Biblical numerology. Number (7) Seven - Symbol of mystery

The number 4 in Holy Scripture is a symbol of peace and humanity. There were four mysterious animals that appeared to the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:5). This number is symbolic, as can be seen from the persistence with which it is carried out in the present vision: not only four animals, but also four faces for each of the animals, four wings, four wheels. Four is a symbol of spatial completeness, since it embraces all the countries of the world. Therefore, the body seen by Nebuchadnezzar, signifying world monarchies, has four components (Dan. ch. 2). The Prophet Daniel sees four beasts and their appearance is preceded by a struggle on the sea of ​​four winds (Dan. ch. 7). According to the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 14:21), if God wants to destroy a nation, he sends four plagues to it; the spirit that revived the dry bones in Ezekiel's vision came from the four winds (Ezek. 37:9). Being the number of spatial completeness, four is therefore also a symbol of completeness, completion, filling, exhaustion, just as the number seven is of eternity, infinity (space and time). As such, these numbers are applied to the calculation of the highest spirits - the cherubim and archangels. The small number of these closest servants of the throne of God is remarkable, in contrast to the thousands of thousands and tens of thousands of angels. The “animals” that appeared to the prophet Ezekiel were cherubim, as the prophet later learned when the vision was repeated (Ezek. 10:2). The holy seer John the Theologian sees before the throne of the Most High a sea of ​​glass, like a crystal, and in the middle of the throne there are four animals full of eyes in front and behind. The first animal was like a lion, the second like a calf, the third had a face like a man, and the fourth like a flying eagle. All these animals, surrounding the Almighty during the vision of the holy mystic, personified the highest properties of the Lord: omnipotence, wisdom, etc., all of them, being around the throne of the Almighty, thereby indicated that all virtues are united to the highest degree in the person of the One True One God. The number of these animals, four, served as a symbol of Divine power over the whole world; the many eyes with which they were covered were a symbol of Divine omniscience, from which nothing remains hidden (Apocalypse 4:6-11). From other interpretations of the seventh verse of the Apocalypse, these four “animals” served as emblems of the four evangelists. According to this opinion, the animal in the guise of a lion - a symbol of strength, power and greatness, represents the Evangelist Mark, since in his Gospel the Savior mainly appears as a king. The evangelist Luke appears under the guise of a calf (sacrificial animal), since his Gospel depicts mainly the Savior as a Lamb who sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world. The Evangelist Matthew is depicted under the guise of a man, since in his Gospel Christ appears as the second Adam, who came in the flesh as a man. The Evangelist John is depicted under the guise of an eagle, for in his Gospel the Savior appears as the Son of God in that Heavenly world, the source of which He Himself is in unity with the Father from all eternity. The many eyes of these “animals” mean Divine omniscience, knowledge of everything past, present and future. These are the highest and closest angelic beings to God, constantly praising God. The foundations of the city wall (Apoc. 21:20) are decorated with twelve precious stones. Twelve foundations—twelve precious stones, eight of which were worn in the amice of the ancient high priest, and the other four to show the agreement of the New Testament with the Old. And finally, four female prophetesses in the Old Testament - Miriam (Isa. 15:20), Deborah (Judges 4:4), Anna (1 Kings 2:1) and Huldah (2 Kings 22:14-15) .

Seven- one of the most amazing numbers. Mysterious number seven! No matter how they consider it: sacred, divine, magical, and happy.

Seven is the number of spiritual order, sacred number. According to the Holy Scriptures, seven is a perfect number. It rules time and space.
All peoples of the world paid special attention to the number seven.

In Egypt, seven is a symbol of eternal life, the number of the god Osiris. According to

legends, at seven o'clock at night the boat of Ra, dead, sails to the Serpent Apophis
passes through seven halls and seven doors to reach Amerti. Except
Moreover, seven is a symbol of creation (as in Christianity).
In Ancient Greece, seven was the symbol of Apollo.

Apollo is a symbol of beauty, the patron of the arts in ancient Greek mythology, the cult of this Greek god came from Asia Minor

Apollo was born on the seventh day
month, his lyre had seven strings. In legends you can find seven
Hesperides, seven circles of hell, seven gates, seven daughters of Astarte, seven Cyclopes,
Niobe's seven children, Pan's seven pipes

The number seven is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments 700 (!) times. In Islamic
tradition there are seven brides and seven lands, seven gates of heaven and seven
steps of hell, seven prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus,
Mohamed). During the Hajj to Mecca, pilgrims must circumambulate seven times.
sacred stone of the Kaaba. The soul of the deceased spends seven days near the grave. On
On the seventh day, the newborn receives a name.

The ancients knew seven planets and attached great importance to each of them.
MENORAH, OR MINORAH (Hebrew - lamp) is one of the most ancient symbols of Judaism, a metal candlestick with seven clay or glass lamps.

The shape of the menorah goes back to the seven-branched candelabrum described in the Bible, personifying the seven churches of Asia Minor and symbolizing the seven planets and seven days of Creation. For example, the Jewish philosopher Philo believed that the menorah symbolizes the seven planets, which are the highest objects accessible to human perception. He argued that the gold from which the menorah is made and its light symbolize the Divine light, or logos.

This is the most famous and detailed image of the temple Menorah that has survived to this day.

The seven-branched candlestick symbolizes the seven sacraments. The Orthodox Church, those grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit that are poured out on believers thanks to the Redemptive Feat of Jesus Christ.

These seven lights also correspond to the seven spirits of God sent into the whole earth (Rev. 5:6), the seven churches, the seven seals of the mystical book, the seven angelic trumpets, the seven thunders, the seven bowls of the wrath of God, about which the Revelation of John the Theologian narrates.

Of all the possible correspondences of the number seven, the most important for believers is the correspondence with the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Blessing of Unction, Marriage, Priesthood, as embracing all the grace-filled means of saving the human soul; from birth to death of a person. These means became possible only thanks to the coming of Christ the Savior into the world.

Thus, the light of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit contained in the seven sacraments of the Church, and the light of Orthodoxy as a doctrine of truth - this is what the seven lights of the church’s seven-branched candlestick primarily mean.

Over your shoulder, where the seven-branched candlestick burns,
And where is the shadow of the Judean wall,
The invisible sinner languishes
Under the consciousness of eternal guilt.

Polygamist, poet and beginning
The beginning of all and the end of all ends
. . . . . . . . . . .Anna Akhmatova
(1963) . . . . . . . . . . . .

In folk wisdom, “seven” is assigned the role of a divine number.
Seven seals, seven bowls of wrath, seven thunders, seven golden candlesticks,
seven heads of the beast, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes, seven heroes, seven
gnomes, seven days of the week, seven winds, seven Pillars of Wisdom, for the family
mountains, seven spans in the forehead, seven Fridays in a week, seven, seven, seven... number
surrounding us everywhere - the seventh of November, a day off for all Russians.

Rome is built on seven hills. There are seven days in a week. Buddha sat under a fig tree with seven fruits. The spectrum consists of seven primary colors. In music, there are seven tones (notes) of the scale.

We find the number “7” in the Bible, which states that God created everything on Earth in seven days. And then - seven sacraments, seven gifts of the holy spirit, seven ecumenical councils, seven stars in the crown, seven wise men in the world, seven candles in the altar lamp and seven in the altar lamp, seven deadly sins, seven circles of hell.

Seven deadly sins:

Excerpts from the end of the 19th century.

World-famous jewelry designer Stephen Webster presented an exquisite collection of rings “The Seven Deadly Sins”.

Stephen Webster in his boutique.
The designer commented about his idea of ​​​​creating such rings:

« In the context of the 21st century, the very idea of ​​the seven deadly sins can't help but be fascinating, and it's no longer punishable by death.
And everyone knows what each of the sins is, but not everyone knows about each of the punishments in hell from the old devil, and that each sin is characterized by a certain color. It's time to return to the original idea of ​​sin, but this time from a jewelry perspective…».








Each of the seven handcrafted cocktail rings tells the story of one of the oldest and darkest dogmas of Christian teaching and is a stylized depiction of ancient vices: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness.

Seven is the most mysterious and supernatural number, it is
the most important in magic. According to tradition, the seventh son of the seventh father has
magical abilities.

7 Wonders of the World))
The first mentions of the 7 wonders of the world are found in the writings of Greek authors.
The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. uh...

Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the 3rd century BC. e. a new list of miracles has appeared.

TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUS - a majestic temple in honor of Artemis, goddess of the moon, patroness of animals and young girls. The temple was built in 560 BC,

The supporting structures of the temple consisted of about 120 marble columns.
Two hundred years later, in 356 BC, the temple was burned to the ground. In pursuit of glory, Herostratus set fire to the temple, believing that in this way he would become famous.

Years later, Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the temple to be restored to its original location.
The Temple of Alexander existed until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus became covered with silt and the city lost its importance. The temple was plundered by the Goths and later flooded. Today, only a few foundation blocks and one restored column remain from the temple at Ephesus.

THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES- a giant bronze statue, about 33 meters high, which stood in the port city of Rhodes.

Rhodes is an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of modern Turkey. The statue was made in gratitude to Helios, the sun god, for his intercession during the siege of the city by Greek soldiers. It took 12 years to build the statue, but 50 years after completion, the Colossus collapsed.
During the earthquake it broke at the level of the knees. So it lay there for more than 900 years, and people went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god.


The mausoleum is located in the city of Bodrum in Turkey.
In 352 BC. e. King Mausolus died in the city of Halicarnassus (Asia Minor). Following the customs of those times, the king's corpse was burned and the ashes were placed in a funeral urn. According to legend, the king’s wife Artemisia, who had an extraordinary love for him, decided to perpetuate the memory of her wife by building a great tomb. The mausoleum was an unusual and majestic brick structure, lined with marble inside and out. The height of the mausoleum reached 60 meters. On the ground floor there was an urn with ashes. Sacrifices were kept on the second floor. The next floor was a multi-stage pyramid, and it was crowned with figures
Mausola and Artemisia.
The mausoleum stood for about 1800 years in the middle of an empty city until the 15th century, when it was dismantled by the crusaders.


A lighthouse, about 150 meters high, built at the entrance to the bay of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, on the island of Pharos. The lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 299-279 BC. e. under Pharaoh Ptolemy II of Egypt. The largest and most beautiful lighthouse was located at the crossroads of sea roads, and was well known to all sailors.
The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 it was severely destroyed by an earthquake. The Arabs who came to Egypt tried to restore it, and by the 14th century. the height of the lighthouse was only about 30 m. At the end of the 15th century. Sultan Qait Bey erected a fortress on the site of the lighthouse, which still stands today.


They were built by order of Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife Amytis, who was yearning for the green hills of Media in Babylon.

The palace was built on an artificially created platform, raised to the height of a four-tiered structure.
Hanging gardens were laid out on earthen terraces resting on vaults.
In carts drawn by oxen, trees wrapped in wet matting and seeds of rare plants, herbs and bushes were brought to Babylon. Gradually amazing gardens grew and beautiful flowers bloomed. To irrigate the greenery, day and night, hundreds of slaves supplied water from the Euphrates in leather bags.
The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by the constant floods of the Euphrates.


In search of a creation that would be worthy of being called a miracle, the Greeks looked at all the temples of Hellas. But, alas, not a single temple received this award. And only the statue of Zeus, and not the temple itself in which it was located, was recognized as a miracle. The Temple of Zeus with his statue was the main shrine of Olympia. The creator of the statue was Phidias. The length of the temple in which the statue was located reached 64 meters, width - 28, height - 20 meters.
Zeus, sitting at the end of the hall on a throne, supported the ceiling with his head. The head and topless figure of Zeus were carved from ivory. The cloak thrown over his shoulder, the hair and beard of Zeus were sculpted from gold. The golden wreath of olive branches on the head of Zeus served as a sign of the peacefulness of the formidable god. In one hand the god held a statue of the winged goddess of victory Nike, and with the other he leaned on a rod ending in the figure of an eagle.
Zeus was so majestic that when Phidias completed his work, he approached the statue and asked: “Are you satisfied, Zeus?” In response, there was a clap of thunder, and the floor at the feet of the statue cracked. Zeus was pleased.

GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA- the most ancient of the Seven Wonders of the World.

In addition, this is the only miracle that has survived to this day.
The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. His tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built at Giza, for Khufu's son and grandson, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens.

Neuroscientists consider the number 7 to be a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of “working memory” in the brain.
Scientists from the Institute for Nonlinear Science in California (BioCircuits Institute at the University of California, Institute for Nonlinear Science) in the course of their research came to the conclusion that the number 7 has some magical meaning for the brain.

According to experts, seven is a kind of equivalent of the maximum amount of “RAM” in the brain, so any meaning associated with seven is easier to remember.
The number 7 is associated with the number of synapses in the brain and the specifics of the relationships between them.
The author of the theory, Mikhail Rabinovich, published his article in the scientific publication Physical Review Letters. His theory states that, despite all the complexity of the mathematical models that describe the processes in the human nervous system, everything comes down to the number 7.

According to occultists, the human body is renewed every 7 years. They think that diseases develop according to a seven-day cycle. It turns out that the number 7 controls cycles and rhythms such as birth, development, aging and death. For these reasons, 7 is the number of perfection. Each stage of human development, each lunar phase is completed in 7 days. Any 7 objects consist of completed seven cycles. For example, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 components of a person’s face, 7 holes in his body, etc. Occultists consider the properties of this number to be the secret rhythms of life.

Number 7 in proverbs and sayings:

Seven feet under the keel.
Seven times measure cut once.
Seventh water on jelly.
Work until you sweat.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven do not wait for one.
To sip jelly seven miles away.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Seven Fridays a week.
Seven spans in the forehead.
A secret sealed with seven seals.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.
It's better to be covered in sweat seven times than frost once.
September hour - seven weather conditions here.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Beyond the seven seas.
On the seventh sky.
By leaps and bounds.
Onion from seven ailments.
— rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit yourself;
- one with a bipod, seven with a spoon;


The famous Bible rejector, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), became an atheist because he could not believe in a God who was not a “mathematical formula.” Cherishing his concept of God as a product of the hallucinations of his unregenerate nature, Einstein in his last days on earth refused every attempt by evangelical preachers to lead him to Christ. Einstein specialized in numbers, as did the future Antichrist (see “Mark of the Beast”).
And so, in addition to the fact that anyone unsaved is blind and ignorant (Rom. 10:3; 2 Peter 3:5; Eph. 4:18; etc.), Einstein was especially stupid, since for all 90 years of his Throughout his life he never took the time to examine anything in the Bible that did not agree with his own opinion. For example, in the Bible (in any version of any translation) there is a mathematical phenomenon that defies every single known law of demonstrative “science”. This shows (according to Einstein's own theory of "meanings") that the Bible was conceived, written and preserved in a supernatural manner, and this on a systematic basis which cannot be found in any other Book ever written, by anyone living or dead, in history of civilization.¬¬
This is a mathematical miracle: the Bible never hesitates to prophesy over and over again what no one can even SUPPOSE, let alone predict. Meidalyn Murray O'Hare, Jean Dixon, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce are not even on the same level as the word of God, or close to it. For example, the Book accurately predicts forty-eight details of human life before His birth and some of the predictions are given 1000 years before His birth. Everything happens exactly as predicted. The (mathematical) probability of this happening, according to Heisenberg’s “law of variability” and Einstein’s mathematics, is one in ten to the 157th power. There aren't even that many electrons in the known universe.
But the mathematics of the Bible should not descend to the cheap and banal education of some “Einstein.” No, the Bible goes further and predicts another 500 details around one event that will still come true (3500 years after the first predictions). The probability that 500 details that relate to ONE HISTORICAL INCIDENT associated with ONE PERSON will occur in the future is 1: 10 8000. The author of true mathematics, God, designed a universe that moves with such mathematical precision that you can set your watch by it.
Einstein was a madman (Psalm 13:1).
The most educated idiots (Mutch, Heisenberg, Schweitzer, Weiskopf, Pestalozzi, Gentile, Dewey, Russell, etc.).
And so, the King James Bible contains under its covers not only these wonderful mathematical phenomena, but also a special division into chapters and numbering of verses that defy analysis. In an attempt to overcome this natural manifestation of the hand of God, Jerry Lucas (1978) attempted to prove (using Panin's 1910 numeric system) that the apostate Greek text of Wescott and Hort Nestle was “INSPIRED.” (We have provided a detailed analysis of this work in our publication “Problem Texts,” now in press.) However, such hackwork is not even approximately as impressive as the English text with the so-called “added” markings of verses and chapters. Whoever marked chapters and verses as they are now marked in the AV text obviously had more insight into Biblical numbering than any fool who thought it could be omitted (Robertson, Machen, Hort, Davis, Gregory, Warfield, Custer , Efman, Martin, etc.).
This brief overview of Bible numbering is presented in the hope that the reader will take apart his Bible and “search to see if it is so.” If thirteen means something evil 85% of the time in the AV text, you can't throw out the truth without showing that you have less common sense than Einstein or a similar unsaved swindler. It is not necessary to have 100% confirmation to establish the “meaning” of the numbers.
A person who does not accept 85% of 100 is not intelligent, at least as far as numbers and ratios are concerned. The eight to one ratio is strong in Jimmy (Stewart?)'s “Greek”; it is unconvincing only for a faculty professor who rejects the authority of the Bible AV 1611. We will not accept any Bible that contains only 85% of the word of God, naturally, and apostates who have precisely such Bibles have no right to publicly lie that they believe that the Bible IS the word of God and not only “contains” the word of God. The Bible, which contains only eighty-five percent of the word of God, “contains” fifteen percent errors.
If you are dealing with numbers, where a number (forty for example) occurs eight and nine times out of ten in connection with the SAME object, you must be sure that this object is represented by that number.
We believe you will enjoy this brief study that provides just the bare bones, framework of Bible numbering. The “Bible” we use here is quite naturally the infallible, infallible living word of the Living God—1611 Authorized Version.


The amazing thing about numbers is that they must be related to the function of the universe. That is, mathematics is an exact science. Numbers, like colors, have a universal meaning. No one can deny this, although any attention to this subject can be branded as “prejudice.”
In this life there are some things that a person sees and becomes familiar with after some time, and they establish for him a certain fact that does not require additional proof. For example, red. What does the color red mean? What does it symbolize? Well, everyone knows what it symbolizes. In China it symbolizes the same thing as in Africa, Japan, Cuba or Nebraska.
A man once said: “Music is a universal language.” And that's true. Glenn Miller's In the Mood tells the Russian what it says to the New Yorker.
There are some things that have universal values. And when we talk about numbers in the Bible, we only mean that the Bible, if God wrote it - and I have no doubt in saying so - the Bible, if God wrote it, should establish universal symbols and define them. That is, the Author of truth must reveal truth in accordance with truth, since this is integral to His existence and His nature. The harmonious correspondences and laws that God has arranged in the universe must be consistent with His Own Divine personality and His self-expression. I remember once someone published a very good book on this topic: “The answer to almost all questions.” This book on the Trinity tried to prove that, being the basis of the nature of God, His essence, the Trinity, the triple formula of three is found in everything in the universe, including time and space. And he proved it.
When we deal with numbers, we are dealing with something fundamental. The number One evokes certain associations in any person, at any time, in any place, in any condition, regardless of education. That is, Odin basically means the same thing to both a Negro or an African pygmy and a Wall Street broker.
People may disagree on how they use or apply this number; but anyone smart enough to pick out ant and insect larvae from the hills of the Australian outback knows the difference between a one and a two. And, of course, if you don't know it, you won't survive. You know very well that certain things that you lift with two hands cannot be lifted with one hand. It is a fact. Even the humblest black man, living in remote rooms, that two eyes are better than one, and when he loses one eye, he knows that one eye is missing.
So numbers are something solid. And in saying this, I want to go to the Bible and show from the Bible that the author of absolute truth has a purpose or a plan or a pattern when He opens the scriptures according to this fundamental thing of the universe, numbers. I am not trying to say here that this system is infallible, or that numbers can always be considered the same, or that they must always mean the same thing to everyone, no matter what. When I say that Thirteen is an unlucky number, I am stating something that is basically as true as any other mathematical law. You say, “But mathematical laws are not just basically true; they are installed.” No, the higher mathematics that is being introduced today is not established at all. Einstein's theory of probability is hardly established. And in talking about this here, I do not want to say that numbers always and everywhere have the same meaning; because it would trample on the Divine nature.
For example: If the number Thirteen is a bad number, then if it were to manifest itself in the life of a Christian, it would be bad, wouldn't it? No, Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that...all things work together for good.” Thirteen? And thirteen too. So what I'm saying is that it is not established absolutely, mathematically, precisely, permanently. But there is enough information about this in the Bible for you to know that the Designer who designed this Bible is the Author of creation and the Revealer of truth. There's enough of that there. And with that we will enter the numbers.

Number One. The number One stands for unity. That is, one thing. Our words one, united, unity, unity, and so on and so forth indicate that this is an obvious truth. One is stability; it is established, it is absolute. The number One, wherever it appears, in scripture or outside scripture, is associated with something united and stable and durable. This is a great word that the communists used. This is where the United Trade Union, the United Fund, the United Peace Corps come from: from “unity”, “unity”, “united”, “one”. One nation, indivisible (you know), “under God”, throw out “God” - and you got rid of the first commandment, leaving only the second commandment - “one nation” - one people.
The word One is found for the first time in the word of God in Genesis 1:9, where we read: “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered into one place.” After that, it occurs so many times that it would be difficult to list - literally hundreds of times.
And here is the great declaration to Israel: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” (Deut. 6:4). “The Lord our God, the Lord is ONE.” The word one here, in its established meaning, means “united multitude,” not only a single whole, but “unity.” “The Lord our God, there is one Lord.” In Hebrew, this word speaks more about the unity of sets, rather than about unity with itself (which does not fit anywhere at all).
Therefore, One completely asserts unity. This is what this word leads to; unity without the Bible, or unity with the Unitarian's Bible, or unity with the United Nations Bible, or with the Bible of the United Churches. All they want is unity, and nothing in the Bible shows this more clearly than the first great occasion when “one” appears again in the book of Genesis. Although the word One is first found in Genesis 1:9, it is clearly first interpreted in the full glory of its meaning only in Genesis 11, where it is said that the earth had one language and one speech, and, God said in Genesis 11:6, “ one people,” and all the people were one in their actions, and God said, “I will come down and divide them.” He scattered them across the earth. That is, the word one, the number One, by its position, speaks of the power of unity, and when Paul says that he desires that all believers should be of one mind and of one accord, this is what he means. By saying: “one body,” “one Lord,” “one faith,” “one Spirit,” “one baptism,” he means that this is the only thing that is correct and absolute, in which everything is harmoniously united, One.
The Bible says that a man “will leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and together they will become one flesh.” Therefore, One forever affirms unity. This unity may be the unity of two, or three, or four, or five, or ten, or a hundred; but one, in its position, is only unity, and such is its position everywhere in the word of God. There is no problem with the number One.

Now, let's move on to number Two. The number Two is used in the Bible the same way it is used everywhere, and, of course, the number Two directly implies division. Amos chapter 3, verse 3: “Shall two pass together without agreeing with each other?” In Genesis 2, Adam's body was divided; he is cut. The unity of his body is broken and a woman emerges from him. Two. The Bible says in Genesis 2 that there was no helper found for Adam, and Adam became two in Genesis 2. You say, “You guy is going overboard.” Yes? Well, isn't it strange, though? You don't think the Corob James translators knew this when they marked up the chapters and verses, do you? Of course they didn't know. We find the same phenomenon in other places in the Bible where there are two. But two does not require much interpretation. Two completely gives separation. Now, the wise man in the book of Ecclesiastes says that “two are better than one,” meaning, of course, a man and a woman; but even though there are two of them, it is said that they are one; and there should be no divisions between them. If they exist, then this is not an ideal situation, this situation is not according to scripture. Two, as said, establishes division.
Is it not surprising that the division of the tribes of Israel began in the book of Numbers and remained exactly like that, pure, until the time of Christ? You realize that in the book of Numbers only two spies returned; ten turned out to be unfaithful, only two, and this created a division right in the middle of the camp. The Jews were divided again in the time of Rehoboam, after Solomon, into two southern tribes and ten northern tribes, and now, correct me if James and John did not come to Jesus and say: “Give us to sit at Your right hand alone, to another on the left in the kingdom.”
Do you realize that the Old Testament is divided, and the main division is the law and the prophets? Jesus Christ in His precise division names the law, the prophets and the Psalms, but Paul, speaking before his witnesses, divides simply: “the law and the prophets.” This is a normal division. I understand that, technically, there are three divisions: scriptures, law and prophets; but very often we find the expression “law and prophets,” with only two main divisions. The main representatives of the law and prophets are, of course, Elijah and Moses. Here is the division. Elijah singles out the prophets; Moses sets out the law. In fact, with the three divisions of the Old Testament, there are only two dividing lines. One distinction is between the law and the prophets; another distinction is between the prophets and the scriptures. And the two people who are in these two divisions are Moses and Elijah. Well, isn't this surprising? I believe you understand that when Moses and Elijah return, before the Second Coming of Christ, they will herald the Second Coming of Christ and when Christ returns (Zechariah 14), the Mount of Olives will split in two. The word Two clearly implies separation. In fact, schizophrenia is a split personality, that is, two people in one person, or two personalities in one person.
It was two angels who came to Sodom and led Lot out of the city. If you remember, it also split his family. He had two daughters. We often meet two daughters; Laban had two daughters.
Of course, this is a prejudice: for many peoples, twins are not good, and they should be buried or killed. In many African tribes, twins are still killed and their mother is also killed. Why? Two is separation. Two is separation. And this is clear. You won't find many good meanings for the word Two.
The first time the word Two appears in your Bible is in Genesis 1:16. God created two luminaries, that is, the sun and the moon. Do you know what the Lord said about their purpose? They had to separate, brother, separate day and night, light and darkness. One was the Lord of the day, the sun; another - Lord of the night, the moon. So Two clearly affirms separation, and in most places where this word appears it carries this idea. One is unity; Two is separation.

Two and One will be Three. Division in unity or unity in division is the formula of the trinity which makes three. This is very evident in the Trinity itself. The Trinity is just division for the second time. The Bible says that God is spirit (John 4), and then we read that the Holy Spirit is spirit; but the Son was a man. Here's your division. One, two - separation. Three is a threefold nature, threefold unity, trinity. Three establishes something else, but notice that two is a division. Here. I realize that there can be no contradiction in the Divine. I realize that the Holy Spirit is spoken of as Lord in the book of Acts, where Agatha says, “Thus saith the Holy Spirit.” I realize that the Holy Spirit is spoken of as the Lord in 1 Corinthians, where it says, “The Lord is the Spirit.” I realize that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Father and so on and so forth. But, from a practical point of view, the only one of the three who appears in the flesh and actually walks everywhere (I mean, the flesh itself) is the Son. And so, Jesus said: “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father,” but He, of course, was not talking about the body of the Father, but about the soul of the Father. He said, “The Father is in Me and I in Him,” and “As I live by the Father, so He lives by Me.” The Lord Jesus Christ is a duo (two) in the Trinity. The separator is that one member of the Trinity becomes flesh and dies. God cannot die. That's where your division is.
Next, the three reunite. It is generally accepted that Three is a lucky number. I don't know people of any language or nation where three is considered an unlucky number. Three is the basic structure of things. Time is divided into three: past, present, future. Space is divided into three: width, length and height. Human nature consists of three parts: body, soul and spirit. God the Father has a trinitarian structure: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. This trinity, it is always in everything, is the number three that reunites.
Have you ever been interested in the Bible itself? The Bible itself contains two Testaments - a division: the Old Testament, which ends with a curse (Malachi 4), and the New Testament, which ends with the words: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." This is real division. John says, “The law came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” There is a division between those Testaments. They are not alike, but they need a third, main part. What do you think this third part is?
Have you ever thought about this?
There are two Testaments. Is this an incomplete Bible?
Do you know what is the missing part of the Bible? This is Jesus Christ. What do you think? John 1:1 says He was the Word; Revelation 19 says His name is “The Word of God.” He is the third Testament. Only two of them were printed. The Bible says there are three in heaven that testify (bear record- KJV): “The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit.” You have an incomplete Bible, without Jesus Christ. What does it feel like?!
The neo-orthodox guys put all the emphasis on Jesus Christ at the expense of the Bible. Sometimes we fundamental Bible believers put the emphasis entirely on the Bible at the expense of Jesus Christ. But the Bible is both the incarnate Word and the physical word. There are three Testaments; only two are printed, and the third completes and returns it to where it should be: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Okay, three does not indicate Trinity. There is no longer any doubt about the number three. The number three represents God, Himself, in three persons, who manifested throughout the universe in three phases. History is divided into past, present and future. Every verse of scripture is applied from three angles: historically, doctrinally, spiritually. Everywhere, throughout the universe, we see the manifestation of this three.
I once read a book by a man who argued that time has a fourth dimension. He didn't mean that you have to go back and forth in time to get to another dimension. He said that reality (what you are living in and experiencing right now) is a combination of three dimensions that make up the fourth dimension. He proved this by taking away any one dimension and showing you that without any one dimension you would be unconscious and dead; the entire universe would be unconscious and dead. He argued convincingly that you can't have direction without three dimensions. There is no such thing as direction in two dimensions. Have you ever thought about this?
So, three are needed for completeness. This is the problem with an unsaved person: he is missing one part. He is a man of two: he is divided; he is divided with himself. An unsaved person has a living body, a dead spirit and a living soul. Only two parts of him are alive: his soul and his body. This is separation. He's not complete until he gets the living spirit, that's the Trinity, and then he's born again.
And this is the main thing, this is fundamental. I haven't even begun to discuss chapter and verse division yet. I'm talking about basic fundamental things that are obvious to anyone who reads any Bible. Number Three states this.
If you are working on a math problem or a social problem or a family problem or a church problem or a spiritual problem or a physics or chemistry problem and the solution eludes you, let me tell you something. Look at it from three sides and you will solve it. If you don't have an answer, it means you only have one or two sides to the question. Look at it from three sides and you will solve it. If you don't have an answer, it means you only have one or two sides to the question. And one task is not complete until a third party is found. Hegel worked on this. Hegel called this “dialectical reasoning”, having Theses, Antitheses and Synthesis. He started with A, contrasted it with B and went to C, somehow he got something new. He received what is the basis of the structure of the leaf and the life of the animal. He got something that the writer of Genesis knew about before the syrup from Hegel's grandmother's formula flowed out. If you can't find the answer, it means you don't have three parts to the answer. They are needed both to repair a car and to sew a dress. Three is the fundamental, immutable, mathematical number that controls the nature and function of reality; and thus God determined it and established it, and so it will always be, world without end. Amen. This works through three.
A person who truly believes, as in Romans 10, believes in “the Lord Jesus Christ,” not only in “the good Lord,” not only in “my blessed Jesus,” not only in “Christ.” Have you ever noticed that all these Christian gods have something taken out of their names? Have you ever heard those Southern Christians say, “Oh my God,” “Oh, my good Lord,” “Oh my God, my God,” “Oh my God,”? That's not all. Have you ever heard these saints sing: “My Jesus,” “Blessed Jesus,” “My sweet Jesus”? This is all interesting, but be careful. Have you ever heard these modernists talk about the “Christ of Calvary,” the “Christ of the open way,” meaning that the spirit that was in Christ helped Martin Luther King Jr. in difficulty several centuries later. You should see what's going on here. This is the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. This is the Lord God the Father. This is Jesus the son of God. This is Christ the anointed one, the Holy Spirit is the Trinity. Three is a picture of the revelation of the Divine.
Everything that has light in this solar system and everything that has heat in this solar system has its ultimate source in the sun. I'm not saying that there is no source of light independent of the sun, I'm saying that if sunlight disappeared, there would be nothing phosphorous in the water, there would be no fireflies, because all the bugs would die out. There would be no chemical elements of water. It would be a dead, destroyed planet, like the Moon. What I mean is that the rays that reach this earth are alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays - three types of rays: light rays, heat rays and ultraviolet rays. This demonstrates the Godhead so clearly that Paul says in Romans 1 that the invisible things of God, “His eternal power and Godhead... are clearly visible through the understanding of the creatures, so that they are without excuse.” (KJV).
There is no doubt about the number Three, absolutely no doubt.

We've come to the number Four. The number Four is much more elusive than the number Three. The number Four first appears in your Bible in Genesis 2:10, which speaks of an ancient river divided into “four rivers.” Then a little later in Genesis chapter 14 we see four kings fighting against five.
The word Four is essentially homogeneous to the word Fourth. The word Fourth appears for the first time (by itself) in your Bible in 1 Kings 22:41: “in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel.” In Exodus 29:4 we find the fourth part: a quarter of an hin of wine is the measure for the sacrifice.
The number four is not very prolific. I've heard a lot of things about the number four. In most of the numerology books you can buy (Christian Numerology, like Clarence Larkin's list in the middle of Dispensational Truth, and a book called Biblical Numbering, and Bullinger's works), we find that the number four is associated with the earth. Presumably this is the number of the earth. This may or may not be true. The Bible, understandably, doesn't say too much about this. It is called the “number of the earth” because, according to general opinion, there are four seasons on earth: summer, winter, spring and autumn. This is not very convincing, since in the Bible there are six seasons, not four. See, Genesis 8 names winter, summer, sowing, harvest, cold, and heat. You see six seasons, not four. Then, we read about the “four corners of the earth,” the true expression of the compass, and, of course, as has recently been discovered, the true expression of the surface of the earth itself. They clearly discovered four elongated bulges on the earth's surface - not mountain ranges - four places where the spherical shape was broken. There's something like a ridge on it (I have photos of them in one of my notebooks). Then, we have the four corners of the compass: north, south, east and west. This, together with the four seasons, perhaps indicates that the number four is the “number of the earth.” May be; I don't know. You have the basic elements of fire, wind, earth and water, which can make a difference. This gives an approximate explanation, but, of course, the ancient people were guided by this, and only then you discovered that there was a better explanation than using chemical elements. The number four is very elusive if you really want to trace it through the Bible. This doesn't suit me at all.
The ancient Hebrew was told in Exodus 22:1 to pay four sheep for one stolen sheep. He was told to cast four gold rings at the corners of all the pieces of equipment in the tabernacle to wear. And there were four rows of stones (three in each) that represented the children of Israel and, it is clear that three times four is associated with the children of Israel, and we know what the number three means. The number three is associated with the Trinity. The number four could probably be the number of earth. Undoubtedly, the twelve tribes of Israel were called to inherit the earth and the earthly kingdom. This is for sure. But this evidence is not very convincing. In Leviticus 11 we read several times about animals that walk on all four legs.
The fourth chapter of the Bible tells how Cain killed Abel. It is difficult to identify one thing in this chapter that is significant. If a person wants to highlight something, I believe he will highlight: “The blood of your brother cries out to Me from the earth,” Then you could connect this with the number of the earth, but this is not very convincing. In this chapter, in addition to the fact that the earth is saturated with blood, many other events happen - a lot of terrible things happen. In Exodus, chapter 4, we see the calling of Moses. In John 4, the conversation with the woman at the well. The number four is not very prolific. You might say, “Well, what are you getting at with all these chapters?” Moreover, the further we move in Biblical numbering, the more we realize that we need to somehow determine the meaning of chapter numbers, as well as verses, as well as numbers in verses. Four are clearly not solved.
The word “four” appears in Ezekiel 1 more than in any other chapter of God’s word. It appears about ten times in this chapter in connection with the four living creatures, which have four faces, four wings, and four things, and four things, and four things. The number four appears there more often than in any other chapter of the word of God - Ezekiel 1. Of course, it talks about cherubim, and, again, this may have something to do with the earth. As we learn later in our study, there were five cherubim, and one of them fell and lost his place over the throne; there are four cherubim left, and these four cherubim represent what is on earth. For example: 1.) four had the face of a man (this is the king or the crown of God’s creation) 2.) they had the face of a bull (the bull is undoubtedly the king of domestic animals) 3.) four had the face of an eagle (which, undoubtedly, is the king of the birds) 4.) they also had the face of a lion (which is undeniably the king of the wild beasts). The four beasts in Ezekiel 1 have something to do with the earth and especially creation. Perhaps the number four has less to do with the earth itself and more with creation than one might think. But, again, this is not observed everywhere, since periods of pregnancy in animals and humans will not be associated with the number four; they are closer to nine. The number four is still a mystery to me and I don't know exactly what it means.
The clothes of Christ were divided into four parts, but, of course, they took the tunic, which was all woven on top, that is, the fifth part, and cast lots over the fifth part after dividing the four. I don't know what that means: the four pieces of clothing that Christ wore. The courtyard in Ezekiel 46 had four corners. We read about the four windows of the earth in Revelation 7:1. In Revelation 6:1 we come back to the four beasts, and that almost completes the matter. The altar for burnt offerings had four corners and the New Jerusalem has four corners. But I don’t know what the land has to do with it.
In Daniel 2 we read about the fourth kingdom of Daniel. This is the fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 - the Roman kingdom of iron. In Daniel 7 we read about the fourth beast, and this fourth beast is not the Roman kingdom, but the kingdom of the Antichrist, which comes out of the Roman kingdom. And of course the fourth one in the furnace in Daniel 3:25 was like the Son of God. It must also have some significance that Jesus comes to the disciples in the fourth watch of the night, this is a type of the Second Coming, in Matthew 14:25 and Mark 6:48; but what does the land have to do with it, I don’t know. Some might say: perhaps because He comes to earth, but I think that is a bit of a stretch.
Easter was killed on the fourteenth day of the month, a combination of ten and four; but when we come to the number Ten, we will find beyond any doubt that the number Ten is associated with the Pagans. I don’t know how you can add four to the Gentiles to get the Passover, and I’m not even saying that I’m capable of finding out. The number Four in the Bible is still a mystery; I didn't overcome it. I don't pretend to overcome it; I know that in the dissertations of those who claim to have determined this, something is missing, something is missing. There is some material that they don't have. I don't know what they're missing, but it's not conclusive evidence anyway.

Now we come to the number Five. The number Five is much easier to define and very compelling. Quite amazingly, this number alone is perhaps more compelling than any other number in the Bible except the number Thirteen, but you will not find it properly defined in any book on numerology or Bible numbering. Biblical scholars, Christian scholars, and unsaved scholars commonly interpret the number Five as “grace.” And the special confusion that is associated with this number is that the death of Christ added five wounds here (as the author of the song Charles Wesley wrote), and also five pieces of clothing (one whole and four were divided among the soldiers, and lots were cast over the whole part) . This five appears in connection with the death of Christ, and. Of course, the word “Grace” itself has five letters, but the word “Death” also has five letters; so, the fact that the number five is the “number of Grace” is simply taken for granted. In fact, the number five represents grace in only one death out of the several billion deaths that have occurred on this earth, and in every other case where the number five is associated with something, it is associated with death without grace. In fact, the only reason why Christ's death could be associated with the number five is death, not grace. The fact that one graceful death, which happened to be associated with five, would change the number five is ridiculous. Christ died a human death, as people died on this planet, and He is called the “Son of Man,” who died as a man and who, as a man, said: “My God, My God! Why have you forsaken me?” And Who, as the Risen Savior, said: “I... was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever,” and about whom the writer of the book of Hebrews said: “He tasted death for all.” There is no doubt at all about His death and that there is a number five there. The fact that only in His case it was an act of God’s grace towards sinners does not change anything in the very number. The number remains. The number five, wherever you meet it, is undisguised death, always and everywhere. This is very clear from the scriptures.
And so, some phenomena are connected with this, unnoticed by Biblical scientists. For example: “may-day” (a call for help, similar to “rainy day”) is a signal of a plane crash and, as for the reasons why the month was chosen, May is the fifth month. Someone said, “It's an accident.” Is it a coincidence that the S.O.S. transmitted at 500 kHz? Is it a coincidence that breakdown #5 is a breakdown of the ship on the water? Don't you know that every animal that died in the Old Testament died on an altar five by five cubits? That is why they think of this number as grace. They think that the lamb, being a type of Christ, died, and therefore five is grace. Brother, there may be grace in the lamb, but there is no grace in the altar. The altar is a type of hell, and its size was five by five cubits. That's not all.
The very first person to die died in Genesis 5:5, and don't tell me that was intended by the King James translators. They couldn't know what that number meant because the best Bible scholars today don't know what it means. If you don't try, you won't know. The best biblical works you can find today by Eric Sauer, Bullinger, Larkin, Pink and Stamm have no idea what this number means. Why on earth did the King James translators accidentally put this in chapter 5, verse 5? You say: “Well, Abel died.” No, he was killed! The very first person to die on this planet died in the fifth verse of the fifth chapter of the King James Bible. Someone said, “Well, that was added later.” Okay, but whoever added this surely knew how to do it, brother!
That's not all. Did you see that in Acts 5:5 a man dies too? Haven't you read the whole death chapter about Adam and Christ in Romans 5? You know, Brother, it contains more than the eye can see. You noticed when you read in that Bible that the man who replaced the murdered Abel was Seth, and that the number five first appears in your Bible as such in Genesis 5:6, where it says that Seth lived 105 years (etc. , etc.), and he died. Did you notice in Genesis 43:34 and Genesis 45:22 that Benjamin received five times more than his brothers? Why? Grace? Not at all. His mother died when he was born.
Have you noticed that there was no life on this earth until the fifth day because Christ did not die until after 4000 years. Something to think about, isn't it? Life first appears in your Bible in Genesis 1 on the fifth day. Why? Because with the Lord “one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.” 4,000 years passed before Christ's first coming, so four days must have passed before any life appeared. “He who has the Son has life; He who does not have the Son of God does not have life,” and “unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies.” Five is death.
You can't argue with five. Every normal person on this earth has five fingers on their hands, and people have always been killing each other since they appeared. Look, the man who escaped the cross was a murderer, Barabbas, and the Prince of Life took his place, and nails were driven into Him. Do you know how many wounds Christ had when it was all over? Five: one on the arms and legs, and one on the side. Five is death! This is not grace. It has never been grace and will never be grace.
Haven't you read about all those guys killed in 1 Samuel who were hit in the fifth rib? The fifth is akin to the word five, just as the fourth is akin to the word four.
Read 2 Samuel 2:23; 3:27; 4:6; 20:10 (KJV). It says here four times that these guys were killed by hitting them in the fifth rib, right where Eve came out of Adam, Brother. Eve was death to Adam. Didn't Adam die for her? This is what 2 Timothy is talking about; that's what Ephesians 5 says. Five is death; five is death.
Haven't you read about the five sons of Michal that David killed and hanged in 2 Samuel 21:8? What you don't know is that when the plague hit the Philistines in 1 Samuel 6 and they died like flies, they had to make five golden growths and five golden mice to atone for their sins. There were always five rulers of the Philistines who fought against the children of Israel, just like always. And you know about the five kings that Joshua pursued and that he stepped on and killed. Five is death; five is death.
Wasn't it the five loaves of bread that Jesus fed the people in Matthew 14:17? Didn't He say less than half an hour after that this was not the bread of life, and that they would eat of this bread and die. Five is death.
Paul was struck five times by the Jews in 2 Corinthians 11:24. He said that he bore the marks of Christ on his body. There is simply no doubt about the number five; five is death.
If every book on numerology in the world said that it was “grace,” it would only mean that it was grace in one case out of 155 million, give or take a few. Five is death.
Man is mortal; he is the subject of death. He has five fingers and toes. He is death; he is death! In fact, the last great Gentile world kingdom on this earth before the Second Coming of Christ is like the man, Daniel 2, with five toes on each foot, and when the smiting stone falls and crushes and blows to pieces this image, when that smiting stone falls on 200 million people of the UN in the book of Revelation, when the blood rises to the horse's bridles, it is said that he will fall on five fingers on one side and five fingers on the other. This is death, Brother, and, moreover, the death of the Pagans. Ten is the number of the Pagans. Having determined the meaning of the number Five, we now move on to the number Six.

Noah was over 500 years old when the Lord began to tell him that he needed to build an ark; he begat Shem, Ham and Japheth. He was 600 years old when he entered the ark, which brings us to the number Six. Of course, Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord, so someone might snatch that 500 and say, “Well, that points to grace.” But let's look at this carefully: There may have been some display of grace on Noah, but the Bible says in 2 Peter 2 and Hebrews 11 that he condemned the world. He is death to the world. The number associated with Noah entering the ark and the beginning of the flood is 600, which brings us to the number Six.
And there are some problems with the number six. They usually say that this is the “number of a person,” and I am not going to argue with this. I'm sure it has something in common with man; but whether it is limited only to man, I do not know. However, I don’t know if it’s possible to be human at this age. I don't know how much it can be associated only with man or only with the Antichrist, or with demons, or with the Devil in connection with man, but here are the facts: This number, as such (six), occurs for the first time in Genesis 7:6, where Noah was 600 years old when the flood came.
“Sixth,” a related word, is associated, of course, with Genesis 1 “on the sixth day,” and this is the day on which Adam was created; this, of course, gives considerable weight to the theory that six is ​​associated with man. Adam was created precisely on the sixth day. (Naturally, this has something to do with man.) The number “six” appears several times in the book of Genesis, most notably in the 600 years of Noah's life.
Later in the Bible we see that 600 people is for some reason a very common expression. The approach of scientists to this is: “These are just rounded numbers” - that is, they do not mean anything. We, of course, reject this nonsense. Everything in that Book has some meaning. These are not just round numbers; they matter. We find that 600 people are constantly spoken of, and that in Genesis 46:26 the number of souls that went into Egypt with Jacob was six: “all the souls were sixty and six.” In this case, as in most cases, it is connected with people. When Pharaoh persecuted the children of Israel, he took 600 chosen chariots and, as I said, these 600 people appear constantly. Notice this in 1 Samuel 30:9; notice this in 2 Samuel 15:18, and there are several other places where this matter appears. Notice in the book of Judges, in the 18th chapter, six hundred people are found three times. Notice this in Judges 20:47. I don't know why this is so, but it makes a very big difference. Notice also 1 Samuel 23:13; 27:2; and 30:9. I never developed these six hundred, but there must be something in them. The Bible doesn't throw numbers around for no reason, and this idea of ​​“round numbers” is of course nonsense.
The Lord very accurately indicates the number of fish caught in the net in John 21 and the number of people saved during the wreck of the ship on which Paul was. No book of this kind will waste time on generalizations and “round numbers.” If she names a number, Brother, there is a reason and a purpose behind it, and our ignorance is not a reason to reject it.
I never claimed to know all that Book; I do not declare this even now. There's something about the tone of my voice that irritates people, and I've heard people complain and say, “You know, Brother Ruckman thinks he's right and the rest of them are wrong.” This comes from people who are: 1.) lazy 2.) too proud to explore anything other than their own opinion. The fact is, I have learned in my ministry that those who say this are the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, intolerant, fanatical, selfish people in the world. Anyone who takes the trouble and understands it well will soon discover that much of what he has learned (sacred cows) is not true, and “Brother Ruckman” is right. Anyone who investigates long enough will find Brother Ruckman stating hundreds of times that he doesn't know. So I can always tell one of these bigoted, intolerant, narrow-minded, pompous people by saying, “Well, you know, Brother Ruckman thinks he's right and everyone else is wrong.” When I meet that, I know I'm dealing with a bigot, Brother. The Bible is full of things I don't know. I know where the verses are, but God forbid I should claim to be able to interpret them. I cannot interpret them - the Holy Spirit interprets them, and where He does not reveal the answer to me, I have no answer. But I know when the other person doesn't have it either! Criticality is a blessing. If you are very hard on yourself, others will not get too close to you. So, I don’t know why these six hundred constantly appear, but I am absolutely sure that this is not in vain.
The six days of creation are repeated throughout the Bible in connection with the Sabbath rest and the warning for the Jews to honor the seventh day. He repeatedly mentions six days, six days, six days in Exodus 16:26; 20:11; 21:2; 23:12; 23:10. In Exodus 24:16 the cloud covers the tabernacle for six days. There are seven candles on the golden lampstand of the tabernacle, but it is made in such a way that it has only six branches, the seventh branch is the lamp itself, its central part. We read in Exodus 28:10 about six names of Jews on one stone and six on another. When the Jews came to the promised land, they were told that six tribes should stand on one mountain and six tribes on another and read the curse of the law. However, when there is a division of the tribes, they are never divided into six and six. When the tribes are divided, they are always divided by ten and two, as we will see later when we study the number ten. For some reason they are divided into ten and two, led by Joshua and Caleb, who set an example in the book of Numbers.
Jericho was besieged for six days and fell on the seventh day. It is clear from 2 Kings 21:20 that the giants had six fingers and six toes, indicating that they were superhuman. Solomon, as a type of the Antichrist, had a throne with six steps and six lions on one side and six lions on the other side, which makes 666. And this gives great weight to the theory that the number six is ​​connected with man, since the Antichrist will be a Superman, God-man, Trinity- 666. Of course, the only problem is that he is a false god. If you are looking for a God-man, you must look for 777. And of course, this is beyond the realm of physics and mathematics and even ESP, LSD, hippies, gurus and the Berkeley crowd cannot get into this boat because they have neither brains, no fortitude! What you are looking for is 777; this is the Trinity perfection, and this is the One you are seeking.
It is obvious that the number 666 is incomplete, and it is obvious that 666 is a trinity of sixes. If six is ​​man, then it is man at his best, fallen man at his best. This is the number you should expect according to Revelation 13:18. As much as New Conservatives may avoid noticing the numbering of the verses, this very verse 18 contains three sixes. (I think the King James translators did it in a hurry! Of course, they couldn't have thought of it at all. It just happened that way. Someone says, “Coincidence.” Well, I believed that for a long time, but when I I found that 85% of the time it was the same, I decided that I had better go to the bookmakers and sharpers and bet for sure.)
It's amazing how when you argue from God's word, someone says, “No way, you could say that about any number.” However, no one who bets on odds or numbers, no professional, would even think of taking such odds. And only conservative Bible scholars who resent the Authorized Version accept such chances. They will accept them, I won’t!
How do you explain the fact that 666 appears in chapter 13, in a verse that is divided into three sixes? Someone said: “Coincidence.” Tell me something. Why is this number also found in Ezra 2:13? The thirteenth verse of Ezra 2 talks about the number 666. Can you tell me why it only appears again in 2 Chronicles 9:13? 666. How is it that this number always appears with the number thirteen? You say, “Well, it appears in 1 Samuel 10.” Okay, that's one case out of four. Tell me something, with a three to one match in 31,000 verses; What are you talking about “Coincidence,” if the ratio is three to one. I don't know many players who would accept a three to one ratio, do you? I know a lot of players; I know some who seem to accept the ratio of three to one, but that's not all. Their odds are better than three to one, given all the possibilities of the numbers that could be used.
666 occurs again in 1 Kings 10:14 and is associated with the same person and with the same object and with the same standards as in 2 Chronicles 9:13. How can one separate this gold or golden image with a head like a lion, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, from the beast of Revelation 13, with a mouth like a lion, who controls all the gold of the world, whose number is 666, who is declared in the verse that is divided into six, and who is found in Ezra 2:13, which speaks of a man named Adonikam, which means “lord of rebellion.” This ratio is not three to one. If you were dealing with just a number, the ratio would be three to one, but you are dealing with gold, lions, kings, rebellion and world dictatorship. Well, what is the ratio now? The ratio is too high for the player to take the risk. The only one at risk is the Protestant, Catholic or Jew who doesn't like the Authorized Version of the Bible.
When Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, it was about six o'clock when darkness fell (Luke 23:44), and this, of course, was from noon to three o'clock in the afternoon, which divides the day itself at the sixth or midpoint. So the number six clearly has something to do with the division of time. Six months are the division of the year; The sixth hour is the division of the day. We were amazed to see this combination of the numbers three and six when talking about division: three years and six months, three days and a half. This is found throughout your Bible in connection with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the reign of the Antichrist. The period of 42 months itself is equal to three and a half years. The 1260 day period of Revelation 11 is equal to three years and six months. This division is found everywhere - three and half, three and half, three and half. Daniel speaks of this as “a time of times and half a time.”
So, I realized that the number “six” has something to do not only with man, but also with the division of time in connection with man. His days are “numbered,” as it were. What exactly this means, I don't know. I know that the Antichrist is the Superman, 666. I know that God sent His blessing upon Judah in the sixth year in Leviticus 25:21 so that they might rest in the seventh year. I know that six cubits has something to do with the man in the book of Revelation. I learn from reading the entire Bible over and over again that six days are associated with this period of time. Christ will appear in glory only after six days, Matthew 17:1, Mark 9:2. The Sabbath is completely a type of the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, so this time in which I live is especially marked by the number Six. This should be a characteristic feature of our times. If I had lived before the year 1000, my time would have been marked with an A. If I lived 1000 years before the birth of Christ, my number would be four. If I had lived before the reign of Solomon, it would have been three. You cannot challenge the mathematical, absolute, infallible precision of numbers. The number characterizing this time before the coming of Christ will be the number six. You say, “Are you sure?” Yes sir! “Absolutely right?” Absolutely! “Do you think everyone else is wrong?” Absolutely, Brother! You say: “I have never heard such arrogance in my life.” No, you have never heard such truth in your life, Brother. Six is ​​a characteristic feature of our time (and you should take a closer look at words that end in X-x)!
(People say: “Peter Ruckman, you're crazy.” Yes, I know, but Carter and Teddy Kennedy are sane. Yes, I know.)
Okay, so there is the number Six; and it clearly has something to do with the person, although I don’t understand everything about him. It has something to do with the Superman (Superman) and something to do with the day and human time in which you are now living. It ends with the absolutely perfect number, Seven. I expect the return of 777, and you can be content with the dilapidated 666. I don’t want it; I don't like it; it's too electronic for me. (I've never had much interest in Iron Man either, but that's not what we'll be exploring right now!)

Now we come to the number Seven. There is no need to master or explore or study or consider too much, for the number Seven is so obviously the number of perfection that it requires no justification. One can recognize dead learning or dead orthodox stupidity where it collides with the word of God by the mania of scientists to consider every number a “round number” or a “full number.” After reading too many commentaries on the Scriptures (which I hope you do not do) or very many learned works on the Scriptures by dead orthodox scholars (which would be a waste of time), you will find that wherever a number is given, the scholar simply gets away with it. him, saying: “This is not an exact number, it is a rounded number to show completeness.” This stubbornness is emulated by the world's greatest conservative scientists until it becomes downright ridiculous. “1000 years in Revelation is not a literal period of time, but just a round number of completeness”; “Gideon had more than 300 men, but the scribe simply used 300 as the full number,” and so on and so forth. Ad nauseum!
The number Seven is the number of perfection, and there is no other number as perfect as the number Seven. This can be proved everywhere, as one colored man said: “From the Origin to the End.”
And so, to begin with, we have today's heaven and earth, and I say today's (not the ones in Genesis 1:1), today's heaven and earth were created in six days and God rests from His work on the seventh day. In fact, this is how the Bible begins, and it is interesting to note that it ends with a book where the words “this Book” appear seven times, where there are seven bowls, seven pouring outs, seven trumpets, seven lamps, seven spirits and seven churches. This Book, being an endless Book, comes full circle (as anyone who reads the book of Revelation knows fully), just as the Tree of Life from Genesis appears in Revelation. The Paradise of God that is in Genesis appears in Revelation, and that brings you back full circle. Therefore, the Bible is not “a drop in the ocean of truth” (as we hear the pagans of the National Council of Churches put forward), but an entire cotton-picking ocean, including several hundred billion square miles of water over the universe that have so far gone unnoticed by the National Council Churches.
Seven is completely the number of perfection. This is clearly seen at the beginning of the Bible and at the end of the Bible. If it were not so obvious there, one would immediately see by studying Leviticus 23 and 25 that God does nothing without “inseminating” him. In fact, the word for seven in Hebrew also means to swear or swear. When the Lord says: “I swore by myself,” He seventhed Himself, or, as they say on the craptable, “seven come eleven.” Seven is completion.
Seven in Leviticus 23 and 25 is depicted as the number of days of the week, the number of weeks before the Feast of Pentecost, the number of months before the Feast of Tabernacles and the Day of Atonement, the number of years before the year of jubilee and the sound of the trumpet. In fact, God divides time periods into periods of sevens and dispensations into periods of sevens. There is not much doubt about what God is doing with the number Seven. Seven completes.
We have the original earth in Genesis 1:1. We have the earth that was destroyed, or became formless and empty, and the earth in Genesis 1:2-3. We have the real earth as it was before the flood in Genesis 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. We have the earth under the flood. We have the present earth after the flood came in Genesis 10 until now. We will have a Millennial earth when Jesus Christ returns to this earth as we see in Romans 8, Isaiah 11 and Revelation 20. We will have fire or the end of it in 2 Peter 3, Isaiah 66 and Revelation 20. And we, according to His promise We are waiting for a new heaven and a new earth.
Now, go back and count - there are only seven lands. New heavens and new earth are eighths, and this is the law of music and art. In essence, this is a law of nature. Nature does nothing in tenths. She does everything in sevenths. Whether you are male or female, your body has seven members, the body itself is the trunk. The trunk of the body, the body itself, has seven members that extend from it. Whether male or female, you have seven members.
That's not all; there are only seven colors. If a person has red, yellow and blue, the primary colors, orange, green, violet, the secondary colors, and black, he can make or mix any color that exists. You say: “What about white?” White is the absence of color. From here we go to the South, to the “white” people and the “colored” people. This is scientifically correct and precise terminology. Exactly, scientifically, white is the absence of color. And now you can talk about light skin or pink skin or something like that, but if you want to use the term “white,” the next term is “colored.” White is the absence of color. That's the problem. So if a person has seven colors, he can paint everything because seven completes. There are no more than seven colors in total.
I know people who can distinguish all shades of color. My eyes are not very good. I am an artist, but my spectral limit is about 360 shades. I can only see 360 ​​different forms of color. There are about 800 different shades in typical household paints found in paint stores. My eye is not able to discern these subtleties, my eye is not that good. But any of these additional shades are made from red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple and black with the addition of white; white, the color of the paper itself, is colorless. If you have these seven colors, you can draw anything, if you can draw at all. Neither Michelangelo, nor Da Vinci, nor Rembrandt, nor Monet or Trujillo, nor Goya or Norman Rockwell ever painted anything in their lives that had more than seven colors. Seven flowers are all that there is, and all that is is them - and besides them there are no flowers!
Next, you have seven notes. There is not a single piece of music that came from the pens of Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Stravinsky, Schumann, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Handel, Korsakov - not one of them ever wrote anything that had more than seven notes. You see, the black notes on the piano are not real notes; these are what you call halftones. The notes are white notes, and when you get to the eighth note, you play the same note as the first note, because an octave higher from the first note is the eighth note. There are only seven notes on the piano. And it's all; no more. When you get to the eighth note, you move up an octave from the first note.
So, there is no longer any doubt about the number Seven. You don't even need to trace it in the word of God. Wherever you see the number seven, it completes, and whether it is seven sevens or seventy sevens, or seventy times seven, it is the end. It is interesting to note that in Clarence Larkin's "Dispensational Truth" you will find the entire history of Israel broken down into periods of 490 years each, which is exactly 7 times 70-490. You can verify this by looking at Israel from the point of view of the dispensation - God's plan of separation by sevens. Seven completely and clearly has a reputation as the number of perfection. And, although the pagans count in tens, and later we will see why, God counts in sevens.

The transition from seven to eight will not be too difficult, because once we have defined seven, we have practically defined eight. If seven is the final and perfect number (and there is no doubt about this in scripture), then Eight must be the first in a series of new ones. This would be true in music or anything else. The human body itself replaces all its cells every seven years and starts again with a new set of cells. Eight is something qualitatively new. We see that the number Eight is used many times in the word of God in a variety of cases, and yet it directly explains something new.
For example: the first time the number “eight” is associated with people is in the case of Noah and his family. Noah was the eighth preacher of righteousness. There were eight souls in the ark, according to 1 Peter 3:20, and these were the people who inhabited the new earth. They were new, starting over after the previous civilization had been wiped clean.
We read that eight days after the child is born, he is circumcised on the eighth day, Luke 2:21. Nothing is clearer than this. Notice the same thing in Leviticus 12:3; 14:10; 14:23; 15:14; 15:29 and so on and so forth, and note that the rite of circumcision is performed on the eighth day. Anyone who studies circumcision in the Bible knows exactly what it means. Circumcision is a type of the new creation. This stripping of the flesh is associated with the male seed. The circumcision of Christ, which makes a person a new creation in Christ, is found in Colossians 2, and this circumcision in the Old Testament occurs on the eighth day. Paul says this about himself in Philippians 3:5. Abraham, of course, was circumcised on the eighth day, Acts 7:8; as did Jesus Christ - notice Luke 1:59. Eight straight is a picture of something new.
The seven sons of Jesse are one thing, the eighth, David, is something new, a prototype of Christ.
Thus, Eight in the Bible and its multiples are directly related to something qualitatively new. It may have other additional meanings, but in most cases its meaning is undeniable. We can rely on this majority until the Lord Jesus shows us something else in connection with this number. We have other multiples of course - 800 and 8000, and a series of eighths (2 times 8, 3 times 8, etc.), but Eight basically states something new.

Now we come to the number Nine. The number Nine will be a little more difficult to delve into and understand. You can find books on numerology that claim to have explored this number Nine, but I must confess that no matter how much I have come across this number, I have never been able to discover anything absolutely conclusive. I'll tell you what I discovered and give you a definition so you can explore it. The Nine seems to be associated with fertility and obviously has something to do with the commandments, and yet I don't quite understand everything about it. From Nine there is only one to the number of pagans, which we will soon examine. This is the one after the new man, the new creation, the eight. It is also what is left for you when you tithe to God. Maybe it will give some hint how this number manifests itself when Abraham turned ninety-nine years old, when God made a covenant with him - ninety-nine. Romans says it is dead and yet it bears fruit. And Christ said: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; and if he dies, he will bear much fruit.”
Nine seems to be associated with fertility. I'll tell you why I say this: because there are nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Three - inside, three - outside, and three - God's. Notice also that there are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12, a result of the same power and character in Galatians. In each of these cases, nine must refer to the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and nine is the number following eight, which is new.
In Genesis 9:9 we clearly see the covenant: “I establish my covenant with you, and with your descendants after you.” I accept that this must mean something, since Genesis (the first book) seems to establish the meaning of numbers. Abraham was ninety-nine years old when the covenant was made with him, but, as I said, not enough is said about this to be definitive. In Genesis 17:1 the covenant was made with Abraham, who was ninety-nine years old, and of course it says he was to be “dead.”
There are other nines that don't seem to live up to this. We read about 900 iron chariots in Judges 4:3, and elsewhere in God's word we read about some connection between this iron and giants. The bed of Og, king of Bashan, (Deut. 3:14) was “nine cubits” long. The number nine is very prominent in the time of the patriarchs in Genesis 5, where we read: 900, 900, 900, 900, 900 - seven or eight times in one chapter. So, I say that everything is not clear here. When we studied the number five, I mentioned "May-day", the fifth month; I mentioned #5, the ship breaking down on the water; I mentioned that the distress signal frequency for S.O.S. equal to 500 kHz - this is the international distress signal frequency, and some other things that may seem very related to Biblical truth. But, in any heresy there is a grain of truth, and the background of any superstition is absolute truth, since God is the author of all truth. Therefore, He alone sets the absolute standard from which all imitations and counterfeits are fabricated. I say this because of a special expression that is used everywhere in English-speaking countries - “Ninth Heaven.” It’s not entirely clear to me, but this expression means joy and happiness. They say: “This guy is on cloud nine.” That is, he is happy, joyful.
I have a special interest in this number nine, which I still haven't been able to figure out, but I continue to work on it. Almost every street number, phone number, Army weapon serial number, Army MOS, and place I lived was a multiple of nine, or just nine, or combinations that made nine.
Other famous nines are ninety-nine good sheep and one lost. Jerusalem was destroyed in the ninth month in Jeremiah 52:4-6. In Jeremiah 36:23 the Bible was cut in the ninth month. Nine is the period of pregnancy, nine months, for women in the birth of the fetus. Peter's vision was about the ninth hour; Ezekiel 24 talks about the ninth year, and there are several other places. None of this, of course, gives us final evidence of the meaning of the number. It may have a positive meaning because it contains three times three. It's almost understandable. You can also make other combinations. For example:
1.) Six and three: Six is ​​the human number and three is the Trinity. This, to put it bluntly, “would bear fruit.”
2.) Eight and one: Eight is new creation and one is unity. It would bear fruit.
3.) Seven and two: Seven is the number of perfection and two is the number of separation. This is a very strange combination that does not give anything for numerology.
4.) Five and Four: Five, as we have learned, is death, and four, as we have learned, has no absolute set meaning as we have been able to determine. And so, if this is earth, then this is a combination of earth plus death, which gives a bad combination for the number nine.
Strangely enough, most of the cases associated with the number Nine in the Bible mean good things. They indicate the longest human life spans. By pointing to giants, they at least point to the greatest people who ever lived. Its special connection with the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians and the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians directly point to something spiritual associated with the fruit. The case of Abraham has already been mentioned. It does not bear fruit until ninety-nine years of age; it is highly significant that the gestation period for women is nine months. But I would not make a final conclusion in this matter, because all the evidence is not collected and there may be more than one meaning here. This number appears to have this primary meaning.

Now we come to the number Ten. And Ten is in many ways easier to define than other numbers in the Bible other than Five and Seven. Only the numbers Five and Seven are easier to define than the number Ten. By the round number or number or number of completeness the number Ten is called by the lazy and irreverent Bible writers and those who do not believe in the authenticity of the Authorized Version; but for those of us who believe that it is the word of God preserved in the form He intended for us, the word “Ten” is easy to define. It can be defined immediately, authoritatively, without fear of contradiction, and it will be so. This is again one of those cases where “Ruckman thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong,” that is, that the Bible is right and everyone who doubts it is out of their minds. The number Ten can be determined.
The tenth man from Adam is Noah, who is the father of the pagan nations. Isn't it a strange coincidence that the pagans consider tenths? If that wasn't enough, in Genesis 10 you have the beginning of the first Gentile kingdom, and the last Gentile kingdom consisted of ten nations, Daniel 2. If that wasn't convincing enough, you should read the entire tenth chapter of Genesis and find that it is a genealogical list of the Gentiles. If that weren't enough, Acts 10 opens the door to the Gentiles into the New Testament. In John 10, the sheep are not from their own fold, but the call to mission and the message to the Gentiles is found in Romans 10. And it is in Revelation 10 that the Lord sets His foot on the earth and takes possession of the Gentile kingdoms. There is no doubt about the number ten, it must refer to the pagans. This is the number of pagans.
Twelve is frankly the number of the Jews, as we will see when we get to it. Twelve is opposed to Ten, which, of course, is the number of the Gentiles.
This might have given Ted Armstrong's Garner proof some edge, even though he didn't know the full complex truth (otherwise I'm sure he would have used it much sooner). As you remember, he argued that the ten northern Tribes of Israel passed through Europe and became England and the United States. This "British Israelism" put forward by Mr. Armstrong is about 100 years out of date; and it is surprising that you will no longer find anyone who would subscribe to such a reckless theory - only the ridicule of people. This will leave two southern tribes - Judah and Benjamin - as Judah and Levi. This is the essence of Garner Ted Armstrong's position. The first time the word “ten” appears in the Bible is in Genesis 5:14. The days of a man's life were 910 years, the word ten appears here for the first time in connection with someone's life before the law. Before the law there were only pagans. Of course, I know that they were divided into the Gentiles, and then the Semites and Ham, the subject, but the division of the New Testament is the Gentiles, the Jews and the Church; and before the law Abraham was an uncircumcised pagan.
The next time the word ten appears in the Bible is in Genesis 16:3. Notice also that in Genesis 18:32 the ten are in Sodom and Gomorrah, which were inhabited not by the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but by the Canaanites. And the next time the word ten appears three times at once. In fact, it occurs three times in Genesis 24:10; 24:22; and 24:55, where ten camels came out and it is said that the maiden remained for ten days, and this maiden is from the still uncircumcised ancestors of Abraham. From another country, where Laban and others remained before God circumcised Abraham and made him into a special kind and race. The term "ten" thus directly designates the Gentiles.
The last world power on this earth under the United Nations will be the kingdom of the ten united Gentile kingdoms that represent the fingers of Daniel and the ten kings of Revelation 17. This will be the government of the Gentile world when Jesus Christ returns to establish the Eternal Kingdom. The first pagan kingdom was established in Genesis 10 by Nimrod, the thirteenth from Adam.
So we are talking here about something as scientific as nothing established by this world. We're not talking about things that happen by chance. We are talking about what is a basic, deeply important law, since it affects all numbers. We may not be able to formulate a theorem that meets the requirements of each number. We may not be able in the Bible itself to trace every case and examine every case as it is presented and connect it with what we are talking about; but here we are dealing with a basic law, which is as generally accepted a truth as the law of gravity. You say: “The law of gravity is always true.” Most likely no! The law of gravity is no more scientific than the law of numbers. One day it will be discovered that the law of gravity is based on the law of numbers. The way numbers are used in the Bible gives the reader a clue or code to the underlying meaning of each number. Ten is the number of pagans.


Of all the numbers in the Bible, the following is the least satisfying; this is the number Eleven. In fact, I don't really claim to have any solution at all. I have read books about it, I have seen numerology books about it, but nothing has satisfied me at all, and I have not found any clue in the scriptures to determine exactly what it is. Basically, when trying to determine a number, you first look for the book with that number - for example, if you are interested in the number eleven, take the eleventh book in the Bible. Then, when you have found the eleventh book, take the eleventh chapter and read the eleventh verse. This does not always bring results, but it does give something.
The eleventh book in your Bible, as you know, is 1 Kings and, of course. 1 Kings 11 takes you right back to the time of Solomon, king of Israel. In 1 Kings 11:11, the Lord warns Solomon that he did not keep the covenant of the Lord made with him. In itself, this does not mean anything; it is always kept separately in the Bible. This is not good. The eleventh chapter in the Bible is Genesis 11, and that is also not good. In Genesis we have the Tower of Babel and the scattering of the nations across the face of the earth. The first time the word eleven appears in the Bible is in Genesis 32:22. Genesis 37:9 clearly refers to the sons of Israel, all except Joseph.
And so, suddenly we find the number eleven in the New Testament: eleven disciples in Matthew 28:16, eleven in Mark 15:14, eleven in Acts 1:26 and Acts 2:14. Eleven are the apostles without Judas, and yet this is not the full number, because they had to choose another instead of Judas. Jesus promised in Matthew 19 that twelve apostles would sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. This number, as such, is one more than the number of the Gentiles and one less than the number of Israel, as such.
“Twelve” in the Bible is very rarely divided into eleven and one, except in the case of Judas. The usual division is ten and two or six and six. (I do not remember places where it is divided in any other way.) Everywhere twelve is divided into six and six, as, for example, six tribes and six stones and six more above them, and six cursers on one mountain and six blessings on another, etc. There are also ten and two - also a division of the tribes of Israel, but eleven and one - this is a division that does not bode well. It applies only in connection with Judas Iscariot; I hardly know of any place where it is used any other way.
The eleventh month in Numbers and Deuteronomy refers to something good, but nothing special about it. In Matthew 20:6 we read about the eleventh hour, that is, the last hour, and the same in Matthew 20:9. Eleven seems to indicate something just before the disaster and is almost impossible to pinpoint. I don't claim to know exactly what it means.
We could work with combinations. The number consists of ten and one. Ten is undoubtedly the number of the pagans; One is unity or singularity or unification, and I don't know what you have discovered here. You might consider the combination of nine and two. Two is division, and nine is probably fertility - it brings nothing. You might think of it as seven and four: seven being completeness or perfection, and four being the unknown. You could think of it as five and six: six being the number of man and five being death. This is not a very good combination.
This number is a dark horse. It is not defined. It usually expresses the calm before the storm or the last hour before the completion of something. This, of course, is because day and night contain twelve hours each. As I already said, these definitions are not final.


Now that we have come to the number Twelve, we are again on solid ground. There are twelve saved nations because in Deuteronomy 32:7,8 we read that the Lord God set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel. There are twelve children of Israel, and they were represented by the twelve stones of the breastplate when the breastplate was made in the book of Exodus. We see that the twelve stars on the woman in Revelation 12 represent the twelve tribes. There are twelve gates for the tribes, twelve city foundations for the apostles, and twelve kinds of fruit for the nations, numbered according to the number of tribes. If that weren't enough, there are twelve zodiac constellations that must correspond to the months (twelve months of the year) and these correspond to the nations in the birthday stones in the breastplate. Daniel has twelve chapters devoted to the salvation of Israel during the Great Tribulation. One can also check Genesis 12 where the first Jew or Jew is called; before Genesis 12 there is not a single Jew. You could look at Exodus 12, the beginning of the nation of Israel itself. One might also explore Numbers 12 and Revelation 12.
The number Twelve relates directly to Israel, and everything associated with it is associated with Israel. You often hear the fable that twelve represents “governance.” Of course, this is completely obvious nonsense; twelve always, every time, represents the nation of Israel. If it represents government, it is government in relation to Israel, not Israel in relation to government. Twelve directly signifies Israel. Put these two stars of Moloch together - the stars of Remphan (Acts 7) which symbolize not Israel at all, but a false god - put them together, and you will have twelve ends; each has six. So the Twelve are Israel. This is easy to determine.

Thirteen is extremely easy to determine. There is absolutely no doubt about the number Thirteen. 85% of the time the number thirteen appears in the Bible, it means something bad. (You can check this in each verse.) The inscription of the harlot in Revelation 17 has thirteen words (KJV). Judas Iscariot has thirteen letters in his name and is mentioned in John 13:13, which has thirteen words and thirty-nine letters, three times thirteen. The word “dragon” appears thirteen times in Revelation. Nimrod, the first prototype of the Antichrist, thirteenth from Adam. The curse of the law is in Galatians 3:13. You are delivered from the curse of the law in Acts 13:39 in multiples of thirteen. There are thirty-nine books in the Old Testament, three times thirteen, and the last word in it is curse. Jesus names thirteen evils in the heart of man. There are twenty-six unclean animals. (You can check the list in Leviticus.) In Mark 1:13 you will see a manifestation of Satan. You will find forty without one, that is, thirty-nine strokes, for breaking the law, thirty-nine - three times thirteen. There are thirteen Baals in scripture. The King of Assyria (the prototype of the Antichrist) is mentioned thirteen times. The number 666 appears in Ezra 2:13 and Revelation 13:18. You will find it in 2 Chronicles 9:13, and another about the Devil in Revelation 2:13. The other multiples of this number, such as twenty-six, thirty-nine, fifty-two, are too numerous to mention. There is no doubt about the number thirteen.
There is a well-known superstition associated with the number thirteen, and you may be very suspicious of it and your psychiatrist may think you have thirteen phobia, but it doesn't matter. The number thirteen has a bad meaning almost 85% of the time.
Paul wrote thirteen epistles, and he is the thirteenth apostle, and it is in 1 Corinthians that the foundation and basic root of the National Council of Churches lies. In fact, it is Paul's epistles that people stumble over and twist them to their own destruction (2 Peter 3), and it is Paul's epistles that Rome put aside for the sake of the Jewish Gospel of Matthew to prove that Peter was the first Bishop of Rome.
Thirteen will put you in order; it will get you in order!
I've always told people that before the end of the United States there will be fifty-two states in the country, I've been saying that for a long time. The old dollar bill, which had a silver backing (not a Federal Reserve note), had twenty-six of them. The formula E PLURIBUS UNUM has thirteen letters, and there were thirteen stars and thirteen lines and originally thirteen colonies with a snake on the flag and the motto “Do not tread on me”, which has thirteen letters. You may notice that the thirteen Confederate stars - the losing side - have an X-shaped cover and thirteen stars across it. Thirteen is the number of indignation, rebellion. It first appears in the Bible in Genesis 14, where it says: “And in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” There is no doubt about this number.
With this we have finished the numbers that can be understood accurately and unconditionally, with the exception of the numbers forty and a thousand, which are relatively simple.

The number Forty is comparatively simple because it is definitely a test or probationary period. Almost every time the word or number Forty appears in the Bible, it appears in this connection or context. That is, this number is associated with some kind of test. The first time this word appears simply as “Forty” is in Genesis 5:13, as the age of a person, but in fact, by itself, without 800, this number occurs in Genesis 7:4, where it is said that the flood was on the earth for forty days and forty nights (and also in Genesis 7:17). This context of the first mention basically establishes the meaning for the number Forty from that time on. Note that Esau was forty years old when he made the mistake of marrying wrongly. Note that Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as his wife. Note that the children of Israel were tested in the wilderness for forty years until their troublemakers died. Please note that Jesus Christ was tested for forty days and forty nights. Notice that Moses himself was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights, fasting (Exodus 24:18). Notice that Elijah the prophet was in the same condition in 1 Kings 19:8. Elijah spent forty days and forty nights without food, and this was a time of testing. The healed man in Acts 4:22 was about forty years old, which is considered the absolute limit or deadline for healing; hence the special expression among Americans: “Life begins at forty.”
The fact that the children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years is mentioned too much to speak of now, for example: Hebrews 3:9; 3:17; Numbers 14:33,34; Deuteronomy 2:7; 8:2 and the fast of Moses for forty days and forty nights in Deuteronomy 10:10. During the period of the Judges, the earth rested for forty years in Judges 3:11 and again in Judges 8:28. Notice that Eli judges forty years in 1 Samuel 4:18. If this were not enough, we see in Acts 13:21 that this is the time of the reign of Saul, this is the time of the reign of David, 1 Kings 2:11; 11:42- This period is then very significant, and it is very significant as a period of testing or waiting to determine the result or outcome. Perhaps this is a patient wait for the Second Coming of Christ, and I do not claim to fully understand this. But the number Forty is definitely a period of testing or testing, or a period of time before God does something in a certain situation.


One of the most amazing phenomena that a person who carefully studies scripture sees, and which seems to have passed unnoticed by the eyes of Pettingill, Gebelein, DeHaan, Scofield, Larkin, Bullinger, Sauer and everyone else, is the special relationship between the numbers Seven and Forty. Notice this in Genesis 7:4. First the word “Seven” and then the word “Forty,” which in itself would have no meaning at all; but let us now move on to Genesis 25:17 and see how these numbers continue to appear in the most incredible combinations. In verse 17, the number Seven is the last number in the series of numbers, and the next number given in any series of numbers in this story is the number Forty in Genesis 25:20. Someone says: “It’s an accident.” I don't know how random this is; these are Seven and Forty. Let's just see if this is a coincidence. Let's look at Leviticus 12:2 and 4 and notice how this combination occurs repeatedly.
In Leviticus 12 (an incredible series of numbers again) we read in verse 2 that a woman remains unclean for seven days after she gives birth to a male child and then she must cleanse herself from her blood for another thirty-three days; and thirty-three and seven make forty, the number seven occurs first, then the full number, forty, and, although the next number is thirty-three, the total makes forty, which can hardly be an accident.
Now, let's turn to Numbers 13:22 (the introductory sentence that is inserted for no reason). “Hebron was built seven years before Zoan of Egypt,” but look, no further than three verses later, in verse 26: “After they had spied the land, they returned after forty days.” Seven and forty - everything you are talking about can be manipulated and it will not prove anything. But go to 2 Kings 11:21 and look at the age of the king when he began to reign. Joash was seven years old at that time, and in chapter 12 verse 1 it is said that he reigned forty years. Seven and forty. Seven is immediately followed in chapter 12 by forty. Unfortunately, I have not noted all such places, but they occur many times. Someone will definitely say: “Look how many times the number forty appears after other numbers.” This is true, but still, for the first time the numbers seven and forty appear together at the beginning of the Bible, in its first book, in connection with the judgment of man, and there seven precedes the period of testing, and a little later you will see how seven follows the period of testing. I would like to think that you would go through the whole Bible and note the places where forty follows seven, or the number seven comes after forty; and even if you cannot establish the absolute law of these numbers, I will persistently hope that when this problem is eventually unraveled and the knot is untied, you will find that it has something to do with the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Tribulation (which lasts seven years), which completes the probationary period.

Well, the number Thousand is very easy to determine. The word “Thousand” appears six times in the book of Revelation, where it indicates that there will be a period of 6,000 years before the seventh day, the Millennial Sabbath rest of the Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns to earth to establish His kingdom. So this is quite understandable.
The word “Thousand,” where it occurs, divides time. Time is divided into periods of a thousand years each, and these periods approximately as they appear in your Bible are as follows: The first period runs from the time of Adam to about 3000 B.C.; the next period goes until about 2000 B.C., somewhere right after the flood, about 2300 B.C. You could date Abraham's time exactly at the Millennium Mark to 2000 B.C., and the founding of Solomon's temple is exactly The millennium mark is around 1000 B.C., and the middle of the Dark Ages and Crusades is around 1000 A.D. and the Second Coming in the fall (September or October) for the Feast of Tabernacles, when the Lord Jesus comes to establish His Millennial Kingdom on this earth in the year 2000. I realize this sounds like setting deadlines to some, so I won't go on, although there is definitely something to it. “With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” And just as Biblical scholars at the turn of the Millennium period, 1000 A.D., began to talk more and more about the Second Coming of Christ, so we begin to talk about it now, before the beginning of the next Millennium period, with the only difference that the first time is always a false step, a false or false movement the second time is always reality. “The law was given by Moses, but grace and peace by Jesus Christ.” Not Cain, but Abel. Not Esau-Jacob. Not Ishmael-Isaac. Not 1000 A.D., but 2000 A.D. (if our calendar is correct).
Okay, that's all I can do with numbers, and as far as other numbers are concerned, this is where I admit my ignorance. Perhaps they can be counted. Sixty is, of course, six, the number of men multiplied by ten, the number of pagans. Fifty is exactly the number of pagans multiplied by the number of death, five. Seventy is completely the number of the Gentiles with the seven slammed on it, which signifies perfection, and the seventy elders of Israel are instituted as the number seventy, and there is the LXX (Septuagint) - the attempt of the Gentiles to counterfeit these elders in the Greek translation from Alexandria of Egypt, which they no doubt never did. Also, since the boundaries of the nations will be established according to the number of Israel (Deut. 32:7-8), I have no doubt that the seventy elders of Israel will have something to do with the legal divisions of the Gentile nations. The number 100 is directly the number of the century or the century mark. The number seventy is not only seven times the number of the pagans, it is also the fullness of the life of the pagans - the years of our life are sixty and ten. I do not claim to know the value of 15, or 20, or 25, or 30, or 35, or 45, or 1100 silver coins, which are so often mentioned in the word of God. In order to obtain the answers, it is necessary to pray more and study more than I have done so far, but I believe that God will give them to those who turn (to Him) with diligence.
No prophecy in the Bible is subject to any personal interpretation. What I don't know, God hasn't shown me. What He hasn't shown me, He can show someone else. He has not shown everything to the Scofield Publishing Board and, in particular, to the New Scofield Publishing Board, who undoubtedly know less than the Old Scofield Board. The new Scofield calls Baptism a “sacrifice” in a footnote to Acts 8, and only sick-headed Papists would even think about it - and you can quote me. From a biblical perspective, no one except sick-headed papists can think of Baptism as a “sacrifice.” I want to say, “Comfort the weak-minded,” Brother. This could be forgiven or excused for some Roman pagan who never left North Africa, but for an intelligent white in the twentieth century this is too much.
Never settle for Scofield or DeGahan. They didn't stop with Calvin and Luther. Never settle for Ruckman or Bullinger. They didn't stop at Stam or Larkin.
Go with the Book. This is an eternal Book. There are many more discoveries in it, things that no one has ever seen.

© Peter S. Ruckman

Peace be with you, dear listeners and readers of our sermons! Let us consider with you today in the Word of God one, but very significant number. The message about this number, just like the message about the “face of God,” runs like a red thread throughout the entire Bible. We cannot, of course, cover all the places in the Bible where this number appears. But I will try to illuminate some passages of Scripture in order to get a more or less clear idea about this number. I know that the meaning of this number occupies the minds of most of God's children. And I will tell you in advance that this number reflects the essence of God. Therefore, it is important for God's children to know why God chose this number. Even worldly people see this number, along with the number 3 and 5, as a blessing to some extent. Therefore, when buying flowers, most often they buy 3, 5 or 7 branches.

This number, as you understand, is the number 7. I do not intend to engage with you today in general numerical symbolism, but I want to focus your attention solely on the number seven. In my sermons, the number 7 is often mentioned, but personally, until today, that is, until 06/01/13, I had not thought about why God places such emphasis on the number 7 in His Word.

When mentioning the number 7, I, of course, emphasized every time that it symbolizes “God’s perfection.” To be more precise, Pasedag, the author of the book “Numerical Symbolism,” characterizes the number 7 as “God’s fullness.” This will be more correct than “God’s perfection.”

Although both are true, for our topic today, which the Lord Jesus has laid on my heart, we will proceed from the fact that the number 7 means: “God’s fullness.” As we present this topic, you will see this.

But please don't be scared! Therefore, I repeat that in order to consider this topic we will not go to all the places in the Bible where this is said in several hundred places. This topic is not about any subject or concept, but we are talking about the fact that the number 7 reflects the essence of God.

Let us note this. This topic talks about God, and it is extremely important for our knowledge and spiritual growth. In considering this subject, the Holy Spirit leads us to the fact that we consider our heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus, as we read in Hebrews 3:1: “ So, holy brethren, participants in the heavenly calling, consider(understand) The Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Jesus Christ».

But, to put it more precisely, we will be talking about “God’s essence.” Personally, I think this is a very entertaining, interesting, practical and important question for us. Therefore, we will return to this issue later.

Do any of you know where the number 7 is first mentioned in the Bible? Absolutely true in Genesis 2:2-3: “ And God finished His work on the seventh day which He did, and rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on it He rested from all His works, which God had created and created.».

Naturally, each of us should also have a question: “where in the Bible do we meet the number 7 for the last time?” We find this number in Rev. 21:9.20: “ And came to me(John says) one of the seven angels who had seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues, and said to me: go, I will show you a wife, the bride of the Lamb».

Art.19-20 " The foundations of the city wall are decorated with all kinds of precious stones: the first foundation is jasper, the second is sapphire, the third is chalcedon, the fourth is emerald, 20 fifth sardonyx, sixth carnelian, seventh peridot, eighth virill, ninth topaz, tenth chrysoprase, eleventh hyacinth, twelfth amethyst».

In Genesis 2:2-3 we see the completion of the renewal of God's creation: the earth, sun, moon, etc. God is restoring what was destroyed when the fallen anointed cherub and his demons were cast out of heaven.

God made the earth habitable again for people, animals and birds, as was in His plan when He created the earth, as we read in Isaiah 45:18: “ For thus says the Lord, who made the heavens, He, the God who formed the earth and created it; He established it, He did not create it in vain; He formed it for residence: I am the Lord, and there is no other».

And so, God begins to fulfill His plan and created the first people on earth, Adam and Eve, who, based on the temptation of the serpent, fell into sin. This sin finds its manifestation in the fact that Cain kills his brother Abel.

And so that no one would think of taking revenge on Cain for his crime, God says in Genesis 4:15 “ And the Lord said to him: Therefore, whoever kills Cain will take revenge sevenfold. And the Lord made a sign to Cain, so that no one who met him would kill him».

Why should Cain's killer have to take revenge sevenfold? But Lamech went beyond God’s warning. He kills his two offenders, who apparently attacked him, and says in Gen. 4:23-24:

« And Lamech said to his wives: Ada and Zillah! listen to my voice; the wives of Lamech! listen to my words: I killed my husband to kill me And lad in my wound; 24 if Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech is seventy times seven ", that is, seventy times seven! However, this Lamech has reached far!

As they say, “without leaving the cash register,” I draw your attention to the fact that we find this number (70×7 = 490) in the prophet Daniel in chapter 9.24: “ Seventy weeks determined for your people and your holy city, so that the transgression may be covered, the sins may be sealed, the iniquities may be blotted out, and eternal righteousness may be brought in, and the vision and the prophet may be sealed, and the Holy of Holies may be anointed.».

And then we find this number in the New Testament, where Jesus tells Peter how many times a day we should forgive each other. I read in Matthew 18:21-22: “ Then Peter came to Him and said: Lord! How many times should I forgive my brother who sins against me? up to seven times? 22 Jesus says to him: I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seventy ».

Under the active influence of fallen angels, all humanity on earth very quickly became corrupted, so God decides to destroy all people except Noah and his family. God gives Noah the task of building an ark and taking animals and birds into it, as we read in Genesis 6:5-8:

« And the Lord saw that the wickedness of men was great on earth, and that every thought and intent of their hearts was evil continually; 6 and the Lord repented that he had created man on earth, and was grieved in His heart. 7 And the Lord said: I will destroy from the face of the earth man whom I have created, from man to beast, and the creeping thing and the bird of the air I will destroy, for I have repented that I created them. 8 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord».

God commands Noah to build an ark. Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him, and God Himself brought the animals and birds into the ark, as we read in Genesis 7:2-5: “ and all kinds of livestock take seven clean ones, male and female, and from unclean cattle in twos, male and female;

3 also from birds of the sky in sevens, male and female, to preserve a tribe for the whole earth, 4 For after seven days I will cause rain to fall on the earth for forty days and forty nights; and I will destroy everything that exists that I have created from the face of the earth. 5 Noah did everything the Lord commanded him».

In relation to Daniel 9:24, where we read: “ Seventy weeks (490 years punishment) determined for your people and your holy city...", everything will become clear if we take into account the following message in the Bible.

Therefore, I especially emphasize the following detail. Why does the Word of God say that Israel must go into captivity for exactly 70 years? What was the reason for this punishment? We read about this in 2 Chronicles 36:20.21: “ until, in fulfillment of the word of the Lord, spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah, the land kept its Sabbaths. She kept the Sabbath all the days of desolation until she was seventy years old.».

According to the law given by God to Israel, not only the people, but also the promised land had to rest on the Sabbath. In other words, this statement defines the Sabbath of rest for the promised land of Israel.

According to the law, the land had to be cultivated for 6 years in order to receive or harvest a harvest from it, and in the seventh year the Israelites had to give the land rest. They did not observe this order, although the Lord admonished them on this matter in the book of Lev 26:33-35: “ And I will scatter you among the nations and draw a sword after you,

and your land will be desolate and your cities destroyed. 34Then the land will satisfy itself for its sabbaths all the days of its desolation; When you are in the land of your enemies, then the land will rest and satisfy itself for its sabbaths; 35all the days of her desolation she will rest».

The Lord determined that for 490 years the Israelites did not keep the required Sabbaths for the land. Thus, Israel owed the Lord 70 years of Sabbaths (490:7=70). Therefore, Israel must remain in captivity in Babylon for 70 years of punishment.

I think that everything is logical here and everything is clear regarding the number (70x7). But, nevertheless, we have a question: why exactly in the seventh year did the earth have to rest, why did Noah have to take exactly seven pairs of clean animals and seven pairs of birds into the ark?

Why does the Lord Jesus want to flood the earth with water after seven days to destroy all people except Noah’s family? Why, according to Jesus’ words, should we forgive each other 70×7 = 490 times a day, and not 100 or 200 times? Why will the man who killed Cain take sevenfold revenge? etc.

We find a very outstanding passage of Scripture in relation to our topic, in relation to the mysterious number 7 for us, in the Old Testament, when Abraham gives the Philistine prince Abimelech seven lambs in connection with one well that Abraham dug in that area.

I read this passage in Genesis 21:28-30: “ And Abraham set seven lambs from the flock separately. 29 Abimelech said to Abraham: what are these seven agni for? ts, which you put especially? 30 he said, “Take these seven lambs from my hand, that they may be a testimony to me that I have dug this well.”».

I covered this issue in detail in the sermon “Wells,” which is available on our website. And now let me just remind you that Abraham is a type of the heavenly Father, Isaac is a type of Jesus Christ, and the water in the wells is a type of the Word of God, which the Father and His Son strive to make available to all people of this world.

God strived for this already in the Old Testament, Jesus also strives for this in the New Testament, so Isaac, the son of Abraham, dug up all his father’s wells, which the Philistines had filled up, and called them again by the same names, as we read in Genesis 26:18:

« And Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham his father, and which the Philistines had filled up after the death of Abraham; and he called them by the same names that his father called them».

This means that the gospel of Jesus from the cross of Calvary does not change!!!

In Philisteia we symbolically see this world in which we find ourselves. In the lambs we see the Lord Jesus in type, so in these seven lambs we see the fullness of God in Christ Jesus. I read from Col. 2:9-10: “ for in Him(Jesus) all the fullness of the Divine dwells bodily, 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power».

According to the chronology of events reported in the Bible, let us turn to Jacob, who served Laban for Leah for seven years and for Rachel for seven years. And when Jacob, at the command of God, was supposed to return to the promised land, he, without notifying Laban, secretly left him with all his family and property.

When Laban found out about this, he set off after Jacob. We read about this in Genesis 31:23: “ Then he took his relatives with him, and chased him for seven days, and caught up with him on Mount Gilead».

And here we have those seven days again. Also worthy of attention is the message in Genesis 41 about seven fat cows came out of the river, and seven skinny cows who ate seven fat cows. And the second version of Pharaoh’s dream, when seven skinny ears devoured seven fat ears, grown on one stem.

Based on the fact that Joseph explained to Pharaoh the meaning of his dream, the Lord Jesus practically made Joseph second in command in Egypt after Pharaoh. I outlined this entire story of Joseph in Egypt in detail in the sermon “Joseph - a prototype of Jesus,” which is available on our website.

And if we take into account that Joseph is a wonderful prototype of Jesus Christ, then everything immediately becomes clear. Through His Son, the heavenly Father, typified in Pharaoh, is concerned to provide the whole world with the bread of life, as Joseph did at the command of Pharaoh.

But why are there 7 fat and 7 skinny cows? Why are there 7 fat and 7 skinny ears? At this stage, we can say for now: God provides the people of this world with the spiritual bread of life in all His fullness, namely, only during the time of grace.

As the revelation of the Son of God in the flesh approaches, the Holy Spirit continues to give us interesting messages regarding the number 7. We have the first powerful, albeit symbolic revelation of Jesus in Exodus 12 in the person of the Passover Lamb. It was to be eaten baked over fire (judgment) with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Feast of Unleavened Bread directly adjacent to the Passover of the Lord. We read about this in the Book of Exodus 23:15: “ observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread: eat unleavened bread for seven days as I commanded you, at the appointed time of the month of Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt; and let them not come before Me empty-handed».

Exodus 12:8: “ let them eat his meat this very night, baked on fire(a type of God's judgment on Jesus) ; with unleavened bread And with bitter herbs let them eat him».

Verse 15: “ Eat unleavened bread for seven days; From the very first day, destroy leaven from your houses, for whoever eats leaven from the first day until the seventh day, that soul will be cut off from among Israel.».

Verse 18: “ From the fourteenth day of the first month, from the evening eat unleavened bread until the evening of the twenty-first day of the same month».

« Eat unleavened bread for seven days " Why 7 days? Because the number 7 indicates God’s fullness, and unleavened bread indicates a new creation, which, during the time of grace, is born in repentant people through God’s incorruptible seed. Unleavened bread does not contain leaven, which symbolizes sin. Therefore, the word “unleavened” and its derivatives appear 43 times in the Bible. 35 times in the Old Testament and 8 times in the New Testament.

This is wonderful! The number 35 symbolizes a generation, this new (8) generation in the New Testament, which carries within itself this unleavened bread, this new creation of God, which cannot sin (1 John 3:9).

Before the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary, this new generation of God’s children was hidden, which we see in the number 43. On this occasion, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Cor. 5:8: “ Therefore let us celebrate, not with old leaven, not with the leaven of vice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of purity and truth.».

The Lord Jesus instituted for His people Israel upon their arrival in the promised land of Canaan to observe seven festivals, which we read about in the Book of Lev.23:5: “ in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening of the Lord's Passover" This is the first festival of Jehovah.

Art.6 " and on the fifteenth day of the same month Feast of Unleavened Bread Lord; eat unleavened bread for seven days " This is the second festival of Jehovah.

Art.10 " declare to the children of Israel and say to them: When you come into the land that I am giving you and you reap a harvest from it, then bring first sheaf of harvest yours to the priest».

This is the third festival of Jehovah- Feast of the first sheaf.

Fourth holiday, feast of weeks - indicates Pentecost.

It received its name based on the injunction in the Book of Lev.23:15-16: “ Count to yourself from the first day after the festival, from the day on which you bring the wave sheaf, seven complete weeks, until the first day after the seventh week. count down fifty days and then bring a new grain offering to the Lord».

We see a sign of the Feast of Pentecost in the New Testament in the filling of the Holy Spirit and in the anointing.

Fifth Feast of the Lord- Feast of Trumpets. We see a sign of the Feast of Trumpets in the New Testament in the second coming of Jesus for His Church. I read from Lev.23,24: “ Say to the children of Israel: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, let you have a rest, a feast of trumpets, a holy convocation.».

The sixth holiday, the holiday of reconciliation or the great holiday of adoption. The sign of the Feast of Reconciliation in the New Testament is the Judgment Seat of Christ. This is recorded in Lev.23:27: “ Also on the ninth day of this seventh month, the day of atonement, you shall have a holy convocation; humble your souls and offer sacrifice to the Lord».

Seventh holiday– the Feast of Tabernacles is peace in the 1000-year Kingdom. I read from Lev.23:34: “ Say to the children of Israel, From the fifteenth day of the same seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles, seven days to the Lord.».

How wonderful it is that the number seven - God's fullness - completes these seven festivals of Jehovah in the seventh month of the Jewish calendar And simultaneously contains the seventh thousand years of human history on the ground.

Let's finish this today, we'll continue next time.

Preacher, evangelist. Born on 08/04/1931 in the family of an employee, in the village of Novaya Gololobovka in the former German Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans. Since 1980, he moved to Germany, to the city of Frankfurt on Main. For many years he was involved in organizing the construction of houses of worship in Ukraine and Russia. Since 1995, evangelizing among children in Ukraine, with his wife Lena.

Number 8 In the Holy Scriptures, the use of the number 8 is closely connected with the number 7, constituting what in music is called an octave, a return to the first, the beginning of a new circle. As a day outside the seven days of the creative week, it means new life, hence it expresses the idea of ​​renewal, rebirth, resurrection. As a result, in relation to the child, the eighth day was considered like a second birthday, the beginning of a new life and new development for him. We Christians see in it an image of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead on the eighth day and gave us the circumcision of the spirit, by which we put to death the old man, crucifying the flesh with its passions and lusts and putting on the new man created according to God, in righteousness and holiness of truth (Eph. 4:22 et seq.).
There were eight writers of the New Testament books. The great teacher of languages, the Apostle Paul, worked most hard in compiling the scriptures.
In the Sibylline books (Sibyls were the name given to soothsayers by the Romans in ancient times. Their predictions were combined into three books. Christian writers also paid attention to their predictions, finding in them some hints about the advent of the Kingdom of Christ. They see, among other things, miracles, suffering, the death and resurrection of the Messiah. Thus, for example, the Sibyl testifies to His Divine incarnation and saving crucifixion: “in later times, Someone will come to this earth, take upon Himself flesh except sin. and He will be hanged in a high place, as if worthy of death.") refers to the name of Jesus, saying that in this word (in Greek) there are four vowels and two consonants, and that the whole number of the name is equal to eight ones, eight tens, eight hundred, i.e. 888 - consisting of three perfect eights.
After His resurrection, our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to His disciples. The Holy Apostle Thomas was not at that time among the other disciples of the Savior, and therefore he listened with disbelief to the words of the other apostles that they had seen their Teacher and thereby strengthened their faith in the Church of Christ.
For while the other disciples of Christ said: “I have seen the Lord,” he did not want to believe them until he himself saw Christ and touched His wounds. Eight days after the resurrection. when all the disciples gathered together and Thomas was with them, the Lord appeared to them and said to Thomas:
“Put your finger here and see My hands; give me your hand and place it in my side; and do not be an unbeliever, but a believer."
Thomas exclaimed: “My Lord and my God” (John 20:24-29). This event with Thomas most clearly convinces everyone of the truth of the resurrection of the Lord, because Christ appeared to the disciples not as a ghost or in any other body, but in the same one in which he suffered for the sake of our salvation. After the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles themselves are the messengers of the resurrection. In his epistle, the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 3:20) says: “Once they were disobedient to the long-suffering of God that waited upon them, in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved from the water.”
In the concept of the historical worldwide water flood, the apostle takes not the punitive, but the saving side of it - “they were saved from the water.” The apostle “imagined” that salvation had been preached to people from the beginning, but they, due to their inclination towards vanity, neglected it, and while there were countless people, only eight souls obeyed the preaching and were saved in the built ark. Since salvation was in water, he attributes this to holy baptism and says that this water pointed to our baptism, for it also destroys rebellious demons and saves those who come with faith into the ark, that is, into the Church, and like water washes away uncleanness , so is baptism, only it produces the deposition of impurity not of the flesh, but produces the washing of spiritual defilement, by which the apostle expresses the grace of forgiveness or cleansing of sins and reconciliation with God granted at baptism from God, on the other hand, and the prayer of the baptized for the preservation of this good conscience and for the future (the number 8 is a symbol of rebirth). This power of baptism is rooted in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His subsequent ascension into heaven, and the heavenly spirits freely submitted to Him, as the God-man (1 Pet. 3:21-22; cf. Heb. 1:4).
Since the number seven in the Holy Scripture means completeness, therefore, in order to designate the entire duration of life of this world, the holy fathers use the expression seven centuries, or seven days, and the eighth century, or eighth day, already denotes the future life.