How many days does it take for a mosquito bite to go away? How long do mosquito bites take to heal? When urgent medical attention is required

A mosquito bite is something that almost every resident of the country will have to face with the onset of warm days. Blood-sucking insects distributed throughout the country, in some parts the swarm of mosquitoes is also joined by midges - small midge, who is also not averse to feasting on blood. To mosquito bite did not bring major troubles, compatriots need to receive full information about the danger and methods of eliminating the consequences.

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Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

If an adult or child has been bitten by mosquitoes, you should understand that blood-sucking reptiles can be dangerous to humans. Several species of mosquitoes are found throughout the country. The most common are malaria, autumn squeaks, spring squeaks of the genus Ochlerotatus. Diptera insects are divided into females and males. And if the latter are not at all dangerous, since they only eat plant nectar, then the female mosquito is looking for a victim. The mosquito needs protein from it, and blood is the most in a fast way get what you are looking for. The mosquito feeds only once, after which it safely lays eggs and dies. The mosquito bite itself is often painless, but the consequences can be serious.

A mosquito bite is dangerous because:

  • The female looks for the most delicate areas of the skin with nearby vessels. After biting the skin, the mosquito injects an anticoagulant. It is what prevents blood clotting and causes swelling and redness.
  • Mosquito saliva quickly spreads to adjacent tissues. This is why a mosquito bite itches. Scratching the bite site will only make the itching worse.
  • Brings trouble, especially when there are a lot of bites.
  • May cause allergic reactions.
  • Can carry diseases and infections that are dangerous to humans.

Important! The insect cannot tolerate poison, so it is impossible to get poisoned from it. However, insects can cause a lot of trouble, especially mosquito bites in children. It is babies who suffer from severe itching. But female mosquitoes choose babies more often than adults as victims. This was proven during research, the purpose of which was to find out who is most often bitten by mosquitoes. According to scientists, the risk category includes children and people with high blood cholesterol.

Bite symptoms

A mosquito bite is a nuisance that can be easily survived. Most people calmly tolerate blood-sucking attacks. Within a few minutes after the bite, the problem is safely forgotten. For a short-term memory, mosquitoes leave behind a small red spot up to 2–5 mm in size.

However, there is a group of people who become allergic to mosquito bites. And this condition may have the following symptoms:

  • The spot from the bite grows to large sizes– from 7–10 mm.
  • The site of the attack itches and hurts for 24–72 hours.
  • The temperature rises to 37 degrees. it can last for several days.
  • The bite site hurts when touched.
  • Severe swelling of soft tissues appears.
  • A rash or dermatitis appears.

It is important to know what to do if a mosquito bites you, a person develops a fever of more than 38 degrees, severe itching, convulsions or asthma attacks, severe headaches, chills, and dizziness. The situation may be complicated by loss of consciousness or vomiting. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor.


Allergies to mosquito bites are rare. However, the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms cannot be ruled out. Sensitive people may experience more or less allergy symptoms. They are accompanied by:

  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Allergic reactions can occur if a child is bitten by mosquitoes or adults become victims of the attack. In some cases it may appear allergic rhinitis or bronchospasms. All these symptoms become an important indicator that it is time to call an ambulance.

How to save yourself: choosing ointments

When deciding what to apply to mosquito bites, it is recommended to involve a doctor in the discussion. There are also folk remedies for mosquito bites. They are effective, but do not act as quickly as pharmaceutical formulations. Several products that can be found in pharmacies are effective. They cope with itching, relieve swelling, and allergic manifestations. You can find out what to apply on mosquito bites from your doctor. Most often, experts prescribe:

  • "Fenistil".
  • "Sinaflan."
  • "Advantan".
  • Balm “Star”.
  • "Rescuer".
  • "Psilo-Balm".

Each proposed ointment for mosquito bites makes it possible to quickly forget about the consequences of an encounter with blood-sucking mosquitoes. You can use them regardless of who the mosquitoes bite. However, it is still better to use formulations (ointments, creams) after preliminary testing.

Attention! Apply cream or ointment against mosquito bites on clean skin. To do this, the cover is pre-treated with a disinfectant composition, after which a pharmaceutical or folk remedy for mosquito bites is applied in a thin layer. As a last resort, we can recommend calendula tincture, mint or aloe juice, vinegar diluted in water.

Proper treatment: what to use for bites?

If there is even a hint of an allergic reaction, you need to quickly get rid of the flying bloodsuckers. If the bite has already occurred, the use of cream and treatment will be required. The pharmacy offers more than one effective remedy for mosquito bites. Creams can be used as an antihistamine, and tablets can also be taken orally:

  • "Claritin."
  • "Suprastin".
  • Telfast.
  • "Tavegil".
  • Zyrtec.

Each product effectively helps prevent swelling and relieve itching. Some of them can be given to children. Manifestations of attacks need to be treated promptly. If the bite is in the eye, you can use inexpensive remedy after mosquito bites - this is Albucid. To decide how to get rid of itching after a mosquito bite if you have a severe allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor.

How to quickly help children if they are bitten by a mosquito?

To protect children, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of insects in the house. However, this is not always possible, and therefore you need to know how to get rid of mosquito bites. Not all methods are suitable for children. You should consider how old the baby is and whether an allergic reaction is possible. To alleviate the child’s condition, it is recommended to use the following means:

  • "Golden Star".
  • "Psilo-Balm".

You need to apply a thin layer. Each indicated remedy helps to cope with the problem quite well. As a folk remedy, it is suggested to use a soda solution or gruel. The mixture should be applied to the bite site.

Important! Self-treatment with antihistamines is not recommended. For such treatment, you should consult a doctor. But children over 7–10 years old can be given mild antihistamines (“Diazolin”, “Suprastin”).

Mosquitoes are carriers of dangerous diseases

Dangerous infections transmitted after a mosquito bite are a situation typical for warm countries. However, cases of transmission of dangerous diseases are increasingly occurring in our country. You can receive “as a gift” from a bloodsucker not only an itch, but also:

To exclude cases of the disease, it is recommended to get vaccinated before traveling to warm or Asian countries.

Among all types of mosquitoes, malarial ones are the most dangerous. Not every mosquito from the tropics is a potential threat, but southern varieties are more likely to carry dangerous diseases. Due to the warm and humid climate, the risk of infections spreading in nature is higher.

How many times one mosquito can bite depends on the degree of satiety. If the female is not disturbed, she will get enough in one go. In this case, the mosquito drinks the amount of blood that allows it to compensate for the protein deficiency, but not more than 5 mg.

Knowing how a mosquito hunts and bites can help prevent its attack. Despite the fact that infection by immunodeficiency is excluded, there remains a high risk of infection with malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and other diseases that kill people.

Why does a mosquito squeak while flying?

More often than not, the problem is not the bite itself, but the annoying sound that precedes the insect's attack. Why do mosquitoes squeak when they bite? The squeak of an insect is a sound made by thin wings. The mosquito squeaks mainly in flight. Moreover, the nature of the sound varies. Dipterologists (diptera experts) are confident that insects use squeaks to communicate with each other and give danger signals.

ICD 10 code

Mosquito bites did not receive a separate classification according to ICD 10. If we're talking about about allergies and very sensitive skin, then the disease is coded W57. Also, according to the international classification of diseases ICD 10, infection with malarial plasmodia from Anopheles is encrypted B52.

Bite symptoms

Characteristic symptoms of a mosquito bite include:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • slight swelling and swelling;
  • itching at the puncture site.

Usually there are no acute reactions after a mosquito bite. The exception is damage to sensitive skin. A mosquito bite above the lip or under the eye is accompanied not only by the appearance of spots, but also by swelling. Mosquito marks on the limbs are often found; they can be confused with. In this case, an allergy is possible to any insects, and if blisters or hives form at the site of the spots, it means that there is an allergy.

What does a mosquito bite look like without hypersensitivity? The skin turns slightly red and is slightly itchy, which goes away within 2-3 days.

What to do if bitten by a mosquito

Typical actions when bitten include:

  • puncture disinfection;
  • cooling of the skin after mosquito bites;
  • taking antihistamines;
  • external treatment with antipruritic drugs.

What to do if you are bitten by a mosquito in the wild? You can grind a plantain leaf and apply it to the wound. Folk remedies after a bite involve treatment with a soda solution or tea tree oil. When bitten by mosquitoes, it is allowed to use alcohol preparations, but if the insect has damaged the eyelid, then non-alcoholic antiseptics will help against mosquito bites.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, use such products as Zodak, Diazolin, Claritin. Homemade and pharmacy ointments will be beneficial. Among the effective store and folk remedies for a mosquito bite: “Fenistil”, “Gistan”, aloe gel.

Mosquito bites: how to treat them

Since these dipterans are found almost everywhere, you need to know how to treat mosquito bites and remove the symptoms: inflammation, blisters, mosquito bite marks on the skin. The recommendations given are especially relevant in summer time when insects become active.

If the punctures swell and the skin becomes more inflamed than usual, we are talking about an allergy. Therefore, they immediately give antihistamine drugs - “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Fenistil” in drops or the drugs indicated above. At the same time they carry out external treatment gel or cream against mosquito bites. Menovazin will be able to cool the puncture. If the temperature rises, they give an antipyretic and provide rest.

It is necessary to exclude diseases transmitted by skin puncture: yellow fever and dengue. To do this, consult a doctor and undergo laboratory tests to detect infection.

If scratching prevents healing, use soothing ointments for bites. Bepanten, preparations with panthenol and salicylic acid, help improve repair. Among homeopathic remedies, “Ledum” with wild rosemary has proven itself well. Fenistil is often used against mosquito bites, but for suppuration and abscesses it is advisable to use Levomekol. If several days have passed since the bite and there is no improvement, hydrocortisone ointment is used for mosquito bites.

When a tumor forms from a mosquito bite, the appearance of which causes concern, consult a dermatologist. He will explain how to treat mosquito bites and how to reduce inflammation. A crushed basil leaf can help reduce a blister after a mosquito bite; for seals from bites, heparin ointment can be used.

It is more difficult to cure mosquito bites on the face - bitten lips and cheeks are smeared with kefir, if the puncture is made in the eye and the eyelid is swollen, it will help raw potatoes. Among other effective recipes against bites:

  • tea leaves– it is applied to the face and eyelids – through gauze or in tea bags;
  • soda with ammonia– dilute the ingredients to a paste, apply to the damaged area, rinse warm water;
  • lemon or lime pulp– wipe the inflamed area with it, then try to avoid direct sunlight;
  • milk– dilute it in half with water, apply a compress to the bitten area.

How long does it take for a mosquito bite to last?

If spots on the body do not go away for a long time, it is recommended to find the causes of persistent reactions. This may be individual intolerance or hidden infections transmitted by insects. At normal conditions The mosquito bite goes away within a week. In a child, the rash lasts longer, which is due to the baby’s inability to control himself during severe itching.

How many days does it take for mosquito bites to go away in this case?? When using topical antihistamines and antipruritics, it is possible to cope with symptoms within 5 days. If therapy is not carried out, negative consequences may occur.

Complications and consequences

It is not the mosquito bites themselves that pose a mortal danger, but the infections carried by the insects. The mortality rate of malaria is 0.3%, dengue fever - from 0.01 to 5%, depending on the form. Other consequences of insect attack: dermatitis, persistent rashes and allergic reactions. Scratching causes ulcers to form and streptoderma develops.


To avoid being bitten by a mosquito, you need to prepare in advance. Prevention of insect bites, including mosquitoes, involves treating clothing with repellents. This applies to forays into nature and relaxation in the country. It is enough to use repellents based on essential oils, which are safe for humans and are a special liquid for spraying. Ultrasonic and chemical fumigators will help prevent insect attacks in your apartment.

Anopheles, which is especially active in tropical climates, poses a danger to life. Travelers are advised to take care of their health in advance and get vaccinated against malaria.

It is known that dipterans more often attack individuals with excessive sweating. It is worth keeping your body clean and preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors that insects are attracted to. An adult or child should wear closed clothing with long sleeves and a high neck when outdoors. For protection, apply “Star” balm to the skin.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you still have questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your reviews, comments, share stories of how you experienced a similar injury and successfully dealt with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Only female mosquitoes drink (bite) blood, since in order to lay eggs they need protein, which is found in the blood. Male mosquitoes feed only on the nectar of various plants. When a female mosquito pierces the skin with her proboscis, she injects saliva into it, which contains anticoagulants and proteins that prevent blood clotting. Our the immune system reacts to these substances with allergic reactions, leading to swelling, redness and severe itching where they appear mosquito bites, and some people even develop a rash.

In addition, mosquito bites are not only unpleasant, but can also cause all sorts of diseases and infections transmitted through mosquito saliva. Specific types of mosquitoes that live in certain climatic zones are carriers of specific infections. And there are more than 50 such diseases.

Mosquito bites can infect you with malaria (swamp fever), encephalitis, Lyme disease, hepatitis C virus and many others. etc. It should be noted that these harmful “bloodsuckers” are capable of transmitting the Dengue virus and the West Nile virus, which were previously observed only in the countries of Africa, Asia and America, and have recently been found in our latitudes.

Another terrible disease transmitted mosquito bites– dirofilariasis. This is the only helminthiasis transmitted to humans through mosquito saliva. The biology of its development is that it needs to go through some stages of development in the body of the final carrier (host). For people, the source of this invasion is most often dogs.

In the body of dogs, these helminths reach a sexually mature state and give birth to microfilariae, which, after a mosquito bite from a dog, pass into the human body if this mosquito bites him. In the human body, these microfilaria larvae develop into helminths. As a rule, until the manifestation of this disease from the moment mosquito bite takes place from 4 to 6 months.

It should also be said that mosquito bites in combination with a weakened immune system, the presence of any allergies, etc. can dramatically worsen your overall health. Under such circumstances, swelling, prolonged itching, malaise, and if the case is more severe, then dizziness, nausea, headache, suffocation, etc.

Although today there are a huge number of all kinds of mosquito repellents (ointments, sprays, wipes, etc.), these insects very quickly adapt to them and mosquito bites continue further. What to do in those cases when you are still bitten by mosquitoes? The first thing you need to do is skin swelling and itching did not spread - do not scratch the bite site, although this is not so easy. If you don't comb mosquito bites , then mosquito histamine will not spread to nearby tissues and cure mosquito bites it will be much easier. If you scratch a mosquito bite, you will itching will intensify and edema will increase.

Mosquito bites. What should be in the “Anti-mosquito” first aid kit

If you are going to take a trip out of town, then it is advisable to have with you not only means that repel harmful insects, but also those that will come in handy when mosquitoes do bite you. In particular, antihistamines that help cope with unwanted reactions after mosquito bites.

Such products include therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics, for example, “Boro Plus”, “Rescuer”, etc. These products contain substances that are not even contraindicated for pregnant women and small children. Moreover, they contain cuprum, zinc, thermal water and other components that prevent infection, relieve itching and promote healing.

Another effective and completely safe remedy from mosquito bites– homeopathic creams, but they should be purchased in pharmacies and not on the market to avoid counterfeits.

Experts also recommend equipping your “Anti-mosquito” first aid kit with special mosquito repellent bracelets. They are made from polymer elastic fabric impregnated with plant compounds and natural hypoallergens that do not contain toxic substances that repel mosquitoes.

Mosquito bites. Folk remedies for mosquito bites

A how treat mosquito bites, if the necessary medications were not at hand at the right time? Traditional medicine offers such options. Reduce itching, you can neutralize toxins and relieve inflammation at the site of a mosquito bite using regular soda. To do this, mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water, and apply the resulting paste on your face. mosquito bite site.

An excellent tool from mosquito bites is an aftershave or shaving cream containing menthol, as well as toothpaste. The components contained in these products have mild local cooling effects, the strength of which is usually sufficient to cure mosquito bites.

Get rid of itching after mosquito bites Calendula tincture, salicylic or boric alcohol, valocordin or corvalol help. Sour cream or kefir is removed itching and perfectly soothe the skin. Fresh leaves of plantain, parsley, mint and bird cherry will relieve itching and pain after mosquito bites.

Another folk remedy from mosquito bitesammonia. Mix it, depending on the degree of pain and itching, with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3 and wipe the bite area with a cotton pad soaked in this solution.

From mosquito bites Tea tree oil helps get rid of it. This remedy has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, and also fights itching and swelling. For swelling at the site of the bite, you can use tea bags, because... The tannin contained in tea has an astringent effect and removes excess fluid from the bite site.

Relieves pain and relieves itching from mosquito bites garlic, lemon and banana. To do this, cut a clove of garlic in half and apply it to the bite site. Lemon and banana affect mosquito bites in the same way as garlic, only a banana peel (its inner side) or a lemon wedge is used.

Also a good folk remedy from mosquito bites – aloe juice. He's filming itching and makes the pain less noticeable, but you will have to lubricate the bite site several times a day.

Be healthy!

How long it takes for mosquito bites to go away depends on the complexity of the symptoms. The usual reaction does not require special treatment, the condition returns to normal within 24 hours, and the skin is completely restored within a week. If there is a secondary infection or allergy, the healing process slows down.

Common reaction after a mosquito attack

In adults and children after 1 year of age, the reaction of the immune system is manifested by a small, spot no more than 5 mm, itching. After disinfection, the wound stops itching almost immediately, the swelling goes away within an hour, and the red spot recovers without special treatment within a week.

On a note!

  • Psilo-Balm;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Advantan.

The mosquito itching disappears after the first use of the medicine, swelling, swelling, inflammation disappears within 2 days, the epidermis is completely restored with proper therapy in 5 days.

On a note!

If, against the background of a local allergic reaction, nausea, weakness, or breathing problems are observed, you need to take an antihistamine orally. To completely normalize well-being, treatment is extended to 5 days. Experts recommend Claritin, Fenistil, Suprastin, El-Cet, Diazolin, Eden. For children, antihistamines and antiallergic drugs are produced in the form of sweet syrup or drops.

Attachment of a secondary infection

If you do not disinfect the wound in a timely manner and continue, pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream, which provoke an increase in symptoms. Manifestations of infection:

  • severe itching;
  • large-scale redness;
  • getting wet;
  • blisters;
  • pustules;
  • sores;
  • water from the wound when scratching.

In the absence of proper treatment, a mosquito bite lasts for more than a week. The condition worsens, inflammation covers more and more areas.

On a note!

Signs of secondary infection may appear as a complication after prolonged use hormonal drug. You need to consult a specialist, do not use hormones for more than 5 days.

Treatment is carried out with local antibiotics - Levomekol, Tetracycline, combination drugs with a hormonal, antibacterial substance in the composition. Effective means– Fluorocort, Elokom S, Triakutan S, Lorinden S. Allergies are stopped by a hormone from the group of glucocorticosteroids; salicylic acid is used as an antibiotic.

After how many days the unpleasant symptoms go away depends on the initial state of the epidermis and the correctness of the therapy. In the presence of a secondary infection, complete recovery takes up to 10-14 days.

To prevent complications after mosquito bites, you need to immediately disinfect the wound and use an antihistamine at the first sign of an allergy.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Where do mosquitoes come from?

Mosquitoes are one of the most common insects on the planet. They are found in almost all climatic zones and zones ( except the Arctic belt and deep desert). These insects have great potential to reproduce, but for this they require certain conditions.

During the process of growth and development, a mosquito goes through four stages:
  • egg;
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • imago ( adult).
The first three stages of mosquito development take place in water bodies. Thus, greatest number mosquitoes are observed in areas with standing water ( lakes, swamps, etc.). There are fewer mosquitoes on the banks of rivers and seas, since the water does not stagnate here, and many larvae die. In shallow and stagnant bodies of water, conditions for mosquito breeding are optimal. The water is usually warm, which promotes the development of larvae and pupae. The water itself contains a large number of microorganisms and protozoa that the larvae feed on.

Thus, mosquitoes initially appear from places with stagnant warm water, where optimal conditions exist for their reproduction.

Mosquitoes can also appear in other areas for the following reasons:

  • At low temperatures, mosquitoes go into torpor and hide ( usually in basements, dark corners, attics, etc.);
  • in the warm season, mosquitoes live close to human habitation, since for many species it is humans who are the main source of food;
  • mosquitoes are often found in the forest, as some species feed on the blood of other warm-blooded animals;
  • Many mosquitoes are found on livestock farms, where they can breed near wells or sewers and feed on the blood of livestock.
For a number of reasons, mosquitoes have been constant companions of humans for many millennia. Currently, the lifestyle of mosquitoes is being actively studied to improve methods of combating these insects.

Why don't mosquitoes bite all people?

What importance do mosquitoes have for humans and nature?

For most species of mosquitoes, humans are one of the main sources of food. The mosquito does not bring any immediate benefit. However, for nature, mosquitoes have quite great importance. From an ecological point of view, these insects play a certain role in the cycle of substances ( nitrogen, some carbohydrates, etc.). In addition, mosquitoes, their larvae and pupae occupy an important place in the food chain. Male mosquitoes, feeding on nectar, along with bees, help pollinate some plants.

At what time and in what season are mosquitoes most active?

The activity of mosquitoes throughout the year directly depends on weather changes ( humidity, temperature, Atmosphere pressure and etc.). The most favorable period for these insects is in the summer. Mosquito season in the northern hemisphere begins in April - May and ends in September. During unusually warm or cold weather, these boundaries can shift by almost a month. In equatorial countries, the greatest activity of mosquitoes occurs between the rainy and dry seasons. In some northern regions, these insects appear only 3–4 weeks a year, when the temperature rises quite high.

If we talk about the time of day, the greatest activity of mosquitoes occurs in the early morning ( around 5 o'clock in the morning) and evening ( from 20 to 22 hours). However, these time frames are very relative. In swampy areas or in the forest after rain, mosquitoes are very active almost around the clock.

Where do mosquitoes hide in winter?

During the cold season, a significant number of mosquitoes die, since the life expectancy of most species does not exceed 40–50 days. To reproduce, these insects require warmth and moisture. However, some mosquitoes go into torpor in winter or find areas with relatively comfortable conditions. These could be dark basements, shafts with heating pipes, etc.

Does weather affect mosquitoes in spring and summer?

Weather conditions, of course, greatly influence mosquito activity. The smallest number of these insects is found in the heat, when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees. These insects do not tolerate direct sunlight well, and are more likely to be found in the forest than, for example, in open field. Strong winds or rain create mechanical obstacles to their flights, so in bad weather there is also no need to be afraid of mosquitoes. The most favorable time for these insects is after rain, when the humidity is still quite high and the earth has not had time to heat up much.

What types of mosquitoes are there?

Currently, science knows about 3 thousand species of mosquitoes, which are found on almost all continents. The greatest diversity is observed in equatorial countries with a humid and warm climate. This is explained by the developmental characteristics of mosquitoes. Larvae require warm water for normal growth. In northern countries, in the Arctic, in Antarctica or in deserts, mosquitoes are practically not found, since they cannot withstand strong drops or increases in temperatures.
Each type of mosquito has its own characteristics. This applies not only appearance, but also lifestyle, nutrition, body structure.
Due to these characteristics, some mosquitoes can pose a certain danger to humans. For example, Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes often transmit infectious diseases and play a large role in epidemic outbreaks of malaria, yellow fever, and other diseases.

In Russia, the most common mosquitoes found are the following genera:

  • real mosquitoes ( Culex);
  • biters ( Aedes);
  • stinging mosquitoes ( Culiseta);
  • malaria mosquitoes ( Anopheles).
Each region is characterized by the distribution of one or another genus and species of these insects. Populations potentially dangerous mosquitoes trying to reduce. This is being done by sanitary-epidemiological services and representatives of the Ministry of Environment.

Common mosquito ( squeaker)

This type of mosquito is one of the most common on the globe. Its representatives meet in wildlife, and near large cities, close to people. Females of this species feed on plant sap and blood ( human or animal). Sometimes ordinary mosquitoes can be found in houses even in the cold season. As a rule, this happens if in the basement or utility rooms there is moisture where these insects breed. Ordinary mosquitoes rarely carry any diseases. Their bites are painless. Redness around the place mosquito bite moderate, and the itching goes away on its own within 1 to 2 days. These insects do not pose any particular danger to humans.


Mosquitoes have a number of differences from ordinary mosquitoes, so they are usually classified as a separate group. First of all, the habitat of these insects differs. Mosquitoes prefer hot climates, so they are widespread in the equator and tropics. Most mosquitoes are somewhat smaller in size than mosquitoes. Color can vary from pale gray to black. There are a number of differences in body structure. Unlike mosquitoes, mosquitoes do not need bodies of water to breed. Their larvae develop in moist, warm soil. Like mosquitoes, these insects feed on the blood of humans and animals. From a medical point of view, mosquitoes can be carriers of a number of infectious diseases. This is why you should be more careful about their bites than regular mosquitoes.

A mosquito bite can lead to the following pathologies:

  • bartonellosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • some fevers ( only in certain areas where the corresponding pathogen occurs).

Malaria mosquito ( Anopheles)

Malaria mosquitoes are widespread in countries with warm and humid climates. This condition is necessary for the development of larvae. Females lay eggs on the surface of reservoirs with water temperatures from 12 to 35 degrees ( depending on the type of mosquito). Theoretically, Anopheles can live and reproduce in many European countries, but thanks to radical measures to destroy this species, it is now almost never found on the European continent. Those representatives that still reproduce here are not infected with plasmodia ( malaria pathogens), although, in general, they can be their carriers in the event of an epidemic. That is why malaria patients are isolated in special mosquito-proof boxes. This helps avoid malaria outbreaks.

How does a malaria-carrying mosquito differ from a regular mosquito?

Each type of mosquito has its own distinctive features, which can be seen if you look closely. Anopheles, a mosquito that can carry malaria, is also different from regular mosquitoes. Having noticed such a mosquito in Europe or in the territory former USSR, no need to worry. Here they are found, but do not pose a serious danger, since they are not infected with the causative agent of the disease. If such a mosquito bites a person in Africa or southern Asia, the chance of infection is very high.

Anopheles mosquito can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • the back pair of legs is significantly longer than the front pair;
  • during a bite, the body is positioned at an angle to the skin, the head is lowered, and the abdomen is raised;
  • the antennae on the sides of the proboscis are longer than those of a regular mosquito, so it seems that it has 2 - 3 proboscis;
  • during a bite, the proboscis enters the skin at an acute angle, and not perpendicularly;
  • if you look closely, you can see small spots on the wings that are not found on ordinary mosquitoes.

Centipede ( Karamora)

Long-legged mosquitoes are a separate family. They are distributed throughout to the globe. Most often, such mosquitoes can be found near swamps, lakes or other small fresh water bodies. The leg span of an adult mosquito can reach 6 cm ( and in tropical countries and up to 10 cm). Because of this, people are often afraid of centipedes, mistakenly believing that they bite painfully or carry some kind of disease. In fact, long-legged mosquitoes are harmless to humans. Their proboscis is adapted for feeding on nectar and cannot pierce human skin, and the digestive system simply does not absorb nutrients from the blood.

In most cases, mosquito bites are limited to the following manifestations:

  • painlessness or slight discomfort at the time of the bite;
  • formation of a small compaction ( the size also depends on the location of the bite);
  • moderate or severe itching at the site of the bite, which lasts from 5 to 6 hours to 1 to 2 days;
  • discomfort when touching the bite site;
  • slight redness ( does not always occur).
A regular mosquito bite does not require seeking medical attention. The above symptoms usually go away on their own even without the use of any special means. Intensive scratching of the bite is dangerous, as this damages the skin and creates a wound where infection can easily penetrate.

Despite the fairly harmless consequences, doctors recommend avoiding it if possible. insect bites.

Does human blood type matter to mosquitoes?

Female mosquitoes, when biting a person, strive to obtain a large amount of proteins and lipids, which are not found in the juice or nectar of plants. Insects need these substances when laying eggs. A person's blood type is of secondary importance. Nutrients, necessary for mosquitoes, are identical in all people. However, statistically mosquitoes bite people with the first blood group more often. Next come the “victims” with the third, second and fourth groups. The Rh factor does not play a significant role. Some experts suggest that such selectivity is due to different releases of substances that attract mosquitoes. However, a strict pattern has not yet been proven.

Why does a mosquito bite itch?

This phenomenon is based on a local allergic reaction to proteins contained in mosquito saliva. When a person is bitten by a mosquito for the first time in his life, there is no itching, since the body is just “getting acquainted” with the new protein. But throughout life, mosquitoes bite a person many times. When saliva enters the body again, special cells migrate to the site of the bite and release substances that cause mild inflammation, swelling and itching. Some people are very sensitive to mosquito bites and have a more severe allergic reaction.

What and how to properly treat the mosquito bite site so that there is no itching and redness?

Itching, redness and slight swelling at the site of the bite occur due to a cellular reaction to proteins in the mosquito's saliva. In medicine, special antihistamines are used that can block this reaction. As a result, symptoms will be minimal. The faster you apply these remedies to the bite site, the more pronounced the effect of their use will be.

The following drugs have an antihistamine effect:

  • dissolved in warm water aspirin tablet;
  • antiallergic drugs ( including eye or nose drops) applied to the bite site.
The main effect of these substances is to reduce itching, which is why many people ( especially children) scratch the bites until they bleed. If scratching occurs and a wound forms, it must be treated with disinfectants ( alcohol, iodine, potassium permanganate solution, etc.) to prevent infection. There are special lotions and patches on sale that contain a combination of antihistamines and disinfectants.

Mosquito bite stickers

Many insect repellent manufacturers also make products that help with mosquito bites. Currently widely used special stickers and plasters. The material this sticker is made of is impregnated with substances that soothe the skin. Thanks to this, the itching goes away within a few minutes after sticking the patch to the bite site.

What to do if a child is badly bitten by mosquitoes?

Large numbers of bites can cause atypical symptoms in young children ( bad dream, nausea or vomiting, mild fever). This is due to the imperfect functioning of the child’s immune system compared to an adult’s. Reactions that in adults are usually limited to the site of the bite, in children, to one degree or another, affect the entire body. As a rule, all these phenomena are temporary and go away on their own. However, one must remember the minimal possibility of transmission of some infectious diseases that are initial stages are also manifested by general malaise and a moderate increase in body temperature. Therefore, if a child feels unwell after numerous mosquito bites, it is better to see a pediatrician or general practitioner.

In general, the main problem is itching, which children do not tolerate well. Intensive scratching of the bite site often leads to the formation of wounds, infection, and sometimes the formation of pustules. That is why the bite site should be immediately treated with special lotions or ointments that reduce itching.

Folk remedies after a mosquito bite ( essential oil, clove oil, vinegar, etc.)

The main task after a mosquito bite is to relieve itching and inflammation. This is especially true for young children who cannot tolerate it, become restless, sleep poorly and often scratch the bite until it bleeds. There are quite a few folk remedies that help cope with this problem. Some medicinal plants have a calming effect on nerve endings.

To eliminate the consequences of a mosquito bite, you can resort to the following folk remedies:

  • Applying ice can provide a temporary effect, since cold slows down the cellular response to a bite ( if applied immediately after the bite, the swelling and itching will not be as severe);
  • toothpaste ( containing menthol or eucalyptus) will also soothe irritation, apply it for 5 – 7 minutes;
  • A cotton swab soaked in vinegar can reduce itching;
  • baking soda solution;
  • clove oil, lavender oil, or essential oil also reduce the reaction to the sting.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of the above remedies is very limited. It largely depends on the individual reaction of the body to the ingress of mosquito saliva. For some people, the redness and itching will be more pronounced, while for others it will be almost unnoticeable.

What to do if blisters appear at the site of the bite?

Blisters are skin separations in which intercellular fluid accumulates. This reaction is possible due to an overly intense immune response, but is very rare. If such blisters appear at the site of the bite, it is better to consult an allergist. You cannot pierce the film on the surface of the blisters yourself, as this will lead to the formation of a wound that will take a long time to dry out and heal. It is better to treat the skin around the blister with disinfectants ( alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, etc.), and apply a bandage to the bite site itself. As a rule, the blisters go away on their own within 1 to 2 days without any consequences.

What to do if there is severe swelling and the appearance of a lump?

Severe swelling and the formation of a dense lump at the site of the bite is possible in people with increased sensitivity to mosquito bites. In this case, the bite site should be treated with ointment or lotion containing anti-inflammatory substances ( for example, hydrocortisone ointment). This will reduce swelling and itching. If swelling does not go away, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may be the first sign of a severe allergic reaction. If severe swelling appears away from the bite site, you should urgently seek medical help. In all cases, it is best to avoid repeated bites. The lump may persist for several days, but usually resolves on its own.

What to do when spots appear?

The appearance of spots around the site of a mosquito bite is not typical. If the case occurs in areas where mosquitoes that carry infectious diseases do not live, red spots may be one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction. When spots appear after a bite in tropical countries, there is a risk of contracting some kind of infection. In any case, it is better for a person to consult a doctor to clarify the nature of this symptom.

What to do if you have mosquito bites on your face?

Mosquito bites on the face not only itch very much, but also cause a temporary cosmetic defect. Increased itching is explained by a large number of nerves and, as a result, sensitivity of the skin in this area. You should not scratch such bites, as infection can get into the wound. It is best to treat the bite site with a cream or lotion containing antihistamines. These components suppress allergic manifestations, and the itching quickly goes away. If a wound forms during scratching, you need to treat it with alcohol or cologne, and then seal it with an adhesive plaster until a crust forms.

Should you see a doctor after a mosquito bite?

During the warm season, mosquitoes bite millions of people every day, and in the vast majority of cases, no treatment is required. medical care. Slight redness, slight swelling and itching for several days is a normal reaction of the body to insect saliva. A doctor should be consulted only in cases where there are any atypical symptoms and consequences of bites.

The following symptoms and complaints may be a reason to seek medical help after a mosquito bite:

  • severe pain at the site of the bite or unbearable itching;
  • appearance of a rash ( both at the site of the bite and in other parts of the body);
  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of severe headaches, muscle pain or joint pain;
  • pronounced swelling at the site of the bite;
  • formation of a lump or lump;
  • signs of an allergic reaction after a bite.
Most often in these cases we are talking about a person’s high sensitivity to mosquito bites, which is why severe redness, itching or thickening appear at the site of the bite. If you have these symptoms, you can contact your general practitioner ( family doctor, emergency doctor, therapist, etc.). An allergist can usually provide the most qualified assistance.

If you experience high fever, aching joints and severe headaches, you should urgently consult an infectious disease doctor. Such patients should be carefully examined with all necessary tests prescribed for major diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

In the vast majority of cases, bites from ordinary mosquitoes do not pose any danger to humans. The bite site may be very itchy, but other than temporary discomfort ( usually 1 – 2 days) there is no threat to health. However, mosquito bites should be avoided as there is still some risk.

In some cases, mosquito bites are dangerous for the following reasons:
  • Scratching the bite site. This problem occurs mainly in young children who cannot cope with the itching. Constantly scratching the bite site leads to damage to the skin and the formation of a wound where ordinary dirt or bacteria from the surface of the skin can enter. And although the mosquito saliva itself does not cause harm in this case, as a result, an abscess often forms at the site of the bite. In severe cases, such patients require surgical debridement. Bites on the face, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, are especially dangerous. From here, venous blood flows into the deep veins, and infection can enter the skull. That is why adults should not scratch mosquito bites, and children should be watched, and if a wound appears, it should be disinfected and covered with an adhesive bandage.
  • Transmission of infectious diseases. Mosquito bites can transmit some infectious diseases. It has now been revealed that for each disease there are different types of mosquito vectors. Most of these species are found in warm countries. Diseases transmitted by such mosquitoes can be life-threatening. Malaria, dengue and yellow fever claim millions of lives each year and are a serious problem in some countries in Africa, South America and Asia.
  • Allergic reactions. Allergies to mosquito bites are relatively rare. In medicine, it has a specific name - culicidosis. In fact, even an ordinary mosquito bite with mild swelling and itching is of an allergic nature. But in young children or people with sensitive immune systems ( allergy sufferers) the reaction may be more intense. In rare cases, a mosquito bite can cause anaphylactic shock and be life-threatening.
Thus, mosquito bites are not a serious problem in the vast majority of cases, but can be dangerous in certain conditions. It is recommended to avoid them if possible, and not to ignore unusual symptoms after a bite, if any.

What diseases do mosquitoes transmit?

There are many different types of mosquitoes in the world, but only a few of them pose a serious danger to humans. The most dangerous are mosquito bites, which can potentially be carriers of infectious diseases. Such mosquitoes live mainly in warm countries. In Europe and many countries of the former USSR, at one time they adopted necessary measures for liquidation dangerous species mosquitoes and pathogens transmitted by mosquitoes.

Dengue fever is most common in the following regions:

  • Africa;
  • countries of Southeast Asia;
  • Oceania;
  • Caribbean countries.
Dengue fever is very dangerous disease. The first symptoms appear 3–7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The most typical is a sharp increase in temperature, which subsequently rises and falls in waves. Other symptoms characteristic of dengue fever are rash, headaches, muscle and joint pain, sleep problems, etc.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is severe viral disease, which is very common in Africa and South America. The causative agent of the disease can be transmitted through the bite of an Aedes Aegypti mosquito from a sick person to a healthy person. For representatives of the European continent, this disease poses a danger only when vacationing in warm countries. Currently, there is a list of countries where the risk of contracting yellow fever is highest, therefore, upon entry, vacationers are required to have a vaccination certificate.

The main symptoms after a mosquito bite are:

  • heat ( in severe cases up to 41 degrees);
  • swelling of the face and eyelids;
  • excruciating headaches;
  • aching joints and aching muscle pain;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes ( due to liver damage).
These symptoms appear suddenly 3 to 6 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. It can be difficult to make a correct diagnosis, since a person could have already returned from vacation during this period of time, and the site of the mosquito bite itself becomes almost invisible.

The disease is life-threatening, primarily due to rapidly progressing renal failure and liver failure. In the absence of vaccination, mortality can be up to 10–15% of cases, even with proper treatment.

In which countries do dangerous mosquitoes live?

The most dangerous species of mosquitoes are those that can carry infectious diseases. Most of these species live in countries with warm and humid climates. It is advisable for travelers and tourists to find out in advance what danger mosquitoes pose in a particular country. This will allow you to properly prepare for the trip. For example, to protect against yellow fever ( carried by some types of mosquitoes) there are special vaccines. Full information information about the epidemiological situation in a particular country can be found on specialized websites or checked with the tour operator. The table below shows the most dangerous types of mosquitoes and their habitats.

Distribution of the most dangerous mosquito species

Most countries with high level Life is taking active measures to combat the spread of dangerous mosquitoes. In tourist areas, special substances and devices are used to create safety in a certain area. However, tourists should exercise caution. If you are bitten by a mosquito in one of these countries and experience unusual symptoms ( aching joints, rash, fever, etc.) you need to urgently consult a doctor.

In addition, some countries require tourists to present proof of yellow fever vaccination upon entry. Upon arrival from countries where these diseases are endemic, tourists with fever or other characteristic symptoms may be quarantined.

It should also be noted that dangerous mosquitoes sometimes “travel” with tourists. There are cases where infected mosquitoes were transported in luggage and infected people in countries where there are no tropical fevers. In these cases, the outbreak and spread of the disease does not occur, since mosquitoes in another climatic zone cannot transmit the virus, and the introduced mosquito itself quickly dies.

Is there an allergy to mosquito bites?

An allergy to mosquito bites is called culicidosis. This is a relatively rare phenomenon that occurs only in allergy sufferers and young children. In children, the immune system, in principle, is not yet perfect compared to adults. Most substances that come into contact with the body are new. Proteins in mosquito saliva can also trigger a hyperactive reaction. In general, the mechanisms of allergy development are very complex, and it is difficult to say why some people have more allergic reactions than others.

Most often, an allergy to a mosquito bite is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • extensive redness around the bite site ( diameter up to 5 cm or more);
  • dense swelling around the bite site;
  • severe itching ( sometimes unbearable);
  • soreness of the skin around the bite when touched.
These symptoms usually develop quite quickly and resemble a bee or wasp sting rather than a mosquito bite. Redness and swelling may persist for several days, causing serious discomfort. In severe cases, the allergic reaction may be generalized ( affect the entire body). There are several options for such reactions. Firstly, urticaria may appear ( characteristic rash on the body). Secondly, angioedema may develop ( angioedema), in which very severe swelling does not occur at the site of the bite. The most dangerous thing is swelling of the larynx, which can create difficulty breathing. The most severe type of allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, in which blood pressure drops sharply and problems with breathing and heartbeat occur. Without immediate medical attention, the patient can die within 10 to 15 minutes. However, in the case of mosquito bites, such severe reactions are extremely rare. There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.