Homemade anti-aging face masks, recipes. Anti-aging face mask at home Anti-aging masks folk remedies

A woman’s well-groomed appearance is the basis of her behavior in society. Not a single representative of the fair sex will allow herself to look sloppy if she is in society, at work, in a cultural institution, etc. By taking precautions in the fight against old age, a woman stays in shape longer. However, the basis of a well-groomed appearance is the skin of the face and neck. At any age except adolescence, it is necessary to take care of these areas, otherwise, once you see your reflection in the mirror, you will regret to say that improving the appearance is already problematic. Daily work and rejuvenation of the face and neck with the help of anti-aging masks is not such a difficult job, but the result will surprise and delight any woman. Daily facial care, natural masks, exercises and workouts have made women attractive beyond their age.

Rules for using anti-aging masks

With proper preparation and regular use of anti-wrinkle masks, a lasting and noticeable result appears. At the same time, the products used to prepare the mask are much cheaper than purchased ready-made masks. Moreover, a freshly prepared product is much more effective. And preparing a rejuvenating face mask at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to choose the most useful and effective one and use the product constantly.

  • Rejuvenation;
  • Hydration;
  • Smoothing;
  • Lifting masks;
  • Peeling masks;
  • Exfoliation;
  • Scrubs;
  • Whitening;
  • Nutrition.

How to use anti-aging face masks?

The effect of anti-aging masks is known. Varieties of masks are aimed at one goal - to significantly improve skin elasticity through additional nutrition, exfoliation, moisturizing, smoothing, whitening, etc.

And the first step is to determine the condition of the skin:

  1. Dry;
  2. Fat;
  3. Combined.

Also, to choose a more effective mask, you should understand what led to sagging or fading, loss of healthy color or roughness of the skin.

Reasons may include:

  1. Poor nutrition;
  2. Alcohol abuse;
  3. Tobacco smoking;
  4. Drugs.

In young and young girls, when they get rid of bad habits and normalize their diet, their skin condition improves without any intervention. A small adjustment will be required to improve the condition and return a healthy, blooming, radiant and velvety face. The best homemade masks in this case are fresh cucumbers, strawberries, lemon, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. Each of these products, individually or in a mixture, gives excellent results.

The cucumber mask is prepared very simply: grate a medium vegetable, squeeze lightly in a convenient way and leave for 15–20 minutes. Strawberries are used in the same way. Curdled milk or sour cream is absorbed very quickly; they are applied in layers.

Indications for the use of anti-aging face masks

All these masks are especially useful for oily skin. These products eliminate oily shine, give the face a matte appearance, nourish and moisturize the skin. Fresh cucumbers, strawberries and dairy products are indicated for any skin at any age. But they are most useful for those who have large pores on the face, abnormal metabolism and excessive fat secretion.

Contraindications to the use of anti-aging face masks:

  1. Young and immature skin does not need them;
  2. Complex dermatitis;
  3. Inflammation;
  4. Allergies;
  5. Pregnant and nursing mothers.

DIY anti-aging facial mask recipes

The most insurmountable obstacle to skin aging is age. Age-related hormonal changes lead to skin aging, loss of subcutaneous layers, collagen and the possibility of rapid regeneration. Nevertheless, nature makes it possible to correct everything from the outside and actively help cells recover. The best homemade masks are used for this.

Rejuvenating face mask after 30 years

The still young skin of a thirty-year-old woman requires the usual course and maintenance of the skin in tone. The most effective way at this age is considered to be a mask made from sea buckthorn or using sea buckthorn oil.

For the anti-aging mask recipe, you need to take:

  • fresh cucumber;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Preparation: Squeeze out a medium-sized chopped cucumber, add half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and make a homogeneous mixture, preferably using a blender. 1-2 teaspoons of yogurt will enhance the effect of the mask. Keep the prepared mixture for about 15–25 minutes, then wash off. At the same time, the skin becomes smooth, perfect, tightened, and fresh.

Facial rejuvenation with lemon and honey

We will need:

  • lemon.

Such a well-known product as honey, containing more than 100 microelements and vitamins, is a regenerating and nutritious substance. Lemon, containing large amounts of vitamin C, perfectly whitens the skin and breaks down excess fat. We recommend one of the simplest and most effective methods using these products.

Preparation: Take equal parts of honey and lemon juice, mix everything until creamy. You can add a little natural yogurt. Mix again. Add grape pulp to enhance the cleansing effect. This mask has a great effect on the skin and removes dead cells. After using the mixture, the skin becomes clean, rested and significantly rejuvenated.

Rejuvenating face mask after 40 years

After 40 years, you can rejuvenate your face with masks using quail eggs, ground coffee, cocoa, and cinnamon. If we take ground coffee as a basis, it increases blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. Gives it freshness, tones and restores lipid metabolism, and also removes toxins and regenerates it. The polyphenols contained in coffee help synthesize collagen and elastin, which in turn has a lifting and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

To do this, prepare:

  • 1 teaspoon of coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa;
  • 1 teaspoon honey:
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Preparation: Stir and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Leave for about 1 hour, then clean with water. This mask is stored for a long time, it can be prepared with a reserve.

Video recipe for a Turkish mask against deep wrinkles

Rejuvenating face mask after 50 years

Tested in practice and prepared using natural products such as yeast or gelatin. Yeast face mask is very useful and has a rejuvenating effect, works as a healing substance. It restores youth and restores elasticity to the skin. Vitamins B, D, E, H, C, PP well tone the epidermis, stimulate metabolism and blood circulation at the cellular level. Recommended for all skin types.

To prepare this mixture you will need:

50 g of crumbled yeast, dilute it with boiled water until sour cream thickens. Add coarse flour and leave to ferment in a warm place. After the fermentation process is complete, the mask is ready for use; it is applied in a thin layer to the surface for 20–30 minutes, and the face is cleaned with water. Within a month, the skin will become radiant and beautiful.

Traditional recipes for the face, made from yeast:

    Take everything too, add melted honey (1 teaspoon) and onion juice. Mix everything thoroughly. This mixture perfectly rejuvenates the face, tightens and nourishes the skin.

    Dilute the yeast in milk to the consistency of sour cream and apply a shallow layer to the face. For 20–30 minutes, the mask will restore cells and stimulate their regeneration.

    Dissolve yeast in warm water, add cinnamon and quail egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly until thick. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave for about 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Recipe for anti-aging face mask with gelatin

Pour gelatin into a container with water and heat it, stirring, to a temperature of 70C°. Cool to 36C° and apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. After drying, you can wash off this mask.

Video recipe: Gorgeous DIY anti-aging face mask

Which is better: homemade or factory made masks?

The benefits of anti-aging masks are invaluable. They are able to slow down and stop the processes of withering and aging of the skin. Even if store-bought masks are effective, they are very expensive. In contrast, masks prepared at home have a much greater rejuvenating effect. The result is always high and unique.

Natural masks are always the freshest and their effect on the skin is extremely high. The natural products used to prepare the mask contain a huge amount of substances that cannot be preserved when making masks industrially. Therefore, their efficiency is very high.

Preparing them does not take much time, and the cost of products for masks is low and therefore they are more popular among women. It is very pleasant to use them for yourself, because both the aroma of the ingredients and the smell of the freshest products always bring aesthetic pleasure. Homemade anti-aging masks are not inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, industrial ones in their effectiveness, which is convincingly proven by numerous reviews from women of different ages. Using recipes for making masks at home, you can perfectly rejuvenate your face, make it fit, fresh and well-groomed.

Video recipe: Rejuvenating facial mask

It will not be difficult to prepare one of the masks yourself according to the proposed recipe, because all the components are available and acceptable. Any woman will do it efficiently and in accordance with the requirements. Therefore, there is no doubt that you need to prepare masks for yourself using ready-made recipes in order to always look great. Recipes can be adjusted independently by adding new ingredients to the known ones, which go well with the main ones and complement the effect of the mixtures.

If you want to quickly restore the freshness of your skin and “look younger before your eyes,” anti-aging face masks at home are exactly what you need! Thanks to their ability to quickly and intensively act on the desired area of ​​the face and body, masks have become a real treasure for those who strive for beauty. But to use them, you need to know exactly what effect you want to achieve.
Nourishing masks provide a good effect of facial rejuvenation.
For aging skin, oil, yolk-oil, fruit-oil and masks made from a mixture of dry herbs are recommended. It is advisable to apply natural nourishing masks 3-4 times a week, and the duration of the entire course is 15-20 procedures.
Masks for facial skin rejuvenation should have moisturizing and refreshing properties - take honey, yeast, fish oil, glycerin, lanolin, aloe, nettle, chamomile, sage, potato, tomato, banana as ingredients.
Don't forget to drink clean water. This will hydrate the skin and remove toxins from the body.
We offer several simple and effective folk recipes for masks for facial skin rejuvenation.
1. Rejuvenating face mask at home with oatmeal
Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water, let it swell. Add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask to your face and neck for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
2. Rejuvenating face mask at home with yolk
Whisk 1 yolk with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Add 1 teaspoon of cream and jure from one kiwi. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes.
3. Rejuvenating face masks made from rye bread dough.
It has an excellent rejuvenating and nourishing effect and contains vitamin B.
Apply the dough to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

4. Anti-aging face mask at home.
Whisk 1 yolk in the juice of half a lemon and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Lubricate your face with the resulting mixture. After 20 minutes, rinse with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk.
The mask also has a nutritional effect due to the content of lecithin, cholesterol and vitamins.
5. Rejuvenating mask for oily skin.
Mix the pulp of several ripe strawberries with 1 beaten egg white. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
6. Homemade facial rejuvenation mask for dry skin
Add egg yolk to the softened pulp of half an avocado. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and wipe your face with toner. After the mask, apply nourishing cream.
This mask is an excellent remedy against fine wrinkles.

7. Rejuvenating compress for facial skin.
1 glass of grape wine, 10 gr. dried chamomile and 1 teaspoon of salicylic alcohol, leave for 5 days, then strain. Soak gauze folded in several layers with the resulting lotion and apply it to your face for 5 minutes (avoiding the area around the eyes). Do the procedure once a day for 10 days.
The remaining lotion can be used to wipe the skin daily.
It perfectly helps smooth out wrinkles and achieve a facial rejuvenation effect.
8. Homemade rejuvenating face mask with honey.
Take 0.5 cups of cherry pulp, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Perfect for facial skin with enlarged pores, as cherry juice is an ideal product for caring for oily facial skin.
9. Homemade facial rejuvenation mask for dry skin.
Prepare 1 glass of chamomile infusion (2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, pour 25 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, let cool). Add 1 tablespoon of crushed flaxseed to the infusion and stir well. Apply the paste to your face for 15 minutes, then wipe your face with lotion.
After the mask, you should stay at home for an hour, and then, when going outside, apply a rich or moisturizing cream to your face.
Very useful for aging skin.
10. Face rejuvenation mask with persimmon.
Mash ripe persimmons and mix with potato starch (2:1). Apply the mixture onto your face in a thick layer. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.
11. Mask for rejuvenating oily skin with egg white.
Grate 2 boiled carrots and add 1 egg white. Apply the mixture to your face for 25 minutes and rinse with warm water.
The mask improves complexion and the skin becomes younger. It is good to make such a mask 2 times a week.
12. Nourishing mask for facial rejuvenation.
Mash 1 ripe tomato into a pulp and add warmed kefir until you obtain a pulp. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.
13. Rejuvenating face mask with gelatin and banana.
Pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin with 2 tablespoons of boiled water. When the granules swell, add 2 teaspoons of ripe banana puree. Mix the mixture and apply on your face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.
14. Rejuvenating face mask with gelatin and cucumber.
Mix 1/3 cup of green tea and chamomile infusion, add 1 tablespoon of gelatin and heat the mixture until it is completely dissolved. Add the juice of 1 cucumber and 1 tbsp to the cooled mass. aloe juice Apply the mask to your face and neck, and after removing the film, wash with cool water.
After the mask, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with any anti-aging cream for greater effect.
Video - Homemade natural anti-aging masks - useful tips:

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Anti-aging face mask at home reviews: 107

  • Grandmother

    Yes, we all want to look younger :) Where can I find such a magical mask?

  • Optimist

    Well, you won’t become younger, but it’s quite possible to look more well-groomed. So don’t give up on yourself, grandmas :)

  • Ulya

    A chic rejuvenating mask - yeast with milk. Dilute the yeast with milk, preferably goat milk, let it sit in a warm place to ferment, then apply it to your face. This mask greatly softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

  • Shura

    Be careful - yeast causes allergies in some people, check first, and then smear it on your face, otherwise you may not look younger, but just the opposite.

  • Ksyukha

    Glycerin + honey + oil + yolk - a great mask for facial rejuvenation, I recommend it to everyone!

  • Daria

    A folk rejuvenating mask with boiled potatoes is very useful for facial skin; it is very effective and easy to prepare at home. Whisk regular mashed potatoes with milk and apply to the skin for twenty to thirty minutes. The effect will certainly please you.

  • Elvira
  • Elvira

    A recipe for another anti-aging mask - more labor-intensive, but very effective. A big plus is that mask products are always at hand. You just need to take an egg, lemon and a little bit of any vegetable oil. Separate the white from the yolk. First we need it. Beat the egg white and mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to facial skin. This mask will help tighten your skin. The second part is using the yolk. We do it immediately after the first one. Mix the egg yolk with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Again, apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Then wash off the napala with warm water. Then rinse with cold. By the way, contrast rinses themselves are very useful for giving tone to aging skin!

  • Zaya

    To rejuvenate the skin, it is useful to make a mask from fresh cucumbers!

  • Valya

    I bought the Cleopatra rejuvenating mask from FITO Cosmetic, it’s cheap and quite effective, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time mixing some ingredients yourself. I recommend to everyone!

  • Maria
  • Tamara

    Parsley tincture gives the skin a whitening and velvety effect. You just brew parsley with boiling water and rub it on your face instead of washing it. The skin becomes whiter and tightens, it looks younger, even pigment spots disappear, you just need patience.

  • Tanya

    Face mask: 1 tbsp. semolina, 1 tbsp. beer, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. Nastya from chamomile. Keep for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Anonymous

    The simplest mask is sour cream.


    Egg (yolk), ground rolled oats, honey and a couple of drops of wheat germ oil - an excellent mask!

Our body matures by the age of 20. From this age the countdown begins. It primarily affects the skin. There are many reasons for aging, including a lack of collagen (the main indicator of the elasticity of the epidermis), active muscle work, especially in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead and mouth, and a lack of nutrients. We can talk a lot and tediously about the reasons - let's better talk about skin rejuvenation.

There are many means - only one way

This is constant, regular skin care. Homemade anti-aging face masks should already take a respected place at a young age. Only natural remedies have the most beneficial effect on the epidermis. Recipes from our mother nature that not only help restore youth, but also do it thoroughly and for a long time. With their help:

  • skin cells will regain their ability to regenerate;
  • the face will acquire a healthy, clean color;
  • the skin will become softer, more elastic and much more tender;
  • wrinkles will be forgotten about you for a long time;
  • the epidermis will be saturated with moisture and nutrients.

Thanks to natural ingredients, home care will not cause allergies or irritation (of course, if you do not have a reaction to natural remedies - honey, nuts, citrus fruits). And the most important argument is complete accessibility and pleasant low cost combined with an excellent, long-lasting effect.

Rules for using anti-aging masks

You should start making anti-aging face masks at home after the age of 20. They must become our companion, reliable and constant. But in order for all procedures to be as useful as possible, there are simple rules for carrying out such treatments.

  1. Steam your face

We need the skin pores to fully open and be able to receive maximum benefits. You can steam the skin with hot water, but decoctions of healing herbs (chain, nettle, mint, chamomile) will be more beneficial.

Pour two pinches of water into a liter of water and simmer the mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then leave the decoction for 40-45 minutes. Strain and dilute it with boiling water (500 ml). Steam your skin for 5-6 minutes before the mask.

  1. Clear skin
  • With Aloe

Cut off a few Aloe leaves and keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Then squeeze out the juice and add olive oil (16 ml), yolk and honey (12 g) to it. The mass is applied to the epidermis while heated. The rejuvenating mask nourishes and vitaminizes the epidermis, restoring lipid metabolism.

  • Glycerin

Let's make a mixture of olive oil (16 ml), glycerin (6 g), liquid honey (6 ml) and chamomile infusion (16 ml). This is a very effective anti-aging mask that improves skin tone.

  • Cognac

We need to prepare a healing mass from the yolk, lemon juice (5 ml), dark honey (28 g), cream (100 g) and good cognac (24 ml). In addition to its rejuvenating effect, this product perfectly cleanses and tones the epidermis.

At this age, anti-aging face masks at home are given to the skin 2-3 times weekly to obtain maximum results. They are ideal to include in comprehensive, multifaceted facial care.

Stunning women (50-60 years old)

After 50 years, our skin sharply loses elasticity and sags. This happens due to loss of fat layer and deterioration of metabolism. At this age, the epidermis almost always becomes dry. Increasingly, dark circles and swelling become companions of the eyes. A double chin appears. Now the recipe for a rejuvenating face mask will include products that deeply moisturize the epidermis.

  • Yeast

Dilute yeast (5 g) in heated milk until a thick paste is obtained. Let's leave this mixture for half an hour. At this time, steam a mixture of honey (28 g) and flax oil or fish oil (16 ml). Yeast rejuvenating face mask saturates the dermis well with active substances.

  • From starch

Mix with starch (30 g), coarse table salt (10 g), milk (32 ml) and melted honey (6 ml). This mask has a scrubbing effect, mattifies the skin and deeply nourishes it.

  • Almond

Grind the peel of one lemon and add lemon juice (5 ml), protein, and almond bran (9 g) to it. This mask will give your face an unusually porcelain hue, smoothness and inner radiance. The rejuvenating effect is also complemented by a deep cleansing effect.

During this age period, anti-aging masks for dry skin at home can and should be done 2-3 times weekly. Maxa with almonds is made less frequently (2 times monthly).

Gorgeous enchantresses (over 60 years old)

Mature epidermis after 60 years completely stops producing collagen during this period, and metabolism slows down significantly. In addition to increased dryness of the skin, peeling, allergic manifestations to any whim of the weather, and the dull color of a dehydrated face are added. Wrinkles are very pronounced - there are many pigmented areas that have vascular mesh.

  • From pumpkin

Mix pumpkin puree (34 g) with sour cream (17 g). Mix ampoule (retinol) into the mass. This product activates lipid metabolism and stimulates epidermal cells to regenerate.

  • Gelatinous

Pour gelatin granules (16 g) with heated milk (20 ml) and leave the gelatin powder to swell. Then place the mixture in the refrigerator, where it will acquire the consistency of a thick gel. This remedy is one of the most effective in terms of anti-aging properties.

  • Almond

We make a mixture of almond oil (32 ml), honey (56 g), vitamin E ampoule (tocopherol) and rose essential oil (5 drops). In addition to its anti-aging properties, this product is also aimed at deeply nourishing the skin.

Such effective masks for facial rejuvenation of aging skin must be done every other day, changing them and combining them with nourishing and moisturizing products.

Beauty to you!

Anti-aging masks must be done regularly. These masks are recommended for women over 25 years of age. There is no need to use them at an earlier age, since wrinkles do not yet appear during this period. Before you start using anti-aging masks, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations for their proper use.

Making anti-aging face masks at home

You need to use masks up to three times a week, and it is advisable to combine them with skin care cosmetics, which you need to choose based on your age category. It is better not to store prepared masks, but to use them immediately after production, as the effect of their use is noticeably reduced.

When washing off the mask, it is necessary to alternate hot water with cold water to improve skin tone and make it more elastic.

Caring for mature and aging facial skin should be regular; only in this case can you achieve visible positive results from anti-aging procedures.

The best anti-aging masks for older skin

The best anti-aging face masks prepared at home usually contain natural ingredients that are affordable and quite effective.

Nutritious fruit masks are considered the best; they may include:

  • Apples;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bananas;
  • Citrus;
  • Potatoes, etc.

They perfectly nourish the skin with vitamins, moisturize and refresh it.

Simple recipes

  1. You can get rid of wrinkles by using an egg mask. To prepare it, all you need is one whipped egg white, to which, with thorough mixing, add glycerin, lemon juice and olive oil - 10 drops each. The mixture is applied to the face for 25 minutes, after which it is washed off.
  2. A mask with yolk has a tightening and rejuvenating effect. To prepare it, you need to add 1 teaspoon of heavy cream to a tablespoon of yolk. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. To prolong the youth of the skin, any mask based on yolk is the most effective, since the yolk contains melatonin, considered a longevity hormone, and retinol, which renews the skin at the cellular level and improves complexion.

Effective anti-aging masks: composition and effect

Refreshing masks that have an incredible effect can be made at home from the most common products. Among them are recipes that contain honey and oatmeal.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 3 teaspoons oatmeal.

The mixture is applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes.

This mask is useful after reaching 50 years of age. This is a powerful remedy that will help prolong the youth of your skin.

Before choosing components for anti-aging masks, you need to decide on your skin type. For dry and oily skin, it is necessary to select components appropriate for these types.

Good reviews about turmeric masks. This oriental spice has an anti-inflammatory effect, rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles. To make such a mixture at home, you need to take half a teaspoon of turmeric and black clay, mix, apply for ten minutes, remove with non-hot water.

Nourishing masks that rejuvenate the skin

Special masks containing kelp nourish and moisturize the skin.

Laminaria is rich in:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Calcium;
  • Niacin and choline;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron.

These elements influence the process of skin rejuvenation quite effectively.

If you don’t have time to prepare masks at home, you can use ready-made compositions, which are successfully used by many women.

The mask produced by Cora - Revitalizant has a nourishing, tightening, rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. This mask can be used from 35 years of age.

What masks rejuvenate facial skin

Gezanne Algolift compression masks have an excellent rejuvenating effect. This system consists of two masks, one of which is used for the eye and forehead area, the second for the lower facial part. They need to be applied at night; the night mask ensures maximum skin revival precisely at this biological time when the muscles relax.

The compression effect of these super masks provides a long-lasting effect that other home rejuvenation methods cannot achieve.

A mask with solcoseryl rejuvenates the skin. It is very easy to use at home.

Cream containing solcoseryl:

  • Rejuvenates the skin;
  • Helps restore damaged tissue;
  • Makes the skin elastic and firm;
  • Relieves inflammation.

It is necessary to take into account that solcoseryl is a medicinal product, so it must be used very carefully. Before applying the mask, you must use facial cleansers.

Also interesting today is the young guard of anti-aging creams from Estée Lauder - Re-Nutriv today is deservedly in great demand. The production technology of these products is constantly being improved, while creating strong anti-aging cosmetics with deep action.

The best mask recipes to prolong youth

Our skin is not yet in danger of eternal youth, but we can try to delay the onset of old age by taking care of our face. The following recipes for night masks are suitable for this; making them yourself is quite simple for any skin type.

Night mask for dry skin rejuvenation

Cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l. Grind until smooth with one tablespoon of milk, half a tablespoon of sea salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Apply on face before going to bed. In the morning, remove with a sponge dipped in linden broth (1 teaspoon of linden per glass of water is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes).

Mask for normal skin

Chop one banana, combine with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Apply on your face at night, rinse in the morning with skin-friendly water.

For oily skin

Mix the white of one egg with 0.5 tsp. sea ​​salt. Add a teaspoon of moisturizing cream, and three drops of vitamins A and E. Stir well and evenly distribute this mixture over your face before going to bed, and rinse the next morning.

Homemade anti-aging face masks: reviews from women

According to reviews, the most effective homemade mask is a potato mask. Unpeeled potatoes are boiled in milk, cooled slightly, peeled, kneaded, 3-5 drops of vegetable oil and a spoonful of sour cream or cream are added. All this is mixed until smooth, applied to the face and décolleté, wait until it dries slightly and apply another layer for twenty minutes, then rinse with water.

Simple masks for all skin types can be made from the following available ingredients:

  • Two spoons of cereal;
  • Hot tea.

The flakes are poured with hot tea so that they are lightly covered with liquid. Once the mixture has cooled, grind everything to a paste. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can pour in a little tea.

Before using a new mask, you need to conduct a kind of rapid test. To do this, apply the mixture to your wrist for 15 minutes. If after this time the cleansed skin does not turn red, it can be used.

Good anti-aging masks with unusual ingredients

Restoring, nourishing, rejuvenating power is inherent in creams and masks that contain gold. Today, these rejuvenation products are in great demand. Gold cosmetics consist of gold ions found in sea water. Various creams and serums with a gold component accelerate cell division and effectively prevent skin aging. Recommended for use from 35 years of age.

Another good remedy is a rejuvenation mask made with elk milk.

This mask:

  • Gently nourishes the skin;
  • Helps skin cells renew;
  • Makes the skin more elastic and firm.

Homemade mask for facial rejuvenation

You can prepare a rejuvenating cucumber mask at home.

To do this you need:

  • Peel the cucumber;
  • Grind it on a fine grater;
  • Mix a tablespoon of cucumber pulp with the same amounts of sour cream and currants;
  • Keep on face for 20 minutes;
  • Remove with warm water.

When choosing masks, you need to take into account the characteristics of the skin and the influence of factors such as its condition and nutrition. The effect of using, for example, a mask against minor facial wrinkles will be negligible if the skin is depleted and withering.

Rejuvenating mask for face and neck (video)

Which of the proposed masks to choose - you need to decide for yourself, taking into account all the nuances and sensitivity of the skin. But in any case, any skin needs care like air. Then your skin will reward you with its youth and beauty.

After 25 years, girls should start taking care of their face and not just wash it with clean water, but also nourish it with various masks. Otherwise, inadequate care will manifest itself in early expression wrinkles and a noticeable deterioration in skin condition.

What types of face masks are there?

Typically, face masks are classified according to the effect they provide. There are types of masks:

  • nourishing, moisturizing, toning and cleansing - they are designed for constant care and maintenance of the skin in ideal condition;
  • anti-inflammatory, whitening, anti-rosacea - this group of masks successfully fights obvious skin imperfections;
  • anti-aging, lifting masks - belong to the anti-aging group and help tighten the skin of the face.

How to determine your skin type

Before choosing a face mask, you need to determine your skin type. In classical cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish skin types:

  • fatty,
  • dry,
  • normal,
  • combined.

Since the needs of different skin differ markedly, a homemade face mask should be selected depending on what type you have.

As a rule, there are no problems with this, since girls are usually attentive to their appearance, and their skin type can be easily determined even by looking at themselves in the mirror. However, sometimes difficulties arise. Therefore, to accurately determine your skin type at home, wash your face using regular neutral soap and do not apply any products to it.

After about an hour and a half, apply a well-absorbing paper napkin tightly to your face. Carefully examine the napkin and evaluate the degree of oiliness of the skin:

  • If there is a trace of sebum all over the surface of the napkin, it means that the skin is not tight at all, and you have an oily skin type.
  • If there are no traces left on the napkin, but the skin does not peel off or feel tight, then your skin type is normal.
  • If there are no greasy marks on the napkin, but you feel obvious tightness, then your skin is of the dry type.
  • If your forehead, nose and chin are left with a greasy mark in the center of the napkin, and the skin in the area where your cheeks and temples are applied leaves no traces (dry or normal), then such an uneven distribution of fat content indicates a combined or mixed skin type.

Nourishing face masks at home

Nourishing masks are necessary to compensate for the lack of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in the skin.

Recipe No. 1. Nourishing mask for oily skin (honey)

For oily skin, a simple composition prepared from 2 teaspoons of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream is ideal. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth, apply the resulting mixture to your face. Keep it on for 20 minutes to half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

The mask will nourish the skin, give it an even color, radiance and beauty.

Recipe No. 2. Nourishing mask for dry skin

To nourish dry skin at home, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 2 teaspoons milk,
  • 1 tablespoon of small oatmeal flakes.

Pour Hercules flakes with very warm milk, leave to soak a little (10-15 minutes). Beat the egg yolk with a fork and stir into the cereal. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

This soothing mask with deep penetration into the pores will nourish dry skin, relieve the feeling of tightness and flaking, making it soft and velvety.

Recipe No. 3. Nourishing mask for normal skin

It is a big misconception that normal facial skin does not need nutrition, care, or saturation with vitamins. A nourishing mask for normal skin based on grapes gently and gently cares for the skin and soothes it.

Crush 6-7 grapes of any white variety (in a pinch, black can also be used), remove all seeds and peels, combine the grape mass with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is so nourishing that it allows you to heal even skin irritations.

Moisturizing masks at home

Natural moisturizing face masks help maintain the skin's moisture balance. Most often, moisturizing is necessary in summer and spring, when, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and ambient temperature, some of the moisture is lost from the surface layers of the skin. Even slight dehydration can lead to decreased skin elasticity, sagging and wrinkles.

Recipe No. 4. Moisturizing masks for oily skin

The following recipe will help moisturize oily skin. Beat 1 egg white and mix it with 20 ml of liquid honey until smooth. Add 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water first, then rinse your face with cold water. You can replace the flakes with potatoes or starch, this will help tighten the pores and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Recipe No. 5. Moisturizing masks for dry skin

Dryness is perfectly eliminated with a curd mask.
Dry skin especially needs hydration, not only in summer and spring, but at any time of the year. Mix approximately 30 g of regular fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of milk, heated to body temperature. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, without lumps. Apply the resulting mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 6. Moisturizing masks for normal skin

To moisturize normal facial skin, use a grapefruit mask. To do this, mix the crushed pulp of two grapefruit segments with 1 egg yolk. Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Toning and cleansing homemade face masks

Cleansing and toning masks have a general strengthening beneficial effect on the skin, activate subcutaneous blood circulation and cleanse the pores of the face from sebaceous secretions, giving it a youthful appearance.

Recipe No. 7. Toning mask for oily skin

Oily skin is perfectly toned by a white clay mask. To prepare it, dilute 2 tablespoons of white clay in cold boiled water, add 1 egg white, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and 5 ml of honey. The resulting homogeneous mass should resemble sour cream in consistency. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it dries completely. Wash off the clay mask with warm water as soon as it completely dries.

Recipe No. 8. Purifying mask for dry skin

Dry skin is noticeably improved and cleansed by the action of white clay. To prepare a mask at home, take 1 tablespoon of white clay, 2 times as much milk and 5 ml of honey. Mix until smooth and apply to face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask and finally use a moisturizer after cleansing.

Recipe No. 9. Toning mask for normal skin

Normal skin will quickly regain freshness and elasticity with a face mask made from lemon peel. Mix 1 yolk and 20 ml of low-fat sour cream, add the finely grated zest of 1 lemon. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes.

Whitening homemade face masks

Many girls dream of getting rid of freckles and generally whitening their face. At home, whitening face masks will help lighten age spots, even age spots.

Recipe No. 10. Cucumber whitening mask is known to everyone due to its good effect. Finely grate a medium-sized cucumber (without seeds) and mix with your daily nourishing cream or sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 11. The next whitening face mask is quite liquid. At home, mix liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts. Soak gauze pads in the resulting mixture, which you then place on your face. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then remove the wipes and gently rinse your face with water.

Anti-aging homemade face masks

Over time, the skin begins to age - this is an inevitable process. But when the first problematic wrinkles appear, you should not be discouraged, but include a rejuvenation procedure in your regular skin care. Regular use of rejuvenating collagen masks allows you to delay the appearance of new age-related changes on the skin of the face and smooth out existing small wrinkles.

Recipe No. 12. A homemade rejuvenating face mask made from aloe is extremely popular. Combine a tablespoon of the juice of this plant with the same volume of nourishing face cream and premium vegetable oil (preferably olive). Stir and apply the mask lukewarm, keep on your face for 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 13. In summer, you can make a mask from fresh plantain leaves. Grind the leaves into a paste and mix with honey in equal parts. If the mixture turns out too thick, like gelatin, dilute it slightly with water. Keep this paste on your face for at least 15 minutes. Remove it first with a damp swab, then rinse your face with cool water. And no Botox is needed.

Masks with a tightening effect for the face at home

The fight against sagging skin on the face requires constant attention from women over 30. Therefore, when the skin begins to fade, you need to arm yourself with time-tested products that will help smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis.

Recipe No. 14. This vitamin anti-aging face mask is prepared at home from pharmacy ingredients.


  • 1 heaped tablespoon of pink clay,
  • 1 ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A)
  • 30 ml of brewed green tea without flavoring.

Gently dilute the dry clay with tea and, stirring continuously, bring the mass to a homogeneous texture. Add vitamin A and apply the entire mixture to the skin. The mask lasts for 25 minutes. Regular use of this recipe restores skin elasticity and health.

This mask should be washed off with plenty of cool water.

Recipe No. 15. Natural and effective lifting can be observed in the white of a chicken egg. Beat one egg white into a strong foam and mix with two teaspoons of soaked oatmeal. The exposure time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes.

According to the girls' reviews, there is a lifting effect: there is skin tightening.

How to properly apply a face mask at home

Before applying any mask, you should cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics with a gentle makeup remover. A refreshing gel usually completes the makeup removal procedure, but you can use additional peeling.

Preliminary exfoliation of dead cells is desirable for good penetration of all the substances that make up the mask into the facial skin, this will ensure its greatest effectiveness. The scrub can also be used at home, for example, using any coffee scrub recipe.

When applying masks, follow the general rules for homemade cosmetic compositions:

  1. The procedure for applying a mask cannot be done “on the run.” Put aside all household chores and spend half an hour just for yourself.
  2. Any effective homemade face masks must be prepared (mix ingredients) immediately before use. The remaining mass cannot be stored.
  3. All components of the mask must be of good quality, and ingredients such as sour cream, fruit, kefir, etc. must be fresh.
  4. Before applying the mask, your face must be cleansed as usual. Those with oily or combination skin will probably also need a preliminary exfoliating peel. After cleansing the skin, open its pores as much as possible; you can steam them over a bath or make a warm, damp compress. This will allow all the ingredients to be absorbed as much as possible and have the best effect.
  5. To keep your hair out of the way of your face, gather it in a bun and secure it with something.
  6. Depending on the consistency, the mask should be applied with clean hands, a brush, a gauze pad or a cotton pad.
  7. Most masks should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. An exception would be drying masks for oily facial skin, because in the décolleté area the skin is much drier.
  8. Apply the homemade mask along the massage lines, performing movements from the middle of the face to the temples. The exception is the skin directly around the eyes; there is no need to apply a mask to it.
  9. Rinse off the mask with clean water. It is better not to take it from the tap, but to prepare in advance a jug of boiled water, cooled to body temperature.
  10. After washing off the mask, do not wipe your face; gently blot away excess moisture with a clean towel. Apply a cream appropriate to your skin type to a damp face.
  11. Don't expect an immediate effect from the first procedure. Homemade face masks must be repeated regularly 1-3 times a week. The course duration must be at least 3 weeks.

Precautions when using homemade masks

For girls prone to allergies, before applying the prepared mask at home, be sure to perform a test on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If signs of an allergic reaction occur, take an antihistamine and do not use this product.