Heroes of our time. Five stories about people who stepped into immortality

« Great men of military feat"

intellectual KTD dedicated to the Day

P asport KTD:

Time spending

(musical introduction sounds - P.I. Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto with Orchestra, after the chord introduction the music fades out, against the background of the music, fifth-graders read poetry)

More than once in the history of the country
Clouds were gathering over Russia.
It happened that our land was burned
Enemies burst into Rus' by force.

And now it seems the end -
The whole earth was stained with blood,
But the funeral groan of hearts
The great spirit of Russia awakened.

This is how it happened in Rus':
Captivity is worse than death.
And it’s better to die in the heat of battle,
Than a slave spirit, loss of honor.

Both old and young stood in a row,
And, having sipped the wine with his lips,
Having driven fear into the depths of my soul,
They went into mortal combat in the fight against enemies.

And without sparing your belly,
They saved Mother Russia.
Having cleared the land of the enemy,
Worldly affairs will call again.

And the land will be plowed,
The grain in the fields will begin to spike.
The poplars will throw the fluff to the ground,
The bread will be taken away - and it’s time to get married.

This is how Mother Russia lives,
There are endless spaces around.
Trouble will come and the Army will rise,
Forgetting about squabbles and discord.

Rus' - I share my life with you,
And being together is a matter of honor for us.
I cry and sing with you,
We are together in times of trouble and joy!

Leading (teacher) - Our country has always been a country with a huge historical culture, and our history is rich in examples of great feats of arms. There are so many difficult turning points in the history of Russia! But she survived! But she not only survived, but also won! And of course, the credit for this goes to the great people of military feat -


(photos and reproductions of portraits are shown, instrumental music is played)

Leading 4 teams will fight for the right to be called the most erudite team! Meet the 5th "A" class team, commander - Ivan Novichkov! (applause)

- Team 5 “B” is led to victory by Vladislav Komshin! (applause)

I present the 5th “B” class team and its commander Yegor Burlakov! (applause)

If the captain’s name is Hikmet Zarbaliev, then the 5th “G” class team is participating in the KTD! (applause)

Our jury will monitor the work of the teams and the results of the competitions. I present the judging team:

(presentation of the jury members)

IN riding – We check the readiness of the teams and the equipment of the gaming tables. And let's start KTD! The first competition "Portrait". Determine whose portrait this is. On the tables there are cards with numbers from 1 to 6. I call the heroes of our KTD, each portrait has a number, you must determine under which number the portrait of this or that person is located. The work of the teams is monitored by the jury. The maximum number of points a team can earn is 6.

(1 competition is held, after which slides with the correct answers are shown)

IN riding – The second competition is “Feat of Arms”. Attention, task! On the screen are the names of people who performed great feats of arms in the history of our country. And next to it are the names of battles and battles. Determine what battles or battles these people participated in. There are nameplates on the gaming tables, I name a historical event, and you must pick up the plaque from the hero.

The correct answer is 1 point, the maximum number of points is 6.

(2 competitions are held, after which slides with the correct answers are shown)

Leading – The next competition is “The Fifth Step”. I will ask 5 questions about one of the featured heroes of our evening. 1 is the most difficult. If you find out who we are talking about, raise the signal card. The correct answer is 5 points. The second clue is simpler, worth 4 points. So to the last - the simplest tip. For her - 1 point.

About G.K. Zhukov:

1 – began his career first as an apprentice, then as a master furrier.

2 - commanded in the battles on the Khalkhin Gol River in Mongolia.

3 – born into the family of a poor peasant in the Kaluga province.

4 – in the army since 1915, participated in the First World War.

About F.F. Ushakov:

1 – Was elected head of the militia of the Tambov Province

2 – in the battle of Fidonisi he defeated the superior forces of the Turks

3 -Died on his estate and was buried in the Sinakar Monastery

4 – Graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps

5 – At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1781. - commander of the battleship "St. Paul"

About M.I. Kutuzov:

1 – headed the emergency Russian embassy in Constantinople

2- Participated in the assault on Izmail, commanded a column

3 – In 1801 – 1802 was the military governor of St. Petersburg.

4 – During the Battle of Austerlitz, he managed to save the retreating Russian troops from complete defeat

5 – In 1774, during the Russian-Turkish War, near Alushta he was seriously wounded in the temple and right eye.

(A 3rd competition is held, after which slides with the correct answers are shown)

Leading – It’s the turn of the “Strong Link” competition. This is a competition for captains. The captain reads the information and retells it to the team. The team determines who is being talked about. But you only have 1 minute to read the text! The captain is not participating in the discussion! For the correct answer the team receives 2 points.Captains, please receive envelopes with texts!

(Captains are given the text)


When it became known that the Moscow boyars were helping the enemy and handing over Russia, unprecedented excitement arose among the people. People were indignant and outraged. And then letters began to circulate throughout the cities and regions, appealing to all residents to protect the Motherland and expel its enemies. These calls were sent out from the Trinity Lavra - the same monastery that was once founded by Sergius of Radonezh. They were written by monks who with all their souls wanted speedy deliverance from the invaders. The certificates were read in public places with a huge crowd of people. Those who listened to them naturally clenched their fists and their eyes lit up with anger.

One such letter fell into the hands of one resident of Nizhny Novgorod. He read the letters and lost peace. Now he was constantly burning with the thought: how to help his homeland, how to save it?

He was not a military man, although at one time he served in the royal regiments. He ran a butcher shop and was engaged in trading. He was no longer young.

He understood: in order to expel the enemies, large military forces and a lot of weapons would be needed. All this required a lot of money. Where can I get them?

And he decided to shout a cry to his fellow countrymen of Nizhny Novgorod, to say a warm word.

(The 4th competition is held, after which slides with the correct answer are shown)

IN riding – Competition “Contemporaries”. Identify contemporaries - people who lived in the same historical era as our heroes. I will name 3 names, the team must determine who is not a contemporary and raise a sign with the answer number. Signs with numbers are on your tables. The maximum number of points you can earn is 5!

(The 5th competition is held, after which slides with the correct answers are shown)

Leading – All the collective creative competitions “Great Men of Military Feat” are behind us. During the competition, each team and spectators had the opportunity to check the correctness of their answers, but probably not everyone succeeded in calculating the points. Therefore, it’s the jury’s word!

(the jury sums up the results, presents certificates to the teams, the winning team receives prizes - books on the history of Russia, everyone is awarded certificates of participation in the KTD)

Fifth-graders take the stage

1 - At all times, the unity of the people has been and will be the main national idea for our country.

2 - The unity of the people is what connects our past, present and future.

3- In the most difficult times for the Motherland, it was the unity of the people that made it possible to overcome the turmoil, defeat the enemy and open the way to the well-being of the Fatherland.

4 - That’s why it’s so important to preserve historical traditions and respect the culture of people of different faiths and beliefs, speaking different languages

1 - Let us always remember that we, Russians, are a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

2 - Let's work together for the well-being of our homeland.

3 - We are all united by Russia, and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good!

4 - Everything passes. The Motherland remains -

Something that will never change.

They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicing.

Falling and rising...

And a lot more will be done,

Kohl is called to the future journey.

But the feelings of the Motherland are brighter and purer

People will never find it.


Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to all fraternal peoples and good neighbors, to everyone who wants to live peacefully on earth! And on the eve of National Unity Day, I wish everyone the kindest, brightest and most beautiful things! See you again!

(songs are played about Russia, the Motherland, classes leave the assembly hall)

Incomprehensible and incredible Russia. This is how our Motherland appears before the eyes of our opponents and enemies. Even those of them who initially underestimated the people inhabiting our country, at the cost of enormous losses, recognized the immutable truth: Russia is invincible. Our history contains many such examples.

“Never fight with the Russians. They will respond to your every military trick with unpredictable stupidity,” warned German Chancellor Otho von Bismarck back in the 19th century.

Only he called stupidity what those who attacked our land could not understand. This is courage, heroism, incredible self-sacrifice, and the fortitude of the people inhabiting our country.

So what do the losers say about us? Those who set out to conquer the freest people.

“My God, what are these Russians planning to do to us? We’ll all die here!”

The greatest feat was accomplished by the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. At the cost of millions of lives, the country won the bloodiest war in world history. The desperate resistance and heroism of Soviet soldiers amazed even the Germans, who initially considered the Slavs to be “subhuman.”

When the Nazis set foot on Russian soil, they immediately encountered fierce resistance. The Nazi army, which easily conquered all of Europe, did not expect such a rebuff at all.

German officer Erich Mende recalled the words of his superior, who fought with the Russians during the First World War: “Here, in these vast expanses, we will find our death, like Napoleon. Mende, remember this hour, it marks the end of the old Germany.”

From the first days of the war, German soldiers and unit commanders noted that the war with the Russians was radically different from what it was in Europe. The Germans were amazed by the tenacity and perseverance of the Russian soldier in defense - never giving up and always emerging victorious.

This is how on June 22, 1941, when enemy forces took the defenders of the Brest Fortress by surprise, Franz Halder, chief of staff of the High Command of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, described in his diary:

“Where the Russians were knocked out or smoked out, new forces soon appeared. They crawled out of basements, houses, sewer pipes and other temporary shelters, fired with precision, and our losses continually grew.”

One of the German soldiers who fought at Stalingrad surprisingly accurately reflected in his diary the incredible qualities of Soviet soldiers.

“October 1. Our assault battalion reached the Volga. More precisely, there are still 500 meters to the Volga. Tomorrow we will be on the other side and the war is over.”

"October 3. There is very strong fire resistance, we cannot overcome these 500 meters. We are standing on the border of some kind of grain elevator."

"October 10. Where are these Russians coming from? The elevator is no longer there, but every time we approach it, fire is heard from underground."

“It turned out that the elevator was defended by 18 Russians, we found 18 corpses.”

A battalion of 350-700 people could not break the resistance of eighteen soldiers for two weeks.

“I’ve never seen anyone more evil than these Russians. Real watchdogs! You never know what to expect from them. And where do they get tanks and everything else?!”, recalled another German military man.

What is good for a Russian is death for a German.

Many also noted the close communication with nature of Russian people and his unpretentiousness in food and comfort.

The chief of staff of the 4th Wehrmacht Army, General Günther Blumentritt, wrote: “Close communication with nature allows the Russians to move freely at night in the fog, through forests and swamps. They are not afraid of the dark, endless forests and cold. They are no stranger to winter when the temperature drops to minus 45.”

The cold and endless expanses of our Motherland did not really appeal to the German invaders. The same Blumentritt argued that the endless and melancholic expanses of Russia had a depressing effect on the Germans, accustomed to small territories. This influence was especially intensified in autumn or winter, when the landscape was transformed. At this time, the German soldier felt insignificant and lost.

Another Wehrmacht general, Friedrich Wilhelm von Mellenthin, noted that the strength of the Russian soldier lies in his special closeness to nature. He wrote that for Russian people there are no such natural obstacles as swamps, swamps, or impenetrable forests. Under these conditions, the Russians felt at home, Mellenthin marveled. They easily crossed wide rivers using the most basic means at hand and could build roads everywhere.

“In a few days, the Russians build many kilometers of roads through impassable swamps,” Mellenthin wrote.

The Germans also noted with bewilderment that the Russians practically did not surrender and fought to the last soldier. This worried them very much, because a person for whom duty and Motherland are more valuable than life is invincible.

Thousands of partisans also stood up to defend our Motherland behind enemy lines. For the Germans, by their own admission, the fight against the partisan movement turned into a real nightmare.

The world has never known such mass heroism as during the Great Patriotic War. Such self-sacrifice has no analogues in the entire history of mankind. Similar heroic deeds, when soldiers covered the embrasures of pillboxes with their chests, were performed by hundreds of Soviet soldiers. Neither the Germans nor the representatives of the Allied forces did anything like this.

Russians do not surrender or “attack of the dead”.

The heroism of the Russian people was manifested not only during the Second World War. It was recognized by our enemies during the First World War. Then Germany easily defeated the armies of France and England, which were considered the strongest in Europe. At the same time, just as during World War II, it faced an “insurmountable obstacle” - Russia. The Germans could not help but note the fierce resistance of the Russian soldiers until their last breath, even when death was inevitable, which is why they fought even more courageously.

According to the recollections of many of our opponents, both in the First and Second World Wars, the Russians went on the attack, even knowing that the enemy’s forces significantly exceeded their own. However, despite the fact that our army in many wars was significantly inferior both in the technical component and in the number of soldiers, it managed to win incredible victories. History is replete with such examples. The Germans in both the First and Second World Wars were perplexed: how could the Russians win victories when the German army was technically much better equipped, when their forces outnumbered ours?

Major Kurt Hesse wrote: “Those who fought against the Russians in the Great War will forever retain in their souls deep respect for this enemy. Without the large technical means that we had at our disposal, only weakly supported by our artillery, the sons of the Siberian steppes had to withstand the fight against us for weeks and months. Bleeding, they courageously performed their duty.”

The birth of the legendary phrase “Russians do not give up!” usually associated with an event that took place on the battlefields of the First World War.

In 1915, Russian troops held the defense of the Osovets fortress, which was located on the territory of modern Belarus. The command gave the order to hold out for 48 hours, but one small Russian garrison defended itself for 190 days.

For several months in a row, the Germans bombed the fortress day and night. Thousands of shells and bombs were dropped on the defenders of the fortress. There were very few of them, but there was always the same answer to the offer to surrender.

Then on the morning of August 6, 1915, the Germans used poisonous gases against the defenders. They deployed 30 gas batteries opposite the fortress. Our soldiers had almost no gas masks or any means of protection against chemical weapons at their disposal.

Every living thing on the territory of the fortress was poisoned. The grass turned black, and a toxic layer of chlorine oxide lay on the surface of the guns. Immediately after the gas attack, the enemy used artillery and 7,000 soldiers moved to storm Russian positions.

The Germans believed that the fortress had already been taken; they did not expect to meet anyone alive on its territory...

And at that moment, a Russian counterattack fell on them from a poisonous green fog. The soldiers, who numbered a little more than sixty, walked to their full height. For every Russian warrior there were more than a hundred opponents. But they walked to the bayonet quarters, shaking with coughing and spitting out pieces of their lungs onto their bloody tunics. Everyone moved forward as one, with the sole purpose of crushing the Germans.

The Russian soldiers, who, it would seem, should have already been dead, plunged the Germans into such genuine horror that they rushed back. They fled in panic, trampling each other, hanging on barbed wire fences. At this time, the revived Russian artillery hit them.

Several dozen half-dead Russian soldiers put several well-equipped enemy battalions to flight.

Another example where incredible fortitude and courage accomplished the seemingly impossible. “Attack of the Dead” became an immortal feat of the Russian people.

We say Russians, but we mean many nationalities, because our country is a multinational and multi-confessional state, united under the banner of Great Russia. On the battlefields of both the First and Second World Wars, representatives of various nationalities died and performed great feats. All of them created the history of Russian military glory.

This material is dedicated to the heroes of our time. Real, not fictitious citizens of our country. Those people who do not film incidents on their smartphones, but are the first to rush to help the victims. Not out of vocation or professional duty, but out of a personal sense of patriotism, responsibility, conscience and understanding that this is right.

In the great past of Russia - Rus', the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, there were many heroes who glorified the state throughout the world, and who did not disgrace the name and honor of its citizen. And we honor their enormous contributions. Every day, brick by brick, building a new, strong country, regaining lost patriotism, pride and recently forgotten heroes.

We should all remember that in the modern history of our country, in the 21st century, many worthy feats and heroic deeds have already been accomplished! Actions that deserve your attention.

Read the stories of the exploits of “ordinary” residents of our Motherland, take an example and be proud!

Russia is coming back.

In May 2012, for saving a nine-year-old child, a twelve-year-old boy, Danil Sadykov, was awarded the Order of Courage in Tatarstan. Unfortunately, his father, also a Hero of Russia, received the Order of Courage for him.

At the beginning of May 2012, a small child fell into a fountain, the water in which suddenly became under high voltage. There were a lot of people around, everyone shouted, calling for help, but did nothing. Only Danil made the decision. It is obvious that his father, who received the title of hero after worthy service in the Chechen Republic, raised his son correctly. Courage is in the Sadykovs’ blood. As investigators later found out, the water was energized at 380 volts. Danil Sadykov managed to pull the victim onto the side of the fountain, but by that time he himself received a severe electric shock. For his heroism and dedication in saving a person in extreme conditions, 12-year-old Danil, a resident of Naberezhnye Chelny, was awarded the Order of Courage, unfortunately posthumously.

The commander of the communications battalion, Sergei Solnechnikov, died on March 28, 2012 during an exercise near Belogorsk in the Amur Region.

During the grenade throwing exercise, an emergency situation occurred - a grenade, after being thrown by a conscript, hit the parapet. Solnechnikov jumped up to the private, pushed him aside and covered the grenade with his body, saving not only him, but also many people around. Awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In the winter of 2012, in the village of Komsomolsky, Pavlovsky district, Altai Territory, children were playing on the street near the store. One of them, a 9-year-old boy, fell into a sewer well with ice water, which was not visible due to large snowdrifts. If it weren’t for the help of 17-year-old teenager Alexander Grebe, who accidentally saw what happened and did not jump into the icy water after the victim, the boy could have become another victim of adult negligence.

On a Sunday in March 2013, two-year-old Vasya was walking near his house under the supervision of his ten-year-old sister. At this time, Sergeant Major Denis Stepanov went to see his friend on business and, waiting for him behind the fence, watched the child’s pranks with a smile. Hearing the sound of snow sliding off the slate, the fireman instantly rushed to the baby and, jerking him aside, took the blow of the snowball and ice.

Twenty-two-year-old Alexander Skvortsov from Bryansk unexpectedly became a hero of his city two years ago: he pulled seven children and their mother out of a burning house.

In 2013, Alexander was visiting the eldest daughter of a neighboring family, 15-year-old Katya. The head of the family went to work early in the morning, everyone was asleep at home, and he locked the door. In the next room, a mother of many children was busy with the kids, the youngest of whom was only three years old, when Sasha smelled smoke.

First of all, everyone logically rushed to the door, but it turned out to be locked, and the second key lay in the parents’ bedroom, which had already been cut off by fire.

“I was confused, first of all I started counting the children,” says Natalya, mother. “I couldn’t call the fire department or anything, even though I had the phone in my hands.”
However, the guy was not at a loss: he tried to open the window, but it was tightly sealed for the winter. With a few blows from the stool, Sasha knocked out the frame, helped Katya get out and handed the rest of the children what they were wearing into her arms. I dropped my mom off last.

“When I started to climb out, the gas suddenly exploded,” says Sasha. – My hair and face were singed. But he’s alive, the children are safe, and that’s the main thing. I don’t need gratitude.”

The youngest citizen of Russia to become a holder of the Order of Courage in our country is Evgeniy Tabakov.

Tabakov’s wife was only seven years old when the bell rang in the Tabakovs’ apartment. Only Zhenya and his twelve-year-old sister Yana were at home.

The girl opened the door without being at all wary - the caller introduced himself as a postman, and since it was extremely rare for strangers to appear in the closed city (the military town of Norilsk - 9), Yana let the man in.

The stranger grabbed her, put a knife to her throat and began to demand money. The girl struggled and cried, the robber ordered her younger brother to look for money, and at that time he began to undress Yana. But the boy could not leave his sister so easily. He went into the kitchen, took a knife and stabbed the criminal in the lower back with a running start. The rapist fell from pain and released Yana. But it was impossible to deal with the repeat offender with childish hands. The criminal got up, attacked Zhenya and stabbed him several times. Later, experts counted eight puncture wounds on the boy’s body that were incompatible with life. At this time, my sister knocked on the neighbors and asked them to call the police. Hearing the noise, the rapist tried to escape.

However, the bleeding wound of the little defender that left a mark and the loss of blood did their job. The repeat offender was immediately captured, and the sister, thanks to the heroic act of the boy, remained safe and healthy. The feat of a seven-year-old boy is the act of a person with an established life position. The act of a real Russian soldier who will do everything to protect his family and his home.

It’s not uncommon to hear conditional liberals blinded by the West or voluntarily blindfolded, dogmatic Advisors declare that all the best is in the West and this is not in Russia, and all the heroes lived in the past, therefore our Russia is not their Motherland...

Let's leave the ignorant in their ignorance, and turn our attention to modern heroes. Little ones and adults, ordinary passers-by and professionals. Let's pay attention - and let's take an example from them, let's stop remaining indifferent to our own country and our citizens.

The hero commits an action. This is an act that not everyone, perhaps even a few, would dare to do. Sometimes such valiant people are awarded with medals, orders, and if they do without any signs, then with human memory and inescapable gratitude.

Your attention, and knowledge of your heroes, the understanding that you should be no worse - is the best tribute to the memory of such people and their valiant and most worthy deeds.

The scenario of the solemn event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day fulfills educational and educational tasks, so the presented holiday can be held both within the framework of subject history weeks, and in terms of organizing extracurricular activities as an independent event.

The event shows the connection between historical events and modernity, which is very relevant.

Goals: To increase knowledge about the history of our Motherland, to develop a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for one’s country through the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime, to show the historical connection of generations, to awaken educational interest in the history of the state and its culture.

Progress of the event

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that unites generations of defenders Russian land. This is the day on which we are obliged to remember the heroes of the liberation wars that were fought on the territory of our country not only in the twentieth century, but also earlier.

We bow to the courage of the heroes of the war of 1812, to the defenders of the Russian land during the difficult time of troubles, to the memory of Russian warriors from the squads of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy...

The heroic pages of our history teach us to deeply respect the military exploits of our ancestors, defenders of the Fatherland, who spared neither strength nor lives to preserve the independence of our state and the safety of its inhabitants.

We must remember the heroes who gave their lives so that we could live. Remember and be worthy of their memory.

The chronicle of Russian history is filled with many glorious events. In the first half of the 13th century, the world was shocked by an unprecedented invasion that swept away entire peoples and states in its path. From the depths of the Asian steppes, black clouds of Mongol-Tatar cavalry moved towards European civilization.

Khan Batu came to Rus'. Russian cities were on fire.

“Many, countless people died. And there was crying and crying and sadness throughout the cities and villages.”

In the summer of 1237, the godless Tatars came to the Ryazan land and began to fight the Ryazan land. Grand Duke Yuri died in a battle with Mongol regiments. Having ruined the Ryazan land, Batu left to ruin Vladimir.

At that moment, Evpatiy Kolovrat, who was in Chernigov during the invasion, rushed to Ryazan. Gathering a squad of 1,700 people, he suddenly attacked the Tatars.

“And he chopped them down so mercilessly that even the swords became dull, and the Russian warriors took Tatar swords and flogged the enemy.”

Evpatiy Kolovrat died in another hopeless and desperate battle, but his memory lives on.

From Olshany to Sviva Zavod
They know songs about Evpatiy
They are sung by the white nobles
To the servile homespun.
Even though there are a lot of songs
Not a word is respected.
The praises of that prowess cannot be counted
Do not glorify bold valor. (S. Yesenin)

– The great defender of the Russian Land was Prince of Novgorod Alexander Nevsky, who went down in history as the winner of the German dog knights, who defended the independence of the northwestern Russian land.

On blue and wet
Peipus crackling ice
At sixteen seven hundred and fiftieth
From creation year
On Saturday the fifth of April
Damp dawn sometimes
Advanced considered
The marching Germans are in a dark formation.
Everything was devilishly beautiful
As if these gentlemen
Having already broken our strength,
We went here for a walk.
Ice below us, sky above us,
Our cities are behind us,
No forest, no land, no bread
Never take it again.
All night, crackling like tar, they burned
Behind us are red fires.
We warmed our hands before the battle,
So that the axes do not slip.
Angle forward, especially from everyone,
Dressed in fur coats, army jackets,
They stood dark with anger
Pskov foot regiments.
The prince placed them in the middle,
To be the first to take the pressure,
Reliable in dark times
A man's forged axe!
Today by the power of the people
He blocked the way with the Livonians,
And the one who took the risk today -
He risked all of Russia.
And, only after waiting for the Livonians,
Having mixed ranks, they were drawn into battle,
He, blazing his sword in the sun,
He led the squad behind him.
It was a severe mess
Iron, blood and water
In place of knightly detachments
There were bloody trails.

Soon after the defeat on Lake Peipus, the crusaders sent envoys asking for peace. Alexander Nevsky replied:

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. This is what the Russian land stands for and will stand for.”

The struggle for liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke was long and bloody. Its apotheosis was the battle on the Kulikovo Field. In this battle, the talent of Dmitry Donskoy was fully demonstrated.

Khan Mamai in 1380 decided to carry out the second Batya invasion of Rus'. Saint Sergius of Radonezh blessed Grand Duke Dmitry to fight Mamai.

“... And both great forces came together menacingly, firmly fighting, brutally destroying each other, not only from weapons, but also from the terrible crowding under the horse’s hooves, they gave up their spirits, for it was impossible for everyone to fit on that Kulikovo field... And there was a crash and great thunder from broken spears and blows of swords.”

The victory of the Russian people on the Kulikovo field is a turning point in Russian history. This event is forever inscribed in the chronicles of the history of Rus', Russia. The heroes of Nepryadva and the Don stand in the same ranks of fighters for the freedom and honor of the Motherland, and this is how they will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

September morning in the fog,
like fear and courage in one person.
Donskoy's troops, a horde of infidels
ready to get together. And they will get together forever.
Mountains of cut corpses will remain,
grief will grow old in widow's sheepskin coats.
Both glory and blood - the horse is knee-deep.
Heroes decay, but glory is imperishable.
Hunter, and smerd, and bearded fisherman
forever known as the Unknown Soldier.
The grass swirls on the graves of the forgotten.
The flesh may not be alive, but the soul is not killed!
And into the forged tramp of destructive force
a whisper is woven in: “On horseback, Russia!”

The example of Dmitry Donskoy and his soldiers inspired

sons of Russia always when. she was threatened by danger, foreign invasion and a new yoke.

This was the case at the beginning of the seventeenth century, during the hard times of the intervention of the lords of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the period of anarchy, bloody unrest, when the misfortunes of the Russian land reached the extreme, Russia seemed to be perishing.

But then, in different parts of the country, there were courageous people who raised a militia to save the Motherland.

Zemsky headman of Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky became the head of the people's militia, which managed to liberate the country from Polish and Swedish invaders.

A hundred years after the Time of Troubles, Emperor Peter the Great, being in Nizhny Novgorod, in the cathedral, asked where Minin’s tomb was. They showed it to him. Then the Great Emperor fell prostrate before the remains of the meat merchant, saying: “Here lies the savior of the Fatherland.”

Another century has passed. Russia again stood up to defend the Fatherland, this time from the invasion of Napoleon. Like many other conquerors, Napoleon strove for world domination. All of Europe lay at his feet. Only one thing prevented him from realizing his plans - mighty Russia.

The Russian army was led by Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov's student, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

“There is no higher honor than wearing a Russian uniform,” the commander said proudly.

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And everything is at our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
Everything flashed before us,
Everyone has been here.
You will never see such battles!
Banners were worn like shadows,
The fire sparkled in the smoke,
Damask steel sounded, buckshot squealed,
The fighters' hands are tired of stabbing,
And prevented the cannonballs from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.
The enemy experienced a lot that day,
What does Russian fighting mean?
Our hand-to-hand combat!
The earth shook - like our breasts;
Horses and people mixed together
And volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl.

Our entire people rose up against the invaders. The attacks of the army and numerous partisans destroyed Bonaparte's army. The Battle of Borodino was the beginning of the catastrophe of the “great army”. Its significance in our history can be compared with the significance of the battles on the field of Kulikovo or Lake Peipsi.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 occupies a special place in the history of our state.

Over the centuries-old history of mankind, not a single nation, not a single state has shown such courage, such mass heroism and self-sacrifice in the name of noble goals, as the people of Russia did during the Second World War.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war.

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.
She made such a mark
And laid so many on the ground,
That twenty years
And thirty years
The living can't believe they're alive...

On Red Square on November 7, 1941 it was said: “Let the courageous image of our great ancestors - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov - inspire us in this war.”

– The speech of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was listened to by generals, officers, soldiers - participants in the future defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and Orel.

The names of the greatest commanders of the Patriotic War: Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Vasilevsky and many others will forever be included in the chronicle of Russian history.

The skill and skill of Soviet commanders was forged in difficult battles. “The commander is the main figure in battle” is on the left of the order. They are certainly true. The image of the commander of the Soviet army is covered with special romance and love of the people. This is beautifully expressed in the poet’s verses:

There is charm in the Russian officer,
See you - and you're ready for him
For the biggest test
Walk through the storm, through fire and smoke.
He is like a father - and there is nothing dearer to us
People on this battle path.
He is dear to us because he can
Leading to death, leading away from death.

The feat of ordinary soldiers and home front workers, of the entire Soviet people, in the difficult years of trials is unprecedented.

From walls of Moscow and Stalingrad to the walls of defeated Berlin - this was the path to Victory. The fighting showed the complete superiority of Soviet military art, Soviet military equipment and the Soviet soldier, whose training, courage, perseverance and courage turned out to be unparalleled.

Yes, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union defeated the enemy and won an unprecedentedly difficult and bloody war. But how could it be otherwise! Indeed, in the fight against fascism, our people had behind them the great history of the country, the wonderful military traditions of their ancestors, which took shape over the centuries: strengthening, developing, passing from generation to generation.

– Don’t go to Rus'! - Monomakh addressed his neighbors.
Who will come to us with a sword,
He will die by the sword! - Said
Holy Prince Alexander.
And in eternally unfading victory
The truth of these words
He proved it with a fair sword.
Don't go to Rus'...
But they trampled other people's horseshoes
Golden fields,
Golden hearts
And bodies.
And then
Prince Dimitri
I came to my Kulikovo -
Field of life, where Russians
Glory was waiting!
Don't go to Rus'!..
But the riches of Rus' were exhausted
Those who are like water
Peaceful plowmen have red blood.
Pozharsky stood up,
Susanin and Minin stood up,
And a short rest
Found the Fatherland again.
How many plowmen are there?
You lost, Russia,
How many best sons
You gave it to the bloody centuries!
Don't go to Rus'! -
You have been asking for one thing for centuries,
Not addressing friends,
But only to enemies.
But the enemies didn’t listen
A word from the heart.
They would trample your glory,
Conquer your people.
Borodino field
Was able to repeat
Poltava battlefield
With glory
I was able to repeat it!

We fought for peace
Giving acceleration to five-year-olds,
Patriots were raised
For the glory of their fatherland.
But fascist clouds are like spiders
An ominous shadow
The stinking smell of burning
We reached our fields.
And Mamayev Kurgan
He will be forever proud of his sons,
What's alive and dead
They were loyal to their homeland.
And always above the Kremlin
will fly
Victory banner,
Overshadowed for centuries
The military path of the country's patriots.
Don't go to Rus'! -
We repeat the words of Monomakh.
Who will come to us with a sword... -
Let us remember the prophetic syllable,
Don't go to Rus'! -
We speak to our enemies not out of fear.
Who will come to us with a sword,
The people will be truly strict with this.

– The history of our people is rich in heroic events and brave deeds. The greatness of the goal is the basis of any feat, and the basis of the feat is high morality and love for the Motherland. We will always remember the exploits of our fathers and grandfathers, the exploits of our people, accomplished in battles and on the home front.

Remember and be proud!

Pravoslavie.fm is an Orthodox, patriotic, family-oriented portal and therefore offers readers the top 10 amazing feats of the Russian army. The top does not include […]

Pravoslavie.fm is an Orthodox, patriotic, family-oriented portal and therefore offers readers the top 10 amazing feats of the Russian army.

The top does not include single exploits of Russian warriors like captain Nikolai Gastello, sailor Pyotr Koshka, warrior Mercury Smolensky or staff captain Pyotr Nesterov, because with the level of mass heroism that has always distinguished the Russian army, it is absolutely impossible to determine the top ten best warriors. They are all equally great.

Places in the top are not distributed, since the feats described belong to different eras and it is not entirely correct to compare them with each other, but they all have one thing in common - a vivid example of the triumph of the spirit of the Russian army.

  • The feat of the squad of Evpatiy Kolovrat (1238).

Evpatiy Kolovrat is a native of Ryazan; there is not much information about him, and it is contradictory. Some sources say that he was a local governor, others - a boyar.

News came from the steppe that the Tatars were marching against Rus'. First on their way lay Ryazan. Realizing that the Ryazan residents did not have enough of their own forces to successfully defend the city, the prince sent Evpatiy Kolovrat to seek help in neighboring principalities.

Kolovrat left for Chernigov, where he was overtaken by the news of the destruction of his native land by the Mongols. Without hesitating for a minute, Kolovrat and his small squad hurriedly moved towards Ryazan.

Unfortunately, he found the city already devastated and burned. Seeing the ruins, he gathered those who could fight and, with an army of about 1,700 people, rushed in pursuit of Batu’s entire horde (about 300,000 soldiers).

Having overtaken the Tatars in the vicinity of Suzdal, he gave battle to the enemy. Despite the small number of the detachment, the Russians managed to crush the Tatar rearguard with a surprise attack.

Batu was very stunned by this frantic attack. Khan had to throw his best parts into battle. Batu asked to bring Kolovrat to him alive, but Evpatiy did not give up and courageously fought with an enemy outnumbered.

Then Batu sent a parliamentarian to Evpatiy to ask what the Russian soldiers want? Evpatiy answered - “just die”! The fight continued. As a result, the Mongols, who were afraid to approach the Russians, had to use catapults and only in this way were they able to defeat Kolovrat’s squad.

Khan Batu, amazed by the courage and heroism of the Russian warrior, gave Evpatiy’s body to his squad. For their courage, Batu ordered the rest of the soldiers to be released without harming them.

The feat of Evpatiy Kolovrat is described in the ancient Russian “Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu.”

  • Suvorov's crossing of the Alps (1799).

In 1799, Russian troops who participated in battles with the French in Northern Italy as part of the Second Anti-French Coalition were recalled home. However, on the way home, Russian troops were supposed to assist Rimsky-Korsakov's corps and defeat the French in Switzerland.

For this purpose, the army was led by Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. together with the convoy, artillery and the wounded, she made an unprecedented transition through the Alpine passes.

During the campaign, Suvorov's army fought through St. Gotthard and the Devil's Bridge and made the transition from the Reuss Valley to the Muten Valley, where it was surrounded. However, in the battle in the Muten Valley, where she defeated the French army and broke out of encirclement, she then crossed the snow-covered, inaccessible Ringenkopf (Panix) pass and headed towards Russia through the city of Chur.

During the battle for the Devil's Bridge, the French managed to damage the span and bridge the gap. Russian soldiers, under fire, tied the boards of a barn nearby with scarves of officers and went into battle along them. And while overcoming one of the passes, in order to knock the French down from a height, several dozen volunteers, without any climbing equipment, climbed a steep cliff to the top of the pass and hit the French in the rear.

The son of Emperor Paul I, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, took part in this campaign under the command of Suvorov as an ordinary soldier.

  • Defense of the Brest Fortress (1941).

The Brest Fortress was built by the Russian military in 1836-42 and consisted of a citadel and three fortifications that protected it. Later it was modernized several times, became the property of Poland and again returned to Russia.

By the beginning of June 1941, units of two Red Banner rifle divisions of the Red Banner and 42nd Rifle Divisions and several small units were located on the territory of the fortress. In total, by the morning of June 22, there were about 9,000 people in the fortress.

The Germans decided in advance that the Brest Fortress, located on the border with the USSR and therefore chosen as one of the targets of the first strike, would have to be taken only by infantry - without tanks. Their use was hampered by forests, swamps, river channels and canals surrounding the fortress. German strategists gave the 45th division (17,000 people) no more than eight hours to capture the fortress.

Despite the surprise attack, the garrison gave the Germans a tough rebuff. The report said: “The Russians are resisting fiercely, especially behind our attacking companies. In the Citadel, the enemy organized a defense with infantry units supported by 35-40 tanks and armored vehicles. The fire of Russian snipers led to heavy losses among officers and non-commissioned officers." In one day, June 22, 1941, the 45th Infantry Division lost 21 officers and 290 lower ranks in killed.

On June 23, at 5:00, the Germans began shelling the Citadel, while trying not to hit their soldiers blocked in the church. On the same day, tanks were used for the first time against the defenders of the Brest Fortress.

On June 26, on the North Island, German sappers blew up the wall of the political school building. 450 prisoners were taken there. The East Fort remained the main center of resistance on the North Island. On June 27, 20 commanders and 370 soldiers from the 393rd anti-aircraft battalion of the 42nd Infantry Division, led by the commander of the 44th Infantry Regiment, Major Pyotr Gavrilov, defended there.

On June 28, two German tanks and several self-propelled guns returning from repairs to the front continued to fire at the East Fort on the North Island. However, this did not bring visible results, and the commander of the 45th division turned to the Luftwaffe for support.

On June 29 at 8:00 a.m., a German bomber dropped a 500-kilogram bomb on the Eastern Fort. Then another 500 kg bomb was dropped and finally an 1800 kg bomb. The fort was practically destroyed.

However, a small group of fighters led by Gavrilov continued to fight in the Eastern Fort. The major was captured only on July 23. Residents of Brest said that until the end of July or even until the first days of August, shooting was heard from the fortress and the Nazis brought their wounded officers and soldiers from there to the city where the German army hospital was located.

However, the official date for the end of the defense of the Brest Fortress is considered to be July 20, based on the inscription that was discovered in the barracks of the 132nd separate battalion of NKVD convoy troops: “I am dying, but I am not giving up. Goodbye, Motherland. 20/VII-41".

  • Campaigns of Kotlyarevsky's troops during the Russian-Persian wars of 1799-1813.

All the exploits of the troops of General Pyotr Kotlyarevsky are so amazing that it is difficult to choose the best, so we will present them all:

In 1804, Kotlyarevsky with 600 soldiers and 2 guns fought off Abbas Mirza’s 20,000 soldiers for 2 days in an old cemetery. 257 soldiers and almost all of Kotlyarevsky’s officers died. There were many wounded.

Then Kotlyarevsky, wrapping the wheels of the cannons with rags, made his way through the besiegers’ camp at night, stormed the nearby Shah-Bulakh fortress, knocking out the Persian garrison of 400 people, and settled in it.

For 13 days he fought off the corps of 8,000 Persians besieging the fortress, and then at night he lowered his guns down the wall and left with a detachment to the Mukhrat fortress, which he also took by storm, knocking out the Persians from there too, and again prepared for defense.

To pull the cannons through the deep ditch during the second march, four soldiers volunteered to fill it with their bodies. Two were crushed to death, and two continued the hike.

In Mukhrat, the Russian army came to the rescue of Kotlyarevsky’s battalion. In this operation and during the capture of the Ganja fortress a little earlier, Kotlyarevsky was wounded four times, but remained in service.

In 1806, in the field battle of Khonashin, 1644 soldiers of Major Kotlyarevsky defeated the 20,000-strong army of Abbas Mirza. In 1810, Abbas Mirza again marched with troops against Russia. Kotlyarevsky took 400 rangers and 40 horsemen and set out to meet them.

“On the way,” he stormed the Migri fortress, defeating a 2,000-strong garrison, and captured 5 artillery batteries. Having waited for 2 companies of reinforcements, the colonel took battle with the Shah’s 10,000 Persians and forced him to retreat to the Araks River. Taking 460 infantry and 20 mounted Cossacks, the colonel destroyed Abbas Mirza's 10,000-strong detachment, losing 4 Russian soldiers killed.

In 1811, Kotlyarevsky became a major general, crossing the impregnable Gorny ridge with 2 battalions and a hundred Cossacks and storming the Akhalkalak fortress. The British sent the Persians money and weapons for 12,000 soldiers. Then Kotlyarevsky went on a campaign and stormed the Kara-Kakh fortress, where military warehouses were located.

In 1812, in the field battle of Aslanduz, 2,000 Kotlyarevsky soldiers with 6 guns defeated the entire army of Abbas Mirza of 30,000 people.

By 1813, the British rebuilt the Lankaran fortress for the Persians according to advanced European models. Kotlyarevsky took the fortress by storm, having only 1,759 people against a 4,000-strong garrison and during the attack almost completely destroyed the defenders. Thanks to this victory, Persia sued for peace.

  • Capture of Izmail by Suvorov (1790).

The Turkish fortress of Izmail, which covered the Danube crossings, was built by French and English engineers for the Ottomans. Suvorov himself believed that this was “a fortress without weak points.”

However, having arrived near Izmail on December 13, Suvorov spent six days actively preparing for the assault, including training troops to storm models of the high fortress walls of Izmail.

Near Izmail, in the area of ​​the present village of Safyany, earthen and wooden analogues of the moat and walls of Izmail were built in the shortest possible time - the soldiers trained to throw a Nazi ditch into the moat, quickly set up ladders, after climbing the wall they quickly stabbed and chopped the stuffed animals installed there, simulating defenders.

For two days, Suvorov conducted artillery preparation with field guns and cannons of the rowing flotilla ships; on December 22, at 5:30 a.m., the assault on the fortress began. Resistance on the city streets lasted until 16:00.

The attacking troops were divided into 3 detachments (wings) of 3 columns each. Major General de Ribas's detachment (9,000 people) attacked from the river side; the right wing under the command of Lieutenant General P. S. Potemkin (7,500 people) was supposed to strike from the western part of the fortress; the left wing of Lieutenant General A. N. Samoilov (12,000 people) - from the east. Brigadier Westphalen's cavalry reserves (2,500 men) were on the land side. In total, Suvorov's army numbered 31,000 people.

Turkish losses amounted to 29,000 killed. 9 thousand were taken prisoner. Of the entire garrison, only one person escaped. Slightly wounded, he fell into the water and swam across the Danube on a log.

The losses of the Russian army amounted to 4 thousand people killed and 6 thousand wounded. All 265 guns, 400 banners, huge reserves of provisions and jewelry worth 10 million piastres were captured. M. was appointed commandant of the fortress. I. Kutuzov, future famous commander, winner of Napoleon.

The conquest of Ishmael was of great political significance. It influenced the further course of the war and the conclusion of the Peace of Iasi between Russia and Turkey in 1792, which confirmed the annexation of Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River. Thus, the entire northern Black Sea region from the Dniester to the Kuban was assigned to Russia.

Andrey Szegeda

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