How and when can you replant indoor flowers? Lunar calendar: favorable days for replanting flowerpots When to replant indoor plants.

Repotting plants is necessary for their health and appearance. Why is replanting so important and how to properly replant indoor flowers? Every year, we should take a look at all the house flowers and evaluate whether we should move them to larger pots, or replace the soil.

Why do you need a transplant?

  • Flowers that sit too tightly in a pot are more susceptible to fungal diseases and pest attacks;
  • The roots are cramped, they suffocate and therefore the stems and leaves do not look very healthy and impressive;
  • The soil in the pot becomes infertile, compacted, and has few nutrients;
  • Dense soil allows some air into the root system;
  • An overgrown flower in a small pot may fall and break.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

Flowers are traditionally replanted in the spring, when nature comes to life. At this time, domestic flowers expect us to improve their conditions for development. But this is not a hard and fast rule; they can be transplanted later.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to replant indoor flowers in winter or autumn?

The most favorable time is considered to be from March to early September. In September, it is better to choose the beginning of the month, when it is still warm and the plant has not begun to prepare for the cold. It is best to replant flowers in March, before they recover from winter.

You can also do this later, but it would be good to do it before mid-June. The worst time to transplant is winter. Do not disturb plants when they are sleeping.

Only a few species are replanted during the dormant period. For example, calla lilies are replanted in the fall; by the end of September, these indoor flowers can be replanted. And this is because it blooms from January to May.

Not all pets need repotting every year. Young flowers should change their pot every spring, those that are a little older can be replanted every 2-3 years, and older specimens can grow in large capacity, and you just need to replace upper layer land.

Some gardeners wonder which day is best to replant indoor flowers: From a scientific point of view, there is no difference which day of the week you choose to renew the soil.

The main thing is to choose the right soil and carefully carry out the procedure without injuring the plant and roots during replanting. Choose a day when you have a lot of time and a good mood.

Sometimes people wonder: to which moon should indoor flowers be transplanted? Moon calendar recommends doing this procedure on the waxing moon, that is, from the new moon to the full moon.

Earth and substrates

When replanting, you should replace as much soil as possible, but so as not to damage the roots. It is better to buy a universal substrate that is ideal for most plants. Of course, some of them require special composition. Cacti prefer soil with a lot of gravel; azaleas and orchids grow in a mixture of bark, soil, and coconut fiber. Before filling the pot with soil, it is advisable to fill the lower thick layer of several centimeters with gravel or expanded clay.

Thus, we provide better drainage, which will save the plant from excess water, and the roots will not rot. The soil should be poured at a level of 1-2 cm below the edge of the pot. Expanded clay can be poured onto the surface to prevent lime deposits from forming there.

Most indoor flowers grow well in any soil. Some, however, require special formulations.

Which soil to choose depends on the type of plant:

  • peat is loved by such green pets as anthurium, dracaena, and fern;
  • heavy clay is suitable for Kalanchoe, papyrus, tradescantia;
  • Gardenias and heathers do not tolerate the presence of calcium carbonate in the soil; they need slightly acidic soil.

Sometimes soil from the garden is used for replanting, but there is a high risk that it will bring weeds or pests into the house. In addition, it is too heavy for delicate roots. Prepared substrates are pre-disinfected and specially prepared from a mixture various components, so that the roots can grow freely in them.

The new pot should not be too tall or large. Do not replant flowers into a much larger pot; the next container should have a diameter 2-3 centimeters larger.

Choose nice pots with holes. The most ordinary plastic pot with holes is better than a decorative casing without holes.

How to do a transplant correctly

Indoor plants are replanted only when they need it. When we are not sure whether a plant needs replanting, we need to gently pull it out of the pot. Turn the pot upside down and, pressing on the edge of the table, gently remove the plant.

If the roots have completely outgrown the ground and formed a compact body, it’s time to give them new pot. Before you start replacing the soil, make sure that the plant is in good shape and there are no signs of disease or pests. Repotting can weaken the plant.

Replanting is necessary for all indoor plants from time to time. If you do this correctly and in a timely manner, the plant will actively grow and delight others with its appearance. And for this it is important to know how and when it is best to replant indoor flowers.

Transfer rules

A flower needs to be transplanted if:

  • the growth process has stopped;
  • the plant withers and turns yellow;
  • leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller;
  • the plant does not fit in the pot;
  • the roots filled everything inner space pot.

If you are convinced that your flower needs to be replanted, consider the following important details this process:

  1. The pot for transplanting must be selected 2-4 centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one.
  2. If during replanting it was necessary to remove a significant part of the plant’s root system, the new pot, on the contrary, should be smaller.
  3. New clay pot, before planting plants in it, you need to fill it with water for 10-12 hours.
  4. Flowers should not be replanted during the dormant and flowering periods.
  5. It is important to clean the old pot from dirt and disinfect it.
  6. The new soil must match the needs of the specific plant. When choosing it, remember this rule: dense soil is for abundant flowering, looser - for good growth.
  7. Do not completely remove old soil from the roots of the plant.

During the transplantation process itself, it is important to adhere to following rules and sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare everything you need - a pot, tools, a watering can with settled water, required amount properly selected soil.
  2. An hour before transplanting, water the plant well.
  3. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot by tapping the sides. If necessary, the earthen lump can be separated from the inner walls using a knife.
  4. Trim rotten, dried and damaged roots.
  5. Place on the bottom of the pot for good drainage small pieces of an old clay pot or fragments of brick and expanded clay, cover with a small layer of sand and new soil on top.
  6. Place the plant on a new layer of soil so that it is no deeper than in the previous pot.
  7. Gradually fill the gaps formed between the walls of the pot and the earthen lump with damp soil, lightly tapping the pot on the table.
  8. Compact the soil by carefully adding a new layer until it is level with the base of the stem and extends one centimeter to the edge of the pot.
  9. Water the flower generously and place it in the shade for a week. During this adaptation period, the plant should not be fed or watered abundantly.
  10. After a week the plant can be returned to old place, and after three – to the usual regime of watering and fertilizing.

The best period for replanting

In order for the transplantation process to be painless and the plant to grow well after this procedure, it is important to do it at the right time.

What period is considered the best for replanting indoor flowers? According to flower growers, it is best to do this in the spring. It is during this period that the plant is able to adapt more quickly and easily to new conditions.

When replanting flowers, it is important to consider the time of day. It is best to carry out this procedure from 16.00 to 20.00.

Does it matter on what days plants are transplanted? Definitely yes.

The best days for replanting flowers are selected according to the lunar calendar.

The most successful for this procedure are the first days after the new moon, as well as periods when the moon is in such signs as:

  • Calf,
  • Scales,
  • Fish,
  • Scorpion,
  • Capricorn.

These days are indicated in the florist calendar. For example, in April better days When indoor flowers can be replanted are the 1st, 28th and 29th. But in May there is only one favorable day when you can replant indoor flowers - May 9.

Every owner of house plants sooner or later wonders when to replant, how to do it correctly and what time to choose for this.

Transplant is the same necessary condition successful development healthy plant, like watering, fertilizing, lighting.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?


The best time for transplantation is from March to May. During this period, all life processes are activated, the plant is intensively renewed and develops rapidly. Shoots appear, leaves grow, buds form.

A flower transplanted during this period will easily tolerate an unpleasant procedure. It is possible for plants of all types to change their habitat, including the most delicate ones - violets, azaleas, and orchids.

Important to remember! Not every plant can survive transplantation during flowering, so you should wait until it is over.


At the beginning of summer, before the onset of hot weather July days can be transplanted plants to a new place, they will take root. There will be no problems with succulents, geraniums, ficus, monstera, flowers with thick leaves and strong roots, but it is better not to disturb Saintpaulia, they will not have time to recover before the heat sets in and may die.


Not the best good time for replanting most house plants excluding tuberous and bulbous, which bloom in winter or early spring.


During this period, flowers are not replanted - they, as a rule, have difficulty taking root, get sick and often die, so it is better to wait for a favorable time.

An exception may be the case when the flower shows signs of decay.. In this case, to save it you need to change the soil and pot, removing the previously damaged roots. It is better to do this on the waxing Moon.

How to replant correctly? Planned and emergency transplantation

Planned replanting is carried out in the spring, and for bulbous and tuberous plants in the fall. Prepare the soil and pots in advance. It is better to buy land in a store, it is not infected with pests and contains important nutrients.

The container should be chosen 2 cm larger in volume previous one. Flowers are cleaned of rotten, limp and dry fragments of both the ground part and the root part. All plants, both healthy and diseased, are replanted.

Diseased flowers need an emergency transplant if they suddenly begin to dry out, turn yellow, the leaves become limp and drooping, root rot, and also when the plant is affected by aphids, thrips or mites. They are replanted regardless of the flowering period and time of year.

Advice! You should not wait for the diseased plant to fade; replanting should be done immediately, before it dies.

Reason for transplant:

  1. the roots are visible from the drainage holes of the pot;
  2. the flower was twisted, as if it was cramped;
  3. due to the abundance of foliage, the ground is not visible;
  4. the plant began to turn yellow, wither and stopped growing;
  5. the flower does not produce buds or they fall off without blooming;
  6. the green pet and the soil are infected with pests (root mites, snails, nematodes, etc.);
  7. the plant was given as a gift or purchased 1 month ago in flower shop or nursery.

Two methods of transplantation


This is how they are usually transplanted young actively growing flowers, seedlings and cuttings, as well as plants with thin, thread-like, weak roots. This is the safest way for the life of a flower. In this case, the roots are not injured, the plant maintains its integrity. The soil must be dried before the procedure.

Place the flower in your palm, holding the stem, and carefully remove it from the pot. Place drainage (expanded clay, pieces of wood or polystyrene) in a prepared container (2 cm larger than the previous one), add some soil, place a flower and fill the voids with soil.

Use only fresh soil! Pour over warm (slightly warmer) room temperature) with settled water and lightly shade. Can be placed on the floor for 7-10 days. Water little by little without flooding the roots.


The procedure is painful for any plant, but if it survives, replanting will renew the root system.

Dump the flower with a lump of earth from the container. Inspect the roots. Clear them of soil, cut off rotten, limp and seemingly empty parts. Powder the sections with crushed charcoal or root. The roots must be clean of larvae and insects.

Plant the flower in fresh soil. Pour in warm, settled water and put in a dark place. Water little by little while the plant is sick. After 2-3 weeks, spray or water with phytosporin. Then continue to care as usual, moderate watering and fertilizing every 10 days, i.e. on the 10th, 20th and 30th.

Interesting! If you transplant the plant into a much larger pot compared to the previous one, top part the flower will stop growing until the root system gains strength and fills the space of the container.

Which moon should I transplant to?

It has long been known that hair and nails grow better, and a patient who has undergone surgery during the waxing phase of the moon gets better faster. So flowers, like any other living organism, are very sensitive to the influence of the night light. During this phase, metabolic processes accelerate and juices are distributed faster nutrients throughout the plant.

If you plant or replant flowers during this period, they will quickly take root, be strong, healthy and grow rapidly.

During the new moon phase, it is better not to carry out any work with plants other than watering and loosening the soil. On the waning Moon in the fertile signs of Taurus, Pisces and Cancer, you can transplant plants; they will take root successfully.

Favorable days in June 2018

So, for example, in June from 14 to 27 - waxing moon time and these days will be favorable for transplantation; on other days it should not be carried out.

In the video below, the gardener shows how to replant correctly different plants- from coffee trees to succulents, using the usual method and transfer, what pots and what soil to use for flowers:

Typical mistakes during transplantation and care

Advice! If there was a mistake in choosing a pot and it turned out to be too big, you can fill it a third, adding fresh soil in small parts once every six months.

Transfer - vital procedure for the plant, which will allow him to update both the root system and the ground part. Flowers will gain strength and become more decorative to the delight of their owner!

Transplantation process indoor plants– the task is not difficult, but quite labor-intensive, requiring some preparation. To ensure that replanting indoor flowers occurs without damage mother plant, A new flower has taken root painlessly, a number of conditions must be met.

In this article we will share tips on how to replant indoor flowers at home and tell you about the rules for replanting indoor plants.

Conditions for transplanting indoor flowers

Not all indoor flowers require replanting. Many flowers thrive in pots that seem too small for them. Some plants will bloom better when kept in a cramped pot. Others, such as bromeliads, are unlikely to ever require replanting at all.

There are several conditions that indicate it is time to transplant the plant into a larger pot. The most obvious one is if the roots begin to grow through the drainage hole, and the compost dries out quickly, which requires frequent watering. Perhaps the most obvious symptom is that stem and leaf growth slows down significantly in spring and summer, despite regular fertilizing.

If the plant has outgrown the pot, you will see a lot of tangled roots, but not much compost. If this is not the case, then simply return the pot to its place or replace it.

How to replant a single indoor flower

For a variety of reasons, especially with large single plants and supported specimens, replanting may be inconvenient or impossible. In a pot with a single flower, you should update the soil every spring, carefully removing the top 3-5 cm and replacing it with fresh compost.

Before transplanting indoor flower, wait until the roots have time to strengthen. It is best to replant plants before the dormant period begins. Choose a pot that is only slightly larger than the previous one - too much difference will result in stunted growth. First you need to prepare everything - pots, compost, watering cans, etc.

How to replant indoor flowers: transplantation rules

1. If the pot has been used previously, it must be washed thoroughly. A new clay pot should be soaked in water overnight before use.

2. If using a clay pot, cover the drainage hole with shards (broken pieces of pot or brick). Place a small layer of compost over the shards.

3. Before properly replanting indoor flowers, water them. After an hour, remove it from the pot, holding the surface of the soil with the fingers of one hand. Turn over and gently tap the rim on the table. Run a knife around the edges if necessary. Remove the pot with your other hand.

4. Remove old shards. Carefully smooth out tangled outer roots. Remove any rotten roots, but try to preserve the root system as much as possible at all costs.

5. Place the plant in a new pot on top of the compost layer and gradually fill the area around the root ball with slightly damp compost.

6. Compact the compost using your thumbs, adding it to the level of the base of the stem. Tap the pot on the table several times to settle the compost.

7. Water thoroughly and keep in the shade for about a week, misting the leaves daily to prevent drooping. Then place the plant in its usual place and provide normal care.

In order for plants to grow and develop well, they need to be looked after regularly. Depending on the species, each of them requires certain growing conditions. Replanting indoor plants is one of the main measures for their normal growth and well-being.

Why do you need to replant indoor flowers?

Plants grow in tight spaces flower pot. Root system Over time it increases in size, the soil loses beneficial features, so house plants require replanting. In this case, the soil is replaced partially or completely. You can determine that there is a need for such an event when thin roots appear peeking out of the drainage holes of the flower pot. They signal that the roots are already cramped in the container.
In addition to plant transplantation, carried out during a dormant period favorable to them, there are emergency cases requiring an out-of-hours transplant.

There may be different reasons for this:

  • roots rot;
  • the earth acquires an unpleasant odor;
  • replacing a broken pot;
  • you need to replant an imported specimen purchased growing in a peat pot.

If urgent measures are not taken, indoor flowers may develop poorly and even die.

What time of year is best to replant flowers?

Most best period When it is recommended to replant indoor plants - the end of dormancy. Soon they will begin active vegetation, so stress is not tolerated so painfully. You must follow the recommendations of specialists developed for each type, which indicate the specific timing and frequency of required transplants. Parameters such as age, flowering time and others are taken into account.

General recommendations on the frequency of flower replanting: plants young and those that are characterized by rapid growth should be replanted annually, adults - after two to three years, growing in a tub - once every four to five years. The deadlines for some species are set strict, while other flowers are replanted from spring until summer.

Spring is the most favorable time when indoor plants can be replanted. Most of them begin to grow at the end of February. Spring transplantation is often combined with vegetative propagation and pruning. Weak and thickened shoots are removed, and shoots that are too long are trimmed. This technique stimulates the growth of lateral branches, the plant recovers faster, the crown becomes denser, and abundant flowering is observed.

They also practice replanting indoor plants in the fall, when there are still warm sunny days, which promote rapid recovery after a traumatic operation. Most often, plants are replanted whose roots have grown too much over the summer or, conversely, have begun to rot due to frequent watering. Often the cause is compacted, infertile soil, which requires immediate replacement. Another reason is to plant indoor flowers in pots that grow in open ground in the summer.

Many gardeners use the lunar calendar to identify the most favorable days for replanting indoor plants. Moon phases and zodiac signs affect them further development. Thus, flowers transplanted in the waxing moon phase, when it is in the constellations Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, and Scorpio, grow well.

Preparatory work

Prepare everything you need in advance. They purchase soil for each type of indoor flowers and disinfect it. They stock up on drainage - expanded clay, pebbles, coarse sand, shards, charcoal, etc. are suitable for this purpose. Select suitable flower pots.
In cases where the plants have grown significantly, the pots are selected bigger size than the previous ones. If you plan to remove some of the damaged roots, take a container smaller than the previous one. All pots are washed thoroughly. The plants are watered the day before the event. Cooking workplace: the table is covered with film or newspapers.

Replanting indoor flowers

The procedure is carried out in two ways - transplantation or transshipment, in which the earthen lump is not disturbed.


The transshipment method is used for the following plants:

  • suffering from the destruction of the earthen coma;
  • young, intensively developing;
  • adults, large, negatively reacting to root damage.

Recommendations on how to replant plants using the transshipment method are that the ball of soil around the roots is not disturbed. The plant is taken out of the pot, transferred to another, placed at the desired level, adding fresh substrate on top of the drainage and on the sides. If such an operation is carried out in autumn or winter, when the plants are dormant, the harm from it will be minimal.


The flower is carefully removed from the container. If it is small, the palm is placed on the surface of the soil, with the stems of the plant placed between the fingers. With the other hand, turn the container upside down and lightly tap on its surface to make it easier to get the flower. Thanks to such measures, he, along with a clod of earth, will end up in the palm of his hand. If the indoor flower feels quite well, you can change not the entire substrate, but only part of it.

The roots with a lump of earth are placed in a bag to protect them from drying out. The pot is freed from drainage and washed. Return the drainage to its place and pour some fresh soil on top of it. The top layer is removed from the earthen clod until the outer roots are exposed. Carefully place the plant in the pot, carefully adding new substrate from the sides and top, while lightly compacting it. The earth is watered.

How to properly replant indoor plants with a complete replacement of the substrate?

First, they are taken out of the pot, the roots are freed from the soil and examined. Sick and damaged ones are carefully trimmed and the sections are sprinkled with powder. charcoal. To maintain balance between the underground and above-ground parts, green shoots are also pruned.

A drainage layer of approximately 2–3 cm is placed at the bottom of the pot. For flowers that cannot tolerate excess moisture, drainage can occupy up to a third of the volume of the pot. Fresh soil is poured on top in a “mound”, the plant is placed on it, the roots are evenly distributed down the side surfaces of the soil. Holding the stem with one hand, pour the earth with the other.

It is necessary to calculate so that the upper roots are covered with 2 cm of soil. Flowers are watered, except for some types of cacti and specimens with rotten roots. The substrate should be slightly moist, so you can water the cacti after a few days. For ease of watering, pots are always filled with soil not to the brim, but 1–1.5 cm below the edge.

Any replanting causes concern, so after replanting, the indoor plant should be placed in a greenhouse for 4-5 days - a shaded, warm place. There are light-loving specimens that require a fairly bright place, but at the same time direct exposure to the sun's rays is excluded. When asked whether it is possible to replant flowering plants, the answer is negative. After such stress, they take a long time to recover.