How to open (open) a lever lock without a key. How to open a lever lock in an emergency

In an effort to protect their homes and offices as much as possible from burglary, practical owners try to install the most reliable locks on their doors and often choose lever locks. These mechanisms (named from the German zuhaltung - constipation) have long proven their resistance to brute physical force. They are practically too tough for attackers.

At the same time, situations often arise in life in which the same owners are already thinking about how to crack a lever lock in order to open their own office or home. Such drastic action may be required if the keys are lost or the door is accidentally slammed from the outside.

Different situations arise, the main thing is that it is quite possible to open even a modern lever lock, and do it so carefully that even after breaking it it will remain working. It will be enough to repair it to use it again. Although there are more crude methods, convenient because of their speed, relevant when time is limited.

You can try to deal with the problem yourself or use a service such as professional opening of a lever lock. The advantage of turning to specialists is that they guarantee the quality of their work, plus, after their help, the locking mechanism will most likely remain in working order. The main advantage of solving the problem with your own hands is saving your personal or family budget.

To understand what to do, you need to know how the mechanism works. Therefore, we will consider in detail the design and principle of locking.

Any modern lever-type lock has 2 parts:

  • visible – body;
  • hidden - “insides”.

The basis of the visible part is a metal box and a lid covering it. The latter is often made of steel – galvanized or heat-resistant coated. Although cases without a lid are also quite common: in them the closing function is played by a pressure plate, which also plays the role of an additional means of protection against burglary.

Fingers and levers (plates various shapes, thickness, dimensions, with a special pattern of grooves, cuts and notches) are those elements of the visible part that provide locking: when you turn the key, they come out of the body, causing the bolts to move. The latter are responsible for fixing the locking mechanism.

The hidden part is completely located inside the housing (it is not visible without disassembling the box) and consists of the following elements:

  • a shank that has a fixed connection with a set of crossbars;
  • comb - it is this that moves the fingers and levers when turning the key;
  • stand – preventing the crossbars from changing their position when pressure is applied to them.

The pattern of cutouts, grooves, recesses of the levers, as well as the nature of their movement, form a code labyrinth - the shank stand moves along it. The space in which she walks is a key window, with two states (“open” and “closed”).

The wrench has a handle to make it easy to hold and a rod with bits that cause the post and plates to move upon contact. Usually there is noticeable symmetry in the arrangement of the notches, but each labyrinth is unique in its own way.

How can you break a lever lock if its design is so reliable? There are 3 methods at once: rough, fine and relatively new. To implement each of them, certain tools and devices are needed. Which ones exactly? It depends on which method is chosen, although a general list of them can still be generated.

Tools for picking a lever lock

  • electric drill;
  • a set of thin flat screwdrivers;
  • crowbar (curved crowbar) - for holding elements;
  • knitting needle (or a thin hairpin, or just a piece of wire);
  • pliers, pincers, round nose pliers;
  • tweezers.

Drilling out the lever lock

Rough but effective way, resulting in damage to the shank. With proper skill, you can deal with the lock in just a few minutes, however, it will no longer be suitable for further use. One more thing: you need to know exactly at what height the shank stand is located. To do this, you need to find drawings of a specific lock model on the Internet (or in the instructions). The documentation shows where each structural element is located.

Step by step on how to open a lever lock using the drilling method:

  1. Take the drill and set it exactly at the level of the shank stand.
  2. Drill until the drill bit is completely inserted into the lock body: once this happens, the mechanism will fall apart from the inside.
  3. Put the drill aside and use a knitting needle to move the bolts through the key hole.

In this case, it is impractical to drill out the bolts that secure the lock to the door. They are made of hardened metal, so they give in very poorly. So there is no need to suffer and waste a drill and time on them, especially since they do not interfere with burglary, and the disabled mechanism can be removed later.

Opening with a “roll-up”

This is a delicate method that does not damage the bolts, plates, comb and other hidden or visible parts. A “roller” is a curved screwdriver or, in other words, a master key. You can buy it or make it yourself. In the second case, just take a thin screwdriver and bend the flat end, but only slightly. Do the same with a knitting needle (hairpin, wire).

The tools are ready, let’s move on directly to how to open a lever lock without a key with a “roll-up”:

  • Insert the master screwdriver into the hole until it stops and carefully turn it, thus ensuring pressure on the bolts.
  • With your other hand, insert a curved knitting needle, trying to hook and move one of the plates with it.
  • At the same time, try to turn the master screwdriver. As soon as you manage to do this, it means the plate has moved, you can move on to the next one.
  • In this way, move each lever in turn - when you have dealt with them all, the lock will open.

Such a subtle method will require patience to implement, but the locking mechanism will remain intact and can be used further.

Hacking by self-impression

Relatively new method, which involves the use of a special self-dialing key. This is a tool with a long rod of small diameter, a handle for comfortable holding and a set of movable pins.

Insert the self-dialing wrench into the well, thus creating pressure on the levers. Those elements of the plates that are not located along the code labyrinth will be clamped with a bolt. You need to unlock them by picking up the pins. To do this, actively move the key in the well, raising and lowering it. Just a few minutes, and all the plates will fall into place on their own.

Now that you know how to open a lever lock, a few words about how to protect yourself from hacking by intruders. Most reliable way– do not limit yourself to one locking mechanism. Add a cylinder lock or an electromechanical, “invisible” lock to the door, and you will make entry into your home or office much less possible.

You can find out more about this on the Internet. For example, on this page you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself and understand how locks are opened or on another resource of your choice.

Lever locks can often be found on the doors of apartments, on garage gates, and even on the doors of buildings of various organizations. The prevalence of such locking devices is due to their reliability against burglary and long service life. But what if opening the lever lock is necessary due to the loss of the key. In this case, the security of the lock is not at all beneficial to the owners. Read this article about what actions need to be taken if there is a need to open the lever lock.

Let's understand the structure of a lock with a lever secret

Before deciding how to open a lever lock, you need to understand its internal device. After all, it is of little use to study methods of opening such locking devices if you do not know, at least in general outline, what they consist of. By appearance Most castles are similar to each other, but each castle has a unique secret inside. There are not so many varieties of locking mechanisms; we will be interested in the lever secret.

It is called a leveler because it consists of a set of special plates with various cutouts, grooves and notches. Each plate controls the stroke of the locking element. If you insert the original key into the keyhole, in a few turns it will move all the plates, which in turn will move the locking element and open the lock. If there is no original key, then you need to use special devices to achieve displacement of all plates, which is quite difficult.

The higher the protection class of the lever lock, the more cunning the levers are designed and the more of them there are. Lever locks are very resistant to force breaking, but many of them cannot resist manipulation. Manufacturers of sophisticated foreign locks, knowing the weakness of lever locking devices, install additional protection on them.

Such protection is not always truly effective, however, it generally increases the lock’s burglary resistance significantly. What kind of additional protection is this? For example, special magnetic flaps that protect the keyhole from penetration by a non-original key. It's like a castle within a castle. An attacker not only needs to think about how to open the main lock, but also decide how to get into the keyhole.

Double security locks are classified as burglary resistance class 4 and we strongly recommend that you do not try to open them yourself. You will only waste time and possibly damage the locking mechanism, creating additional difficulties. If there is a simpler “locker” on your door, then you can risk opening it yourself. But first you need to understand how to approach solving such a difficult task for an amateur.

Which side should you approach solving the problem?

Before opening the lever lock with your own hands, you must decide how you will do it. IN in this case we're talking about not about opening methods, we’ll talk about them a little later, about the approach. There are only two approaches to opening locking devices: intelligent and rude. The rude method damages the lock, but the smart method leaves the locking device intact.

The choice of approach is not obvious, since on the one hand, “in the balance” is a difficult to perform manipulation method that does not lead to the need for further repair of the lock. On the other hand, a simpler and faster “rough break-in”, after which not only the lock will have to be changed, but possibly the door as well. When thinking about opening a lock yourself, you must decide for yourself what is more valuable to you and what is easier for you.

Important! Before choosing an approach to opening a specific lever locking device, study all possible information about it. Mainly pay attention to its burglary resistance class and the presence of additional security elements.

We acquire suitable devices and tools

Even super-professional burglars have not yet learned how to open locks without tools and devices. Therefore, you need to think about getting them. We do not suggest you buy expensive sets of master keys, firstly, it is very unprofitable to spend so much money on a set just for one time, and secondly, in most cases they are suitable ordinary tools, adapted for similar purposes.

  1. A curved crowbar nicknamed "crowbar".

    Important! “The hammer” is a well-known tool that a real burglar will never part with. It serves as the main tool for brute force hacking, in addition, it can help during intelligent opening, for example, if you need to squeeze door leaf to facilitate the movement of crossbars.

  2. Electric drill.
  3. Flat head screwdrivers with different blade lengths and thicknesses.
  4. Knitting needle or thick steel wire.
  5. Grinder, hammer, chisel.
  6. Pliers, pliers, round nose pliers.
  7. Tweezers.
  8. Gas welding and hydraulic shears (in special cases).

This list of tools is not exhaustive, because with a creative approach to opening the “svaldnik”, even the most unexpected objects can be used for the job. Here are some examples:

  • guitar string;
  • nail;
  • pin;
  • clip;
  • barrette;
  • nail file and others.

However, without special skills, we would not advise you to presumptuously push said objects into the keyhole. Take my word for it, you won’t have any problems later. It’s better to choose more reliable tools and simpler opening methods. Here are just some of them.

Available methods for opening a lever locking device

Opening a lever lock can be done using a variety of methods. Some methods are available only to professionals, and only if available special equipment. Others can be tried by the average person. The only thing that needs to be noted right away is that most people will not be able to open the lock the first time. Every task requires at least minimal skill. Don't give up and don't stop trying.

Open with a hook and a roll. Take a thin screwdriver and bend its tip so that it looks like a roll. Now take a knitting needle and bend its tip with a crochet hook. The set for the simplest manipulation actions is ready. We insert the roll and the master hook into the keyhole.

Having pushed the roll all the way through (but not all the way through), we turn it all the way, keeping the mechanism taut. Holding our knitting needle with a hook in your second hand, we catch the first plate with this hook and begin to move it. Shifting the plate each time, try to turn the roll with your other hand. If you can move the roll a quarter or half a turn, then the plate has given way. All that remains is to repeat the “operation” with subsequent plates and the trick is done!

The second method is also considered quite accessible and boils down to using a drill to damage the fastening of the shank of the lever lock. To implement it, you need to know exactly the location of such a fastening inside the locking device. You can do this by finding a drawing of your type of lock on the Internet indicating the dimensions and location of the internal elements.

We install a drill with a metal drill into the door leaf exactly in the place where the fastening is located, and begin to drill. As soon as the drill passes through the fastening, the lock will fall apart from the inside and the bolts can be moved with a simple knitting needle and hook. Some “home-grown security guards” advise drilling out the bolts that secure the overhead lever lock to the door leaf.

This recommendation is difficult to implement, since when installing such locks, bolts made of special hardened metal are used. A regular drill takes it with difficulty or doesn’t take it at all. Conclusion - such drilling is a waste of time and effort.

Important! When drilling out the bolt fastening, be extremely careful when determining its location, since there is absolutely no need for extra holes in the door leaf.

Answering the difficult question of how to open a lever lock, after much thought we can remember a couple available ways, which, however, will require persistence and patience from you. Evaluate your strengths wisely. It may be better to call a specialist who will arrive without delay and solve the problem quickly and without any fuss.

Opening a lever lock with your own hands

Lever locks can often be found on the doors of apartments, on garage gates, and even on the doors of buildings of various organizations. The prevalence of such locking devices is due to their reliability against burglary and long service life. But what if opening the lever lock is necessary due to the loss of the key. In this case, the security of the lock is not at all beneficial to the owners. Read this article about what actions need to be taken if there is a need to open the lever lock.

Let's understand the structure of a lock with a lever secret

Before deciding how to open a lever lock, you need to understand its internal structure. After all, it is of little use to study methods of opening such locking devices if you do not know, at least in general terms, what they consist of. In appearance, most castles are similar to each other, but inside each castle has a unique secret. There are not so many varieties of locking mechanisms; we will be interested in the lever secret.

It is called a leveler because it consists of a set of special plates with various cutouts, grooves and notches. Each plate controls the stroke of the locking element. If you insert the original key into the keyhole, in a few turns it will move all the plates, which in turn will move the locking element and open the lock. If there is no original key, then you need to use special devices to displace all the plates, which is quite difficult.

Important! Before choosing an approach to opening a specific lever locking device, study all possible information about it. Mainly pay attention to its burglary resistance class and the presence of additional security elements.

We acquire suitable devices and tools

Even super-professional burglars have not yet learned how to open locks without tools and devices. Therefore, you need to think about getting them. We do not suggest you buy expensive sets of master keys, firstly, it is very unprofitable to spend so much money on a set just for one time, and secondly, in most cases, ordinary tools adapted for such purposes are suitable.

  1. A curved crowbar nicknamed "crowbar".

Important! “The hammer” is a well-known tool that a real burglar will never part with. It serves as the main tool for brute force breaking; in addition, it can help during intelligent opening, for example, if you need to press the door leaf to facilitate the movement of the bolts.

  • Electric drill.
  • Flat head screwdrivers with different blade lengths and thicknesses.
  • Knitting needle or thick steel wire.
  • Grinder, hammer, chisel.
  • Pliers, pliers, round nose pliers.
  • Tweezers.
  • Gas welding and hydraulic shears (in special cases).
  • This list of tools is not exhaustive, because with a creative approach to opening the “svaldnik”, even the most unexpected objects can be used for the job. Here are some examples:

    • guitar string;
    • nail;
    • pin;
    • clip;
    • barrette;
    • nail file and others.

    However, without special skills, we would not advise you to presumptuously push said objects into the keyhole. Take my word for it, you won’t have any problems later. It’s better to choose more reliable tools and simpler opening methods. Here are just some of them.

    Available methods for opening a lever locking device

    Opening a lever lock can be done using a variety of methods. Some methods are available only to professionals and only with special equipment. Others can be tried by the average person. The only thing that needs to be noted right away is that most people will not be able to open the lock the first time. Every task requires at least minimal skill. Don't give up and don't stop trying.

    Open with a hook and a roll. Take a thin screwdriver and bend its tip so that it looks like a roll. Now take a knitting needle and bend its tip with a crochet hook. The set for the simplest manipulation actions is ready. We insert the roll and the master hook into the keyhole.

    Having pushed the roll all the way through (but not all the way through), we turn it all the way, keeping the mechanism taut. Holding our knitting needle with a hook in your second hand, we catch the first plate with this hook and begin to move it. Shifting the plate each time, try to turn the roll with your other hand. If you can move the roll a quarter or half a turn, then the plate has given way. All that remains is to repeat the “operation” with subsequent plates and the trick is done!

    The second method is also considered quite accessible and boils down to using a drill to damage the fastening of the shank of the lever lock. To implement it, you need to know exactly the location of such a fastening inside the locking device. You can do this by finding a drawing of your type of lock on the Internet indicating the dimensions and location of the internal elements.

    We install a drill with a metal drill into the door leaf exactly in the place where the fastening is located, and begin to drill. As soon as the drill passes through the fastening, the lock will fall apart from the inside and the bolts can be moved with a simple knitting needle and hook. Some “home-grown security guards” advise drilling out the bolts that secure the overhead lever lock to the door leaf.

    This recommendation is difficult to implement, since when installing such locks, bolts made of special hardened metal are used. A regular drill takes it with difficulty or doesn’t take it at all. Conclusion - such drilling is a waste of time and effort.

    Important! When drilling out the bolt fastening, be extremely careful when determining its location, since there is absolutely no need for extra holes in the door leaf.

    Answering the difficult question of how to open a lever lock, after much thought we can remember a couple of available methods, which, however, will require persistence and patience from you. Evaluate your strengths wisely. It may be better to call a specialist who will arrive without delay and solve the problem quickly and without any fuss.

    The category of lever locks are mechanisms high degree protection capable of resisting active attempts at mechanical hacking. But there are situations when such reliability can play a cruel joke on the owners. For example, if you lose the keys to such a lock, then all your attempts to open it with hairpins, paper clips, screwdrivers and other improvised means will be completely unsuccessful.

    So how to open a lever lock if there is no key? The use of brute physical force in this case will not bring any results. The emphasis should be on manipulation actions, for example, to move apart the internal plates of the lock. In other words, you will need sleight of hand and dexterity, but this does not mean that you will be able to lock the lock without a key.

    The reason for its reliability is that the housing with the security mechanism is located directly in the door leaf, and the keyhole is visible from the outside.

    Before you start hacking the lock lever mechanism yourself, it is worth assessing the losses that you may incur in the event of a fiasco. Using a screwdriver or drill, you can completely disable even those parts of the lock that were functional. Moreover, you can accidentally damage the door leaf, and it redecorating or replacement is very expensive. And if you compare this with the cost of the services of a professional burglar, the benefits will be obvious.

    To take risks or not?

    If your neighbor is staircase authoritatively declares that he has extensive professional experience in such matters, and he knows exactly how to act, then do not rush to follow his advice. It makes the most sense to seek help from a specialized company - this will not only allow you to open a faulty lock with minimal losses, but also maintain friendly relations with your neighbor.

    There are many reasons why a lock can fail:

    • wear and tear of individual important elements lock design;
    • mechanical damage received during unauthorized break-in or robbery attempts.

    We offer you a full range of services related to the emergency opening of locks of any complexity, including strong lever locks. Our experts not only know how to pick a lock, but will also advise you on its further operation. In the process of work, we use certified tools that easily fulfill their functional purpose.

    As soon as our company receives a request for help, we respond to it promptly and no later than 30 minutes later the specialist will arrive at the address you specified.

    To assess the preliminary scope of work, our specialist needs literally a few minutes - he “examines” the well and determines the reason for the jamming of the mechanism.

    The level of professionalism of our company’s employees allows you to open the door in emergency mode without losing the lock’s functionality. Sometimes there is a need to completely replace a broken locking mechanism with a new, working lock, for example, to avoid theft of property from an apartment if the keys are lost.

    If you do not want to conduct experiments on a broken lock, then feel free to call our company. Please note that the master will begin his work only after making sure that the break-in will not be illegal, and the one who submitted the application is the owner of the apartment or premises.

    Our pricing policy is aimed at various categories of the population, and numerous positive reviews about our activities characterize only the good side, so you will not regret for a minute that you contacted our emergency lockpicking company.

    Lever locks are special devices that are arranged and designed based on a package of plates and shaped cutouts. At the moment the lever lock opens, all these parts begin to move and are pushed on the surface of the key by small protrusions and grooves. Due to such a complex mechanism, it is very difficult to open a jammed lever lock. By the way, it should be noted that this device can be safely classified as an ancient invention - the history of the creation of the level lock dates back to the 19th century. This merit belongs to a scientist from Great Britain who invented a detector whose lock was mechanically blocked when the wrong key was used. Thanks to this cunning mechanism, no stranger could get into the house, and the owner knew about the break-in attempt. To remove the lock, it was necessary to use a special key that came with the lever lock.

    Today the level lock is considered best protection home from the encroachment of offenders. Certainly, modern devices This type is not at all designed to be blocked during a hacking attempt, which is their only difference from their predecessor. The mechanism of a modern lever lock still includes a set of special plates with cutouts of a certain size. All of them are connected to each other using the main element of the bolt. When you turn the key, each lever takes exclusively its own position. The lock can only be opened in a situation where absolutely all the plates are in their places. But if one of the plates does not fall into place, it will simply be impossible to turn the key, and thus it will not be possible to open the door. Therefore, it is completely unrealistic to open a jammed lever lock with a key.

    In addition, it is strictly prohibited to open this device with other keys, because this will only worsen the situation: the key may simply get stuck and then you will definitely have to break into the door. To solve this problem without unnecessary “losses”, you can try to open the lever lock in a different way. As a rule, the design of the lock includes a large keyhole, with which it is possible to use a master key. But this is a rather long and tedious task, which often does not bring a positive result. Another option is to completely break the deadbolt, which is what criminals most often do when confronted with a lever lock. Here you need to get the necessary tools and apply a little force. By the way, in this difficult task you cannot do without an assistant who is at least a little familiar with the procedure for breaking locks and bolts (if you do something wrong, you can seriously damage the door leaf).

    It is worth saying that with the correct use of all applied tools, the lock opens quite easily and quickly. But destroying a keyhole without prior experience is a very simple matter. By the way, you can try to search on the Internet for special diagrams and methods that indicate all the necessary points of the device. Thanks to this auxiliary information, you can easily find out how to open a lever lock without a key without damaging it. front door. It is recommended to print out these diagrams, and then attach them to a certain area of ​​the door and compare them with the lock. Holes are drilled in the places where necessary, which allows you to calmly solve the problem. But this process is quite lengthy, because not everyone has quick access to the Internet and a printer. Besides everything else, you still need to get all the necessary tools somewhere.

    Therefore, you can try a simpler method of opening a door with a built-in lever lock (this applies exclusively to wooden doors). In this case, the main thing is to follow the entire sequence of actions - you need to pull the door leaf away from the frame as much as possible and, using a paperclip or other handy tool of a similar type, move the levers away. This method is considered the simplest and can be done by almost everyone. But if, nevertheless, all the attempts made are unsuccessful, it is better to call a specialist who provides services of a similar nature: he will carefully and in a matter of minutes open a jammed lock of any type. And lastly, in any situation, after opening the lever lock, in order to protect your home from uninvited guests, it is best to replace the lock with a new one!