How and why do stars glow in the night sky? Why do stars glow at night, but are not visible during the day? Why do stars burn for billions of years?

As you may recall from your school natural history course, stars are objects that have the ability to emit their own light. In contrast, other celestial bodies, such as planets, satellites, asteroids and comets, are visible in the sky due to reflected light; they do not have their own glow. The only exceptions are meteorites that fall into the Earth's atmosphere and fall due to the force of its gravity. They burn partially or completely during the fall due to friction with air particles, and glow due to this.

But why do stars glow? This is an interesting question, to which astronomers are ready to give a comprehensive answer.

History of the study of stars and their glow

For a long period of time, astronomers could not come to a consensus regarding the nature of starlight. This question has given rise to numerous disputes over many centuries. These disputes were not only of a scientific nature - at the dawn of civilization, people built numerous myths, legends and religious conjectures explaining the presence of stars in the sky and their glow. In the same way, legends and everyday explanations were created for other astronomical phenomena observed in the sky - comets, eclipses, the movements of luminaries.

Interesting fact: Some civilizations believed that the stars in the sky were the souls of the dead, others believed that these were the heads of nails with which the sky was nailed down. The Sun, on the other hand, was always considered separately; for thousands of years it was not classified as a star; it was too different in its appearance, observed from the surface of the Earth.

With the development of astronomy, the fallacy of such conclusions was revealed, and the stars began to be studied anew - like the Sun. Subsequently, it was possible to clarify that the Sun is also a star. Modern scientists classify the closest star to us as a red dwarf. However, the nature of the glow of the Sun and other stars gave rise to a lot of controversy until very recently.

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Theories explaining the glow of stars

In the 19th century, many scientific minds believed that a combustion process occurs on stars - exactly the same as in any earthly stove. But this theory was completely unjustified. It is difficult to imagine how much fuel a star must have in order for it to provide heat for millions of years. Therefore, this version does not deserve consideration. Chemists believed that exothermic reactions occur on stars, which provide a powerful release of large volumes of heat.

But physicists will not agree with this explanation, for the same reason as with the combustion process. The supply of reactants must be enormous to maintain the stars' luminosity and their ability to provide heat.

After Mendeleev's discoveries, the situation changed again, as the era of studying radiation and radioactive elements began. At that time, the heat and light generated by the stars and the Sun were unconditionally attributed to radioactive decay reactions; this version became generally accepted for decades. Subsequently, it was modified many times.

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Modern opinion of scientists about the causes of stellar glow

Modern scientists are completely convinced that nuclear fusion occurring in the cores of stars is capable of releasing the amount of energy that each star emits every second. This process is capable of providing glow and heat generation in huge volumes over billions of years.

Therefore, the theory is considered generally accepted. Energy from the interior passes into the gas shells of the star, from where it is radiated outward. There is an opinion in astronomer circles that it takes tens, hundreds of thousands of years to move energy from the depths of a star to its surface - this is by no means an instantaneous process. Therefore, a star can continue to shine for a long time even after synthesis in its depths ceases due to a lack of initial chemical elements.

Light from any star does not reach the surface of the Earth instantly either. Even from the Sun, the closest star to our planet, it takes about 8 minutes. The next closest star to our planet is Proxima Centauri. It takes more than four years for light to reach Earth.

In ancient times, people thought that the stars were the souls of people, living ones, or nails that held up the sky. They came up with many explanations for why the stars glow at night, and the Sun was for a long time considered an object completely different from the stars.

The problem of thermal reactions occurring in stars in general and on the Sun, the closest star to us, in particular, has long worried scientists in many areas of science. Physicists, chemists, and astronomers tried to figure out what leads to the release of thermal energy, accompanied by powerful radiation.

Chemists believed that exothermic chemical reactions occur in stars, resulting in the release of large amounts of heat. Physicists did not agree that reactions between substances occur in these cosmic objects, since no reactions could produce so much light for billions of years.

When Mendeleev wrote his famous table, a new era in the study of chemical reactions began - radioactive elements were found and soon it was the radioactive decay reactions that were the main cause of radiation from stars.

The debate stopped for a while, as almost all scientists recognized this theory as the most suitable.

Modern theory about stellar radiation

In 1903, the already established idea of ​​why stars shine and emit heat was overturned by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius, who developed the theory of electrolytic dissociation. According to his theory, the source of energy in stars is hydrogen atoms, which combine with each other and form heavier helium nuclei. These processes are caused by strong gas pressure, high density and temperature (about fifteen million degrees Celsius) and occur in the inner regions of the star. This hypothesis began to be studied by other scientists, who came to the conclusion that such a fusion reaction is enough to release the colossal amount of energy that stars produce. It is also likely that hydrogen fusion would allow stars to shine for several billion years.

In some stars, helium synthesis has ended, but they continue to shine as long as they have enough energy.

The energy released in the interior of stars is transferred to the outer regions of the gas, to the surface of the star, from where it begins to be emitted in the form of light. Scientists believe that light rays travel from the cores of stars to the surface for many tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. After this, the radiation reaches the Earth, which also takes a lot of time. Thus, the radiation of the Sun reaches our planet in eight minutes, the light of the second closest star, Proxima Centrauri, reaches us in more than four years, and the light of many stars that can be seen with the naked eye in the sky has traveled several thousand or even millions of years.

> What are stars?

What are stars?

Each star is a huge ball of hot gases. Typically, hydrogen makes up about 90%, helium a little less than 10%, and the rest comes from admixtures of other gases. At the center of the star there must be a temperature of about 6,000,000°C for a thermonuclear reaction to occur. During a thermonuclear reaction, hydrogen is converted into helium, releasing a colossal amount of energy. This energy, breaking out, prevents the star from shrinking due to its own gravitational forces and is emitted into space in the form of light. The smallest stars are about 10 times smaller than the Sun. The largest known stars are 150 times larger than the Sun.

How can we reach the stars?

The closest star to us is Proxima from the Alpha Centauri system. The distance to it is 4.22 light years. To fly to it at the speed that is now achievable will take several thousand years. To do this, it is necessary to come up with a spaceship that would ensure the life of several generations of people. There are no technologies that would provide this yet. On the other hand, it is possible to develop a spacecraft that could fly at a speed as close as possible to the speed of light. But such a ship does not yet exist. People have long dreamed of flying to the stars. Scientists have been working on this problem for many years, but a lot of time will pass before it is finally solved.

Why do stars glow?

A star is a celestial body that is seen from Earth as a luminous point in the night sky. In general, stars are huge balls of hot gases. In their central part the temperature reaches 6,000,000°C. At this temperature, a thermonuclear reaction occurs, converting hydrogen into helium. This releases a colossal amount of energy. This energy from the center of the star breaks through to the surface and is emitted into space in the form of light. Interestingly, stars are often called the main bodies of the Universe, because they contain the bulk of luminous matter in nature.

How were stars formed?

If you look through a telescope at the starry sky, you will notice that in addition to stars, there are various types and forms of nebula that can become birthplaces of new stars. At some point in its development, any gas-dust cloud of a nebula may begin to become denser. It is compressed into a ball and heated to a high temperature. At the moment when the temperature reaches approximately 6,000,000°C, a thermonuclear reaction begins. During the reaction, hydrogen is converted into helium and a huge amount of energy is released, which breaks through to the surface and is emitted into space in the form of light. This is exactly what our Sun is now.

What types of stars are there?

Among the stars there are white and red dwarfs, novae and supernovae, and neutron stars. Scientists call them one way or another depending on their mass, composition, and characteristics of the light they emit.

In addition, astronomers divide stars into classes, which are designated by letters: O, B, A, F, G, K, M. To remember this sequence, they came up with a special formula, where the first letter of each word (in the English version) is the name of the class of stars: One Shaved Englishman Chewed Dates Like Carrots. Stars of different classes differ in color, brightness and mass.

What are neutron stars?

A large star shines for approximately 30 billion years. Then it turns into a supergiant and pulsates for another 70 billion years. When the fuel burns completely and all thermonuclear reactions that hold the outer layers of the star stop, the star turns into a neutron star. And for a long time waves of hot gas are visible around it, diverging from it in different directions. The sizes of neutron stars are small: rarely more than 20 kilometers in diameter. The density is 100 million times higher than the density of Earth. The gravity on the surface of a neutron star is about 100 billion times greater than what we have on Earth.

What is a black hole?

Black holes are astronomical objects with amazing properties. They attract everything to themselves with very great force: even the light of the stars cannot escape from their “trap”, so the holes themselves seem black to us. The peculiarity of black holes is their very large mass with fairly small sizes. Moreover, the heavier the black hole, the lower its density. So a black hole with a mass equal to the mass of the Earth would have a size of about 9 millimeters, and supermassive black holes have a density of only about 20 kg/m3 much less than the density of water. Black holes usually form from large stars where thermonuclear reactions have stopped. These stars begin to collapse until a black hole is formed.

What is a double star?

Many of the luminaries we know are multiples, that is, they consist of several stars revolving around each other. The closest multiple star to us is the triple system Alpha Centauri. It has three parts: Alpha A Centauri, Alpha B Centauri and Proxima. The brightest multiple star system is Sirius. There are two parts in it: Sirius A and Sirius B. Moreover, the latter has an unusually large mass in relation to its size. It was the first white dwarf to be discovered in the sky. Some double stars are called eclipsing variables. These are systems of two luminaries in which one periodically blocks the other. When one star eclipses the other, the brightness decreases; when both are visible, the brightness is greatest.

Each star is a huge glowing ball of gas, like our Sun. A star shines because it releases a colossal amount of energy. This energy is generated as a result of so-called thermonuclear reactions.

Each star is a huge glowing ball of gas, like our Sun. A star shines because it releases a colossal amount of energy. This energy is generated as a result of so-called thermonuclear reactions.Each star contains many chemical elements. For example, the presence of at least 60 elements has been discovered on the Sun. Among them are hydrogen, helium, iron, calcium, magnesium and others.
Why do we see the Sun so small? Yes, because it is very far from us. Why do stars look so tiny? Remember how small our huge Sun seems to us - just the size of a football. This is because it is very far from us. And the stars are much, much further away!
Stars like our Sun illuminate the Universe around them, warm the planets around them, and give life. Why do they glow only at night? No, no, during the day they also shine, you just can’t see them. In the daytime, our sun illuminates the blue atmosphere of the planet with its rays, which is why space is hidden, as if behind a curtain. At night, this curtain opens, and we see all the splendor of space - stars, galaxies, nebulae, comets and many other wonders of our Universe.