Prove that the game is the main activity. Play is the main activity of a preschool child.


Play is the main activity of preschool children. It is of great importance for the intellectual development of the child, for clarifying his knowledge about the environment. Game, like no other activity, due to its specificity, ensures children's activity and initiative.

During the game, the child’s spiritual and physical strength develops: his attention, memory, imagination. In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche.

Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with peers. Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood.

It is known that in early preschool age the acquisition of new knowledge occurs much more successfully than in the classroom. A learning task posed in a playful form has the advantage that in a play situation the child understands the very need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action. A child, captivated by the attractive concept of a new game, no matter how notices that he is learning, although at the same time he is constantly faced with difficulties that require a restructuring of his ideas and cognitive activity.

Independent play activities contribute to the physical and psychological development of each child, the education of moral and volitional qualities, and creative abilities.

The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow up strong, strong, and dexterous.

The game develops children's intelligence and imagination.

By playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, and take care of their comrades.

Children in play usually depict what interests them, what they like. I make sure that games are interesting, varied, and useful for children. Here are the games: children play with pleasure in “Kindergarten”, “Chauffeurs”, “Daughters - Mothers”, etc.

They watch with curiosity work in the field, in the garden, at a construction site, and then in games they become tractor drivers, combine operators, and builders. Such games instill in children respect for the work of adults and the desire to work well.

Children love fairy tales and stories. They can listen to the same fairy tale many times, memorize it, and often play fairy tales. Such games develop children's imagination and increase their interest in fairy tales and stories.

Children sometimes play bad games that are harmful to their health. For example, children play “bandits”, “war”, arrange a battle, beat each other. Games like this shouldn't exist. They develop cruelty and anger in children. If such a game begins, I explain to the children that spies and bandits are our enemies.

I monitor what children play, I make sure that in games children imitate only good things. It often happens that children come up with a good game, but do not know how to organize it. I help children make the game more interesting and useful.

I play myself with the children to give the children pleasure and to unite the game. For example, the children built a “bus” and I am going with them to the garden. Children love to play role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, as well as dramatization games.

Often children play well on their own without my help. I help children in the game, I don’t do for them what they can do themselves. I teach children to be independent, I try to let them come up with and play interesting games themselves.

Children sometimes play together, often in groups of several, sometimes alone. Elders and kids also play together. Such games are useful for children. The little ones learn from the elders, and the elders get used to taking care of the younger ones. I make sure that everyone has fun, so that the older ones don’t run around the little ones. I make sure that all children have an interesting role in the game.

And so I believe that the game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development.

The children played at all times. And a boy from Sparta, and a master’s pupil in the Middle Ages, and little inhabitants of Ancient Rus', and young ladies and gentlemen of the times of Queen Victoria, and a three-year-old kindergartener from Moscow in the 21st century - everyone is united by the game.

Nowadays, parents strive to give their child as many opportunities as possible, sometimes loading his schedule to capacity. But free play still remains the most important, irreplaceable part of a child’s leisure time. It is necessary for its development - both physical and mental.

Expert opinion

A child psychologist talks about why playing is necessary and important. Elena Mikhailovna Kravtsova.

What is a game from a psychological point of view? What is the importance of the game, what are its functions?

In psychology, there are many definitions of the concept “game”. For example, this: a game is a type of activity in which the process is more important than the result.

Experts identify the following signs of children's play:

  • she is intrinsically motivated (children start and continue to play because they enjoy it);
  • voluntary;
  • brings pleasure;
  • not literal (contains pretense, fantasy);
  • the player is actively involved.

All experts emphasize that play is a very important activity. In preschool age, its benefits for the development of the child are especially great. There is no substitute for play.

It prepares the child’s psyche, creating conditions for the development of intelligence, speech, perception, attention, memory, emotional sphere, and communication abilities. The skills acquired during play expand the abilities, capabilities and interests of children.

At what age does a child start playing?

Having learned to control his body, for example, to make meaningful movements with his hands and roll over, the baby begins to repeat the same actions just for pleasure. This is the first game, which is still very simple and has no symbolic plan. And this happens in the first half of life (2-5 months).

Do you need to buy your child a lot of toys?

There is no such need. In the first year of life, complex toys are pointless, as they do not attract the baby's attention. He has other interests. It is much more important for the baby to have a place and time to play. Research shows that modern children are sorely lacking in both.

For an older child, any thing can become a toy. A saucepan, a teapot box, and sushi chopsticks are much more interesting than an educational device with music and lighting. The secret is simple: you can play with simple things the way you want, use your imagination, come up with actions.

It is their own actions that are important for young children, and not the object they play with.

Is it possible to interrupt the game process if the child is very interested in it?

There is no universal answer to this question; situations vary. If we are talking about maintaining a daily routine, then there is no need to interrupt it on purpose. You can wait a little. Or weave sleep and lunch into the fabric of this game.

Often educational activities for children are conducted in a playful way. Can they replace a game for a child?

No, they can't. These are two different types of activities. Experts are sounding the alarm: lately adults have been very concerned about the early intellectual development of children. This fashion causes great harm to the psyche of children and parents. It leads to the fact that adults strive to turn any game into a developmental activity. They want to "skip" the period when games make no sense to an outside observer. It turns out that the development of young children is equivalent to learning!

In order for a child to grow up healthy and happy, one must remember that the importance of free children's play is such that throughout preschool childhood the following formula must be observed: time for free play should be greater than time for learning.

Is it necessary to play with a child if you don’t like it yourself and don’t know how?

This happens often. It's really difficult for adults to play with kids. And it is really important for children that their parents sometimes play with them and simply “fool around.” It is important not to concentrate on feelings of guilt in front of your child, but to look for constructive solutions. Catch your own mood and join the game when you feel capable of it. Play with your baby according to a pre-planned plan, say 20 minutes after afternoon tea, but don’t be shy about telling him honestly that you are very happy, but now you are tired and want to do other things.

If there are adults or older children who want to play with your child, give them this opportunity with a light heart and enjoy the process from the outside. It is more difficult with peers: elements of joint play appear in children’s communication only at about 3 years old, and coordinated play begins at about 4 years old.

Until when does play remain a child’s main activity?

It is believed that with the onset of school age, cognitive activity comes to the fore. At this time, play ceases to be the main activity, but its importance remains important throughout childhood. At school age, learning will go better if adults begin to use elements of the game.

And even in adult life, a person sometimes needs to play!

Natalya Fufarova

A game represents a special activity, which blossoms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of the game has attracted and is attracting the attention of researchers, not only teachers and psychologists, but also philosophers, sociologists, and ethnographers. There are a number of theories who look at the game from two points of view:

A game, How activity, in which the child develops holistically, harmoniously, comprehensively

A game as a means of acquiring and developing knowledge.

It is now generally accepted that play is the leading activity of a preschool child

There is also basic specific developmental value of role-playing games. The developmental nature of the game lies in the fact that it puts forward a number of requirements for the child nku:

1) This is an action in the imaginary plane. The need to act in an imaginary plan leads to the development of children symbolic function of thinking, the formation of a plan of ideas, the construction of an imaginary situation.

2) The child’s ability to navigate in a certain way in the system of human relationships, since a game aimed specifically at their reproduction.

3) Formation of real relationships between children playing. Joint a game impossible without coordination of actions.

It is also generally accepted that the game develops knowledge about the phenomena of social life, about actions and relationships.

Nevertheless, we are forced to admit that a game"Leaving Kindergarten".And there are several reasons:

1. U children have few impressions, emotions, holidays, without which the development of the game is impossible. Children receive most of their impressions from television programs.

2. A gamedepicting the lives of adults: playing the child imitates them, models various sociocultural situations and relationships. Unfortunately, kindergartens in large cities are faced with the fact that children do not know what their parents do. Parents, in turn, cannot clearly explain to their child where they work and what they do. The professions of salesman, postman, tailor and cutter have left children's direct observation.

3. Don't adults play. The game cannot be taught otherwise than playing with a child.

Also, one of the reasons for the game leaving the preschool educational institution is our desire "to please" parents, as a result of which teachers do nothing but "are engaged" with kids. There is a children's play manual. Currently 3 basic methods of guiding children's games.

1. Basic the way the teacher influences children's play and education children in a game - influence on its content, i.e. on the choice of theme, plot development, distribution of roles and on the implementation of game images. The teacher enters the game to show children new playing techniques or to enrich the content of an already started game.

2. Method of forming the game as activities are based on the principles:

Educator plays together with children in order for children to master gaming skills. The adult's position is the position « playing partner» , with whom the child would feel free and equal.

Educator plays with children throughout preschool childhood, but on each age stage to develop the game in a special way, so that children immediately "opened" and a new, more complex way of building it was learned.

Starting early age and further at each stage preschool In childhood, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to simultaneously orient children, both to carry out the game action and to explain its meaning to partners.

The established principles for organizing a story game are aimed at developing children gaming abilities, skills that will allow them to develop independent play.

3. Method of complex management of the game.

Having considered three approaches to managing the game preschoolersconclusions need to be drawn:

A game must be free from adult-imposed "above" topics and regulation of actions

The child must be able to master increasingly complex "tongue" games

Game is a joint activity of the teacher and children where the teacher is playing partner.

For the development of gaming activitiesseveral conditions must be met: creation of a subject-developing environment, the presence of a certain time in the daily routine and the activity of the teacher. Without fulfilling these conditions, the development of creativity is impossible. amateur game.

Psychologist A. N. Leontyev considered the leading such activities, which has a given age period has a special impact on the development of the child.

The teacher is given certain tasks at each age stage.

Early group age:

In a joint game with children, teach how to act with objects and toys, learn to combine them with a simple plot

Develop the ability to perform actions in accordance with the role.

Develop the ability to perform 2-3 consecutive episodes in the game.

Second junior group:

To promote the emergence of games on themes of observations from the surrounding life, literary works.

Together with children games develop the ability to come up with a simple plot, choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in a game, play a role in a joint game with peers.

Learn children use in games construction material.

Encourage attempts children choose your own attributes for games.

Middle group:

Together with children games containing several roles, improve the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Learn children prepare the environment for the game - select objects and attributes, choose a convenient place.

Develop children the ability to create and use attributes for the game from building materials, plastic and wooden construction sets.

Senior and preparatory groups

Develop the ability to independently choose a theme for the game.

Develop the plot on knowledge base, obtained from the perception of the environment.

Learn to agree on a topic for starting the game, assign roles, and create the necessary conditions.

Learn to collectively build buildings necessary for the game, and jointly plan the upcoming work.

Develop the ability to use substitute objects.

Basicfeatures of role-playing games:

1. Compliance with the rules

2. Social motive of the game

3. Emotional development

4. Intellectual development

5. Development of imagination and creativity


A person has many different activities. They meet human needs. Main activities:

1) communication is an activity that arises in the process of individual development of a person. It is aimed at exchanging information between people, establishing mutual understanding, exerting influence and mutual assistance. May be:

a) direct (direct contact with each other is assumed);

b) indirect (does not involve direct contact between people; information exchange occurs through other people, books, television, etc.);

c) verbal;

d) non-verbal;

2) a game is a type of activity that does not produce any material or ideal product. The game is often used for relaxation and has the character of entertainment. It is a real activity, during which specific tasks are solved, but at the same time it is of a conditionally symbolic nature, allowing one to escape from the real situation. Types of games:

a) individual;

b) group;

c) subject;

d) plot;

e) role-playing;

e) games according to the rules.

Gaming behavior has little effect on the real relationships of adults;

3) educational activity - a form of activity whose purpose is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Types of teaching:

a) organized;

b) unorganized.

Educational activity develops in a person the ability to manage mental processes, organize his actions, skills and experience depending on the task being solved. Education prepares a person for work;

4) labor activity - a type of activity aimed at producing certain socially useful values ​​that will satisfy human needs;

5) leisure - a type of activity aimed at satisfying the needs for rest, entertainment, knowledge, and creativity. Activity is formed and develops as human consciousness forms and develops. Activity goes through several stages:

a) impulsive behavior. It manifests itself in the form of the simplest innate reactions (screaming, anxiety during pain, turning the head towards the stimulus, etc.);

b) exploratory behavior. With its help, information about the properties of objects in the external world is accumulated, coordination of movements is mastered;

c) practical behavior. With its help, one learns how to use things and their meaning in life;

d) communicative behavior. It is necessary to achieve satisfaction of your needs and desires;

e) speech behavior. Allows you to separate images from things and actions.


The simplest form of activity is play. A game is a type of activity in conditional situations in which typical actions and interactions of people are reproduced.

The participant in the game performs a very real activity, during which the assigned tasks, often non-standard ones, are completed. But many moments of such activity have a conditional symbolic nature, allowing one to escape from reality, avoid responsibility, and exclude the role of circumstances.

The goal of the game is to carry out activities, and not to achieve any practical results. With the help of games, a person realizes activity and gets pleasure.

The game takes place with the help of toys that depict, copy, symbolize real things. With their help, the world around us is learned, thinking, memory, speech, and emotions develop.

Types of games:

1) individual (one person is engaged in the game);

2) group (several individuals participate in the game);

3) subject (any objects are included in the game activity);

4) plot;

5) role-playing;

6) games according to the rules.

Play activity is closely related to work activity, but has a number of differences from it. In the process of labor, a person does what needs to be done regardless of his own interest.

In gaming activities there is no dependence on necessity or obligation. The game expresses a more direct attitude to life. In the game, only those actions are performed whose goals are significant for a person in terms of their internal content.

In gaming activities, some objects can be replaced by others. What is important in it is not the objective-material, but the objective-human nature of the action, not the abstract properties of objects, but the relationship of the object to the person and the person to the object. To function in the game, objects must satisfy the conditions essential for gaming activity and obey the meaning of the game. The game goes beyond a certain situation, abstracts from some aspects of reality in order to reveal others.

The game develops awareness of the actions performed as operations, teaches them how to perform them, and expands self-awareness.

Play can serve as a means of symbolic release of tension that arises under the influence of human needs that he cannot reduce in other ways.

The relationships that develop in the game are rarely taken seriously and are not the basis for drawing conclusions about a person. Gaming behavior and gaming relationships have little effect on the real relationships of people, especially adults. For children they are developmental in nature, for adults they serve as a means of communication. Sometimes gaming activities take the form of rituals, training sessions, and sports hobbies.

A game- this is a type of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience by a child. The game trains the child to understand the meanings of objects and phenomena, develops the ability to master various actions and operations, expands self-awareness from perceiving oneself as a subject of action to perceiving oneself as a subject of human relations.

Scientific analysis of gaming activity shows that there is a game a child’s reflection of the adult world, way of understanding the world around us. In the child's first games, the leadership role of adults is clearly evident. Adults “play with” the toy. Imitating them, the child begins to play independently. Then the initiative to organize the game passes to the child, but even at this stage the leading role of adults remains.

In the game it is customary to highlight such elements, as: 1) an imaginary situation; 2) role; 3) game actions.

If in early preschool age the game primarily reproduces the objective actions of people, and the focus on the partner or on the development of the plot is minimal, then in middle preschool age relationships between people begin to move to the center of the game. Formed role-playing game, which reaches its peak

at 4-5 years old. In older preschool age, the process of control over the implementation of those rules that are determined by the role taken on comes into play.


All games can also be divided into two types:

1) individual games- represent a genus

activities when one person is busy playing;

2) group games- include several individuals.

As the child develops, the game changes. First

two years of life the child masters movements

and actions with surrounding objects, which

leads to the emergence of functional games.

In a functional game open before the child

properties of objects unknown to him are revealed

and ways to deal with them. So, having first opened

and closing the door with the key; the child begins to repeat

but repeat this action, trying at every convenience

Otherwise, turn the key. This is real action

transferred to the game situation. While playing, children do

there is a movement in the air reminiscent of turning a key

cha, and accompany it with a characteristic sound.

More complex are constructive

games. In them the child creates something: builds a house,

bakes pies. In constructive games, children comprehend

explain the purpose of objects and their interaction.

Functional and constructive games include

to the category manipulative in them the child masters

understands the surrounding objective world, recreates it

in forms accessible to him.

Role-playing games- allow human behavior,

limited to a specific role that is in the game

he takes over. Role play - predominant for

preschool children, a form of play in which

preschool age is extremely important in the acceleration and deceleration of contractions for the formation of the child’s personality. On the- (

children playfully model the actions and relationships of adults.

Relationships between people are conceptualized in story-based games. A child plays “mother and daughter”

into the “shop”, taking on a certain role, which is why plot and role-playing games are closely interconnected, and it makes sense to talk about plot-role-playing games.

Role-playing Games appear at 3-4 years of age. Before this age, children play nearby, but not together. Role-playing games involve collective relations. Of course, the inclusion of a child in collective games depends on the conditions of upbringing. Children raised at home have more difficulty participating in group games than children attending kindergarten. In collective story games, which become longer by the age of 6-7 years, children follow the intent of the game and the behavior of their comrades. Role-playing games teach children how to live

a team. Gradually, rules are introduced into the games that impose restrictions on the behavior of partners.

Collective role-playing games expand the child’s social circle. He gets used to obeying the rules, the requirements that are presented to him in the game: he is either the captain of a spaceship, or its passenger, or an enthusiastic spectator watching the flight. These games foster a sense of teamwork and responsibility, respect

to their playmates, they are taught to follow the rules and develop the ability to obey them.

Games by rules are widely represented in the lives of schoolchildren and adults. They are regulated by a certain system of rules of conduct for their participants.

Along with play activities, other forms of activity are also formed at this age: design, drawing. What becomes essential in the formation of a personality is that the child’s motives and desires begin to be consistent with each other, more and less significant ones are identified, due to which a transition occurs from impulsive, situational behavior to one mediated by some kind of rule or pattern.

The game is based on conditional modeling one or another expanded activity. For the first time a German scientist K. Groos noted that the play of both animals and children has an exercise function: play is characteristic precisely of those animals whose behavior is not limited to the automatic implementation of instinctive acts and which require variable adaptation to changing conditions of existence. The game in this case serves to pre-adapt instincts

to the conditions of future life. To the same extent, children's play, which arises in the process of the historical development of society, consists in children reproducing the actions and relationships of adults.

In approach K. Buhler, who built his theory on the basis of the game theory of K. Groos, the emphasis in game analysis was shifted from the operational aspect to motivational. The desire for play, which consists in repeating the same actions, can only be supported by positive emotions that are generated by the process of activity itself. These positive emotions were called functional pleasure.

different muscle groups, and this trains the senses to perceive speed.

Imagination is also related to activity. Firstly, a person is not able to imagine or imagine something that has never occurred before.

in experience, was not an element, subject, condition or moment of any activity. The texture of imagination there is a reflection, although not a literal one, of practical experience.

Memorization how the main process of memory is carried out in activity and itself represents a special kind mnemonic activity, which contains actions and operations aimed at preparing the material for better memorization. These are: 1) structuring; 2) comprehension; 3) associating the material with known facts; 4) inclusion of a variety of objects and movements

into the process of memorization.

Recall also involves performing certain actions aimed at promptly and accurately recalling the material imprinted in memory.

Thinking in a number of its forms it is identical to practical activity (the so-called manual, or practical thinking). In more developed forms - figurative and logical - the activity moment appears in thinking in the form of internal mental actions and operations. Speech is also a special kind of activity, so the phrase “speech activity” is often used to characterize it. Since the internal mental processes in a person display the same structure as external actions, there is every reason to talk not only about external, but also about internal action.