Getting rid of lice and nits at home. How to get rid of lice and nits forever: modern and traditional methods Get rid of lice at home 94

Even the cleanest and most squeamish person cannot be 100% sure that lice will not appear in his home.

These bloodsuckers are hardened by evolution and know how to poison your existence.

We will tell you below how to get rid of them at home using folk remedies.

Insects and their offspring

There are 3 known types of lice that plague people:

The latter are introduced into the hair in different ways:

  • your hair accidentally came into contact with lice;
  • you used someone else’s comb or headdress;
  • your baby hugged soft toys in in public places(cafes, shopping malls);
  • there was a contaminated pillow under the child’s head (in the camp, kindergarten).

Lice bites are accompanied by itching, which provokes scratching. This is how micro-wounds appear on the skin - conductors of infections:

  • from boils to typhus.

Their eggs, called nits, cling to the hair roots with a sticky substance.

After 10 days the nit becomes a larva, which after a week turns into a new sexually mature individual (up to 5 mm in length).

To eliminate lice, the war against them must be waged on all fronts:

  • Regular hygiene procedures, alas, will no longer help.

Removing pubic lice

These blood-sucking claws and increased tenacity resemble tiny crabs, tightly holding triangular hairs in the pubic and anal areas, in the armpits, on the chest and abdomen.

As a rule, insects migrate to another person during sexual intercourse, less often they are transmitted through:

  • bathrobes,
  • towels,
  • washcloths used in public baths and hotels.

Lice are removed from infected eyebrows and eyelashes manually or with tweezers. On the pubic area and other parts of the body, the hair is simply shaved off.

If insects manage to bite you, disinfect the bite site with any available preparation.

Getting rid of body lice

This type of blood-sucking creature inhabits bed linen and clothing, hiding in the folds and seams in order to occasionally make their way to the body and drink blood. The skin after linen lice bites also itches and itches (read how to get rid of it), depriving a person of sleep.

The destruction of insects involves total disinfection (chemical or thermal) of mattresses, bed linen, upholstered furniture and clothes. It could be:

  • Washing in very hot water(boiling).
  • Freezing outside (in winter) or in the freezer.
  • Steam treatment.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Placing things in a vacuum, for example, in a plastic bag.
  • Spraying with Medifox or A-steam.

The final step should be a complete disinfestation of the home.

The people are for long years local battles with lice, he invented his own effective recipes.

Auxiliary tools necessary for any method of removing insects are a hair dryer, a fine-tooth comb, forceps, a comb with a low current and a magnifying glass.

Not every body tolerates the active chemical components present in factory sprays and shampoos. These tools cannot use:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • asthmatics;
  • patients with skin diseases.

Many people refuse chemistry for reasons of principle, believing that folk remedies harmless and more effective.

Oils against lice

This product blocks the path of oxygen:

  • insects cannot breathe and die.

Any vegetable oil will do:

  • olive (),
  • mustard (the benefits of oil for hair have been written about),
  • corn,
  • sunflower (find out about the composition of unrefined).

Tea tree oil

To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need:

  • 30 ml alcohol (medicinal);
  • 25 drops of oil;
  • 20 ml water.

Everything is mixed and applied to the head.

The hair is covered with a film, washed after 2 hours with shampoo.

Lice are combed out with a fine comb.

The procedure is repeated until the insects are completely removed, remembering that the oil does not kill them, but temporarily paralyzes them.

Geranium oil

It is believed that bloodsuckers are afraid of the peculiar aroma exuded by this flower.

A few drops of essential oil are combined with burdock, the composition is applied to the hair, wrapped in polyethylene. Wash off with shampoo and comb out nits.

In addition to geranium and tea tree oil, you can take essential oils:

Acid and phytoncides

Cranberry juice

The acid present in the berry dissolves the “glue”, with the help of which nits cling to hairs, and cranberry juice is saturated with elements that adversely affect insects.

Two handfuls of mashed berries are mixed with natural honey so that the mixture is enough for one application. Reusable procedure:

  • it is repeated for several days until the nits disappear.

Mint and pomegranate

This method will not only remove bloodsuckers, but also heal the head:

In the third step, mint oil is added to enhance the effect (if desired).

Lemon juice

It is used in the same way as cranberry juice, but due to its greater “wateriness” it is considered less effective.

Garlic and onion juice

If you are not afraid of the characteristic garlic-onion aroma, smear your hair with this composition and do not wash it off for several hours, wrapping it in film.

After rinsing your hair, comb out the lifeless insects.

When using this method, monitor the reaction of the epidermis so as not to burn it.

Black cumin

Its crushed seeds are added to apple cider vinegar to form a paste, which is applied to the head.

Then they go out into the yard or onto the balcony for half an hour so that direct sunlight falls on their exposed hair.

They do this for several days in a row. Each session ends with brushing.

Infusion and decoction

Elecampane root

You can use both fresh and dried raw materials ().

Set the proportions yourself: the more saturated the solution, the better.

Burdock decoction

Burdock roots () or fruits (dried or fresh) are thrown into a bowl of boiling water.

After 60 minutes, filter and wash the hair with liquid.

The procedure is repeated every day until the final reprisal against the bloodsuckers.

Cosmetic preparations

Tar soap

Wet hair is generously soaped with tar soap (), covered with polyethylene and a textile cap.

Soap foam is washed off no earlier than after 5-8 hours.

The nits are combed out.

Hair fixation spray

Spray the hair generously with it and leave it overnight under a film and an insulating cap.

Liquid silicone should block insects' access to oxygen and cause dehydration of microorganisms.

Stopping access to air and moisture has a detrimental effect on lice and nits.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hair dye

  • Permanent dye damages hair;
  • chemical reagents harm the dermis;
  • you don't want to change your hair color.

If these details don’t bother you, fight the evil spirits with permanent paint. Remember that it will take at least two weeks to comb out the killed nits.

It is important to know

Other methods for removing lice are also known. Despite their popularity, they are not safe for health:

  • Kerosene is a toxic substance. Can cause allergies, poisoning and skin rashes. Affects the hair structure, making it greasy.
  • Table vinegar – causes excessive brittleness and dryness of the hair. Leads to burns of the epidermis and dermatitis.
  • Tansy flowers - when using a decoction, take into account its toxicity and avoid contact with mucous membranes.
  • Ledum - used with caution due to the increased toxicity of the plant.

You can learn additional details about treating head lice at home while watching the video.

How does infection occur?

  • Head. Settles on the scalp. Favorite places: temples, back of head. It can also be found on eyebrows and mustaches.
  • Clothes - lives in the folds of bed linen and clothing.
  • Pubic - attacks the groin area, between the thighs.

Reasons for appearance

More often this happens in crowded places: children's health camps, sanatoriums, gardens, schools.

If you find lice on your child, you need to notify caregivers and teachers in order to treat furniture, bedding, and toys. Preventive measures better than debilitating etching.

How to get rid of lice and nits using folk remedies

To understand how to effectively get rid of lice and nits using improvised means, it is important to know: they do not like acids, aggressive components, or oils. Now in the pharmacy big choice medications, but you can try different ways.


The first analogy that comes to mind is kerosene. Our grandmothers treated their curls and got rid of the torment.

Never use this product to remove lice from children. There are recorded cases of fire.

Proportions are taken as 1 to 10. Where 10 parts are taken by olive oil or sunflower oil. The composition is applied to the hair, wrapped in a special plastic cap and left until the morning. Then rinse off and apply shampoo. You can wash your hair 2-3 times. This will help remove the persistent kerosene smell. Remember, this substance is not intended for use on hair; its structure will suffer. They become brittle.


Vinegar is a less aggressive product, but also does not have a positive effect on hair. They may change shade and become lighter. There is no need to make a mask. It is better to use a 9% solution as additional procedure. That is, rinse your hair with it after applying the pharmaceutical product. Here's how to get rid of nits using vinegar. It acts specifically on nits, softening the gluten. Therefore, be sure to comb them out later. The composition of kerosene, on the contrary, has a suffocating effect on individuals.


One of the herbs that has proven itself well is hellebore. Its tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy. The decoction is easy to prepare at home. Take a glass of boiling water and a pinch of dry grass. Leave for an hour. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the scalp and evenly distributed throughout the hair. For greater effect, wear a rubber cap.

Hellebore is not so harmless. It contains a dangerous poison - an alkaloid. Internal use is prohibited. Take precautions. You should not treat the child’s head, as the toxic substance can enter the bloodstream through the wounds.

Lemon, cranberry, pomegranate

These fruits and berries contain a set of acids that have a destructive effect on the body of insects. The algorithm of actions is the same. The composition is applied along the entire length of the hair, left for a while and washed off with water. Next comes the combing stage, more on that later.


Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also effective in fighting off unwanted guests.

Tar soap

You can make your own shampoo by adding these components, then the lice will forget the way to your head.

Here's how to get rid of nits at home using: traditional medicine. Now let's look at an alternative - medical shampoos, sprays, aerosols and tablets.

Medicine in the fight against lice and nits

Pharmaceutical drugs are divided into two types:

Insecticidal preparations are not approved for children under 5 years of age. Since the poisons in the composition belong to hazard class 3-4. Known for the Knicks and Medifox. The spray is applied only to dry hair. Shampoo - for wet use. You can disinfest combs, headgear, and clothing by soaking them in a solution of “NOK” or other insecticidal liquid.

Preparations based on Demitikon are less toxic. The risk of poisoning is minimized, this also applies to side effects. You apply the composition to the head, armpits, pubic area, leave the product there for 40 - 60 minutes, then rinse with water.

Lice and nits are not transmitted from animals.
This is a popular myth.

Tablets are less effective, but you can resort to this method as a complex therapy. The principle of action is blood. Under the influence of the tablets, it becomes unattractive to sucking organisms. A common drug in this series is Butadione.

Shampoos perform two functions: they take care of hair and eliminate lice. This is a great way to get rid of nits on long hair. Remedies are used, for example, Hygia. From shampoos this a budget option based on Permethrin. Comb - comb included. Lys Guard helps detach the larvae. It has a natural composition, which means it is suitable for small family members.

Mechanical way of fighting

More suitable for children, especially infants. A radical method is a haircut. Boys will have no problems with this, especially in the heat. Getting rid of hair completely eliminates the signs of head lice, all that remains is to clean the furniture and things.

An individual can live without food for about 10 days. Therefore, it is better to cover things that cannot be boiled or washed in plastic bags, for example, toys.

The next method is combing out nits. For this purpose, pharmacies sell special combs. They are metal with thin and frequent teeth. If you don’t want to spend money on a purchase, buy a regular comb (plastic or wooden) with similar teeth. Brushing may take up to two weeks until all nits are destroyed. The first step is to get rid of the females with drugs. Then rinse your hair with a product that softens the adhesive component. And finally, comb your hair with a comb.

When a nit gets stuck between the teeth,
it needs to be wiped on a towel.

If you ask - how to get rid of nits in 20 minutes? This is only possible with a haircut. In other cases, you will have to use different artillery. If you managed to defeat lice, read how to prevent re-infection.

Prevention after lice

Wash things in hot water, it is better to boil them in an insecticidal solution (Medifox). After drying, iron, paying close attention to the seams. Nits like to hide there. Fur, on the contrary, you need to take it out into the cold. Vacuum the carpets and treat them with a weak vinegar solution. Examine all family members. Use a lice repellent shampoo with oils and herbs. Explain to your child the rules of personal hygiene.

Lice found on a child are always a tragedy for a mother who is worried about the health of her own baby. Having discovered a “pest”, parents begin to frantically search for a remedy that is guaranteed to get rid of lice in one day. In the fight against head lice, the main thing is the absence of panic, knowledge of the effectiveness of various drugs and patience.

The nit matures in 7-10 days, another 2-3 days are required to mature. After the first portion of blood, the female (a larger individual than the male) begins to lay eggs, and after a week the number of nits reaches hundreds. This rapid reproduction process makes it possible to detect lice in a child within a week after infection.

Important! Pediculosis is dangerous due to possible suppuration of scratches and the risk of typhus.

Lice - myths and reality

There are many misconceptions associated with lice. Common myths:

  • Lice in children are associated with stress
  • A sign of uncleanliness
  • Lice will disappear as the child grows up
  • Cats and dogs are to blame for everything
  • It's the child's fault

You should not scold your child if he has lice. You can get infected with them different ways. However, to minimize the risk of re-infection, the child should be explained some rules: do not wear other people’s hats and do not give yours to others, do not use someone else’s comb, etc.

Jumping and volatility are just a myth. However, a louse in 1 minute. can crawl up to 3.5 meters! This is why lice spreads quickly in children's groups: schools and kindergartens.

Ways of infection with pediculosis

To eliminate the possibility of lice as much as possible, you should clearly understand how you can become infected with lice. In this case, the child does not have to hug and touch the infected person’s head with his hair for a long time.

Important! Best Chances getting lice in girls with long hair. When leaving home, it is recommended to braid your hair.

Signs of hair damage in a child

Signs of hair lice damage:

  • itching - some children, even when one lice appears in their head, begin to itch, others do not react even with a large population of insects;
  • nits - white crumbs, firmly glued to the hair at a distance of up to 2 cm from the skin; when you press them with your nails, a characteristic click is heard (live nits);
  • bite marks - reddish small spots and swelling on the scalp;
  • scratches in the hair, behind the ears and on the neck;
  • restlessness during the day, poor sleep.

Important! It is easy to distinguish nits from dandruff: just blow on a suspicious white speck and the dandruff will fly off, but the nit will remain in place.

Ridding a child of lice: the safest and most effective methods

Cure lice in a boy or small child can be done by simply shaving the hair. Shaving, although it quickly gets rid of insects in the head, is not always acceptable. The question most often asked by mothers is: how to remove lice from a child with long hair at home? Going to the doctor means publicizing the disease in kindergarten or school, which many parents do not want. Modern pharmacology offers many ways to combat head lice.


Thorough combing out of hair is a very labor-intensive process. For this, combs with very fine teeth or special steel (AntiV) and RobiComb electronic combs are used, which destroy lice with an electric discharge. Rules for mechanical removal:

  • To soften the shell of nits and make them easily come away from the hair, you should make a compress with vinegar. 9% table vinegar is diluted in half with water (for small children, proportions are 1:2). Moisten the hair with the solution and leave for 10-15 minutes, covering the head with a bag. Vinegar can be replaced citric acid: Dilute 5 g of powder from the pack in 250 ml of water. Then you should rinse your hair with warm water.
  • It is necessary to prepare a white sheet on which lice will fall. For better visibility you can use table lamp, magnifying glass or glasses.
  • Comb each strand of damp hair thoroughly. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer before combing.
  • The procedure should be repeated every day for 10-14 days, since it is possible that nits will remain on the hair.

Important! An experiment was conducted in Belgium. Lice were combed out from hair that had been previously washed with regular conditioner. At the same time, the effectiveness turned out to be at the level of the use of anti-pediculosis drugs. However, scientists clarify: the use of air conditioning reduces the effectiveness of pediculicidal drugs. Therefore, it is worth choosing one of the methods of control.

Combing out lice and nits requires patience from parents and children. Many children simply won't be able to for a long time sit in one place and let your hair be sorted out. And modern pharmaceuticals offer more quick methods treatment of pediculosis.

Lice shampoos and sprays

To quickly remove lice from a child with long hair, you need to use special means. Anti-pediculosis drugs are presented in a huge range. They all have different composition, degree of effectiveness and age restrictions. However, most of them act only on adult individuals and do not destroy nits. Let's consider the most effective means:

  • Permethrin insecticide

Poison that paralyzes lice is used in a concentration of 0.5-1%. Products with permethrin are applied to dry hair and left on the head for 10 minutes. At large quantities nits and lice or with long hair, do not wash off the product for 30-40 minutes. There is a risk of an allergic reaction, especially with prolonged exposure.

Permethrin is found in different concentrations in the following products:

  • Nittifor - lotion 0.5% (prohibited for up to 2 years);
  • Hygia - 1% shampoo (prohibited for children under 5 years of age, comb included);
  • Nyx - 1% cream (allowed from 6 months);
  • Nok - 1% shampoo (from 2.5 years);
  • Veda - 0.4-0.5% shampoo (from 5 years, hypoallergenic);
  • Pedilin -1% shampoo with a pleasant smell (from 2 years of age);
  • Medifox is one of the cheapest products, gel 1% (from 5 years old), concentrate 5% (for children from 1 year old an emulsion is prepared - 1 ampoule +200 ml of water), Medifox-super - 20% concentrate for treatment in schools/preschool institutions .
  • Malathion

Malathion is an insecticidal poison that is effective even if lice are resistant to these substances. Easily penetrating the chitinous shell, it destroys both adults and nits.

Anti-pediculosis drugs with malathion:

  • Para Plus - the aerosol contains permethrin and piperonyl, which enhances its effect, as well as malathion. Not approved for use in children under 2.5 years of age;
  • Emulsion Pediculin - a combination of tetramethrin, malathion, piperonyl;
  • Phenothrin;
  • The neurotoxic poison phenothrin acts on sexually mature individuals and nits.

Preparations with phenothrin are highly effective:

  • Phenothrin lotion (from 2.5 years);
  • Itax (from 2 years old, very expensive);
  • Parasidosis (shampoo from 2.5 years, comb product from 3 months, spray from 3 years);
  • Anti-bit (from 2 years old);
  • Sumitrin (from 2 years old).

Important! Malathion is usually used in combination with other anti-pediculosis agents. The effectiveness of such drugs is higher than that of mono-drugs.

  • Products with mineral oils

Preparations with essential oils, which have pest control properties, are one of the safest anti-pediculosis agents. The most popular product is Pediculen Ultra - anise oil in combination with ethyl alcohol. The set includes a comb and a magnifying glass, has a pungent odor, and is allowed from 5 years of age.

  • Dimethicone

Dimethicone is a silicone-like substance that coats lice. As a result, the insects die from suffocation. This substance is highly effective even in cases of lice resistance to pediculocidal agents. Biphasic dimethicone, which is lethal to lice and safe for humans, is contained in the following preparations:

  • Nyuda - spray is used from 3 years;
  • Paranit - shampoo and spray with clearol (natural oil), allowed from 3 years.

The choice of drug is always up to the parent. It is much easier to get rid of insects in the head if the child has short hair. To achieve high efficiency and quickly get rid of lice, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Strictly follow the instructions for the drug - age restrictions, technique of use.
  • To remove lice from a child in 1 day, you need to treat the head with an anti-pediculosis agent, further soften the nit shell with a vinegar solution and thoroughly comb out each strand.
  • Even if the packaging says that the drug destroys lice and nits in one application, you should not hope for it. The optimal treatment regimen is repeated treatment with combing out after 7-10 days. 100% destruction is guaranteed only by 3-fold processing in 7-10 days.
  • Preparations with insecticides (permethrin, malathion, phenothrin) are used no more than 2 times a month. If there is no result, the remedy is changed.
  • All insecticides are toxic to one degree or another! The concentration should not be exceeded when diluting medicinal emulsions.
  • Anti-lice medications can provoke an allergic reaction. Before using them, it is advisable to conduct a skin test: apply a small amount of the drug to the elbow and see the reaction after a day.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of lice infection. However simple rules will help reduce the likelihood of head lice in children to a minimum:

  • Teaching your child hygiene - using only his own towel. You cannot use other people's combs, wear other people's hats, or borrow your own hairpins or hair ties.
  • Teach your child to hang their coat/jacket in the school locker room with the lining facing out. Lice do not stay on smooth surfaces.
  • Girls with long hair must braid their hair or do hairstyles that keep their hair compact.
  • Wash your baby twice a week.
  • Once a week, examine the child’s head, preferably combing it with a comb.
  • Basic home hygiene - regular wet cleaning, changing and washing linen.
  • Conversations with kindergarten teachers about compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements - sleeping only in the bed assigned to the child, the necessary spaces between beds.

Traditional methods

Can be used pharmaceutical products, but traditional medicine recipes are considered safer. Many patients are embarrassed to go to pharmacies for medicines, which is why home remedies for lice and nits are very popular.


You shouldn’t count on quick results, because it will happen after several treatments. You need to take apple or wine vinegar in a concentration of 9% in the amount of one tablespoon and dilute 100 ml warm water. The mixture is applied to the hair with a sponge or a towel soaked in the solution.

A polyethylene cap is put on the hair that is moistened from roots to ends. After 30-60 minutes, the hair should be combed out with a fine comb, then rinsed with water and shampoo several times. The next procedure is carried out after 3-4 days.

Tar soap

First, you need to clean your head with soap and remove dirt and grease, rinsing with water. Then lather a second time, cover your head with plastic and a towel, and leave for one hour. Afterwards, the hair is washed with water, dried and the larvae are combed out. This elimination of head lice at home is carried out daily for a week.


Technical or lighting kerosene is used in pure form or divorced from olive oil and shampoo in a ratio of 3:2:1. The composition is applied to dry hair, cover the head with cellophane and a towel, leave for two hours (keep for 3-4 hours for nits). Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with a weak vinegar solution. After 3 days, treatment for lice and nits is repeated.


People have long known how to get rid of lice and nits at home using turpentine. It is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, apply to hair and scalp. Next, keep it under a plastic cap for 1.5-2 hours.

You can use turpentine ointment. It contains turpentine, a substance that has a toxic effect on lice and nits. The ointment is applied to the entire scalp and hair, without missing a single area. Then leave to act for two hours under cellophane.

The product is washed off with shampoo and the remaining nits are combed out with a comb. The disadvantage of the ointment is that it is difficult to wash off, making the hair look greasy. After a few days, the procedure is repeated.

Hellebore water

The product is applied to the hair, thoroughly treating the entire head, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes; do not keep it longer. Hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed several times. Nits are combed out mechanically. This water against lice and nits allows you to cure yourself at home in 1-2 treatments.

Vodka or alcohol

How to get rid of head lice at home and remove lice using vodka? The liquid is considered ineffective because it has no harmful effect on insects. Vodka and diluted alcohol only increase the ease of separation of nits from hair due to the dissolution of their adhesive substance.


Treatment of head lice with folk remedies involves the use of safe and available means– cranberry juice. Berry syrup is non-toxic, effective and safe for children. Substances contained in cranberries break down the gluten underneath the nits, causing them to move away from the hair and be easily removed.

One procedure requires juice squeezed from 100 grams of berries. How to get rid of lice with it? Apply freshly squeezed juice to your head and hair, leave under cellophane for 25-30 minutes, then rinse your hair well and comb it out with a comb. If there are a lot of lice, the treatment is repeated 2-3 times after a few days.


Treatment with folk remedies includes treatment with burdock tincture. 20 grams of dried root should be poured with boiling water in an amount of 250 ml, left for an hour and strained. The composition is applied to the entire area of ​​the scalp, it should act for at least two hours. Afterwards the head is washed and the treatment is repeated several times.

Burdock is not a powerful remedy, so you need to think about how to treat the disease in combination with this plant. You can use any of the listed remedies, and use burdock as an auxiliary substance.

Essential oils

Oils that have a healing effect:

  • tea tree;
  • corn;
  • anise;
  • bergamot;
  • mustard;
  • lavender;
  • mint.

The head, treated with the selected oil, is covered with a bag and a towel, and the effect continues throughout the night. In the morning, the hair is washed and the larvae are combed out. These folk remedies at home can effectively cure pediculosis in 1-2 applications. On long hair, use oils several times every other day.


Recipes on their own may not produce results. If you have lice, treatment at home involves labor-intensive and lengthy combing. It does not require the use of medications. You should take a lamp with bright light and a fine-tooth comb, and you can additionally use a magnifying glass. Treatment of head lice in children using this method should be carried out in a calm environment: the child is turned on to a cartoon or given a favorite toy so that he is not distracted.

It is impossible to allow even one larva to remain in the hairline. There is no need to dry your hair before combing. Using shampoo will lull the lice, making it easier to get rid of them.

Precautions when using folk remedies

When using folk remedies against lice, you must observe the following safety precautions:

Pharmacy products

How to treat head lice using pharmaceuticals? You can use shampoo, spray, ointment, solution or emulsion for scabies. The result of fighting the disease at home with the help of products purchased at the pharmacy is as effective as using traditional recipes.

All pharmaceutical drugs are divided into two types - those affecting nervous system lice and limiting their access to moisture. The latter are best chosen by parents of children with allergies and pregnant women.

When carrying out procedures for lice and nits at home using chemicals Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged inhalation of vapors. Many medications have a strong odor, which is dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Regardless of what products are used, it is recommended to repeat the treatment several times to completely kill the insects. 7-10 days after treatment, you must carefully check the head under a bright lamp and make sure that the insects have died and there are no new larvae on the hair.

Useful video about how to treat head lice at home

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At first glance, it may seem that lice are harmless: what can they do to big uncles or aunts? To answer the question that has arisen, we will first understand what lice are.

Insects reproduce at the base of the hairline, laying their eggs (nits), and are held in place by sticky secretions. They can reproduce and breed only in warm conditions; when the temperature drops to 15-10 degrees, they die. Over the course of 4-7 days, larvae emerge from the nits, which reach full maturity within 3 weeks.

Head louse - prefers to live and breed on strands of hair of the owner.

Pubic louse (plastic louse) - unlike the head louse, affects intimate areas of the body: the pubis and perineum. Also, unfortunate insects can be seen on the face, in the areas where the eyebrows and eyelashes are located, or in the armpits.

The body louse, unlike its counterparts, lives and attaches larvae in places where fabric is compacted on everyday items (folds, seams, recesses, etc.). Spends a maximum of 5-15 minutes on human skin throughout the day.

Diseases caused by lice.

Can lice become carriers of AIDS or hepatitis?

Many people believe that lice are carriers of terrible viral infections: AIDS and hepatitis. At first glance, one can agree with this opinion, since lice are blood-sucking insects.

Currently, in medical practice there is no officially recorded single event confirming the possibility of infection with the AIDS or hepatitis virus through an insect bite. This misconception is not supported by anything and is speculation.

The main source of infection is the collective. Anyone can become the owner of unexpected pests, for example, while traveling on public transport or when using someone else's bed linen, clothes, towels, combs, etc. Pubic lice is transmitted only through sexual contact.

Lice is a widespread disease, mainly found in countries with low level sanitary culture. The incubation period for lice is at least two weeks, the severity of symptoms corresponds to the severity of the disease.

If the signs of the disease described above are detected, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for further treatment.


  • bacterial infections;
  • a sick person can provoke an epidemic in a kindergarten, school and other public institutions;
  • Under unfavorable social conditions, epidemics of typhus and other infectious diseases may occur.

How to get rid of lice on your head.

It is important that before you start using the purchased product, you must carefully read the instruction insert.

If you have any difficulty with how to rid your child of lice, it is best to consult a pediatrician and have him write a prescription, since the child’s skin is more sensitive to specialized products.

If you have any doubt that someone in your family has lice, we recommend that you take preventive measures:

  • Try to check the head of all family members at least twice a week;
  • Replace all bedding. It's best to boil it;
  • Iron all items with an iron and steam as hot as possible;
  • Once every 1-2 weeks, wash all combs in the house with boiling water.

Dr. Komarovsky about lice: