Which is better, metal-plastic or slate? Which material is better: ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated sheets or slate? Disadvantages of metal tiles compared to ondulin

How to cover the roof: slate or metal tiles? Both one and the other - sheet material. Similar questions are often found on forums. Someone advises based on own experience, others - from what they have ever heard. But before making a decision, you need to thoroughly study the features of both materials and compare them according to 6 important parameters.

1. Appearance. In this category, it would seem that metal tiles should definitely win. A red or green roof looks much more advantageous than boring gray slate sheets. However, this is an outdated stereotype. You can also purchase colored slate (it is produced different color and shade) or paint, which will add durability to the roof, because... paint is an additional protective layer.

2. Price.A detailed calculator is available on the website. You can calculate the exact cost based on the parameters of your roof. required quantity slate and metal tiles. Usually the difference is about 20% in favor of slate. At the moment, this is truly the most affordable type of roofing material.

3. Soundproofing.Rain and hail are the main enemies of metal tiles. It is unlikely that you will be able to sleep peacefully. But slate fulfills this role perfectly. Therefore, if there are more rainy days a year than sunny days, make a decision in favor of the most sound-absorbing materials.

4. Size and weight of sheets.This is an important issue when installing a roof. Two sq. meters of metal tiles weigh 10 kg; 1,645 sq.m of six-wave slate weighs 21.4 kg, but there are also lightweight slate options with reduced sheet thickness.In addition, lighter sheets of metal tiles do not always withstand increased wind loads.

5. Environmentally friendly.On this issue, there are not as many conflicting opinions surrounding metal tiles as there are around slate. There is a belief that slate is unsafe. In fact, slate is made from the natural mineral chrysotile, cement and water. Slate is a safe roofing material. Other types of asbestos are harmful - amphiboles, but slate has never been made from them in Russia. Therefore, in terms of environmental friendliness, both materials benefit.

6. Wear resistance.Slate, as an invented material, is already more than 100 years old, and during this time it has managed to establish itself as a durable and reliable material. The minimum service life is 20-30 years. If we talk about metal tiles, then manufacturers quote terms of 15 years. It all depends on whether it was installed correctly and how quickly corrosion will appear on it, which not least depends on weather conditions, which in our country are not always favorable.

When choosing a roofing material, you should rely on the problems that you want to solve, be it cost savings, sound and noise insulation, or durability.

Cement, sand, brick and so on - these building materials are so expensive that when it comes to roofing works, the homeowner wants to stay within budget while still getting a roof that will last for decades. What material to choose so that the roof will last for more than 30 years and the costs will not hit your pocket too much? In this article we will compare corrugated sheets and slate, we’ll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both materials and give recommendations. The material will be useful to builders residential buildings, garages, gazebos and other non-residential buildings.

Advantages of Slate

Thousands of old houses in Ukraine are covered with slate, and novice builders conclude that this material can be used for roofing today. Its advantages include: hardness and the ability to hold a lot of weight, low heating in the sun, sound absorption and ease of repair. The main advantage is considered to be low cost. This is the most cheap material among those used in construction for roofing. Used slate is sold even cheaper, which is also plentiful on the secondary market. This made it popular 50 years ago. However, even if you are on a limited budget, let's look at a number of slate disadvantages that you need to consider when purchasing.

Disadvantages of slate:

Also, in order to save money, homeowners install solar collectors or solar panels on the roofs of their houses, so that thanks to solar energy receive warm water. Due to the fragility of slate, this is also more difficult to implement.

Why is a metal profile better than slate?

Corrugated roofing material is similar in cost to slate. It is made of steel, and a layer is applied to the surface of the galvanized metal sheet polymer coating, which protects against exposure environment. A profiled sheet has more advantages and fewer disadvantages.

Comparative table of the advantages of corrugated sheets and the disadvantages of slate

More details about the advantages of profiled sheets:

Alexey Yakovlevich, Moscow asks a question:

Hello! The construction of my house is coming to an end. All that remains is to build a rafter system and cover it with a roof. I haven't decided yet which material to choose. I'm currently considering two options - slate and metal tiles. In my opinion, slate is a roofing material that has been proven over the years. The houses underneath have been standing for decades. In addition, it will cost less than others. Friends are convincing me to give it up and make a roof from metal tiles. They assure that a roof made from it will be more durable, and this is much more important than the low cost. Please tell us which is better: slate or metal tiles? What is more suitable for the roof? Thanks for the consultation.

The expert answers:

The choice of roofing material must be made on the basis of a clear comparison of all the pros and cons of the materials.

Until recently, slate was one of the most common roofing materials. performed its functions properly for a long time, and its characteristics exceeded those of soft roofs which needed frequent repairs. It is worth saying that previously there were few options for covering buildings. In addition to slate and roofing felt, fired tiles and sheet steel were used, but their installation was difficult.

Today, the variety of roofing materials does not surprise anyone. Among the best of them is metal tiles. It is a kind of synthesis that combines the visual appeal of tiles and the reliability of a metal roof. True, there are other metal roofs. For example, corrugated sheeting also serves as a reliable shelter from rain and snow, but metal tiles look much more elegant.

Asbestos cement slate cannot boast of a presentable appearance. But developers with limited funds choose it. It should be noted that the design characteristics slate roof improves painting. In addition, the paint layer makes it a little stronger, but the slate will have to be repainted often. A sheet of slate covers about 2 m², but it also weighs quite a bit. Slate coating can support an impressive weight, but it is also quite fragile. It can be damaged by laying it on an insufficiently level sheathing or by clumsily hitting it with a hammer. It is impossible to do without a hammer, since the sheets are attached to the sheathing with slate nails, into the holes under which moisture will certainly get in.

On the other hand, asbestos cement is a good sound absorber, and the sound of drops on the roof is practically inaudible in the house. Snow doesn't melt off a slate roof at the same breakneck speed as it does off a smooth metal roof, but slate requires a stronger base structure than lighter materials. Based on all the indicators, slate could be considered a good roof, but it is very afraid of large hail, which ceases to be a rare natural phenomenon.

Metal tiles, unlike asbestos-cement building materials, can withstand the elements. Of course, it will be crumpled, but the house will be protected. This can be attributed to its “noisiness”, since when it rains on metal roofing a “vigorous drum roll” will be played. A metal roof is also prone to condensation on the inner surface. Damage protective coating metal tiles will accelerate its corrosion, so strict requirements are imposed on the cutting and installation of the roof.

At the same time, the factor of high sound permeability is negated by the installation of thermal insulation under the metal tile roof, which will absorb noise. In addition, metal tiles are much lighter than slate. Rafter system underneath it may be lighter, although this will not affect the consumption of wood, since a lot of it will be required for the installation of battens and counter-battens.

Metal tiles compare favorably with slate in that they can cover roofs of complex configurations. Slate sheets can be placed without problems only on 2-slope bases or, in extreme cases, on 4-slope bases. It can be added that today a lot of attention is paid to the environmental component of materials. According to many, slate, which seems to contain no free asbestos, remains a strong carcinogen.

Perhaps as a result you will decide that there are other materials better than slate or metal tiles, but there are simply no ideal building materials in nature.

Today there is a large number of roofing materials and choosing the most suitable one can be quite difficult.

Difficulties arise due to the fact that roofing materials differ from each other in terms of service life, cost, and complexity of implementation. installation work and other properties.

Let's try to determine which is better: ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated sheets or slate. To do this, let's look at the main pros and cons of each of these roofing materials.

This material is manufactured by the French company of the same name. made from natural cellulose fiber, which is made from waste paper.

It is produced in the form of corrugated sheets, which have the following parameters:

  • Length - 200 centimeters;
  • Width - 95 centimeters;
  • Thickness - 3 millimeters;
  • Weight - 6.5 kilograms.

Ondulin sheets have the following advantages:

  1. Long service life (under warranty it is 15 years, but in fact it can be up to fifty years);
  2. Environmentally friendly material (only natural ingredients are used in its production);
  3. Durability (can easily withstand a layer of snow);
  4. Many colors and shades;
  5. Low cost of material;
  6. Ease of installation (largely due to the low weight of the sheets).

But at the same time, ondulin also has disadvantages. These include:

  1. Over time, the ondulin coating loses its brightness;
  2. Ignites at temperatures from two hundred thirty to three hundred degrees Celsius;
  3. Roughness of the surface, as a result of which a layer of snow does not roll off the roof;
  4. At very low temperatures the material becomes brittle;
  5. At high temperature ondulin begins to melt.

Metal tiles

Produced from sheet steel with a thickness of 0.4 - 0.5 mm. A layer is applied to the sheet polymer materials, which give it color and enhance anti-corrosion protection.

The main advantages of metal tiles:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Long service life (50-80 years depending on);
  3. Ease of installation work;
  4. Light weight (one square meter weighs four to five kilograms);
  5. Has many colors and shades;
  6. Can be used for different types roofs, provided that the roof slope angle is at least 12 degrees;
  7. The material is sold together with the components necessary for installation;
  8. Not exposed to sunlight, precipitation, fungi, mold. It is also well protected from chemical and mechanical influence.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are:

  1. High thermal conductivity, because metal tiles are made of steel;
  2. Low ;
  3. High consumption for roofs with complex design, because there are too many scraps of material left;
  4. WITH inside Condensation accumulates on the roof. To prevent this, it is necessary to make a gap between the metal tile and the waterproofing film;
  5. Corrosion may occur where the metal tiles have been scratched.

Corrugated sheet

This material is made from galvanized steel. The cold forming method gives the profiled sheet a wave-like shape.

This method also increases the rigidity of the material. During production of this material For roofing, the steel sheet is covered in several layers. The first coating protects the sheet from corrosion. The second layer is a primer. Then outside coated with varnish, and the inside with polymer.

Advantages of corrugated sheets:

  1. A small number of joints during installation;
  2. Long service life (up to fifty years);
  3. The polymer layer makes the material resistant to mechanical damage;
  4. Economical;
  5. Environmental friendliness;
  6. Corrosion resistant;
  7. Many forms of material;
  8. A large number of colors and shades;
  9. Versatility.

Disadvantages of corrugated sheets:

  1. Low noise insulation;
  2. Accumulation of condensation on the inside of the roof;
  3. Difficulty in installing in hard-to-reach places (slope corners and curves).

Asbestos cement slate

For production, a mixture is used, which includes cement, water and fibrous asbestos. To obtain a durable roofing material, this mixture is molded and then waited until it hardens.

Asbestos-cement fibers play an important role in this. They form a reinforcing mesh, which increases mechanical strength slate. It is important to note that slate sheet sizes may vary.

The thickness of the sheet is in the range from 5 to 9 millimeters, and the width directly depends on the number of waves. There can be six or eight of them. The difference between the sizes of a six-wave and eight-wave sheet is insignificant, but on an eight-wave sheet the waves are located more compactly.

The advantages of asbestos-cement slate include:

  1. Low price;
  2. Practically does not heat up under the influence of the sun's rays;
  3. Does not corrode;
  4. The material is not flammable;
  5. Has good sound insulation;
  6. Ease of repair work.
  7. Sometimes used to make fences or borders for garden beds;
  8. Long service life;

The disadvantages of slate are:

  1. The mixture from which slate is made contains asbestos. It negatively affects the human respiratory system;
  2. After a few years, the roof may become covered with moss;
  3. The material is quite fragile, so care must be taken during transportation and installation;
  4. Material weight. It will be quite difficult to carry out installation without an assistant;
  5. Limited colors and shades. But if you wish, you can paint the slate yourself without removing it from the roof.

In this article we tried to find out which is better: ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated sheets or slate. Each of these materials has its own pros and cons and it is difficult to choose the best one.

Therefore, when choosing a material, you need to take into account the complexity of the roof structure, its angle of inclination, the climate of the area, as well as the funds allocated for the purchase of roofing material and installation work.

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally. Metal tiles And slate- two excellent, time-tested roofing materials. Each of them has both its own advantages and a number of disadvantages, which, however, with the right approach, can be eliminated and will not bother you.

Let's start with slate. It is produced in four versions:

  • classic wavy slate - the most ordinary, familiar to everyone. It is done with the 5th, 7th or 8th waves, but most often you can find options for 7th and 8th waves. They differ in width, but the length is 1 meter 75 centimeters;
  • wavy slate with a reinforced profile - this slate is much different larger sizes and is usually used for roofing industrial enterprises or warehouses. Residential buildings they don’t use it because it’s inconvenient to work with such large sheets;
  • unified wavy slate is a cross between the two previous brothers. This slate is used if you want to get a more accurate appearance(it just leaves almost half as many joints);
  • flat slate is still the same slate, only absolutely flat. Happens different sizes and different thicknesses.

At the moment, it is not a problem to find painted slate if someone does not like the classic gray color. If you don’t have the desired shade, you can paint the slate, and at the same time, thus extend its service life and protect it from harmful asbestos.

By the way, about the harm. Slate contains asbestos that is harmful to health. However, this is why they often argue about whether it is harmful or not. Asbestos itself, of course, is harmful. But you’re not installing slate in your room. It is better to use it for non-residential premises. Covering the roof with slate will not cause you anything bad. However, safety precautions must be observed during installation; dust arises when cutting, so the slate must be watered generously and a respirator must be worn.

Without special processing, in darkened areas, slate becomes overgrown with moss over time and loses its waterproofing properties. Slate also has an impressive weight, for example, a seven-wave regular sheet of slate weighs about 21 kg.

Metal tiles- a very beautiful roofing material, maybe not the best, but it looks impressive. This is a durable and reliable material - profiled sheets of thin steel, coated with a thin layer of polymers. The reliability of metal tiles, by the way, largely depends on the protective layer, so it is important to choose optimal thickness. Moss does not grow on metal tiles. This roofing material is not afraid of either cold or heat; it can withstand quite significant mechanical influences- metal tiles can be bent, but not broken, unlike slate. However, damage to the protective layer, depending on the extent of the damage, can lead to corrosion. There is no need to paint metal tiles; they are already sold in various colors.

The most significant disadvantage of metal tiles is perhaps the lack of soundproofing properties. Therefore, so that the rumble during precipitation does not disturb you, it is necessary to take additional steps for heat and sound insulation.

According to statistics taken from the Internet (though I don’t know where such data come from), metal tiles account for about 70 percent of sales of roofing materials, the remaining 30 percent is divided mainly between soft views roofing and tiles.

After all of the above, as a conclusion, I can say the following: both materials are good and the final choice is up to you; take the roofing material that you consider most attractive to yourself.