What is included in the concept of household services? Household services

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ways and forms of satisfying the immediate material and spiritual needs of people outside their professional and socio-political activities.

IN modern conditions Household services, which in the recent past had handicraft workshops, becomes a branch of the national economy with the corresponding industrial material and technical base - industrial enterprises, production associations and plants Household services with high-performance machines and mechanisms. It becomes more and more universal with specialization individual species and types of service.

Enterprises Household services production of personal consumption items according to individual orders, restoration of the lost use value of household items and personal use, and provision of personal services. TO Household services include the activities of enterprises and organizations engaged in home renovation, manufacturing and repair of custom-made furniture, washing, dry cleaning and dyeing of things, individual tailoring and repair of shoes, clothing, fur and knitwear, security, preventive maintenance and repair of cars, repair of technical equipment. household machines and instruments, television and radio equipment, as well as musical instruments, provision of services for storing things in pawn shops, photographic services and hairdressing salon services, rental of cultural, household, sports and household items, apartment cleaning services, carrying out various errands, etc.

As social development, technological progress, as well as improving the material well-being of the population, the importance of socially organized forms of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people is increasing.

Social content Household services, the availability of household services to the population, the degree and proportions of development of their individual types, the nature and depth of their impact on the life and work of the population are determined not only by the level of development of the productive forces, but primarily by the method of social production.

Under socialism, the expansion of the service sector in general and Household services in particular, it is one of the indicators of the growth and development of the national economy and the increase in the well-being of the entire population. During the period of building a communist society, conditions are created for the accelerated development of socially organized forms Household services population. It is aimed at gradual replacement household social forms Household services and on this basis the elimination of the remnants of actual inequality of women in everyday life, the elimination of socio-economic and cultural differences between city and countryside, the equalization living conditions life of the population of the Central regions and remote areas of the country, fostering collectivism in everyday life.

Together with other service industries (for example, with trade , catering , children's institutions, housing and communal services, etc.) enterprises Household services individual elements of the household are gradually being replaced by large-scale social production and organized services for many aspects of everyday life. (See also Public utilities ). It has great value to boost the countryside economically, culturally and socially, as well as to slow down the process of migration of the rural population to the cities. Extension Household services contributes to improving the use of workers' free time, increasing their cultural level, better organization recreation.

In the USSR to organize leadership and improvement Household services population in union republics(since 1965) special ministries were formed Household services Independent management created Household services population of territories and regions. Their activities are carried out under the control of the Councils of Workers' Deputies. In 1970 state, cooperative and public enterprises and organizations Household services provided the population with over 450 types of household services worth over 4 billion. rub.(in 1960 - 1.1 billion. rub.). IN Household services in 1968 there were 225.8 thousand (in 1960 135 thousand) enterprises and reception centers, where 1.65 million people were employed. From production (industrial) types of services Household services the share of individual tailoring and repair of clothing in 1967 accounted for 41%, repair of complex household appliances 14.5%, for sewing and repairing shoes 14.3%. Among non-production (non-industrial) types of services, hairdressing salon services (54%), followed by repairs and housing construction (21.1%), and photographic services (19.5%) were in first place. A special network has been created educational institutions on preparation for Household services personnel of qualified workers, technicians, engineers and economists of the highest qualifications and various specialties. There are universities training engineers and economists for the system Household services(Moscow, Vladivostok, Khmelnitsky). There is a network of research and design and technological institutes that are developing issues of improving Household services population of the USSR.

Under capitalism development Household services pursues commercial goals and proceeds unevenly. Particularly rapidly expanding in a number of foreign countries are enterprises for the maintenance and repair of automobiles, dry cleaning of clothes, as well as enterprises for urgent repairs household appliances and shoes. In the USA in the 70s. from about 770 thousand enterprises Household services with almost 1.9 million employees highest place covers car repairs and maintenance. Revenue of all enterprises Household services amounted to almost 17.5 billion. Doll. Some types of services can only be used by privileged segments of society.

Lit.: Semenov V.V., The service sector and its workers, M., 1966; Services and their socio-economic role, trans. from Polish, M., 1967; Agababyan E. M., Economic analysis service sector, M., 1968; 3ubchaninov V.V., Services as a form of material production, in the collection: Competition of two systems. New phenomena in the economics of capitalism, M., 1967, p. 85-101; Zagladina S.M., Growth of net distribution costs in the US economy, ibid., p. 128-42; Issues of economics of consumer services, M., 1966.

S. L. Pevzner.

Article about the word " Household services" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was read 29879 times

Household services are part of the non-productive sphere, the purpose of which is to help in organizing everyday life (reassignment homework or part of the labor costs for self-service) to third-party people (servants) or companies.

BONs include: laundries, hairdressers, all kinds of repairs, certain types of recreation and leisure, photography, funeral services, tailoring shoes and clothes to order, etc.

BON enterprises are characterized by a number of features: -

their activities are focused on helping clients self-service, -

they are engaged in service, i.e., they find out the client’s wishes, coordinate them with production capabilities, show him the final product, communication with the client is considered as a way of his relaxation.

Individual nature of service consumption. BON is one of the oldest areas of production, because servants (household helpers) appeared immediately with the appearance of surplus food, i.e. during the period of savagery. Workers serving the owner had low social status. They were practically powerless (slaves and servants), obliged by everything accessible ways please the owner. And although their work was easier than the direct producers - peasants and workers, as low-skilled, easily replaceable workers who lose the ability to “please the eye” as they age - they were not protected either by the law or by the logic (reason) of the owner.

Based on the spread of the BON sphere and the nature of consumption, we can distinguish 3 stages of its formation: initial, market and democratic. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The initial stage was characterized by extremely uneven consumption of services among the population: some consumed a lot, others - nothing. Housekeeping was centered around wealthy people. Naturally, the “pleasure” of the owners prevailed over the quality (content of labor) of the services themselves, the accumulation and consolidation of advanced experience.

The market stage was characterized by expanding demand for BON. As the well-being of the population grows, the level of education and social self-esteem of individuals increases, as well as the cost of services becomes cheaper due to their mechanization, automation, increased division of labor, and the consolidation of manufacturing companies. In general, the consumption of services leads to savings in social labor costs, since heavy, low-productivity housework is replaced by mechanized labor.

The modern (democratic) stage is characterized by two trends.

The first is excessive consumption of services. Sociologists believe that in developed countries there is an excess consumption of services. This is largely due to the effect of the funds mass information, advertising that arouses in the population a propensity for service that was previously absent from them. Partially, this excessive tendency to service is justified by the increased tension of life and the need for new forms of relaxation, which is facilitated by BON. The specifics of a person experiencing nervous overstrain depending on the owner, buyer, external conditions, presupposes a person’s desire to exercise his right to service. The second trend is the new nature of home maintenance work. In place of servants (maids) working in the family long time, workers came, hired for certain operations around the house: cleaning furniture, bathtubs, washing windows, cleaning rooms, etc. This approach is depersonalized. The customer does not know the contractor, he pays money for the work done, for the selection of people who can be entrusted with the apartment. Modern researchers note an increase in demand for depersonalized service. Workers carrying out these works do not experience employment problems. Their work is specialized and mechanized as much as possible, they are well paid, and give them a certain freedom of time.

So, the social role of consumer services is that it is a way: * liberation of man from monotony and manual labor

around the house *

thus increases the efficiency of social labor and production: *

saves time for creativity, relaxation, communication with friends and family, and self-development.

Household services

With the transition to mass consumption of household services, a process of social equalization of people occurs, since these services have become available to everyone. The choice of a profession related to consumer services is the result of their goodwill, and not a manifestation of the desire of the owner (as in feudalism) or the inability to get another job due to low education (capitalism).

population, part of the service sector, where non-productive and production services are provided to the population. B. o. characterized by socially organized ways and forms of satisfying the immediate material and spiritual needs of people outside of their professional and socio-political activities.

B. o. enterprises production of personal consumption items according to individual orders, restoration of the lost use value of household items and personal use, and provision of personal services. To B. o. include the activities of enterprises and organizations engaged in home renovation, manufacturing and repair of custom-made furniture, washing, dry cleaning and dyeing of things, individual tailoring and repair of shoes, clothing, fur and knitwear, security, preventive maintenance and repair of cars, repair of technical household machines and instruments, television and radio equipment, as well as musical instruments, provision of services for storing things in pawnshops, photographic services and hairdressing services, rental of cultural, household, sports and household items, apartment cleaning services, carrying out various errands, etc.

With social development, technological progress, as well as improvements in the material well-being of the population, the importance of socially organized forms of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people increases.

The social content of the economic system, the availability of household services to the population, the degree and proportions of development of their individual types, and the nature and depth of their impact on the life and work of the population are determined not only by the level of development of the productive forces, but primarily by the method of social production.

Under socialism, the expansion of the service sector in general and B. o. in particular, it is one of the indicators of the growth and development of the national economy and the increase in the well-being of the entire population. During the period of building a communist society, conditions are created for the accelerated development of socially organized forms of bourgeoisie. population. It is aimed at gradually replacing the household with social forms of economic activity. and on this basis the elimination of the remnants of actual inequality between women in everyday life, the elimination of socio-economic and cultural differences between city and countryside, the equalization of living conditions of the population of the Central regions and remote areas of the country, the cultivation of collectivism in everyday life.

Together with other service industries (for example, with trade (See Trade), public catering (See Public catering), children's institutions, housing and communal services, etc.) enterprises B. o. individual elements of the household are gradually being replaced by large-scale social production and organized services for many aspects of everyday life. (See also Utilities). It is of great importance for the rise of the village in economic, cultural and everyday terms, as well as for slowing down the process of migration of the rural population to the cities. Expansion of B. o. helps to improve the use of workers' free time, increase their cultural level, and better organize recreation.

In the USSR, to organize the leadership and improve the B. o. population in the union republics (since 1965), special ministries of economic affairs were formed. Independent management of the B. o. was created. population of territories and regions. Their activities are carried out under the control of the Soviets of Workers' Deputies. In 1970, state, cooperative and public enterprises and organizations of the B. o. provided the population with over 450 types of household services worth over 4 billion. rub.(in 1960 - 1.1 billion. rub.). In B. o. in 1968 there were 225.8 thousand (in 1960 135 thousand) enterprises and reception centers, where 1.65 million people were employed. Of the production (industrial) types of services, B. o. In 1967, the share of individual tailoring and repair of clothing was 41%, the repair of complex household appliances was 14.5%, and the tailoring and repair of shoes was 14.3%. Among non-production (non-industrial) types of services, hairdressing salon services (54%), followed by repairs and housing construction (21.1%), and photographic services (19.5%) were in first place. A special network of educational institutions for training for biomedical education has been created. personnel of qualified workers, technicians, engineers and economists of the highest qualifications and various specialties. There are universities that train engineers and economists for the economic system. (Moscow, Vladivostok, Khmelnitsky). There is a network of research and design and technological institutes that are developing issues of improving biochemical systems. population of the USSR.

Under capitalism, the development of economic activity. pursues commercial goals and proceeds unevenly. Enterprises for the maintenance and repair of automobiles, dry cleaning of clothing, as well as enterprises for the urgent repair of household appliances and shoes are expanding especially rapidly in a number of foreign countries. In the USA in the 70s. of about 770 thousand enterprises of B. o. With almost 1.9 million wage workers, the largest place is occupied by car repair and maintenance. Revenue of all B. o. enterprises amounted to almost 17.5 billion. Doll. Some types of services can only be used by privileged segments of society.

Lit.: Semenov V.V., The service sector and its workers, M., 1966; Services and their socio-economic role, trans. from Polish, M., 1967; Agababyan E.M., Economic analysis of the service sector, M., 1968; 3ubchaninov V.V., Services as a form of material production, in the collection: Competition of two systems. New phenomena in the economics of capitalism, M., 1967, p. 85-101; Zagladina S.M., Growth of net distribution costs in the US economy, ibid., p. 128-42; Issues of economics of consumer services, M., 1966.

S. L. Pevzner.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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In the context of the transformation of the Russian economy, it is of particular importance to determine the development prospects of those industries that are involved in the creation of consumed vital goods, including household services. Consumer services for the population are important for maintaining and increasing living standards, which in modern conditions is determined not only by the growth rate and scale of development of material production sectors, but also by indicators of consumption of services. Currently, the role of consumer services is increasing even more due to the need to solve a number of socio-economic problems. Firstly, household services restore consumer properties various products, in the use of citizens. This allows you to save cash in conditions where the purchase of new goods is not available to 2/3 of the Russian population. In this regard, the population's need for repair services for clothing, shoes, and complex household appliances is increasing. Secondly, an important function of consumer services is to increase the free time of citizens, which is increasingly necessary for self-education, acquisition of new specialties, and advanced training. Thirdly, the need for repair of complex household appliances and television and radio equipment is increasing due to the saturation of the market with these goods, which are not always of sufficient quality. Fourthly, a circle of consumers with high incomes has formed who actively use personal services, which predetermined the emergence of hairdressing salons, high-end studios, and car dealerships.

A household service is either predominantly productive living labor, the result of which is material objects or the value of items already used in household use is restored, or an activity that does not produce tangible results.

In accordance with GOST, public service is defined as the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer of the service, as well as the performer’s own activities to meet the needs of the population.

Household services for the population is a special form of economic activity, identified as a separate industry and included in the sphere of paid services to the population, the purpose of which is to improve the material side of life of citizens, reduce time for housekeeping, and reduce costs for the purchase of household items.

Consumer services for the population have all the main features (features) of an independent branch of the national economy. In particular, like other industries, consumer services have fixed and working capital, a permanent workforce of workers, specialists and employees. The formation of consumer services for the population into an independent sector of the economy was greatly facilitated by those specific features that are inherent only to consumer service enterprises. Among them it should be noted:

– a mandatory individual order, and, as a rule, personal contact between the consumer and the performer or representative of the manufacturer of the household service (receiver, master, agent);

– the pronounced local nature of the activities of most divisions of the industry;

– fluctuations in demand for household services by seasons of the year, months, and even by the working hours of enterprises.

– a simultaneous combination of functions characteristic of production (production of services) and trade (sale of services).

Household services market- This is the sphere of exchange, organized according to the laws of commodity production and circulation. There are several types of consumer services market.

Manufacturer's market– this is a situation when demand significantly exceeds the supply of household services. In this case, the main thing is to offer services that are almost all implemented, even if they do not meet the needs of consumers. Quantity is given full priority over quality. There is no competition. The population is forced to use the services offered by the consumer service. The culture of providing them is often low.

Consumer market- a market in which there is no monopoly on the production of services, there is a choice of them, there is a correspondence or a slight excess of supply over demand. The consumer can choose services that suit him in terms of price, service culture, time spent and give them preference over others.

Due to the fact that the scope of activity of consumer service enterprises is territorial (local) in nature, the market for household services also differs in terms of territorial boundaries and scale. Prices, income policy, taxes, financial and credit levers, and marketing have a significant impact on the supply of services and demand.

Household services are classified according to the following criteria:

    According to the organizational and legal form of the performing entity distinguish:

    large specialized enterprises;

    small businesses with up to 30 employees;

    “non-core” enterprises;

    individuals engaged in various household services as private entrepreneurs.

    By nature of work distinguish:

– production services – services provided in the form of a product or included in its composition (production, repair and restoration of household appliances, television and radio equipment, clothing, furniture and other items of cultural, household and household use);

– non-productive services are services that are of a non-commodity nature (these are bathhouse services, hairdressing salons, reference services, etc.).

    By type of ownership enterprises serving the population, services are:

    services of state enterprises;

    services of municipal enterprises;

    services of private enterprises.

    By degree of participation in creating consumer value, services are divided into the following:

      creating new consumer values ​​(new products);

      restoring consumer properties of goods (repair work);

      serving a person (personal).

Many types of household services have the properties of a pure public good and an external effect, and this implies the need to regulate this area of ​​activity and form, along with the commercial, non-profit sector of household services.

There are household services that serve the process of distribution, exchange and consumption of various goods, which are classified as net distribution costs. These are, for example, services of housing exchange bureaus and pawnshop services. The peculiarity of consumer services is that the circulation process here is not always spatially separated from production, unlike, for example, light industry and trade.

Household services are provided through specific forms of service. A form of service is a type of labor determined by the specific content of the service, which is its integral part. Forms of service most common in practice:

at the place of residence or at the customer’s home(providing the services of a tutor, piano tuner, specialists in the repair of large electronic equipment and household appliances);

at a public service enterprise(manufacturing of clothing, shoes, knitwear, jewelry, furniture manufacturing, dry cleaning of clothes);

at the place of work(rental of means of production, repair of shoes, watches, provision of hairdresser services, accepting orders for all types of household services);

at the place of rest(rental of sports equipment and cultural and everyday use, work of recreation centers, teachers with children in recreation rooms);

self-service– obtaining services mainly without the help of employees (washing clothes in a self-service laundry, making things in salons);

season tickets– on the basis of a document granting the right to receive a service in accordance with the terms of the agreement of the parties (maintenance and repair of televisions, refrigerators);

urgent– carried out in a short period of time (dry cleaning, laundry, repair of household appliances, clothes, shoes, furniture delivery).

Consumer services as an independent integral industry, functioning on the basis of the common end result of the production activities of its enterprises and institutions, plays an important role in the economy. If we consider the role of the consumer services industry in the economic aspect, expressed in increasing production efficiency, it is obvious that the various household services provided to the population by consumer service enterprises have become an important factor in the development of production and the growth of its efficiency.

However, despite the importance of consumer services, its level and quality has been constantly declining in recent years. Entrepreneurial activity in this area is very insignificant, since the need to have equipment, tools, raw materials and materials, premises requires significant capital investments. The effective demand of the population is low, which causes a low rate of return on invested capital. To start a business, you need more funds. At the same time, according to calculations, the payback period for one workplace for hairdressing and photography services is 2-3 years, dry cleaning of clothes - 10-15 years, sewing and repairing clothes - 1-2 years, sewing and shoe repair - 5-7 years , laundry services – 8-10 years.

The formation of the consumer services sector began in our country in the 60s. However, the socio-economic efficiency of the industry’s development was low: the range and quality of services provided to the population, their availability, and the timing of orders left much to be desired. This necessitated radical changes in the industry, which began in 1991-1992. In the conditions of the subsequent spontaneous formation of market relations in this area Many problems arose: uncontrolled price increases, a sharp “compression” of demand for household services and, as a consequence, a reduction in the number of household service enterprises. Operating enterprises in the industry, as a rule, operate unprofitably. The exception is a small group of elite enterprises aimed at the highly profitable part of the population. Serious stabilization in this area requires a set of legislative, financial, organizational and economic measures, the development of government programs for the survival and development of the consumer services industry in modern conditions of market relations.