things, it means that the bell has been activated and you can begin to use it to protect your home from evil forces and other negative energy.

Where to hang a protective bell

The bell is usually hung in some kind of draft, for example, near a window or front door. This is necessary so that air currents constantly activate it, and its ringing can be heard as often as possible.

Bells must be hung on a cord, rope or chain (iron or silver) seven centimeters long. The best option is to weave it into one braid. The threads must be of different colors: red, white and black. This will increase the protection of your home several times.

To make the protection even stronger, make a bunch of three bells. The threads on which they are suspended are tied with three knots.

From the movement of air currents, the bell begins to jingle, scaring away evil forces. If at the same time you hear a frequent and cheerful ringing, then everything is in order. If the bell begins to make dull sounds or becomes silent altogether, it means that its protection is not effective and it requires urgent replacement. It is desirable that its next successor be slightly larger than the previous one.

There is no need to throw away the old bell. It's better to save it. Fill the inner cavity of the bell with bread crumb and put it somewhere out of sight. After twelve months it can be reactivated and used for its intended purpose.

In this article you will learn:

Since ancient times, people have been confident that melodious ringing can drive away evil demons. The bell announcement accompanied the church service; people sewed small bells to their clothes and hung them on animals so that they would not get lost; it was customary for the Druids to decorate trees. For Chinese residents, doorbells have always been an important home attribute. According to ancient traditions, this item was an indispensable condition for living in a house, which must “sound.” Therefore, the Chinese decorated their homes with bells according to Feng Shui.

The history of the talisman

Ancient scientists of the Celestial Empire believed that wind chimes could bring harmony to the house and create a favorable living environment. A bell pendant was hung in the place where it was necessary to improve family relationships, stabilize financial affairs and increase the flow of Qi energy. This scheme was applied even in relation to state rulers: harmony had to be properly adjusted so that the management of the people was carried out in the right direction, there was no poverty, uprisings and natural disasters. In the same way, “wind music” worked in any family.

The Chinese have a legend about a sage who wanted to give people the voice of the wind by sealing it in bamboo stems. To do this, he appealed to the Spirit of the Winds, asking him to sing his most beautiful song. The spirit did not agree at first, but, having learned that air is an element without which people cannot live even a minute, it sang beautifully and drawn-out. The sage immediately caught his voice in bamboo sticks. Returning home, he made talismans and gave them to people, who from then on could enjoy music at any time and were reliably protected from the negative energy of Sha.

The meaning of bells, according to the teachings of Feng Shui

Each bell symbolizes an element, which is one of the 5 primary elements of the teachings of Feng Shui, voicing and protecting the living space. They correspond to pentonics, an ancient Chinese musical scale. The note C symbolizes Earth, D stands for Metal, E stands for Wood, G stands for Fire, and A represents the element of Water. There is complete harmony, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the house when the Feng Shui bells sound in unison.

How not to make a mistake with your choice

It is believed that Chinese bells, when placed and used correctly, are capable of transforming subtle energy flows. Today, to make “wind chimes”, they use metal, wood and porcelain, complementing the composition with all kinds of decorations and figures.

In most cases, a wooden air bell is an original work and is made from bamboo. Craftsmen determine the sound note by lightly tapping a bamboo stick and accurately select the required set of other parts for the amulet. Thanks to this, the bells produce beautiful and harmonious sounds.

The choice of model will depend on the result that the person purchasing the talisman wants to get. If a family is moving into a new home, it would be a good idea to find out the history of its former inhabitants. It is possible that they could leave behind a lot of negative energy if, for example, a person there recently died or was sick. To get rid of negativity, you should pick up a “singing bowl” or “wind chime” and walk around the apartment three times clockwise.

When buying, you need to listen to how the bells sound. If the sound turns out to be pleasant to the ear, then the talisman is likely to be a good assistant to the owner in various life situations.

Where is the talisman hung for maximum effect?

The design, location in the house and purpose of Feng Shui talismans are different:

  1. For example, “Birdsong” consists of 8 metal rods and is activated in the northwestern part of the home by applying Chinese characters symbolizing good luck. Helps in attracting patrons and professional growth.
  2. Wind chimes with bird feathers will become a psychological assistant, relieving the owner of obsessive thoughts, fears, stress and depression. You can hang the structure by a window, on a loggia or above the front door. To ensure a sound and restful sleep, it is recommended to place the talisman in the bedroom.
  3. One bell among several tubes will imitate the ringing of bells, distributing positive energy throughout the house. It is best to place the talisman in the middle of the room. It would be nice if it hangs directly on the chandelier.
  4. A bell in the house, decorated with colorful stars and glass hearts, is not just a romantic decorative element. This item, which should be placed in the bedroom, can make feelings more tender and attract good luck.

These options preserve the main Chinese traditions and have a strong energy effect. It is advisable to place the “wind chime” so that the bells ring from the air currents. If the talisman is located near a window or in a doorway, then you need to hang it so as not to touch the top of your head.

Bells made of wood are well placed on the southeast and east sides, thereby activating the financial and family sectors. The southern part of the house is also suitable for them, since the tree supports Fire - the element of the South, which affects the glory sector. Ceramic products have a stronger impact if they are located in the center, southwest or northeast. These zones correspond to the element of Earth.

Those who purchase a more expensive model made of crystal tubes and place it in the southwestern part of the living room will soon receive recognition and fame. Metal bells are good in the northwestern and western sectors. If you often listen to their ringing, then strong patrons will soon appear in life who are able to solve many difficult problems.

Do not hang wind chimes directly above your head or bed. An excellent place for a talisman is a window, where when opening and closing curtains or accidentally touching it, it will make sounds and thereby spread positive Qi energy. It is useful to place musical bells in offices to neutralize tense situations and eliminate conflicts among employees.

Sometimes a house has an awkward layout when the room is at the end of a dark corridor. In this case, it is advisable to hang the bell above the door frame in its center. It is also hung above the window when, instead of a beautiful landscape, one can see destroyed buildings, power lines, corners of buildings, sharp antennas, other people's balconies, and lonely trees. The talisman is able to repel bad energy and attract good energy.

The movement of good energy indoors is similar to the movement of the owners themselves. She does not strive for dark corners of the home, but is drawn to bright, beautiful spots and light. Positive energy can flow into the sewer along a straight corridor if it ends in a bathroom. Loss can be prevented by hanging wind chimes or wind chimes in the center of the hallway. Such a decision will not allow the Chi energy to turn into the destructive Sha energy, which can sweep away everything good in its path.

It is also useful to place talismans in remote areas of the house where there is no air movement. When moving around such rooms, you should touch the bells so that the melodic sounds make adjustments to the atmosphere of the room.

Talismans are also placed outside the home to protect the home from the bad energy of poles with wires and other negative phenomena. If a person is engaged in business and has his own store, then it is also recommended to hang a “wind chime” at the entrance on the outside of the door, which will signal new customers and profit every time the doors open.

To attract customers before opening the store, it is recommended to touch the talisman several times and ring the bell. “Wind chimes” are also placed in places where a person does not feel entirely comfortable and where it is quite difficult for him to stay for a long time. Such items can be an excellent gift for a friend or loved one, bringing positive changes into his life.

Feng Shui air bells often decorate apartments and offices, and at the same time delight the ear with a gentle melodic sound. However, in addition to these functions, even the smallest Feng Shui bells play an important role as amulets, protecting us and our homes from evil spirits. This tradition goes back many hundreds of years, but until now Chinese bells, the sound of which is so pleasant to listen to, improve the energy of our homes.

Wind chimes are hollow tubes made of different materials, inside of which there is a tongue that produces a pleasant melody. Even small ordinary bells are also a talisman and amulet. Bells not only ward off evil spirits and dispel negative energy with their “singing,” but are also a money talisman, because their sound is so similar to the ringing of coins.

Where to hang bells according to Feng Shui

Naturally, the musical amulet needs to be hung in a place where it will be able to sound regularly. That is why a great place to place it is the door. Thus, your bell will protect your home from uninvited guests and the evil intentions of strangers.

A bell that hangs in the bedroom will attract harmony and love into your family life. By hanging a bell on a red ribbon, you activate it and enhance this effect. To find your “soul mate,” you can hang paired bells in your bedroom, which will help attract a worthy partner into your life.

You can wear the bell as a keychain. If you need anything, just play the bell and make a wish, it will come true faster. Using the bell, you can “summon” the right people and even vehicles.

If you want health for yourself and your family, hang a bell by the window, for example, on the curtains. Each time you close and open them, you will hear a melodic tinkling sound, and your amulet will disperse negative energy. By hanging it over the bed of a sick person, you will speed up his recovery, the main thing is not to let the bell “silence” for a long time, let your talisman “sing” as often as possible!

A blue ribbon for a bell will provide you with success and good luck, and a green one will bring you wealth and prosperity. A bell above the dining table or above the kitchen door will also attract money and wealth.

To attract as many customers as possible to your store, do not forget to ring the bell before opening it and make a wish. This is how you tell the Universe what you want.

When you tie a ribbon on your bell, imagine what you want most - this way you will help the bell fulfill your desires.

You can buy various amulets and talismans, wind chimes and bells