My phone's charger runs out quickly, what should I do? The Battery Runs Out Quickly - How to Save Battery on Android and iPhone Phones and Increase Battery Life

If the phone begins to discharge quickly, this does not mean that the battery is to blame. In 70% of cases, the user himself configured the device in such a way that it consumes a lot of battery power. Of course, the battery may also be to blame, but first you should try changing the settings and also calibrating the device’s battery.

What to do if your smartphone discharges quickly

There are many reasons why the battery is discharged in a matter of hours. Now we will look at the most basic of them and figure out how they can be eliminated.

Reason 1: Maximum brightness

Often, users do not hesitate to set the display brightness of their device to high. However, you need to take into account that the larger it is, the higher the battery consumption by the screen. An acceptable brightness level is 40-50%. In the latest versions of Android, you can adjust the brightness from the curtain.

Reason 2: Many wireless modules are activated

If the battery on your phone begins to discharge quickly, you may have turned on mobile Internet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and did not turn it off. These modules are capable of draining a decent amount of battery power in a short period of time. You can disable them through the menu "Settings" your device or through a curtain that is pulled out with your finger from the top of the display.

Reason 3: Applications running in the background

Sometimes the culprit behind why an Android phone quickly begins to discharge are applications that run in the background and consume power. To find out which programs are running in the background:

    1. Open menu "Settings".

    1. Get down to the block "Device" and tap on the section "Applications".

    1. There you need to swipe your finger to the right until you find yourself in the section "Working".

  1. Under the inscription: "RAM Usage" will be all currently running programs. You need to click on unnecessary ones with your finger and press "Stop".

After this, applications will stop running in the background, and the battery will drain more slowly in standby mode.

Reason 4: Charge displayed incorrectly

Incorrect calibration is a common reason why a new phone begins to discharge quickly. You need to calibrate the battery of your device, and to do this:

  1. Drain the battery completely so that the device turns off.
  2. Next, remove the battery for 10 minutes and insert it back.
  3. Let your smartphone charge for 8 hours (this is important).
  4. After this period of time has passed, you need to remove the smartphone from charging.
  5. Then you need to remove the battery and wait 10 minutes to insert it back.
  6. You can start the device, the battery is calibrated.

Reason 5: The power controller has failed

Rarely, but still, the power controller can break down and transmit incorrect readings to the system, thereby not using all the charge and charging the battery slowly. What to do? In this case, you need to take the smartphone to a service center to have the chip repaired or replaced.

Reason 6: Update and firmware

Often, it is after updating the device that the battery begins to drain quickly. The developers are making a mistake. In this case, you should roll back if possible. Unofficial firmware can also be poorly optimized and consume a lot of battery. Therefore, it is always better to use only stock firmware.

Reason 7: Viruses

Malicious applications are one of the reasons why your battery drains, as they run in the background and constantly consume power. To check your phone for threats you need to:

    1. Go to Google Play Market.

    1. Enter in the search bar Dr.Web and install the proposed application on your device.

    1. Launch it and scan your device for threats.

  1. After scanning and eliminating malware is complete, you can uninstall the application.

Reason 8: Battery wear

Over time, the battery begins to deteriorate, hold a charge less and become hot. If you have been using it for about 3 years, it is worth replacing the battery with a new one.

Reason 9: Imbalance

Some Samsung devices encountered this problem when the battery capacity was not enough for the installed hardware. In this case, you should use portable batteries - Power Bank.

  • On the Internet you can often find advice to use applications to calibrate the battery, for example, Battery Calibration. In fact, it is absolutely useless. Some claim that it helped, but these are isolated cases, and most likely this was not even the reason.
  • There is also a recommendation to use the Clean Master application to clean the device and optimize it. This makes no sense, since all these programs consume a lot of battery and load the device. They are suitable if you need to clear the device's memory, after which it is recommended to remove them.


That's all. Now you know why your phone battery began to drain quickly. Of course, you can find a number of other reasons, but I have highlighted the most basic ones. Use the recommendations I have given you and don’t fall for dubious advice on the Internet.

What to do if your phone battery runs out quickly?

In this article I will talk about how my battery started to run out very quickly, regardless of whether I was using a smartphone or not. And what solution to this problem did I find?

One fine day, I noticed that my battery on my new Samsung Galaxy phone began to run out very quickly.

At first I thought maybe it was just my imagination, but he sat down with lightning speed. If previously the battery lasted 1-2 days, now it doesn’t even last a day, and this is with the Internet turned off and almost all the time in standby mode. She simply died on her own.

I started looking for ways to solve this problem, scoured the Internet, but apart from various methods of overclocking and calibrating batteries, which did not help, I did not find it.

Are installed programs to blame?

Then the thought came that maybe some program was quietly eating up the battery; after looking at the statistics, I didn’t find anything suspicious. But I still decided to completely clean my smartphone.


After I reset the settings, I discharged the phone to zero, took out the battery, waited a few minutes, put it back in and put the phone on charge without turning on the phone. Usually I charged it for 3-4 hours, but this time I left it on an 8-hour charge.

After it was charged, I took the battery out again for a few minutes, then put it back in and started the phone. So I did charge calibration.

The reason that the phone began to drop sharply could have been a software update or the presence of something that got onto the phone, to be honest, I don’t know. But it was a complete reset of the phone that helped.


Now the battery works great. The charge again lasts about 2 days.

If something similar is happening to you, you have noticed that the battery life of your phone has decreased sharply, then this article is for you.

This worries many mobile device users. Some people face problems with autonomy after several months or years of using a smartphone, while others experience heavy consumption on an almost new device. Let's try to find out why a new phone quickly discharges, what reasons a used device may have for accelerated discharge, as well as how to solve them and return to normal battery life.

Why the phone began to discharge quickly: all the reasons

There are several reasons why battery life decreases on a single charge. Why the battery discharges in accelerated mode - more details below.

Software load on hardware

One of the main reasons why a phone takes a long time to charge and quickly discharges is the increased load on the processor, RAM and other components created by programs. On Android, many applications can run background processes that reside in memory and use up the CPU. If some of them do not allow the operating system kernel to “sleep”, the processor is constantly loaded, which is why it consumes a lot of energy.

High CPU load not only reduces battery life, but also significantly delays the charging process. This is due to the fact that constantly active tasks in the background consume so much power that the phone does not have time to replenish it from the network. This reason is easy to diagnose: just wait until the phone turns off and charge it without turning it on. If the battery capacity is refilled much faster when it is turned off, the problem lies in the software load. In addition, programs running in the background are the main reason why the phone heats up and discharges quickly. After all, the increased load on the CPU does not allow it to cool down.

Getting rid of excessive battery charge caused by programs is very simple: just go to the settings and perform a factory reset. Before this, you need to make a backup copy of all important data stored in the smartphone’s memory! Simply uninstalling all programs can also help, but not always. If there are a lot of “tails” and “garbage” left by applications, you cannot do without a general system reset.

Operating system bugs

If the smartphone begins to quickly discharge after flashing or updating over the air, the reason for this lies in bugs in the OS itself. Sometimes developers, eliminating one glitch, accidentally add another, and if it appears, the battery begins to waste. You can detect it if you go to the settings in the battery menu. It displays the programs and components that use the most battery power. If the system kernel and the OS itself consume a lot (more than 15%), the reason is precisely in the system.

There are several ways to eliminate battery overuse. Sometimes the above general factory reset is sufficient. It helps if the bug is caused not by flaws in the update, but by a conflict between the new version of the OS and the files left over from the old one. The second method (if resetting did not help) is to simply wait for an update to come out that fixes the problem. If the overrun is very large and there is no time to wait, you need to reflash your smartphone to an earlier version of the OS, yourself or at a service center.

Physical damage to the smartphone

Physical defects in a smartphone can also lead to accelerated battery drain. If the fall causes the contact between the battery and the motherboard to deteriorate, increased resistance occurs in this area. Part of the energy is spent on heating the contacts through which current flows; sometimes losses can be about 50%. In addition to the rapid loss of cherished interest, there is also a slowdown in the charging speed. After all, the current that the adapter supplies is also partially lost in the form of thermal radiation.

It is very difficult to diagnose phone damage at home. To do this, you need to contact a specialist who has diagnostic equipment and tools. He will find defects, eliminate faults, and replace damaged components. Oxidation and other deposits on the board are removed by washing the device in an ultrasonic bath with alcohol.

Battery controller problems

Another reason why the phone began to discharge quickly is the breakdown of the battery controller. Its main task is to monitor the charge level and voltage, preventing overcharging and overdischarging the battery. If the controller's operation is disrupted, the battery stops working normally and problems begin.

A characteristic sign of problems with the controller is uneven battery discharge on the graph. For example, after half an hour of web browsing, only 10% of the charge is consumed, and in the next 5 minutes - another 10%. Also, the phone may suddenly turn off when the charge level is above 1%. You can try to restore the battery by calibrating it. To do this, you need to discharge the battery to zero several times in a row and charge it to 100% with the phone turned off. If no calibration helps, the battery will have to be replaced.

What could be the reason that the Android battery drains quickly? And most importantly, how can this be fixed? This article will discuss the main causes of this problem and ways to solve it.

Small battery capacity

The most banal reason for this is its small capacity, that is, less than 1600 mAh. Unfortunately, in this case, you can only put up with what you have and try to use the minimum energy on which the smartphone runs wisely. This means following tips such as not running unnecessary applications and disabling unnecessary functions. The actions that need to be taken in such a situation will be described in more detail in the article below.

Battery wear

Sooner or later, all batteries come to this point. And the battery on Android sometimes discharges quickly due to the fact that during the use of the device it has worn out and needs to be replaced. You can match the original battery to the model, but this is difficult and expensive, you can buy a fake or use products from battery manufacturing companies like CRAFTMAN, which supply universal batteries for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. In any case, choosing a new battery is not so difficult: there is enough choice on the market for technical products.

Running programs as a factor in why the phone battery drains quickly

Android is an operating system, which means that after downloading and closing any program, you cannot be sure that it will not remain running. Many running programs are another reason why the battery on Android quickly drains. What to do? First, use the built-in or advanced cleaning options. Secondly, reboot the device from time to time, as is done on computers and laptops to reset the operating memory. This not only saves battery, but also simply helps your smartphone or tablet work faster.

Unstable communication signal

Recently, many mobile operators have been offering 3G coverage to users, but almost always it is, to put it mildly, unstable. This means that when moving around the city, the network on a smartphone or tablet with a SIM card is forced to constantly switch from regular 2G to 3G. Because of this, the battery on Android also drains quickly. To prevent this from happening, you can force only GSM in the settings.


Many Android devices have GPS enabled by default. But in reality, only a small number of people use it. That’s why you can safely disable this function if it’s not needed, since it only once again “loads” the phone and takes energy from the battery. Even if this function is in active use, you can enable it only when there is a real need for it.

Screen brightness

The screen brightness can be adjusted. And there is a clear proportional dependence of the energy supplied by the battery on its value. A very bright screen is rarely something you can't do without. Among its disadvantages, in addition to the above, is also excessive strain on the eyes. It is enough to choose the ideal value for yourself. In addition, information on a dim monitor is much more visible in strong sunlight.

Tips for extending your device's battery life

In addition to eliminating the reasons described above, you can also use the following tips to extend the battery life of your Android device. Their effectiveness on different gadgets may vary, but it has been tested by time and other users.

Battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of bringing the battery into an optimal state for use. This is done because the device may incorrectly remember the charge level and its consumption, as a result of which, even if in fact the level is 95 percent, the device perceives this incorrectly and the smartphone/tablet turns off. If you simply replace the battery, the problem will remain, which means that your efforts will be wasted.

To calibrate the battery on GooglePlay, you can download the corresponding application, but you can also do it manually. First of all, you will need to completely discharge the device, remove and insert the battery back without turning on the device, charge it to one hundred percent, carry out the actions with the battery from the previous point, and turn it on.

In fact, there are many calibration options; you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Disabling automatic system updates

It is known that disabling automatic system updates not only extends the battery life of the device, but also prevents unnecessary downloads, and therefore reduces Internet traffic costs. It is recommended to set “Ask before installing updates” in the settings. They are available on GooglePlay in the "My Applications" section.

"NO!" unused processes

It is recommended to regularly clear memory of unused application processes, clear temporary data, Internet browser cache, etc. To do this, you can use both standard system tools and additional ones.

You should not download applications that supposedly save battery capacity; in fact, they only load the system even more.

If the battery on Android runs out quickly (Samsung, for example, often suffers from this), you need to turn off all unused networks, uncheck “auto-rotate screen” and “auto-brightness”.

Special advice for smartphones with an AMOLED screen: it is recommended to install dark themes rather than bright and light ones.

Additional actions

If you approach the matter of discharging your Android smartphone/tablet with all responsibility and foresight, you can also do the following:

  • Buy a high-power battery that will definitely guarantee a long charge life. Such batteries are usually thicker than regular original ones, and they come with an additional back cover, which makes the gadget heavier and larger in size.
  • There is also an option to purchase a battery case. The disadvantages of this and the previous points are that they are not possible for all devices.
  • You can purchase a portable charger, as it is also called an external battery. It allows you to connect your phone to it and charge it again. It itself is usually charged from an outlet. high-capacity, so there is no risk of sudden shutdown of the device.
  • Buying just an extra battery is another effective alternative. When one runs out, you can simply replace it with a spare one, especially if the Android battery is quickly draining.

The problem of quickly draining the battery of an Android phone has befallen perhaps every second smartphone user. Almost always, people solve the problem of rapid battery drain radically - by replacing the device (or battery), but there are also less expensive methods, which will be discussed in this article.

In those unpleasant moments when the phone quickly discharges, the user, out of habit, begins to blame it solely on the battery. But the problem is not always a faulty battery. In most cases, the user himself reduces the battery life of a smartphone or tablet computer by making typical operating errors. Before ordering a new battery, it is recommended that you first configure the phone correctly and put it in optimal energy consumption mode. One of the common operating errors that prevent you from using your smartphone for a long time is the screen being constantly on at a high brightness level. This indicator is adjusted in the display settings in the tab with the corresponding name. The optimal indicator for economical screen consumption is less than 40 percent brightness.

There are several other reasons why the battery drains quickly:

  • increased screen brightness;
  • simultaneous operation of several wireless modules;
  • running background applications;
  • poor performance of the power controller;
  • errors in updates and firmware;
  • negative impact of viruses on the system;
  • lack of balance.

There are many factors that affect battery performance. But most of them can be quickly eliminated on your own.

Why the phone discharges quickly - TOP reasons

  1. Active use (games). Mobile games, social networks, popular instant messengers, audiovisual applications make the smartphone work at its maximum capabilities. The most powerful cores, RAM, graphics editor, processor, GPS are working simultaneously, data exchange channels are constantly active, and so on. All this does not allow the battery to last even 6-7 hours in a row.
  2. Several working sim cards. It’s hard to surprise with smartphones with connectors for two or more SIM cards, but users do not always use several numbers regularly. But maintaining the operation of less popular SIM cards, even in passive mode, takes a lot of energy. It is recommended to disable them completely in the settings.
  3. Loss of battery capacity. Most batteries that have served for more than 3 years wear out and lose capacity. Over time, the problem will only get worse.

To find out this information, you need to perform several steps in sequence:

  1. Go to the “phone manager” offer.
  2. Open the "battery manager" tab.
  3. Open the “flow rate” section.
  4. Next, a list of applications will open with battery consumption indicators in descending order. The indicators are shown as percentages on the right side of the screen.

Normal battery life for an Android phone

There are countless models of smartphones on the market today, and their energy consumption indicators, as well as battery capacity, vary. To get an accurate picture, you need to normalize all indicators - bring the screen brightness to the average value, disable auto-brightness, disable unnecessary modules, watch videos in FHD format or lower, stop power-intensive background applications, give up powerful mobile games. According to the results of many tests published on the Internet, in this state a smartphone with a medium-capacity battery works in active mode (video + games + video shooting and photo + Internet) from 7 to 12 hours. In offline mode (only calls and SMS), the battery will last a little more than a day.

What to do if your phone runs out quickly or 10 steps to mega-battery savings

If your battery is draining quickly, here are some effective ways to optimize its performance:

  1. Disable bluetooth, gps, wifi, internet. The problem occurs regularly when wireless data channels operate simultaneously. Modules are disabled in the quick access panel, which is located in the “curtain” on the work screen. This task is also easily performed in the settings.
  2. Remove applications (widgets/informers) running in the background. Many applications that are considered disabled by the user continue to run in the background. Some of them are voracious enough to drain the phone ahead of time. To correct the situation, the user needs to independently “identify” each of these programs by following a simple algorithm:
    — go to settings;
    — go to the “battery manager” tab;
    — go to the dispatcher page and activate the “optimize” command;
    — after analyzing the system, the dispatcher will install applications running in the background;
    — open the list of applications;
    — disable programs that are currently useless.
  3. Turn down the brightness. One of the common operating errors that prevent you from using your smartphone for a long time is the screen being constantly on at a high brightness level. This indicator is adjusted in the display settings in the tab with the corresponding name. The optimal indicator for an economical screen is less than 40 percent brightness.
  4. Reduce the time before the screen turns off. Devices have various modes for automatically turning off the screen - from a few seconds to infinity. Everything is simple here: the faster the screen turns off in passive mode, the more energy the battery will save.
  5. Do not allow your phone to overheat or become cold. A battery always performs worse if it is not maintained at an optimal temperature. Avoid leaving your phone in the sun and use it less outdoors in cold weather.
  6. Turn off vibration and loud ringing. Vibrating alerts and loud noises throughout the day can drain your battery and will definitely extend its life if turned off.
  7. Calibrate power controllers. A device that has been in use for several years begins to disappoint with battery performance due to its incorrect calibration. To correct the situation, you need to perform several steps in sequence:
    — charge the battery to 100 percent;
    — turn off the charger;
    - turn off the phone;
    — connect the disconnected smartphone to the charger;
    — wait for the signal that the battery is fully charged;
    — turn on the phone;
    — disable sleep mode in the settings;
    — charge the battery again to 100 percent;
    — discharge the device without turning off the screen.
    These actions are enough to restore calibration. Then you can use the device as usual.
  8. Check Android for viruses. Malicious but well-disguised programs also drain your battery quickly. It is extremely difficult to detect and eliminate them on your own.
  9. Update firmware and applications. The battery often performs poorly after recent updates. If the battery on Android quickly runs out for this reason, the developers have made a serious mistake. It is better to roll back the software to a previous version. In addition, unofficial firmware creates problems, since they are optimized for the proposed system. The way out of the situation is to update or replace the current one with stock firmware.
  10. Disable auto update of applications. The easiest way to do this is in the settings of the Play Store application. The system offers you to choose one of three options for updating programs: via any network, exclusively wi-fi, or never. To save energy, it is better to choose the third option.

Applications for diagnosing power consumption and saving battery power

  • Greenify. The application automates sleep mode, saving resources to resume some applications. The user determines the priority of applications in the program settings. Android version 6.0 has an advanced energy-saving Doze mode. It sends the passive system to sleep after a few minutes. Another smart mode, Shallow Hibernation, stops background processes without closing them completely.
  • Battery Doctor. With this application, all energy saving processes are launched in one click. At the same time, unused programs are disabled, the cache is deleted, and profile switching is configured. Battery Doctor offers a number of valuable recommendations to preserve battery life and quickly responds to negative situations. For example, if only a few percent of charge remains, the program switches the smartphone to extreme mode. It only allows calls, sending and receiving SMS.
  • Du Battery Saver. The program's easy, well-thought-out interface makes it easy to optimize system operation and stop some processes without loss when the battery quickly runs out. The program has several profiles for different occasions and user modes. At the request of the smartphone owner, Du Battery Saver starts cleaning the system and is integrated into the lock screen.