What is cytological control? Cytological examination of the cervical canal or Pap test in women

The unfavorable environmental situation, early maturation and sexual intercourse among modern youth, smoking, exposure to all sorts of gadgets and other problems of 21st century society lead to disappointing medical statistics: cases of cancer are increasingly being recorded. The disease also affects the female reproductive organ - the uterus. How to protect your health, are there methods for diagnosing such a serious disease in the early stages? The answer lies, as they say, on the surface. Almost every girl who visits a gynecologist undergoes an analysis, which is aimed at studying the structure of cells, finding atypical ones or those that do not correspond to generally accepted standards. This test is called “atypical cell test”, “pap test” or “cytology test”. What it is and what it is needed for, we will explain in detail in the article.

Cytology as a science

What does the word “cytology” mean? This is a separate science that studies the structure, functioning, and characteristics of living cells. This branch of medicine is also called cell biology.

Clinical cytology is a branch of laboratory research, the essence of which is the microscopic descriptive analysis of cytological material. Using cytology analysis, cancer, precancerous conditions and benign neoplasms, as well as inflammatory processes are determined.

Cytology is a science that also studies the ability of cells to respond to external stimuli. This means that this medical field, in addition to identifying diseases, is also involved in the experimental development of drugs.

Cytology in gynecology

Clinical cytology - what is it in gynecology? In this branch of medical science, the cytological analysis method is widely used, as it is highly informative and reliable. With its help, you can determine a large number of different pathological conditions in the vagina, cervix and uterus itself. In addition, the analysis does not require large expenses: all that is needed is a concentrate that stains the material under study and the microscope itself.

The advantages of this diagnostic study are also safety, painlessness, ease of sampling, and low risk of adverse reactions. A smear for cytology is performed even on pregnant women. And the result will be ready within a day after taking the material.

Typically, the material is collected in a complex manner: from the urethra, vagina and cervix. Therefore, this analysis may be called “atypical cell smear” or “cervical cytology”. What it is? This is the same analysis for atypical cells, which has the same method of conducting and interpreting the results.


So, a smear for cytology. What is it and when is it prescribed? There are no specific indications for testing for atypical cells. This study is recommended for all representatives of the fair sex from the moment they have their first sexual intercourse. During reproductive age, doctors advise women to check their health with a cytology smear at least once a year. Cytology is a simple and reliable way to detect cancer cells.

Cytology analysis is routinely carried out before gynecological surgery, various gynecological manipulations (for example, when inserting a contraceptive - a spiral), when planning pregnancy, directly during pregnancy, if infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are suspected, infertility treatment, menstrual irregularities.

Cytology is a science that studies the functioning of a cell, which means it can be used to detect damaged, atypical structures and their reactions. Therefore, the analysis is also prescribed by the doctor when confirming the diagnosis of “human papillomavirus”, “genital herpes”, “obesity” and “diabetes mellitus” for dynamic monitoring of the patient’s condition, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of treatment methods.

Cytology analysis: how does it happen?

Cytology analysis - what is it, how is it carried out? The material is collected on a gynecological chair. The doctor will use a special medical brush to collect mucus from the vagina, the entrance to the cervical canal, and also from the cervical canal. During sampling, gynecological speculums are also used to visually detect inflamed areas of the mucous membrane. If there are any, the doctor will take an analysis from such a damaged area. The procedure causes discomfort, but the patient should not experience any pain if the procedure is performed correctly.

Cytological material (mucus) is applied to a diagnostic glass, fixed and dried, and then delivered to the laboratory for examination.

Test portability

We talked about what a cytology smear is and what it is. What are the contraindications and adverse reactions? There are cases when the mucous membrane is too inflamed, so the slightest touch of a medical instrument causes minor bleeding due to damage to the capillaries. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own within 24 hours.

If after a few hours the patient has a fever, nagging pain in the abdomen, continuous heavy bleeding, and chills, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. None of the above symptoms are normal when conducting a test such as cervical cytology. What is this, why do such reactions occur? The causes of complications may be unprofessional sampling of material, as well as advanced inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.

Preliminary preparation

Contrary to popular belief that no preparation is needed before taking a smear for atypical cells, it is necessary to take the recommended measures the day before in order to exclude false test results. Therefore, next we will consider the question: “Cytology of the uterus - what is it and how to prepare for analysis?”

  1. It is necessary 2 weeks before the proposed examination to exclude the use of intravaginal suppositories, local creams, ointments, including contraceptives, and not to use the douching method.
  2. A week earlier you need to give up intimacy.
  3. The study cannot be carried out during menstrual flow. The most reliable results of analysis for atypical cells are observed when the material is collected on the 5th day after the end of menstruation.
  4. Several hours before the cytology test, it is recommended to refrain from urinating.

Decoding the result

Many people are interested in the question of what clinical cytology is, what it is in gynecology, and how to decipher the obtained indicators. Only a doctor should analyze the test results. The detected indicators do not constitute a diagnosis and require additional research and clarification.

The results are divided into 5 degrees of purity:

  1. The first means that cytological analysis did not reveal any pathological changes in the cells. This means that the patient is healthy.
  2. The second indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.
  3. In the third degree, cells in which the structure of the nucleus is disrupted are found in the smear. In this case, it is recommended to undergo microbiological and histological examination to make a diagnosis.
  4. If the results indicate the fourth degree, then there is a risk of cancer. The patient is prescribed a full urgent examination using a biopsy and examination using a colposcope.
  5. At stage 5, laboratory technicians found a large number of cancer cells in the smear. In this case, the woman is immediately referred to an oncologist.

In the second and third degrees, after additional examinations, it is necessary to conduct a repeat cytology test.

Cytology smear analysis: what is it, how to decipher it?

In addition to purity indicators, the cytology test result form also contains other parameters:

  • Latin letters indicate the area of ​​sampling of the test material: U - urethra, C - cervical canal, V - vagina;
  • the presence of leukocytes in the field of view (normally - up to 15 units);
  • it is possible to detect infectious agents: fungi, trichomonas or gonococci;
  • a large amount of epithelium indicates a possible oncopathology (normally up to 10 units);
  • the presence of mucus in small quantities is normal.

Cytology test results are not a diagnosis. Only a doctor, having assessed the entire situation of a particular medical case, can determine the pathology. Thus, grades 2-4 may indicate not only cancer, but also less dangerous and easily treatable health problems, such as candidiasis, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, genital herpes, papillomavirus.

Cost of analysis

Cytology is a widespread and accessible method for diagnosing cancer in the early stages. Almost every laboratory or clinic can take this test, so the cost of the test has a wide range depending on the level of the medical institution and its equipment, personnel qualifications, and the like. According to the insurance policy, the analysis is carried out free of charge in public clinics. In private laboratories, such a service costs from 500 to 1200 rubles. Additionally, you will have to pay for the collection of material itself - that’s another 200-500 rubles.

Where to get a smear for cytology?

In any modern laboratory, a smear is performed for cytology; a doctor’s referral is not necessary at all. By contacting a antenatal clinic or a private clinic, for example, “Invitro”, “Hemotest”, you can undergo such a diagnostic test.

Cytology is a science that has saved many lives over the course of several decades of its existence. Don't forget to get tested annually for abnormal cells. Such a simple, safe and affordable test can detect a deadly disease in the early stages of development. Timely seeking medical help significantly increases the likelihood of complete medical victory over the disease.

Today, the main way to examine internal female organs is a cytology smear, which shows the development of infections and dangerous pathologies. It differs from other types of laboratory tests by a special set of dyes and fixatives that increase the reliability of the final results.

What is a cytology smear?

Cytological Papanicolaou, PAP test) is a laboratory microscopic examination of the upper ball of the cervix, intended for the timely diagnosis of cancer. This method is the most painless, simple and fast among all known examination methods.

Purpose of the analysis

In order to prevent and prevent the development of dangerous diseases, cytology of a smear from the cervical canal is done for every woman. This analysis allows us to identify abnormalities in the cellular structure of the cervix that cause the development of cancer. To avoid possible pathologies, all women should regularly visit a gynecologist. If changes occur, they are recorded at an early stage, when the disease is treatable and full recovery is still possible.

In addition to cellular pathologies, a cytology smear allows you to evaluate the mucous membrane and determine the presence of harmful microorganisms in the vagina. The Pap test provides accurate data on these parameters, so in such cases it is necessary to use additional methods of analysis.

Indications for Pap test

A smear is prescribed to all women over 18 years of age during a routine examination by a gynecologist once a year. Also, indications for the analysis include: menstruation disorders, the presence of papilloma virus and genital herpes, free sexual intercourse, infertility, the use of hormonal contraceptives, the installation of an intrauterine device, planning pregnancy. Infectious diseases are also often a reason to take a smear for cytology. What the result shows can only be determined by a specialist.

Risk group

Regardless of age, there are certain factors whose exposure increases the risk of developing cancer. With prolonged exposure to the female body, they weaken the immune system. This risk group includes women who have many sexual partners, smoke, have weak immunity, are carriers of viruses, began sexual activity at an early age, and have had cancer of the reproductive system in the past.

How to make a smear

To obtain reliable results, a woman must stop taking antibiotics a week before the test. The day before the study, you need to stop douching and placing vaginal suppositories and having sexual intercourse.

A smear is taken on the chair during an examination by a gynecologist. The doctor takes 3 smears: from the walls of the vagina, from and from the mouth of the paraurethral passages. This procedure is completely painless. A speculum and spatula are used to take a smear. To prevent objects from being cold and creating unpleasant sensations, they can be heated with hot water before use.

At the next stage, the doctor applies the test material to a special glass, on which a laboratory analysis of the smear for cytology will be carried out under a microscope.

Interpretation of research results

The last and most important stage of the study is deciphering the smear for cytology. According to the analysis, the doctor can obtain information about the condition of the epithelium, the presence of inflammation and the composition of the microflora. In modern medical practice, the Papanicolaou technique is widely used to decipher the results of a smear, according to which there are 5 stages of the development of pathologies.

Stage 1 - there are no abnormalities, cytology is normal. This stage indicates the woman’s health.

Stage 2 - during a routine examination or based on complaints, a woman takes a smear for cytology, which shows a slight change in the structure of the cells. It is caused by inflammation of the internal genital organs. This stage is also considered normal, but still requires more thorough research to determine the causes of the disease.

Stage 3 - a small number of cells with abnormalities in the structure of the nuclei were detected. In this case, it is necessary to take a second smear and conduct a histological examination of the tissue.

Stage 4 - during the analysis, cells with malignant changes can be identified. For example, increased nuclear mass, changes in the cytoplasm and chromosomes. The result obtained is not a final diagnosis, but serves as a reason for further examination.

Stage 5 - present in large quantities in smears.

Deciphering a smear for cytology may take some time. Usually it takes a few days, but there are times when you need to wait a week for results.

The reliability of the results of the Papanicolaou method is very high, especially when a smear is examined for cervical cytology. But this analysis does not provide any information about the condition of the uterus itself, ovaries and fallopian tubes. There are times when a PAP test gives false data. Therefore, to accurately interpret the results, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Positive results: types of pathologies

If the research data obtained corresponds to the norms, then no abnormalities were identified and the woman is healthy. In case of positive results, pathology develops.

Finding abnormal cells does not always indicate the presence of cancer. Dangerous infectious diseases are often detected during a Pap test.

1. Human papillomavirus infection - the formation of genital warts in the vagina and on the cervix. This virus is very dangerous for women's health.

2. Chlamydia is the most common. Basically, this disease occurs without pronounced symptoms. In addition, it is difficult to diagnose through laboratory testing. This makes treatment difficult, and its absence can lead to serious complications.

3. Trichomoniasis is a popular sexually transmitted disease. The main symptoms of the disease: itching, yellow-green discharge, discomfort when urinating and during sexual intercourse. Timely diagnosis of pathology allows you to completely cure the disease.

4. Gonorrhea is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. The chronic form of the disease is often the cause of infertility in women.

5. A yeast infection is an overgrowth of fungus that lives in the vagina. For some reason, its reproduction gets out of control and inflammation occurs. It is accompanied by irritation and itching, white discharge with a characteristic odor.

If the smear test is positive due to the presence of infection, the identified diseases should be treated. Very often it is difficult to determine cancer precisely because of viruses. Therefore, after a course of therapy, it is necessary to repeat the analysis to obtain more accurate data.

Depending on the pathology, sometimes it is necessary to take a second smear for cytology, which shows the dynamics of changes in the structure of cells over a certain period.

Taking a smear during pregnancy

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of infections and fungi harmful to the fetus, cytology is often used. The inflammatory type of smear makes it possible to diagnose pathological processes if a woman complains of burning and itching of the external genitalia, changes in the color and smell of discharge. To analyze the state of the vaginal microflora in pregnant women, cytology smears are done at least three times. If necessary, your doctor may order additional PAP tests.

A Pap test for pregnant women is performed using conventional technology.

Possible complications after taking a smear

Taking a smear for cytology should be done by a specialist doctor who knows the technique of this process. There may be some complications after performing a Pap test. Most often they manifest themselves as severe pain after manipulation and bleeding for a day or a little longer. Such symptoms are considered completely normal and do not require treatment. If after the study you experience severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, you should consult a doctor.

Cytology when taken incorrectly also sometimes has dangerous consequences. With rough intervention, stenosis caused by adhesions may develop. For this reason, it is not customary to carry out prophylactic smear taking in deep places of the cervical canal.

For a week after the Pap test, you should avoid intimate relations, douching, and the use of tampons.

A cytological smear is considered the best method for detecting cervical cancer in the early stages of development. But even the best laboratories sometimes cannot detect cellular changes. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of detecting pathology, you need to take a smear annually.

Cytology is a field of biology that studies the cells of living organisms, their structure, functions, mechanisms of cell reproduction, aging and death. Cytology in gynecology is a special method during which the doctor examines cellular material. What is gynecological cytology?

Cytology analysis

A cytological smear is a very quick, easy, affordable and completely painless test that allows you to assess the degree of deviation of cervical cells. A smear is taken in a gynecological chair during the examination of patients. First, the doctor, using a cotton swab, completely clears the surface of the cervix from secretions. Then, using a special brush, he takes the necessary material for analysis and applies it to a special glass, after which the contents are taken to the laboratory and examined under a microscope.

Results are most often available within 7-10 business days. A cytological smear determines the shape, size, and pattern of cell placement; this helps to identify cancerous, precancerous and background diseases of the cervix. Gynecologists recommend this examination for every woman starting from 18 years old, once a year inclusive, until 65 years old. The first test is required with the onset of sexual activity.

Indications, preparation, results

To undergo a cytology test in women, the following indications are distinguished:
  1. Infertility.
  2. Disturbed menstrual cycle.
  3. Genital herpes.
  4. Pregnancy planning.
  5. Taking hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Having multiple sexual partners.
It should also be noted that A smear should be taken immediately after the end of menstruation. To properly prepare for a trip to the gynecological office, you must follow several rules:
  • Do not urinate for 2-3 hours before the procedure.
  • Abstain from sex for 1-2 days.
  • Avoid the use of vaginal products: lubricants, suppositories, creams, sprays.
The results that cytology analysis shows are of two types:
  • Normal, which indicates the absence of significant pathologies in the cervix.
  • Pathological (positive, bad, as well as dysplasia and apathy), which means identifying some changes that may subsequently cause the occurrence and development of cancer.

Disadvantages of classical cytology

Unfortunately, this analysis does not always give an accurate result. There are a number of reasons for this:
  1. A flat brush does not allow you to take material from the entire surface of the organ.
  2. The obtained data is distributed unevenly across the glass, which prevents an objective assessment of the analysis and complicates the work of a specialist.
  3. It is possible that foreign substances may get on the glass.
  4. High probability of a false result (from 20 to 40%).

Liquid cytology

Currently, the method of conventional cytology using a smear has an alternative - liquid cytology, which shows the most accurate results. The main difference of this method is that the cells of this organ are collected using the most advanced brush, which helps to collect cells from all corners of the cervix plus from the cervical canal. Then the instrument is placed in a container with a solution and the data is sent to the laboratory.

Each cell from the brush is placed together with the solution in a specialized apparatus. It examines the material, after which the composition is placed on the glass in a thin and smooth layer. After staining, it is checked by a specialist cytologist. In addition, the device passes the injected drugs through a special analyzer, which can show suspicious or questionable areas that the cytologist pays attention to. This careful approach allows us to fully examine all the cells taken. This significantly increases the likelihood of accurately determining the state of the cells of the organ being examined and prevents their negative changes.

Liquid cytology, being a method of early diagnosis, has a couple more significant advantages:

  1. Cells placed in the solution can survive for up to 6 months. Given this feature, it is also possible to do an analysis for the presence of papilloma virus, and even determine the amount of such a virus, which is of great importance when obtaining the result of liquid cytology tests.
  2. Using the solution, it is possible to determine a specific protein Р16ink4a. This clarifies the situation in the case of identifying malignant cells containing a predisposition to transformation. The presence of this protein indicates complex damage to the cell and the risk of its malignant change. The absence of protein shows that there is no danger of cancerous transformations.

What is the difference between cytology and histology?

Histology is the science that studies body tissue. Histological analysis is related to cytological analysis. Using it, you can find out the exact structure of various tissues. For histological examination, tissues, rather than cells, are taken (although in some cases a smear or print is sufficient). The doctor gives recommendations for the analysis individually. In order to get the result, specialists take up to 10 days, but in rare cases they conduct a rapid analysis within 24 hours.

The research takes place in several stages:

  1. The fabric fragment undergoes special treatment to prevent rotting and is also dehydrated to compact it.
  2. A solid block is prepared to obtain a cut using paraffin or other embedding substance.
  3. The resulting block is cut into thin slices with a microtome.
  4. The resulting particles are stained to identify various tissue structures (DNA, cytoplasm, etc.)
  5. The sections are covered with a second layer of glass and examined by histologists or pathomorphologists.
Histology determines gynecological oncological diseases and their symptoms. Analysis can be taken from the following organs: uterus, cervix, ovaries.

Thus, we can conclude that timely contact with a specialist will detect diseases in the early stages and prevent their further development.

Every woman is prescribed cytology from time to time. Not everyone knows what this is. Even those patients who have been analyzed more than once have vague ideas about it.

Cytology (PAP test) is a type of laboratory test common in gynecology, during which a specialist evaluates the size and structure of the cells of the cervix and cervical canal.

This test was first conducted by the Greek scientist Papanicolaou to detect cancer at the earliest stages, as well as precancerous conditions.

An unscheduled study should be carried out for women who are planning a pregnancy or who have been unable to become pregnant for a long time, in case of disruptions in the monthly cycle, the use of hormonal medications, with a large number of sexual partners, before installing an intrauterine device, or in case of complaints of bleeding after sexual intercourse. The study is mandatory for women who are at risk of developing cervical cancer - patients with herpetic and/or human papillomavirus infection (often manifested in the form of pointed papillomas on the genitals).


If a woman under 25 years of age is not sexually active, then taking a cytological smear is not necessary. Taking a smear after 25 years is a mandatory procedure, regardless of the patient’s sexual activity.

Since the first cell study, some changes have occurred in the conduct of cytology to this day. What is it at the moment? Today, analysis is divided into two types - general and specific. When performing general cytology, a specialist evaluates parameters characteristic of most types of cells. In private cytology, the characteristics of individual types of cells are studied. In addition, there are 6 areas of cytology.

What this is can be understood if you read them:

  • cytomorphology - evaluates the structural features of cells;
  • cytophysiology - studies the life of a cell as a separate unit, evaluates the nature of the interaction of structures from the intracellular space;
  • cytochemistry - evaluates the chemical composition of cells and its individual components, compares the data obtained with established standards;
  • cytoecology - observes changes in the structure, shape, size and composition of cells as a result of adaptation to changes occurring in the environment;
  • cytopathology - diagnoses diseases and pathological conditions of cells caused, for example, by viral damage, malignant processes or the negative effects of drugs.

As you can see, a lot of information about the epithelium of the cervix can be learned only from cytology alone. What this is is already clear, but how to properly prepare for the study? In order for the results of the study to be as accurate as possible, it is not recommended to come to the gynecologist during menstrual bleeding. 48 hours before the test you should stop having sex without using a condom.

At the same time, it is not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol or eat spicy foods. It is better to take a shower instead of a bath. Before going to a specialist, it is not recommended to use any vaginal suppositories or tablets, sprays or powders for intimate areas. You should also not douche or use tampons.

If a woman has any abnormal discharge or symptoms of genital infections, inflammation (unpleasant odor from the genitals, itching, burning), she should report this to the doctor. In this case, you may first have to undergo special examination and treatment. If you suspect pregnancy, you should also notify your gynecologist. In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible, the bladder should be emptied first.

Smear for oncocytology: how cytological examination of smears is carried out

Normally, the analysis should be performed on days 10-12 of the cycle. The collection of material for cytological examination of smears is carried out by a gynecologist in his examination room. This is done before conducting a two-finger manual examination and before colposcopy. First, the specialist places a gynecological speculum in the vagina, after which he cleanses the cervix of various secretions using cotton wool. After this, the doctor uses a special brush to scrape the side of the vagina and vaginal vault, as well as the endocervix.

The taken material is applied in a thin, uniform layer to the previously disinfected glass. To prevent the cytological smear from drying out, it is treated with a mixture of ethyl alcohol and ethers. Some specialists use aerosols for this or place the material in a test tube with a special liquid. Store smears at a temperature of 2-8 degrees for no more than 10 days. Taking material for cytology can cause discomfort.

However, they are very minor and pass quickly. Taking a smear for oncocytology lasts 5-10 seconds. Simultaneously with the cytology smear, the specialist can take material for a bacteriological smear (usually vaginal discharge). This is necessary to assess the state of the flora of the genital organs, identify some pathogenic bacteria and the most accurate interpretation of the cytological smear in the future. A smear for oncocytology is prescribed to detect cancerous, proliferative, inflammatory, reactive, inflammatory, precancerous conditions, and benign neoplasms.

It is important to note that the study allows not only to diagnose pathology at the earliest stages, but also to select the most correct treatment regimen (different atypical cells react differently to the same drugs), assess the dynamics of therapy, and also monitor the condition of patients after treatment during avoiding relapse. After the cytological smear reaches the laboratory, a microbiologist begins to work with it.

Cytological examination of smears begins with the specialist staining the taken material using the following method:

  • Pap test is the most popular method in the world that can detect cancer cells and viral particles.
  • Romanovsky - allows you to clearly stain the cell nucleus, as well as detect the presence of bacteria and protozoa.

After staining, the cytological smear is examined under a microscope. Thus, the specialist can see an abnormal number of certain cells, their irregular structure and location. After this, he enters the received data into a special form.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the inflammatory smear for oncocytology. In this case, the analysis is prescribed for pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse and unusual discharge.

Thanks to a cytological examination of smears, the doctor can determine the nature of the inflammation, identify its exact location and, based on this, make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the correct treatment or understand what other studies are needed.

Oncocytology analysis: how cytological analysis is performed during pregnancy

The frequency of analysis for oncocytology is determined by the gynecologist based on the condition of the patient’s body. Healthy aged women 18-65 years old, those who do not have any pathologies of the cervix can undergo analysis once every 3 years.

If there are pathologies of the cervix or if the oncocytological smear performed last time turned out to be “bad”, it is recommended to conduct the study once a year. In women over 65 years of age, the frequency of cytological analysis depends on the medical history and the results of previous studies. An analysis for oncocytology is required before and after pregnancy, but in some cases it may be necessary to conduct an analysis during gestation.

As a rule, this study is recommended for women who were found to have atypical cells when planning pregnancy. Based on the results obtained, the patient will be prescribed treatment during pregnancy or will receive it after childbirth.

It is important to note that the cytological analysis is absolutely safe for both the woman and her child, and the presence of poor results in no way means that she will not be able to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child in the future. This analysis should not be neglected.

The price is small, but with the help of cytological analysis, a specialist can determine in what condition (out of five possible) the woman’s cervix is:

  1. Correct cell structure, absence of any pathology.
  2. The presence of minor changes in the cervix (mild dysplasia).
  3. The presence of single pathologically altered cells (severe dysplasia or moderate dysplasia).
  4. Strong changes in the nuclei, cytoplasm, and chromosomes of several cells indicate suspicion of cancer.
  5. There are a lot of cancer cells, the reliability of the results is beyond doubt.

After taking a smear for cytological analysis, a woman may notice greenish or brownish discharge. This should not be a cause for concern, as it is a normal reaction of the body to the procedure. This condition does not require treatment. At this time, it is only recommended to use sanitary pads.

To avoid discomfort, you can avoid intimacy for a week. Unfortunately, some women may experience complications after an oncocytology test, which manifest themselves in the form of abdominal pain, fever and stenosis. As a rule, this happens if the material was collected extremely carelessly. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a qualified specialist.

What does a cytology smear show and how to interpret the results?

After receiving the results, women often begin to worry and wonder what the cytology smear shows in their case.

The letters U, C and V are always present in the test results. They indicate the area from which the material was taken: urogenital, from the cervical canal or vagina. The number of leukocytes is also always written in the results. Normally it is 15 units or less.

If a woman has gonococci, trichomonas or pathogenic fungi, this will be indicated on the form. In this case, mandatory treatment is required. The presence of gardnerella in large quantities in combination with fungi may indicate candidiasis as a consequence - inflammation.

Atrophy of glandular, squamous or columnar epithelium indicates the onset of cancer development. In this case, the size and shape of the cells being studied are also indicated. In addition, the form indicates the degree of cleanliness of the cervix. In this case, numbers 1 and 2 indicate normal indicators, and 3 and 4 indicate the need for treatment. Flat epithelium should ideally not exceed 10 units, but sometimes this figure can be higher. In this case, a cytology analysis shows that the woman suffers from keratosis (a benign change in the tissue of the cervix).

Moderate discharge is a sign of a good vaginal environment. If the specialist finds atypical cells, he will write this down on the form. In addition, he will indicate the type of pathological change. If there are no special notes on the result form, this means that the woman is healthy. In general, test results can be negative or positive. The former are also called good, and the latter - bad. Deciphering a smear for cytology is a rather complex procedure that can only be carried out correctly by a qualified specialist.

That is why it is recommended that you only familiarize yourself with the test results. A thorough interpretation should be carried out by a gynecologist, taking into account many factors. Poor results are what a cytology smear often shows. This can be caused by many conditions. Poor cytology results are common, but cervical cancer is rare. As a rule, a bad cytology smear shows that the patient has an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Usually it indicates the presence of a papilloma virus or herpes, a violation of the vaginal microflora or sexually transmitted infections. This means that the woman needs to take antibacterial or antiviral tablets to restore normal microflora. After this, the smears almost always return to normal. The presence of atypical cells or dysplasia also does not indicate the presence of an initial stage of cancer. Such results indicate that a woman has a predisposition to oncological processes that can arise in the presence of unfavorable factors.

In addition, the presence of atypical cells is often a false positive. This can happen if the material is collected incorrectly. In this case, a biopsy is recommended. In menopausal women, poor results may be due to the hormonal changes that occur at this age. They usually affect the mammary glands, ovaries and cervix (involution process). That is, a cytology analysis shows that the patient has atrophy of cervical cells due to oncology, while this is a natural process at this age.

If you receive poor cytology results, do not worry. After the doctor sees what the cytology analysis shows in a particular case, he will inform the patient about the course of further action. In most cases, a repeat test or cauterization of erosion, dysplasia, or treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is required. Sometimes experts recommend performing a biopsy and/or colposcopy to obtain the most accurate results. In case of cancer, a referral to an oncologist is given.

The number of diseases of the female reproductive system is increasing every time. When a woman visits a gynecologist, the doctor takes samples to determine the nature of the microflora. To determine cancer, a smear is taken for cytology. All women must undergo the study once a year.

Cytology smear: description and significance of the procedure

Cytology smear - diagnosis of changes in the cells of the cervix and vagina

Cytological examination is a highly informative and reliable diagnostic method, thanks to which you can obtain information about the condition and possible changes in.

A cytological smear or Pap smear is a microscopic examination that helps identify possible pathologies of the cervix. This is a simple, painless procedure. For study, cells are taken from the surface of the neck. This non-invasive diagnostic method allows you to identify the causative agents of some.

With the help of cytological examination, atypical cells indicating dysplasia can be identified. Dysplasia is usually understood as a change in the structure of all layers of the cervical epithelium. This disease can lead to the development of a cervical tumor.

This study is mandatory for diagnosing possible changes in the structure of the cervix, as well as choosing an effective treatment method.

Typically, a malignant process begins to develop from the lower layers of the epithelium. Over time it progresses. As a result, if a scraping was taken from the surface layer, then a diagnosis can be made when the disease is at the last stage.

Unlike a histological examination, during which a single tissue sample is examined, for a cytological examination all the cells waste from the cervix are taken. When a precancerous condition is detected, invasive research methods are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Purpose of analysis

A smear is taken for cytology in the following cases:

  • Planned pregnancy
  • Cervical erosion
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Irregular periods
  • Condylomas
  • Herpetic rashes in the vagina
  • Change of sexual partners
  • Obesity

A cytological examination is prescribed before the installation of an intrauterine device, as well as during long-term use of hormonal drugs.For prevention purposes, women should undergo a cytology smear annually. The study is prescribed as soon as the girl begins to be sexually active.

Procedure: preparation and execution

A smear for cytological examination should be taken after the end of menstruation. The procedure is not performed during inflammatory processes in the body and during menstruation. If a woman has undergone a gynecological examination or colposcopy, then a PAP test is performed no earlier than 2 days after these manipulations.

2 days before the study, it is necessary to exclude sexual activity, you cannot douche and use vaginal suppositories and creams.

The procedure for collecting a smear for cytological examination is carried out as follows:

  • the woman sits in a gynecological chair and the gynecologist inserts a special device into the vagina to access the cervical canal
  • taken with a special spatula or cytological brush from the cervical canal, into the vagina and
  • After the examination, the doctor takes a smear exactly on the suspicious and inflamed area
  • Next, the material is applied to a glass slide and sent to the laboratory.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 15 minutes including a gynecological examination.The laboratory technician stains the resulting material using the Papanicolaou method. Based on the reaction of cells with dyes, a conclusion is made about a possible inflammatory process or a precancerous condition.

In addition to the PAP test, liquid cytological testing is performed.

The interpretation here is deeper: it is placed in a special solution, where it is examined under a microscope. Carrying out a liquid test simultaneously with a regular smear for cytology allows you to achieve reliable results.

Interesting video - Cytological studies in gynecology.

After a smear, in rare cases, a woman experiences discomfort. Sometimes after the procedure you may experience spotting and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms disappear after a few hours. In these cases, you should use personal hygiene products. To avoid pain and discomfort, you should abstain from sexual activity for a while.

However, if after taking a smear you experience bleeding, abdominal pain, or a fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such a reaction can occur when scraping is performed incorrectly or when there is an advanced inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.

How long does a smear take and interpretation of the results?

The examination is performed under a microscope and results can be obtained 1 day after taking a smear. During the study, the shape and size of the cells are determined, and based on this, a precancerous or cancerous condition can be diagnosed. If the result is of poor quality, then the collection of material for research must be repeated.

Cytological smear results:

  • At the first stage of the PAP test, the result is negative. Normally, there are no atypical cells.
  • Subsequent stages are assessed as positive. At the second stage, morphological changes in cells and an inflammatory process are observed. This stage requires careful examination to identify the causes of inflammation. Usually identified.
  • At stage 3, single epithelial cells with structural abnormalities are detected. Some cells have enlarged nuclei, indicating development. In the future, this can lead to a malignant process. In this case, the woman must take a second smear, have a biopsy and undergo a histological examination. The diagnosis is made only after additional examination.
  • Stage 4 is urgent. The smear reveals cells that resemble malignant ones. Additional examination involves colposcopy and biopsy with sampling of a suspicious area.
  • At stage 5, a large number of cancer cells are detected in the smear, and this indicates an oncological disease. The woman should urgently contact an oncologist for further treatment.

It should be remembered that based on a cytology smear, one cannot draw a conclusion about the condition of the uterus or. Therefore, it is recommended to go through.By constantly undergoing a preventive examination and taking a smear for cytological examination, the likelihood of developing serious diseases is significantly reduced.