Icon of the holy martyr Empress Alexandra. Saint Alexandra: icon, temple Saint Alexandra's Day Brief life of Saint Alexandra

Alexandra of Rome (Greek Αλεξάνδρα, Queen Alexandra; ? - April 21, 303) is a Christian saint, revered as a martyr. The memory is celebrated in the Orthodox Church on April 23 (according to the Julian calendar), in the Coptic Church on April 10.

Holy Queen Alexandra
Bodarevsky Nikolai Kornilievich.(1850-1921)


We know about Alexandra from the life of St. George the Victorious, in which she is called the queen and wife of Emperor Diocletian. Alexandra, seeing George’s suffering and repeated miraculous help from God to him, believed in Christ and openly confessed her faith. For this she was sentenced by her husband to be beheaded with a sword. On the way to the place of execution, Alexandra, tired, asked the soldiers to stop and, leaning against the wall of the building, died peacefully (according to another version of her life, she, like St. George, was beheaded with a sword).

Opinion of historians

The wife of Emperor Diocletian was Prisca, who is known to have actually professed Christianity. There is a possibility that she really could have received the name Alexandra after her baptism. At the same time, Symeon Metaphrastus, the Vatican Codex (916), and other Byzantine and Latin ancient texts do not call Alexander the wife of Diocletian. The exception is the compilation of Theodore Daphnopatus. Perhaps she was the widow of one of the emperors who ruled before Diocletian.

An attempt to identify Alexandra and Prisca was made only in the 20th century. Thus, in the menea published by the Moscow Patriarchate, the death of Alexandra in 303 is called imaginary and her martyrdom is attributed to 313 (the death of Prisca). However, this version is not confirmed by ancient canonical lives and eastern apocrypha


May 6 (April 23, old style) - The date of Alexandra’s memory has been known since the 10th century and is indicated in the Typikon of the Great Church and the Minology of Emperor Basil, as well as other Greek manuscripts. A short life of Alexandra was translated into Slavic in the 12th century as part of the Prologue of Constantine of Mokisia. There is no separate service for Alexandra; she is mentioned in the vigil service of the Great Martyr George, where a separate troparion is written for her.

The iconography contains both individual images of Saint Alexandra and scenes from the life of the Great Martyr George: Alexandra’s confession of faith before Diocletian, the condemnation and martyrdom of Saint George. In “Erminia” the image of Alexandra is said in the context of the scene of the execution of George: “At a distance... Queen Alexandra is sitting on a stone, dead; the angel accepts her soul.” The iconographic original says: “Like Catherine, in her likeness.”

Feodorovsky Cathedral in Tsarskoye Selo. Mosaic of the Royal Porch (right side)

In the 19th century in Russia, Alexandra of Rome became the heavenly patron of a number of empresses (Alexandra Feodorovna (empress, wife of Nicholas I), Alexandra Feodorovna (empress, wife of Nicholas II)). During this period, a number of churches in Moscow were consecrated in her honor, including the lower altar of the Church of Prince Joasaph in Izmailovo.

The Holy Queen Alexandra, whose supposed death was recorded in the acts of martyrdom of St. George, compiled immediately after his death, was, however, awarded the crown of martyrdom several years later, in 314.

Many events have happened over the years. Emperor Diocletian abdicated the throne in 305 and power passed to his co-ruler Maximian Galerius (305 - 311), a fanatic of paganism, a rude and cruel warrior.
His wife was the daughter of the holy Queen Alexandra - the holy martyr Valeria, whom Diocletian married against her will during the years of his reign. Saint Alexandra raised her daughter in Christian piety.
When Galerius died, Emperor Maximin began to seek her hand. Having received a refusal, he exiled Saint Valeria to Syria, where she lived with her mother. After the death of Maximinus in 313, mother and daughter arrived in Nicomedia, hoping for the mercy of Emperor Licinius (313 - 324). Together with the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine, he signed the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians freedom of religion, but secretly remained an enemy of Christianity. Licinius ordered the execution of the holy queen Alexandra and her daughter Valeria. They were beheaded and their bodies thrown into the sea.

Icon "Holy Queen Alexandra" in Tsarskoe Selo.

Holy Queen Alexandra Ascended to Heaven
K.P. Bryullov, 1845

The icon “Holy Queen Alexandra” is an extraordinary work in the work of Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. The artist gave the image of the great martyr, Queen Alexandra, portrait features of the youngest daughter of Emperor Nicholas I, Alexandra, who died in 1844 at the age of nineteen.

In Tsarskoe Selo, in the room where Alexandra died, a chapel was set up. In the center of its iconostasis was an icon made by Bryullov.

Troparion of the Martyr Queen Alexandra
voice 4
Having despised the glory of the earthly kingdom, / You loved the One Christ, for the sake of Him who was crucified, / And, having courageously confessed Him, / You were crowned with the crown of martyrdom, / All-blessed Queen Alexandra. / Likewise, now we stand before the Throne of the King of Glory in Heaven, / Praying for the salvation of our souls .

Contemporaries, speaking about the emperor’s eldest daughters, emphasized their special beauty; Adini, as Alexandra Nikolaevna was called in the family circle, noted “the great talent of the soul and heart.” At the age of 18, she was irresistible: “Whoever saw the Grand Duchess then... had to say that heaven had endowed its best creation with all the talents of the spirit and all the splendor of the earth.”
The 22-year-old heir to the Danish throne, Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse, who came to Russia, could not resist the princess’s charm. In January 1844 the wedding took place. During the period when the future seemed to Adini “like the dawn of a beautiful day,” an ailment (consumption) unnoticed by doctors developed, which quickly developed further in connection with pregnancy.
Courageously and resignedly enduring suffering, Alexandra Nikolaevna in July “gave life” to a six-month-old boy, who died 9 minutes after his birth. Five hours later his beautiful mother followed him. All of St. Petersburg dressed in mourning; there was not a dry eye in the city.
In Tsarskoe Selo, in the room where Alexandra died, a chapel was set up. In the center of its iconostasis was an icon made by Bryullov. The icon was ordered by officers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The artist, who ignored the royal orders in every possible way, was shocked by the death of the young creature. He created the image of Alexandra, whom he himself was in awe of. The Preobrazhensky residents presented the icon to the emperor.

Saint Aleksandra, su-pru-ga im-pe-ra-to-ra Dio-kli-ti-a-na, was a secret chri-sti-an-koy. Seeing the firmness of the faith of St. George during his torment, she decided to open the witness about his faith in Jesus Christ. She went to the place where St. Ge-or-gia, fell to the feet of the ve-li-to-mu-che-ni-ka and announced herself in front of everyone as a Christian. The embittered Dio-kli-ti-an drove Tsa-ri-tsu to death. Saint Alexandra courageously accepted this speech and meekly went to the place of execution, praying for casting your gaze to the sky. On the way, she, having become tired, woke up and again allowed her to rest a little. Leaning against the wall of a building, she quietly died. Her peaceful end after April 21, 303, but they commemorate her one day since the Great -ko-mu-che-ni-kom Ge-or-gi-em, 23 ap-re-la according to the church-cov-no-mu ka-len-da-ryu.

The Complete Life of the Martyr Alexandra, Roman Empress

Holy Tsar Aleksandra, about my supposed death, someone was for-pi-sa-but in the holy acts of -th Ge-or-gia, created immediately after his death, s-up-to-beat, one-on-one, much-nothing- a crown a few years later, in 314.

Over the years, many events have happened. Im-pe-ra-tor Dio-kli-ti-an in 305 resigned from the throne, and power passed to his co-grand-vi-te-lyu Mak -si-mi-a-nu Ga-le-riu (305-311), fa-na-ti-ku of the language, rude-bo-mu and same-sto-to-wo-i-nu . His wife was the daughter of the holy queen Alek-san-dra - the holy mu-che-ni-tsa Va-le-ria, whom Dio-kli-ti-an you married her against her will back in the years of your reign. Saint Alexandra raised her daughter in Christian goodness. When Ga-le-riy died, the em-per-ra-tor Mak-si-min began to reach out for her hand. Having received a refusal, he sent Saint Va-le-ria to Syria, where she lived with her mother. After the death of Mak-si-mi-n in 313, mother and daughter arrived in Niko-mi-dia, hoping at the mercy of them-per-ra- to-ra Li-ki-niya (313-324). Together with the holy equal of Tsar Kon-stan-ti-n, he signed the Edict of Milan, which was granted to the -sti-a-we have freedom of faith, but secretly remained an enemy of Christianity. Li-ki-niy came to the Kaz-thread of the holy queen Alek-san-dru and her daughter Va-le-ria. They were decapitated, and they were thrown into the sea.

Alexandra the Queen [Augusta] († 303), mc. (memorial April 23 or 21; memorial April 10). She suffered in Nicomedia along with the martyr. George the Victorious by the sentence of Emperor. Diocletian. A. Ts. believed in Christ, witnessing a miraculous healing by the angel of the Great Martyr. George from the terrible wounds he received from the blades of knives and nails on the torture wheel. She wanted to immediately confess Christ, but the proconsul Magnentius kept her from doing so. Then Alexandra the Tsarina saw how the great martyr. George, buried up to his shoulders for 3 days in a pit with quicklime, emerged from it alive and unharmed. When Alexandra the Tsarina learned that by the power of the sign of the cross the Great Martyr. George smashed all the statues of the gods in the temple of Apollo, she appeared in court and openly confessed Christ, ridiculing the pagan gods and denouncing the emperor of wickedness. After this act, Diocletian ordered the execution of the great martyr. George, and with him Alexandra the Queen, joyfully followed to the execution, but on the way she became exhausted, sat down on a stone by the road and died. According to another version, she, just like the Great Martyr. George's head was cut off.

It can be assumed that Alexandra the Queen was the widow of one of the emperors who preceded Diocletian - from 270 to 284 there were 15 rulers in the empire. In many Russian hagiographic texts and St. Demetrius of Rostov, she is called the wife of Diocletian himself. However, it is known that the only wife of this emperor was Prisca, who died along with her daughter Valeria, the wife of the emperor. Galeria, in 313. Neither in Symeon Metaphrastus, nor in the Vatican Codex of 916, nor in a number of other Byzantines. and lat. ancient texts of Alexandra the Queen is not called the wife of Diocletian. The only exception among the Greeks. sources is a compilation of Theodore Daphnopatus (BHG, N 673/674). Dr. an attempt to identify A.Ts. with Prisca was made already in the 20th century. and is given in the Menaion, published by the MP (April. Part 2, p. 164). Here, the death of Queen Alexandra in 303 is called false and her martyrdom is attributed to 313. However, this hypothesis does not find any confirmation not only in the ancient canonical lives, but also in numerous apocrypha - Latin, Arabic, Syrian, Copt. , Georgian, Ethiopian and even Tocharian, and therefore cannot be accepted.

The short life of Alexandra the Queen has been translated into glory. language in the 12th century as part of the Prologue of Constantine of Mokisia. Memory transferred to the 1st floor. XIV century as part of the Verse Prologue. In the 16th century Life and memory included under April 21. in the VMC (Joseph, archim. Contents of the VMC. Stb. 90).


The memory of Alexandra the Queen is recorded in the Typikon of the Great Church. (IX-X centuries), Minology of the Emperor. Vasily (10th century) and many others. other monthly books (Sergius (Spassky). Monthly books. T. 2. P. 117, 119). In Greek manuscripts of the 19th century (Ath. Vatop. 1104. F. 145-147) the canon of the 2nd tone of Theophanes Inscribed to Alexandra the Queen (Ταμεῖον. R. 189, N 72), which was not included in the printed Menaion, has been preserved. In modern liturgical practice in Greek. and Russian The churches do not follow Alexandra the Queen separately. Alexandra Queen. mentioned in the vigil service (see Signs of the holidays of the month) martyr. St. George the Victorious. The Menea (MP) contains a special troparion to Alexandra.


To Byzantium. and Old Russian art, along with individual images of Alexandra the Queen, is presented in certain scenes from the life of the Great Martyr. St. George the Victorious, condemnation of St. George; confession of faith of Queen Alexandra before the Emperor. Diocletian - in c. Vmch. George in Staro Nagorichino (Macedonia), 1317-1318. (Alexandra the Queen in a chiton and maforia); martyrdom George and Alexandra the Queen - in the wall minology of the narthex c. Ascension of Decani Monastery (Yugoslavia, Kosovo and Metohija), 1348-1350; Conversion of Queen Alexandra to Christianity by the Great Martyr. George - on the hagiographic icon of the Great Martyr. George, beginning XVI century from the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov (CMiAR). In "Erminia" by Dionysius Furnoagrafiot, beginning. XVIII century, Alexandra the Tsarina is mentioned in connection with the beheading of the head of the Grand Martyr. George: “At a distance... Queen Alexandra sits on a stone, dead; an angel receives her soul” (Part 3. § 21. No. 9). In the Bolshakovsky icon painting original, 18th century, it is said about A. Ts.: “Like Catherine, in her likeness.”

Martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome. Icon, late 19th century

Alexandra the Queen is traditionally depicted in a royal robe and a crown on top of a dress, often with a cross in her hand: among the holy women in a medallion - in the painting of Dionysius in c. Nativity of the Most Holy Our Lady of Ferapont Monastery, 1502; with VMC. Varvara - on the fresco of Theophanes the Greek in the c. Savior on Ilyin in Novgorod, 1378; fresco in the Hirlau monastery (Romania), 16th century; with VMC. Catherine - on the Moscow icon "The Fourth Day", con. XIV century (GTG); on the icon “Rejoices in You” from the Solovetsky Monastery, ser. XVI century, (Tretyakov Gallery); with MC. Irina - on an embroidered shroud "Praise of the Virgin Mary", con. XVI century (State Historical Museum), made in the workshop of the nun Queen Alexandra (I. F. Godunova). This iconographic type was preserved in Russian. art XVIII - early. XX centuries: mosaic by F. P. Bryullov in the main iconostasis of St. Isaac's Cathedral, 50s. XIX century (A. Ts. with a palm branch in his hand leans on a sword next to St. Mary Magdalene); mosaics 1894-1907 in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood) in St. Petersburg, the work of V. V. Belyaev (southeastern pillar - Alexandra Tsarina, depicted in full length, and Martyr George) and N. K. Bodarevsky (in the southern. iconostasis); icon of A. Ts. from ts. VMC. Tatiana in Moscow, XIX century; icon with selected saints, c. 1913 (GE), work by V. Guryanov, presented to the royal family during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty; icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" with the image of the Council of the Holy Blessed Princes and Princesses of All Russia and the saints named after the Reigning House, 1910s. (GE), originating from the Alexander Palace of Tsarskoye Selo.

In the 19th century in the name of Alexandra the Queen, who was the patron saint of Russia. empresses, Moscow churches were consecrated: the church of 1835 in the Alexandrinsky Palace in Neskuchny Garden; church of 1835 in the Alexander Military School, on Znamenka (consecrated in the name of Alexandra the Queen in 1851); chapel in the name of St. Nicholas and Alexandra Tsarina 1899 in ts. the Apostles Peter and Paul (1863) in the Khamovniki barracks; chapel in the name of St. Nicholas and Alexandra Tsarina 1894 in ts. prophet Hosea (1890) in the Pokrovsky barracks, where, obviously, the revered icons of the saint were located.

Alexander Bugaevsky, Alexandra Nikiforova


Arch.: Vat. gr. 1660 (916), Paris. gr. 499 (XI century), Paris. gr. 1534 (XI century).

Source: ActaSS. April. T. 3. P. 100-163; VMC. April. M., 1916. P. 862-878; PG. 97. Col. 1169-1192; SynCP. P. 619-620; Casson L., Hettich E. L. Excavations at Nassana II: Literary Papyri. Princeton, 1950. P. 128-142 [papyrus fragments]; Krumbacher K. Der heilige Georg in der griechischen Überlieferung // Abhandlungen der Bayer. Akad. der Wiss. Münch., 1911. Bd. 25. Abh. 3. S. 1-40; 78-83 [publ. Apocrypha]; Muslim legend about Saint George // Ethnographic Review. T. 26. pp. 122-134.

Lit.: Delehaye H. Les légendes grecques des saints militaires. P., 1909. P. 43-52; Bugaevsky A.V., Vladimir (Zorin), abbot. The life, sufferings and miracles of the holy great martyr and Victorious George and the holy martyr Queen Alexandra. M., 1998.

Iconography: Erminia DF. P. 192; Bolshakov. The original is iconographic. M., 1903, 1998. P. 91; Kaster K. G. // LCI. Bd. 5. Sp. 89-90; Mijoviě. Menologist. C. 338; Antonova, Mnyova. T. 1. No. 218. Ill. 168; T. 2. No. 640. Ill. 80; Forty forty. M., 1992-1995. T. 2. No. 38, 90. T. 3. No. 39, 273; Butikov G.P. Museum-monument "Savior on Spilled Blood". St. Petersburg, 1996. P. 87, 95; Vzdornov G.I. Painting of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Ferapontov Monastery (list of compositions) / Museum of Frescoes of Dionysius. M.; Ferapontovo. 1998. P. 11. No. 79; Sinai, Byzantium, Rus'. Orthodox art from the 6th to the beginning of the 20th century. Cat. vyst. / Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai, St. Catherine Foundation, State Hermitage. B. m., 2000, pp. 444-447. R-237, R-239.


Prayer to the martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome:

  • Prayer to the martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome. Queen Alexandra may have been the widow of one of the emperors who preceded Diocletian, under whom she suffered. They pray to her for the gift of strong faith, for help in overcoming temptations and persecution.

Akathist to the martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome:

Canon to the Martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome:

  • Canon to the Martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome:

  • Martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome- Alexander Bugaevsky, Alexandra Nikiforova

The “Thomas” magazine continues the “Thoughts of the Great” column, where sayings and aphorisms of holy fathers, writers, and philosophers are published. Collections of sayings are an ancient tradition dating back to antiquity and early Christianity. Today we invite you to get acquainted with the wise sayings of Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova, the passion-bearer and wife of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

About God and life by faith

True faith is manifested in all our behavior. It's like the sap of a living tree that reaches the farthest branches.

We know that when He denies us our request, then fulfilling it would be to our harm; when He does not lead us along the path we have planned, He is right; when He punishes or corrects us, He does it with love. We know that He does everything for our highest good.

Let others see from the example of your life that faith is more than doctrine or observance of rituals.

The remembrance of past mercies will support faith in God in the trials to come.

Do not lose heart, but calmly trust the will of God, and, no matter what befalls you, endure everything for the glory of the Lord, since after winter comes summer, after night comes day, and after storm comes silence.

The Messiah is called the Servant of God many times in the Old Testament. Service is not something base, it is Divine.

If our love is true and sincere, we always trust in heaven.

What is prayer? This is when we are close to Christ.

Religion makes some people stern and gloomy. But this is not Christian. The religion inspired by the word of Christ is sunny and joyful.

Joy is the hallmark of a Christian. A Christian should never become discouraged; he should never doubt that good will triumph over evil.

If the word of Christ lives in us, it will compel us to help others.

About man and virtues

We must become real people.

To be great means to be happy - this is one of the erroneous opinions that most of humanity has held at almost all times. To be kind means to be happy - this is a secret accessible to those few wise and virtuous who are an adornment not only to themselves, but also an adornment to their neighbors and the Fatherland.

The soul writes its history on the body.

The more humble a person is, the more peace there is in his soul.

Humility is not about talking about your shortcomings, but about enduring others talking about them; in listening to them patiently and even gratefully; in correcting the shortcomings that we are told about; is not to feel hostility towards those who tell us about them.

When doing charity, it is important not to drown in self-esteem.

The basis of a noble character is absolute sincerity.

Purity of thoughts and purity of soul are what truly ennobles.

Encouragement inspires us; if it is not there, many noble opportunities are extinguished.

True wisdom does not consist in the assimilation of knowledge, but in the correct application of it for good.

The first lesson to learn and execute is patience.

If everything is good inside, then nothing will harm the outside.

If you are aware of what you are, you will not pay attention to what people say about you.

Be courageous - that's the main thing.

True virtue is to act without witnesses as one usually acts before the eyes of the world.

Trust your heart, especially when this trust is good, listen to it.

Anyone who has done good should not talk about it, but if they boast about it, goodness loses its nobility...

Give without looking for anything in return, without calculating benefits in the future; give to children, the elderly, the dying, those who cannot repay, and those whom you will never see again, otherwise it will not be a benefit, but a bargain; try to help even your enemies. Do not trust the distribution of your alms to dubious intermediaries, otherwise the very act, which the Apostle called “labor of love” (1 Sol. 1:3), will be in doubt. With your own hand, do what your heart tells you. In this way you will become acquainted with the life and needs of the poor - the creatures of Christ.

The longer I live, the more clearly I understand that the main difference between people strong and weak, great and insignificant is energy, invincible determination, a firm goal, in which even death is victory.

A person is never so beautiful as when he prays for his own forgiveness or the forgiveness of another.

Morality is what determines the meaning of any action - vain or otherworldly meaning.

The most difficult thing a person must overcome is himself.

Relationships between people. Love, family

The life of humanity is a large common life of individual human creatures. It is necessary to understand that the existence of one person separately from all other people is the same as if a person existed separately from the cells of his own body.

Each person has a sacred responsibility for the happiness and highest good of the other until the end of his life.

We must try to ensure that everything we do, our whole life, is for the benefit of other people. We must live in such a way that we do not harm anyone, so that our life serves as an example for others.

Trying to make your neighbors happy is the path to your own happiness.

Most arguments between people are pointless. They are caused either by the intervention of strangers, or by frivolous words, or by the action of unrepentant sins.

What people around us need most is just kindness.

Kind words always connect.

No one deserves a greater reward than peacemakers.

The possibilities of helping people simply by talking to them are almost endless. One who knows how to speak with conviction, knows how to speak the language of love, can inspire others to good and wonderful deeds, console their grief, cheer up those who are discouraged, enlighten those who are inexperienced - can help others in a thousand ways.

Adversity is the time when you need to support your neighbor.

There are many people in the world who have fallen into despair, and we must be able to tell them a word of hope or do a good deed that will lead them out of hopelessness and give them strength to return to a joyful, full life.

He who stops helping others becomes a burden to himself.

Every new friend who comes into our lives trusts us. The most correct concept of friendship is that it gives us the opportunity to serve, help, protect another. The moment we make a new friend is a sacred moment. This is another life entrusted to us so that we can be a blessing to it, bring beauty to it, be its refuge and protection.

Fill your days with love. Forget yourself and remember others. If someone needs your kindness, then show this kindness immediately, now... If your heart longs for words of encouragement, gratitude, support, say these words today.

One word covers everything - the word “love”. The word “love” contains a whole volume of thoughts about life and duty, and when we study it closely and carefully, each of them appears clearly and distinctly.

How sweet are the words of Truth, carried by the breath of love.

Only that life is worthy in which there is sacrificial love.

Jesus demands love not only as a wonderful feeling, but as a love that permeates all daily life, affecting relationships with all people.

There cannot be deep and sincere love where selfishness rules. Perfect love is perfect self-denial.

Life is too short to waste it fighting and arguing, especially within the sacred circle of family.

As long as you love, you forgive.

Marriage is a Divine rite. He was part of God's plan when He created man. This is the closest and most sacred connection on earth.

Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and on its own, but requires time and constant care.

Love requires special delicacy. You can be sincere and devoted, and yet your speeches and actions may lack that tenderness that so captivates hearts... The closer the relationship, the more painful the heart is from a look, tone, gesture or word that speaks of irritability or is simply thoughtless.

Without purity it is impossible to imagine true femininity. Even in the midst of this world, mired in sins and vices, it is possible to maintain this holy purity.

You can tell what a woman is like by the home she creates.

A woman is endowed with the gift of sympathy, delicacy, and the ability to inspire. This makes her seem like a messenger of Christ with a mission to alleviate human suffering and sorrow.

Attitude towards women is the best way to test a man's nobility.

Parents should be what they want their children to be - not in words, but in deeds. They must teach their children by the example of their lives.

Childhood songs are never forgotten. Memories of them lie under the burden of years filled with worries, like delicate flowers under the snow in winter.

The importance of the environment is vital. We do not yet fully understand how much the atmosphere in the home where children grow up means for the development of their character. The very first place for us where we learn truth, honesty, love is our home - the most dear place for us in the world.

Life. Pacification

Every day is life in miniature.

We often lose what is dear to us, chasing the unattainable.

How many opportunities we miss to do good without even realizing the value of what we missed!

Due to constant troubles and worries, we do not reveal even half of the good that is in us.

The meaning of life is not to do what you like, but to do what you should do with love.

Go forward, make mistakes, fall and get up again, just keep going.

Often more heavenly grace is required for ordinary things than for great ones.

No person is so poor that he can consider himself like that. Wisdom is for a person to allow the Lord to decide everything for him.

Everyone has their place, and everyone is important in their place. The smallest and most insignificant also have their places, and it is necessary that these small places be filled as well as the places occupied by the most important and significant individuals.

Never lose heart and never let others lose heart.

We are creators. Human lives are everywhere, like unfinished buildings, and everyone who passes by places a brick on the wall or adds some decoration. Everyone with whom we come into contact, who speaks even a word to us, who even influences us from afar, leaves in our character a touch of beauty or a sign of something bad.

We must remain in our place, do our duty, bear our burden, do God's will. This is the path to peace of mind.

The peace that the Lord gives us is peace of the soul - not external peace, not idleness. One can enjoy it to the fullest, and at the same time continuously work and endure suffering and pain. Some of the best Christians the world has ever known were the greatest sufferers, but at the same time, nothing could disturb their peace of mind.

Only those who have peace in their souls can do their jobs well. A restless mind is not suitable for good work.

Worry makes us weak.

An irritated mind cannot think clearly.

Peace is a Divine gift, but at the same time, we must learn it. Learn by taking upon yourself the yoke of Christ.

The kindest thing a teacher can do for his students is to teach them to lead a life full of faith and courage - a life of winners.

Biography of Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova

Alexandra Feodorovna (Feodorovna, née Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt; June 6, 1872 - July 17, 1918) - Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II (since 1894).

The future empress was born in 1872 in Darmstadt (Germany), in the family of the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine, Ludwig IV, and Duchess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. On July 1, 1872, she was baptized according to the Lutheran rite.

Alice was Queen Victoria's favorite granddaughter.

At the age of 12 years (1884), Princess Alice first came to Russia for the wedding of her older sister Ella (in Orthodoxy - Elizaveta Fedorovna), who married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich.

Then in 1889, Alice visited Russia for the second time at the invitation of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. During this visit, the princess met Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich.

The young people immediately drew attention to each other, but they had to fight for their happiness, because the parents of the Tsarevich were against them. On April 6, 1894, a manifesto announced the engagement of Nicholas and Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt.

For several months before the wedding, Alice studied the basics of Orthodoxy and the Russian language, and on October 21 (November 2), 1894, in Livadia (Crimea), she accepted Orthodoxy through confirmation with the name Alexandra and patronymic Fedorovna (Feodorovna).

On November 14 (26), 1894, the wedding of Alexandra and Nicholas II took place in the Great Church of the Winter Palace. They had four daughters: Olga (November 3/15, 1895), Tatyana (May 29/June 10, 1897), Maria (June 14/26, 1899) and Anastasia (June 5/18, 1901).

Some time later, on July 30 (August 12), 1904, a long-awaited son, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, was born into the family of the young emperor. But to the great misfortune of the entire royal family, he inherited a serious illness on his mother’s side - hemophilia.

Nicholas and Alexandra bravely endured this ordeal, surrounding the crown prince with tender care and love. It was a truly friendly Christian family, where parents were able to give their children a good upbringing by word and example.

During the First World War, in Tsarskoe Selo, where the imperial family lived most of the time, a hospital was equipped for wounded soldiers, and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, along with her daughters Olga and Tatiana, worked there as surgical nurses (having undergone preliminary training).

On March 8 (21), 1917, after the February Revolution, the imperial family was arrested in accordance with the resolution of the Provisional Government and was for some time under home confinement in the Alexander Palace, then, at the beginning of August 1917, they were exiled to Tobolsk, and in April 1918, by decision of the Bolsheviks - to Yekaterinburg.

In Yekaterinburg, on the night of July 17, 1918, in the basement of the house of the merchant Ipatiev, the royal family suffered martyrdom: Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and their children were shot...

In August 2000, Emperor Nicholas II and all members of the royal family were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as holy passion-bearers.

The holy martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome was the wife of Emperor Diocletian (284 - 305). He went down in history as a zealous idolater and cruel persecutor of Christians.

At one of the meetings of his Senate in Nicomedia in 303, Diocletian gave all his subjects the right to freely deal with believers in one God, while promising his support.

Having learned about such an order, the holy martyr George the Victorious was not afraid to declare himself a believer in God and go against the emperor. According to the old style, April 23 is considered the day of his memory, but according to the new calendar, this day falls on May 6.

In response to this behavior, Diocletian ordered the apostate to be subjected to the most terrible torture that existed at that time at court. But God saved the saint: suddenly thunder roared, and everyone heard the Divine voice promising his support and calling on George not to be afraid of anything. At that very moment the martyr was healed by an Angel.

Everyone, including the emperor, was terribly afraid. However, the horror did not bring Diocletian to his senses. The people who witnessed this event believed in the Lord of Christians.

At the same time, the emperor’s wife, the pagan Queen Alexandra, also came to know the true God. She, like George, wanted to declare her faith to the emperor. But the eparch, who learned about this, took her to the palace in order to keep her from confessing to her husband and thereby save her life.

The next morning, hearing the screams of the newly tortured George, Alexandra hurried to the place of torture. She tried to make her way through the crowd of people and loudly called on God to help her, calling him All-Powerful and One. She fell at the feet of George and in front of everyone began to glorify Christ and humiliate idols and those who worship them.

Distraught with indignation, Diocletian ordered that not only George, but also his wife be put to death. She, without any resistance, calmly followed the holy martyr. The queen was exhausted by the road, and she fell against the wall, losing consciousness. People thought that the woman had died, and her imaginary death was recorded in documents drawn up after the execution of George.

In fact, the queen died only a few years later: in 319. She suffered a martyr's end at the same time as her own daughter Valeria, who was also canonized.

Over these few years, many events have happened. In 305, Maximian Galerius (303-311) began governing the country. The former emperor voluntarily renounced power.

The new ruler was an evil pagan and warrior. His wife was Valeria, the daughter of Alexandra, who was forced into marriage during the reign of her father. Alexandra raised her daughter in accordance with the laws of the Christian faith. After the death of Galerius, Emperor Maximin wanted to marry her. But after Valeria refused him, he exiled her and Alexandra to Syria.

In 313, Maximinus dies, and mother and daughter travel to Nicomedia in the hope that Emperor Licinius will spare them. After all, they, together with Tsar Constantine, signed an agreement according to which all Christians were allowed to freely practice their faith. However, they did not know that in his heart the emperor hated Christians. He gave the order to behead the holy women. The emperor's order was carried out, the women were executed, and their bodies were thrown to the seabed. Thus, Queen Alexandra, having accepted the crown of martyrdom from God, ended her life on earth.

In Rus', the holy Queen Alexandra has always been revered. Many temples consecrated their thrones in honor of her. Alexandra of Rome was the beloved saint and patroness of Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, who also suffered martyrdom in 1918 in the basement