10 things that men hate about women. What do men hate most about women? They want a good guy, but they date bad guys.

Although a man should be a little more handsome than a monkey, appearance is still of great importance for women. According to the above survey, girls admitted that what irritates them most is the appearance of men.

In first place is bad breath.

This drawback is most intolerable by 40% of women surveyed. Here we are not talking about fumes, although that is also very unpleasant, but about an illness caused by diseases of the teeth or stomach. This is a common problem for many men, as they do not like to take care of their health. The smell may be due to bacteria that feed on leftover food. Before seducing a girl with your kiss, treat your teeth or stomach - you will have a better chance of winning her over.

Dirty, unkempt nails irritate 19% of women

When meeting a guy, a girl first of all pays attention to his hands. If they are dirty and have black nails, she will be disgusted with the man. After all, if a man is unable to take care of his nails, then taking care of his home and family is out of the question.

"Thickets" in the nose

Nose hair is unsightly, and if there is a lot of it, it is simply disgusting. Our advice to men is to look at your nose in the mirror and correct it if necessary - borrow tweezers or small scissors from your girlfriend to trim off excess hair.

Sweat stains on clothes

A man can only be sweaty in the gym or after hard physical work. Sweaty men turn women off, especially if they stink in addition to stains on their shirt. Go to the doctor and get checked for thyroid disease and hyperhidrosis - they can cause increased sweating. A dermatologist will advise you on remedies for this disease.

Pimples on the nose

Now there are so many methods for treating acne that it should be a shame not to take care of your face, even if you are a man. In general, acne appears due to clogging of pores with sebum and skin flakes. They appear due to hormonal imbalances and health problems. For the cause and effective treatment, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Thick body hair

The idea that hair is very sexy is nothing more than a myth. Women are put off by very “fluffy” men, in whom areas of clear skin are almost invisible. A hairy back is especially unpleasant. The same remedies as for women will help you fight this problem. If you are afraid to experiment with them at home, go to a beauty salon - some offer such a service.

Rotten or yellow teeth

A smile is the calling card of any man. Sometimes I am amazed by seemingly decent men “over 50”, but who are simply missing a couple of teeth. Nowadays medicine works wonders - any teeth can be extended or new dentures can be inserted. Those who have a sweet tooth are most susceptible to yellow teeth. Bacteria digest sugar and, as a result, acid is released, which eats away at the enamel and forms small pores in it that are invisible to humans. Coffee, tea, chocolate, cigarettes and other dyes clog these pores and the teeth become yellow.

Tartar and caries also interfere with the beauty of your teeth. To avoid or prevent all this, consult your dentist or brush your teeth thoroughly with whitening paste.

One continuous eyebrow

Fused eyebrows do not give men beauty; on the contrary, a girl may immediately turn away from you after she looks at your face. If you want to get a representative of the fairer sex, then first wax the bridge of your nose.

Abundance of perfume

Sometimes it seems that a man either wants to show off his new perfume, or simply does not feel it is too much. Girls are repelled by this; they can suffocate from the abundance of the smell. A man should always smell fresh and have a slightly tasty aroma.

Stale clothes

We're not talking about a soiled shirt, but about clothes that you haven't changed for the 3rd day. There's simply no excuse for this - wash your clothes every day, especially if it's hot outside and you sweat quickly.

Many women try to study the preferences of men down to the smallest detail, because this is the only way to learn how to defeat them outright, using the right weapon. You can find many articles on the Internet devoted to this topic, but what about “anti-preferences”? It’s not enough to know what men like, it’s important to know what disgusts them! Of course, everything is not always so categorical, but still you should know about 10 things that men find unattractive:

1. Extreme hairstyles
Undoubtedly, a man will appreciate your individuality and desire to stand out from the crowd, but this does not mean at all that he will want to ask you out on a date. Most men prefer long, natural hair on women. Yes, there are those who like short, stylish haircuts, but this is where experiments should end! Dreadlocks and various weaves will not find as many fans.

2. Too thick a layer of makeup
Everyone knows that cosmetics are needed to hide imperfections. Men have nothing against this, but when they see a girl in front of them wearing three layers of makeup, that’s a different story! This is how a woman loses her naturalness, and this repels men.

3. Sticky eyelashes
This is also about cosmetics, only this time not about foundation, but about mascara. Men don't like it when women use too much mascara because it makes their eyelashes look unnatural and also looks very cheap.

4. Too much glitter
If you are not a makeup artist, then it is better to use matte eyeshadow. With them you will be able to do discreet eye makeup, which cannot be said about mother-of-pearl. If you are not very good at makeup, then such shadows will roll down on the corners of your eyes, which will make your image completely unattractive.

5. Yellow teeth and bad breath
This problem affects not only women, but also men. Still, if you have yellow teeth, you should start abstaining from cigarettes, coffee, and red wine. Start brushing and flossing your teeth more often. Fresh breath sprays are also great.

6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules
This is perhaps the most important thing. Every man likes his woman to smell nice, when she has well-groomed nails, smooth legs and clean clothes. Take care of yourself, it's that simple!

7. Dry or oily skin
Unfortunately for women, men notice this too. Not everyone, of course, but many will pay attention to cracked heels and overly oily facial skin. Don't forget this.

8. Preening in public places
Some men are really put off by this because they see it as a ploy rather than a desire to clean up their act. If you want to make an unforgettable impression, then do your makeup and hair at home, and then feel free to cast disarming glances in public places!

9. Dark lips
Lipstick is an effective and dangerous female weapon. She knows how to instantly give the appearance the right accent, but she can ruin everything. First, always use a lip pencil that matches the color of your lipstick (you can choose a pencil that is a little darker). Secondly, if you are using a dark shade, make sure that it does not remain on your teeth!

10. Too much perfume
Nobody likes to smell a killer dose of your perfume, sorry. Whether your perfume is expensive or cheap, you should still use it in moderation (on your neck, behind your ears, on your wrists). No need to give yourself a shower with perfume!

As you can see, these are quite simple and obvious taboos that are always worth remembering. A woman should try to be ideal not for someone, but for herself! If she feels well-groomed, stylish and beautiful, then men will feel the same!

Do you think that only women have the right to make sexual claims? No matter how it is. Men are also unhappy with something

In order not to be unfounded and not to create unnecessary illusions, we turned directly to the focus group - young and sexually active men who, on the basis of anonymity and from the bottom of their hearts, shared with us what worries them, irritates them and simply infuriates them.


“I’m not talking now about role-playing games in which the girl pretends to be passive. No, it’s annoying when your beloved doesn’t show any initiative at all, lies in bed, sorry for the rudeness, like a log, gets distracted by calls and SMS in the process, asks ridiculous questions like “Have you finished yet?”... In general, she does what the conclusion suggests itself. only one - she doesn't like sex with me. And from here follows a dozen other, no less depressing conclusions. If she’s attracted to me, but she doesn’t get pleasure, hint at it, let’s discuss it or something... But don’t turn sex into a one-way game,” Andrey, 28 years old.


“Let's start with the fact that this is anti-sex. You may be embarrassed by the size of your butt in real life, but when the covers are shed, it’s too late and pointless to shyly cover yourself with a sheet. Like asking to turn off the lights, trying to freeze in one angle in which, as it seems to you, nothing is noticeable, and asking questions from the series “Am I fat? Only honestly! Honestly, a man’s sexual desire is born long before you strip naked. And if it is really strong, there is little that can kill it. Cellulite certainly cannot do this. So be yourself and finally relax, and leave your doubts and complexes outside the bedroom,” Ivan, 35 years old.


“Yes, you know better how everything works there. Yes, sometimes a man needs to be taught something. But not in an orderly manner: turn there, click here, do this, don’t do that... I’m actually making love here, not marching on the bridgehead. Again, it’s a matter of intonation: a gentle whisper in your ear is one thing, “fell and did a push-up” is something completely different,” Alexander, 30 years old.


“If she thinks that oral sex is not for her, she should say so. Direct text. And don’t play the victim or, even worse, call me offensive names and cast disgusting glances at my household. It is a very rare man, if he is even normal, who expects one hundred percent submission from a girl. We understand that you have your own ideas about beauty, your own fantasies and desires, and we are here for this, so that everyone can feel good,” - Oleg, 39 years old.


“It’s a painful question, I understand, and, in fact, there are no clear rules here: careful hair removal, increased hairiness, the smell of expensive perfume, and the way your beloved “smells” (and looks) after a run can be arousing. What is most important here is not the appearance, but the girl’s love for herself. If she loves and respects herself, she will take care of and care for her one and only body, right? Probably, grooming in my understanding is equal to health and sparkle in the eyes. If a girl has healthy hair, it doesn’t matter how long it is. If she has a healthy, toned body, it doesn’t matter whether she wears XS or L,” Pavel, 37 years old.


“I don’t like it when she bites and scratches. Kamon, this hurts!” - Andrey, 32 years old.

“It’s annoying when after sex she immediately changes into shapeless pajamas with bunnies and stares at her phone. You immediately begin to doubt the reality of her orgasm,” Vasily, 30 years old.

“I can’t stand it when she washes her hair before bed and goes to bed with wet hair. Because of this, the sheets are damp, the pillow sticks to your cheeks, and it also becomes cold! Remember, a girl with wet hair is arousing in two cases: 1) you are both in the shower, 2) you are swimming in an embrace in the ocean in the Maldives,” Peter, 34 years old.

“It’s stupid when a girl pretends that she’s all so experienced and fatal, uses dirty words in SMS and during foreplay, but when it comes down to it, it turns out that she didn’t mean it at all. This is deception and provocation. Be more consistent,” - Alexander, 29 years old.

“I don’t like it when she tries too hard. You can feel it right away. It's as if she doubts that I'm horny enough and is trying to play it safe. Or maybe impress me? Or keep it? All of the above is not sexy and speaks of low self-esteem,” Dmitry, 42 years old.

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Remember, once and for all: never get drunk in the company of a man. Especially my beloved one. After all, the consequences can be unpredictable. Here are 10 things men hate about drunk women. Read it and think: do you need it?

1. Talking about your ex.

In any key: he was worse, better, the same as you, not at all. Not that this is some kind of criminal topic. It’s like wiping your hands on a curtain in public at a party. Or fart loudly during your dissertation defense. Or get shawarma at the ballet “Eugene Onegin” at the Bolshoi Theater and immediately eat it, wiping your hands on your neighbor’s velvet chair. Talking about your ex is the same thing. They won’t put you in jail for them, but DON’T EVER DO THIS. Just because.

2. Nostalgia for single times.

Four tequilas - and now a song is pouring into the man’s ears about how you and Marinka climbed onto the HungryDuck bar together in your underwear, and got off almost without it. And then how the bartender wrote down his phone number on your left breast, and Marinka was looking for panties under the bar counter. No, the man is not against bars, tequila and wild dancing. But imagining how someone draws some numbers on your chest, he doesn’t want to say “never” at all.

3. Smoking for alcohol reasons.

This is when you drank four bottles of champagne between two and equally, and it was he who got disgustingly drunk (tm). According to you. He can take terrible revenge - purely out of love for justice.

4. Empty promises.

You grab him by the tie and promise hot sex in a taxi, a bar toilet or a dark entrance. But in a taxi, after a series of shots, you can only snore, you will probably forget about the toilet in the bar, and only your neighbor Larisa Abramovna can arrange sex for you, but in the morning and in the brain - for a loud (and, alas, futile) fuss on the site at four in the morning .

5. "Women's immortality."

This is the name of the situation in which a drunk girl says to a stranger who stepped on her foot in a club: now my boyfriend will punish you for this! She follows the guy. The guy comes - and there are five shaven-headed guys from Orekhov-Borisov. They are waiting to be “knocked down” for the crushed girl’s leg.

6. Memory loss.

You do not remember anything. No, not even like that - you don’t remember the most interesting thing. And to his morning question: “Well, how did you like it yesterday?” You answer innocently: “What, we had sex?” A terrible, terrible sin. And zero seven martinis drunk the day before is a weak excuse. You'll have to pray until next Halloween.

7. Bitter sobs.

You drank together, and everything was fine - exactly until the moment when, after the fifth pint of beer, you remembered that as a child you really wanted a cat, but you were never allowed to have one. Or that at the age of nine I studied ballet and quit - but in vain. Or that you're fat. And now you’re already bawling your head off, and when asked “what happened,” you just blow your nose into his tie, because in fact nothing happened, something just happened and oh, that’s it.

8. Groovy playlist.

Three vodka cocktails and two glasses of red bring the iPhone out of my pocket. On which you immediately play your favorite hits of the 90s, the best songs of Evgeniy Belousov and others “And there are clouds in the sky” (c). And in the morning you receive an SMS from a friend: “When you turned on “Because you have Alyoshka,” even those who had not finished smoking left the balcony. The men are running."

9. Phone calls.

It's two o'clock in the morning and he's sleeping, or he's on a business trip in New York and it's daytime there. And then suddenly there is heard, as Irina Muravyova sang in “Carnival,” the heavenly thunder of a telephone call. You need to talk urgently. About you. About him. About you. Wait, I think I spilled whiskey on my keyboard. I'll wipe it off now and call you back!

10. Talk about relationships.

In general, everything suits you, but sometimes, when the amount of Long Island in the blood exceeds the permissible norm, you start asking Questions (tm). What's going on between us? Who am I to you? What will happen next? Are you and I serious? A second after these words spoil the air, you are already watching a man running towards the pond with a changed face. That is, to a taxi. Absolutely serious. Behave badly, but in moderation. In the name of summer and the Cosmopolitan cocktail.

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5 Things Men Hate About Single Women Every day, single women spend a lot of time trying to understand men.

We analyze our behavior, their behavior, think about possible scenarios, even punctuation marks in the message: all in order to try to understand what they think, what they like and don’t like.

And while men's magazines write one thing about what men don't like in women, men themselves have their own other, more psychological list of what repels them in women. Here are 5 things men hate about single women:

1. Women are weird and sabotage dates before they even start.

Men get annoyed when a woman doesn’t answer calls or messages, when she cancels at the last minute, when she’s very late, or doesn’t do what she promised. A man just wants respect for himself, his time and his efforts.

2. Single women are too independent.

It's not that men want to go back to the stone age, but they want to be able to have a little chivalry without your "I can do it all myself" attitude.

3. They rush the relationship..

If your body clock is ticking so loudly that it drowns out your dinner conversation, a man will notice and run away.

Just like when you constantly worry about where your relationship will go so you don't enjoy what it is now, you won't have anything to worry about at all.

4. They want a good guy, but date bad ones.

Nice guys just get tired of hearing how you always meet only selfish and assholes. “So his topless selfie on Facebook didn’t tell you that he loves himself more than he loves you?” asks the 33-year-old nice guy.

Instead of blaming the entire male race for the shortage of good guys, look at yourself. Men don't like girls who say there are no good guys left, not realizing that they themselves are the problem.

5. They treat their pet like a loved one..

For some reason, it just really annoys men when you constantly say that you adore your dog or cat.