Safe Internet for children


Vikhrova T.V., computer science teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Nekrasovskaya Secondary School"

Relevance of the topic

The Internet is a world of great opportunities: it helps you access information and entertainment, communicate and learn new things. This is why children spend so much time on the Internet. But the Internet is also fraught with dangers and temptations. Naturally, many parents try to protect their children from visiting such inappropriate places.

Goal of the work: find out whether it is possible to make it safe for children to use the Internet using free methods

Job objectives : study safe ways for children to work on the Internet, develop recommendations for parents and children on safe work on the Internet.

Child and the Internet

When getting a child ready for school, adults explain to him the rules of behavior and safety. The same should be done when accessing the Internet.

Many children do not know that there are safety rules there too. After all, no one would tell a stranger about themselves on the street, but on the Internet this is normal. Criminals take advantage of this.

Conversations about how to behave online, about the consequences for certain actions are simply necessary in our time.

Internet for children: pros and cons

“Are your children at home?” a question addressed to parents is heard on television every evening. Children are at home, but are they safe?

«+» The Internet contains a lot of useful information, helps with school assignments, broadens one’s horizons and is a “window to the world.”

« - » There are a lot of resources on the Internet that cannot be called safe, especially for children.

Dangers of children on the Internet

    Access to inappropriate information : pornography, violence and disinformation

    Depressive youth movements , Sects

    Drugs .

    Harassment by other Internet users .

    Cybermaniacs may pursue a child for the purpose of meeting.

    The child may be deceivedwhen purchasing goods online

    The child may be attacked by hackers or download viruses to the computer .

    Internet addiction, gaming addiction . According to research, 10% of users worldwide are addicted. In Russia - 4-6%

Alarming statistics

According to a study by B2B International together with Kaspersky Lab in 2013, during which 8,600 respondents from different countries were surveyed,20% of children encountered negative content on the Internet, and 5% entered into correspondence with strangers.

36% of Russian parents admitted that their children were at risk during Internet sessions .

Besides,17% of parents suffered financial losses , or lost important data due to the actions of children.

Most parents believe that children need to be protected online.

The results of the study indicate that there is no need to leave the issue of security for later.

Who is responsible for children on the Internet?

Child safety is the main task of a civilized society

1. Government . Laws that could protect children from harmful information on the Internet.

2. Search engines . Search services such as Yandex, Rambler have settings that help protect children from inappropriate content.

3. Family . Children's safety on the Internet depends 90% on their parents. After all, only they can control their children.

Rules for safe use of the Internet

How to help children use social media safely?

The information children post on their pages can make them vulnerable to cyber threats. These guidelines will help children use social networking sites safely.

    Talk to your children about their experiences with social media.

    Set rules for using the Internet.

    Ensure that children comply with age restrictions on the site .

    Find out if the site has control over published content .

    Insist that children do not date someone they have only interacted with online, and encourage them to communicate with people they know in person.

    Make sure children do not use their full names and pay attention to details in photographs.

    Talk about Internet threats , If children feel that they are being threatened, they should immediately inform their parents.

If a child refuses to follow the rules, you can delete their page.

How do you know if your child is a potential target for a criminal?

These signs may mean that an intruder has noticed the child.

    Children targeted by Internet criminals spend a lot of time online and hide what they do on the computer.

    Explicit materials appeared on the computer .

    The child receives calls from people you do not know, or he calls on unfamiliar numbers, the child receives letters, gifts from an unknown person.

    The child avoids family and friends and turns off the monitor if an adult enters the room.

    the child uses someone else's account to access the Internet. Even children who do not have access to the Internet at home can meet a stalker by going online with friends.

What to do if a child has become a potential target of a criminal?

    Keep up to date with your child's activities . Talk about the Internet: who you met, what you learned.

    Become a child's guide to the Internet . What you do not teach your child, others or he himself will teach, unaware of the threats.

    Teach respect online . According to statistics, 80% of Russian children have a profile on social networks, and 23% encounter aggression and humiliation on the Internet.

    Remember"forewarned is forearmed". Provide instructions on correct behavior on the Internet.

    Use the technical capabilities of your computer .

    Check your computer for the presence of explicit materials.

    Control access to online communication tools .

    Don't blame the children If, despite precautions, they met an attacker on the Internet, take measures to stop contacting him.

    If a child receives explicit photographs or is sexually harassed,save all information to familiarize government officials with it.

    Don't change anything in your computer settings!

    Do not download games, programs and music without adult consent - they may contain viruses.

    Do not share your username and password with anyone.

    There are attackers on the Internet - behave carefully, do not indicate your phone number, do not send SMS to unknown numbers on the Internet.

    If you receive a message from an unfamiliar address, it is better not to open it. Fraudsters can act on behalf of other people.

    Do not go to “18+” sites, indecent and aggressive sites

    Do not send photos without parental permission.

    If you want to participate in a competition where you need to provide your details, consult with your parents.

    Don’t agree to visit a “friend” from the Internet. An adult with criminal intentions may be hiding under the mask of a peer.

    If you are receiving threats on the Internet, do not hesitate to tell your parents. Remember that the purpose of threats is to scare and offend you.

    Always consult your parents in all of these cases.

Technical safety equipment

Computer parental control is a program for organizing or prohibiting the use of a computer, access to games or programs, and most importantly, prohibiting sites with “inappropriate” content.

Parental control can be provided both by external programs and by operating system tools. By the way, one of the useful innovationsWindows 7 - flexible parental control tools.

Parental Controls in Windows 7

Windows 7 has in its arsenal the following functions:

    Limiting computer work . The days and times at which you can turn on the computer and when it will turn itself off are set;

    Limit programs used ;

    Internet access control .

Some problems can be solved using the first point. The parent will not turn off the computer and kick the child out; Windows itself will turn off the computer at a given time.

Free parental control software

There are many parental control programs available and can be downloaded from the Internet.

Let's look at some programs that allow you to create a safe Internet environment and protect your child from information for which he is not ready.

Internet Censor

The program contains unique manually verified "white lists" that guarantee protection against dangerous and unwanted materials, including all safe Runet sites and major foreign resources.

Children's Internet filter CyberDad

The program works on the “white list” principle. A child can only access trusted children's sites.

Only parents can disable the filter using the program password.

Children's browser Gogul

The browser allows you to create an access schedule - limiting Internet use. Parents can get a detailed report on which sites their children visited and add or remove sites from the list of available ones.

Security is ensured through its catalog of children's sites, tested by teachers and psychologists.


Internet filter with parental control function.

The filter blocks profanity and obscene words on any WEB sites, in any browsers, in all Windows applications.

http:// blockprogramma. ru/

I conducted a survey among students in grades 3-11; a total of 70 people were interviewed.

60 children have free access to the Internet. 38 people use the Internet at home, the rest go online at school or with friends.

Basic online activities

To the question « How often do you use the Internet?” the following answers were received:

Parents of 14 respondents control what they do while sitting at the computer, 29 parents are interested, but rarely, parents of 27 respondents are not interested in their children’s activities on the Internet,

Only 17 respondents have rules for using a computer and the Internet at home, and 38 respondents have programs prohibiting access to certain sites.

38 people were exposed to risks online, including:

44 respondents know what to do if a situation on the Internet makes them feel awkward.

27 respondents believe that it is necessary to limit the mass passion for the Internet among children and adolescents.

When asked how to protect children from aggressive content on the Internet, the following answers were received: All PCs should have a network filter package (11), the Internet should be a safe space for children (35), Internet providers should block access to aggressive content (24) .

After conducting a survey, I concluded that many do not know the safety rules for using the Internet; most of the respondents use it only for games and communication on social networks. Few parents control their children's computer activities and set rules for its use at home; Internet filtering is carried out in 50% of cases, and yet the majority of respondents were exposed to risks on the Internet. Parents should think about it...


For children, the Internet is a place where you can communicate with both friends and strangers; a child can be offended or intimidated. According to statistics, every third Russian child is at risk on the Internet.

The safety of a child depends 90% on the parents. Their main task is to warn children about the dangers of the Internet and discuss all the questions that they may have when using the Internet.

Parental control programs will help create a safe Internet environment and protect the child from information for which he is not ready, but the most important thing is trust between parents and child.

Safe Internet to you!


1. Bocharov M.I., Comprehensive provision of information security for schoolchildren. // Application of new information technologies in - C17-20-, 2009

2. Soldatova G., Zotova E., Lebesheva M., Shlyapnikov V. Internet: opportunities, competencies, security. Toolkit. Part 1. Lectures. – M.: Center for Book Culture “Gutenberg”, 2013. – 165 p.

3. Golovko N., Safe Internet: universal protection for Windows XP/7 Publisher: Internet publication, 2009. – 109s.

4. Khalyavin V., The newest secrets of the Internet. Practical guide, 2013 - 108 p.

Additional resources: - review of free parental control programs. - RIA News -statistical research. - “Safe Internet” - portal of the Russian Organizing Committee for the Year of Safe Internet - - “ " - the site is dedicated to the problem of protecting children on the Internet. - " » - promoting the development of the Internet as a favorable environment friendly to all users.